Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7 Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “It’s your time son. You have your mate and he will fight for you now. This is the way of cats and all shifters. Your mate must become your world and those who cared for you before must step back.” Edward took Thomas’ hand and squeezed it.

  “What if I still need you?” Thomas whispered.

  "I'm not going far away. Just far enough to allow you and Lando to grow. He's a good man and a strong man. He will take care of you better than I can because Fate has made him for you. This is your destiny. Cats lean on their parents for years until their time comes and they leave the den and forge their own path and live their own destiny. This is yours, my son."

  Edward took Thomas in his arms one last time. “If you need me you can always come to me, but this is your time now. Let yourself love and be loved.”

  Thomas smiled at the man who had kept him safe and made him the man he is today. It was not out of self-service that Edward walked away, but out of love. Thomas had to walk on his own.


  Lando called and arranged to meet Josef in the lounge on the second floor. He wanted to discuss the meeting and the expectations or concerns that might arise. Josef arrived looking pensive and wary and after he ordered coffee for them both Lando sat back in his chair and voiced his observations.

  “This isn’t going to go well, is it?” He stated careful and measured.

  Josef looked across at him puzzled for a moment. “Oh, this look isn’t for you, sorry. It’s been a very full morning.” He took a sip of his coffee and then Lando went ahead with his questions.

  “Which is the bigger problem, the black jaguar or the Gallic Witch?” Lando began. Josef told him of the rumors and the fear but also assured him that the situation was in hand.

  "Nik doesn't like destructive gossip especially when its intent is to undermine his authority. Hopefully, the concerns will be laid to rest quickly. No one other than the weak minded are persuaded and those spreading the lies have been dealt with." Josef took another sip clearly needing the pick me up.

  “What about the Gallic Witch, any word on that front?” Lando worried about public opinion but not as much as he worried about a powerful witch trying to stake a claim on his beloved. “Do you know anything about this witch.”

  "The witch is a legend mostly, very few have had contact. The witch's power is considerable according to reports but remember, you are Thomas's mate and Fate always prevails. Keep that in mind and the fact that we are all behind you." Lando wished that he was as confident as Josef was as to the outcome.

  This was the first time he ever suffered from doubt or insecurity. Is whole life he had a clear understanding of himself and his world never did he doubt his own abilities until now. The ‘what ifs’ began to cloud his mind stealing his determination.

  "This is your beloved, your responsibility, your life, and your love. You will naturally feel a level of uncertainty in your actions but don't let it take you over. The importance of this person to your existence is the reason for your sudden fear of failure. You will not fail, Lando. You are unflappable and steady in all things. Hold onto that." Josef's words had the power to push all the damaging considerations to the back of Lando's mind and fill him with the confidence he knew was real.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “It’s not an easy road for sure. Fate has made sure that we all have had to work hard and fight for our beloveds. But they are worth every minute of the effort and anything it takes to have them. Your life is just beginning Lando.” He smiled and raised his glass in congratulations.

  “Thank you, sir.”


  Thomas tried to do as Lando asked, but relaxing and resting were beyond his capability at the moment. He remembered the witch when the Stewarts and Edward called upon that power to contain the black jaguar. The memory was fuzzy, it was decades ago and Thomas was near unconscious during the casting. He did remember clearly the force of the energy that shot through him when the witch sealed the spell. It was astonishing, and it held his cat in check.

  When the witch shows up Thomas will not be able to use his Jaguar in defense. The witch controls the large cat. The witch can't make Thomas act against his nature such as attack anyone, but the spell gives the witch the power to stifle his shift and immobilize his cat. Thomas got up from the sofa and began pacing the living room. The three o'clock meeting was drawing near, and the anticipation was consuming him.

  He stopped pacing and stared at the door when he heard a knock. He wasn’t sure if he should answer it or not. It was still forty minutes before his scheduled meeting and Lando had not returned yet. He continued to stare, and the knock came again. Curiosity overcame his reticence and he opened the door.

  “Thomas Casey?” The man asked.

  "Yes," Thomas answered and waited.

  “You need to leave this coven. You are not welcome here.” The man spoke like he was afraid, but Thomas could scent no fear coming from him. He did not respond and was ready to close the door when the man held it open and leaned closer.

  “If Lando, the guard, is really your beloved then you should let him go. Your presence in his life will only destroy him. Shifters do not belong in covens and do not belong with vampires. It is unnatural.” The man’s intent was becoming clearer and as much as Thomas despised his hatred and bigotry he also recognized some truths.

  The man leaned a little closer before delivering his parting shot. “Get out before Master Hadden kills you and your boyfriend. That is what the meeting today is really about, you know. You think you are powerful, but you are not powerful enough. You will not be able to save yourself and you will not be able to save Lando.” The man then turned abruptly on his heels and hurried down the corridor to an exit.

  Thomas stood there for a few moments with his hand on the door and staring out at nothing. “Was that really Master Hadden’s intent? Did he plan to bring them both to him under the guise of having a talk just to have them both killed? Thomas closed the door and stepped back. He needed to decide, and he needed to do it quickly. Lando would be returning soon and he would not be allowed to leave. If he were going to leave, he needed to do it now.

  Thomas had not yet met Master Hadden but Lando spoke respectfully of him. He didn’t sound like a man who would trick you into believing he cared and then lure you to your death. If the Master wanted them eliminated, he would have done it already without games or tricks.

  As the thoughts planted by his visitor swirled around him, he became consumed with the fear that Lando would be harmed either by Master Hadden or the witch and it would be his fault. The fear of reprisal had been there buried beneath Thomas’s desire for his mate.

  Now that he was actually looking at all the ways this could go terribly bad he began to consider running. This wasn’t to save himself, this was to put distance between his disastrous life and Lando. Lando shouldn’t be made to pay for something he had no control over.

  As much as he tried to rationalize and force himself to wait and speak with Lando, the more his reactionary mind warned him of the danger to his mate. His cat was suggesting they run but take their mate with them. It was a tempting thought but that didn’t solve the problem of the witch. Lando would only be safe if he were away from Thomas. That was the only solution Thomas could see.

  He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. Lando had removed the amulet so Thomas was no longer hidden from other paranormals. But he was a rare species, and many would not recognize what he was only that he was feline. If they did identify him chances are they would not engage due to the legends and myths surrounding the black jaguar. He would be okay for a while.

  Everything in him was fighting against leaving but deep in his heart, he knew it was the only way he could be sure that Lando was safe. He left a short note for his mate explaining his actions as best he could and then he left.


  Lando met with Ian briefly following his sit down with Josef. Ian had heard about the situation at the Ruby Light and was giving him a heads up
on what had taken place. Josef had eluded to the trouble but had not gone into detail.

  “How did they even know? I only arrived home with Thomas last night.” Lando was understandably annoyed.

  Ian shrugged his shoulders before answering. “Thomas is special, and gossip travels fast.” Was Ian’s only conclusion. “People were discussing it in the stockroom and this guy Wilfred heard it and took it to the Ruby Light. The people here have no issue with your beloved, the talk is positive, curious, interested but not fearful or angry. The trouble arose with the folks at the Ruby Light.”

  “Who the fuck do they think they are to be judging my beloved. They open their fucking mouths again and I’ll take their fucking heads off.” Lando shouted.

  "Fuck yeah," Ian shouted in support and patted Lando on the back. "If I can help in any way, just ask." He added more seriously. "I stand with you, you know that."

  “I know and thanks.”

  "I haven't found my own beloved yet, but I know that when I do I will not let anything stand in the way of our happiness. Fated bonds are sacred for a reason." Lando was touched by his friend's support and unconditional acceptance.

  “We meet with Master Hadden at three to discuss the witch’s prior claim on my beloved and the ramifications of this supposed claim.” He sneered as he said the words. “I assume if the other issues are still rife we will discuss those also.”

  "Master Hadden doesn't put up with troublemakers. If they don't learn their lesson the first time, they don't get second chances." Ian walked with Lando to his quarters as they continued their discussion.

  The moment he entered the room he knew something was wrong. The quiet was too complete with the air still and the scent of his beloved fading. "He's gone," Lando stated abruptly and began looking around as if he thought Thomas may be hiding. Ian found the note by the door and called Lando's attention to it.

  He took it and read it. Thomas had stated he feared for Lando’s safety in the face of the discord that his presence has caused in the coven and with the impending confrontation with the witch. “I can’t let you forfeit your home or your life for me. If I go away the witch will follow me, and you will be safe. I’m sorry I couldn’t risk you getting hurt. Love Thomas” Lando folded the note and placed it back on the table.

  “He believes that he’s protecting me. He’s running because he thinks it will draw the witch away from the coven and ease the tension here at the coven.” Lando spoke to Ian. “I’m going after him. I think I know where he’s headed. Will you let Master Hadden know the circumstances and that I will report as soon as I return with Thomas?”

  “Yes, of course. Good luck.” Ian watched as Lando raced down the hall.

  He took the stairs because the elevator would be too slow. Vampires could move at a shocking speed when pressed to do so and he was giving it all he had right now. Lando was in the basement and in his car in seconds. He waved off the guards by the door and sped away.

  Ian pulled out his phone and dialed Andrew who told him to meet Master Hadden in the main conference room. "Just report to him directly," Andrew explained. "Josef is there also." Ian closed the call and dropped the phone back into his pocket. He decided to take the note Thomas had written to Lando just in case Master Hadden wanted to see it. Thomas and Lando had a meeting with the Master at three o’clock so considering it was now three-fifteen, someone would have some explaining to do. The note should make it all clear.


  Lando drove quickly through town to the Black Rose. It was closed and dark, but he had a hunch this is where Thomas would go first. He instantly felt the aura of his beloved enveloping him as he got out of his car and headed towards the back door. He reached out with his mind to touch Thomas, but he met only darkness. Thomas had closed himself off.

  The back door opened unimpeded and he entered quietly, closing the door behind him. Thomas was upstairs, his scent was strong and even though he was closed off Lando could still feel his anguish. He took the stairs two at a time and walked the short distance to the one bedroom that looked out onto the street. He remembered watching Thomas in the window the first night they’d met.

  He opened the door and Thomas did not try to hide or run. He sat quietly on the edge of his bed and stared at the floor. "It's not easy to run from your mate," Thomas said and glanced over at Lando by the door.

  “I will always find you, Thomas.” Lando walked over and sat down next to him and placed his hand on Thomas’s knee. “Please don’t ever run away again. We will get through this together. Don’t write us off without a fight.”

  Thomas turned on him suddenly and jumped to his feet. Lando had obviously hit a nerve. “I would gladly fight to the death for you, but I will not stand by and let you get hurt because of the shit in my past. I’m a black jaguar, even if we convince the witch to release me how are you going to live your life at the coven with a frightening monster like me as your mate. People will turn on you I’ve seen it before. Fear can make people do terrible things and I won’t set you up for that kind of life.” Thomas was panting by the time he finished, and his heart was beating out of his chest.

  Lando did not comment but listened and then reached his hand out to Thomas who took it immediately. Lando pulled him back down to sit beside him.

  "I fully understand why you ran but I do not agree with it, and I am asking you to not do it again," Lando spoke clearly and watched as Thomas dropped his gaze to their joined hands. "My people will not be a problem for you. As my beloved, you are welcome and accepted. My people are not superstitious idiots." Lando paused and then added once he thought about what Ian had told him.

  “There were a few from the smaller club that started spreading rumors, but the Master ended it and it will not happen again. The people of the Imperial are behind you Thomas I promise.” Lando put his arm around Thomas and tucked him close pressing Thomas’s head against his chest.

  "I want to claim you, Thomas. I want there to be no doubt who you belong to. I want my claim to be set so no other can step forward." Lando hadn't intended upon making such a request but under the circumstances, it seemed necessary and urgent and he always trusted his intuition.

  "Yes," Thomas said with conviction and looked straight at Lando. "I may not be able to protect you. My cat is fierce when it comes to you, but the witch is in control."

  “We’ll face it together because I won’t give you up.” Lando threaded his fingers through Thomas’s waving dark hair and pulled him closer for a kiss that was tentative and searching at first and then very quickly turned intense and passionate.

  Thomas opened eagerly to Lando’s pressure and allowed him to penetrate and eat away at Thomas’s mouth with his tongue. It was spicy and rich and Thomas held on seeking more. He felt Lando move his hand to his waist and start to push up Thomas’s t-shirt slowly baring his naked chest and abdomen to Lando’s rough exploring hands.

  Thomas loved being touched by this man he had tenderness and aggression in just the right balance and measures. His t-shirt was jerked over his head and Lando tossed it mindlessly on the floor. The kiss deepened as Lando’s hands traveled every inch of Thomas’s bare flesh.

  The excitement was building at an astounding rate and the air was heavy with the combination of their intoxicating lust and need. Thomas needed skin so he frantically began pushing at Lando’s jacket until he got it off of his shoulders and then Lando helped him take it off and it was thrown to the floor on top of Thomas’s t-shirt.

  There were still too many clothes in the way. Thomas’s hands went after the Lando’s tie first and then laid into the buttons of his white cotton shirt. Lando pushed his hands down under the loose-fitting sweatpants that Thomas was wearing to cup his ass in such a delicious hold that Thomas couldn’t hold in the needy little whine that escaped.

  Lando tore off his shirt and flipped Thomas onto his back on the bed before rolling on top of him and pinning him spread eagle beneath him. His eyes spoke of his desire and his determination
to have Thomas. It was a feeling of ownership that caused a sensational thrill to work itself through Thomas’s body leaving him trembling with the need to be taken.

  Lando latched onto Thomas's neck and sucked hard raising a lovely mark that he intended to taste later. He would sink in his fangs right there and complete their bond. He moved slowly down Thomas's beautiful body kissing his way down his chest to the waistband of his sweatpants. He tasted the saltiness of sweat and the erotic flavor of Thomas's arousal. It was stirring his desire to a rapid peak as his cock hard and leaking strained against the confines of his pants.

  "This is going to be hard and fast baby," Lando confessed while pulling Thomas's pants down and off. "I promise you sweetness and finesse the next round but for now I need to mark and claim you."

  “I need to mark you too. My cat is yowling for attention and he is likely to take over if we don’t hurry.” Thomas’s words were slurred and breathless. Lando was so turned on, he hurriedly opened his pants and freed his now aching cock. He gave it a few strokes to appease the pain while deep throating Thomas’s stiff member.

  Thomas felt the warm moist embrace of Lando’s mouth on his sensitive cock and he couldn’t believe the effect it was having on him. He was so close to losing it that he felt his vision begin to blur. No one had ever touched him like this, it was amazing.

  Lando’s mouth was hypnotic in the way it held him and stroked him with perfect suction and perfect pressure. Thomas buried his hands in Lando’s hair and with a loud groan came down his throat pumping stream after stream of hot seed into Lando’s mouth. He continued to lap and swallow until every drop was gone. Thomas shuddered with the release of such marvelous energy.

  Thomas noticed that Lando was stroking his own cock and lining it up with Thomas’s eager hole. It was then that he realized Lando had loosened and lubricated him while he had been sucking Thomas off. The man was a marvel.


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