Betrayed & Seduced (House of the Cat Book 6)

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Betrayed & Seduced (House of the Cat Book 6) Page 16

by Shelley Munro

  The sounds coming from Chobe as he fixed his injuries to his neck sickened Nanu. Although he’d never met anyone from the Morph replicator race before, he’d heard rumors. The bastards kept coming back to life unless someone hacked their head and severed it from their body. Only then did they die, the rest of their torso and limbs disintegrating to dust.

  Jazen strode over to Nanu. “I’m so sorry. I doubt we’ll survive this. They mean to kill us both. This is my fault.” She swallowed. “Chobe lied to me. Again.”

  Sympathy filled Nanu. One of his hair tendrils slid from the fabric cave she’d placed over his head earlier. It slipped behind his back and gently stroked her arm in silent commiseration.

  Chobe rose from the floor of the cabin. “I’m back. Stay right there and behave. I’m going to chat with Hanoid.”

  “Chobe!” Hanoid roared.

  “Stay,” Chobe barked at them before striding into the bridge and out of sight.

  “Can you get me out of these bindings?” Nanu whispered.

  “They’re special bindings. Chobe will have a way of unlocking them, but I can’t. I’m so sorry. When Chobe told me about Raffey, I snapped and acted instead of thinking logically. Nanu, I’m so sorry. You have every right to hate me for getting us into this mess.”

  Raised voices came from the bridge.

  “It’s all right.” He offered her a smile. “Don’t believe your brother’s words again without questioning his sincerity. Don’t worry. We’ll get out of this mess. It sounds as if someone is in pursuit. Hopefully, my friends.”

  She gnawed on her bottom lip, and it was obvious she was castigating herself for her mistakes. “We need a plan.”

  “Go and sit at the opposite side of the cabin. Make it more difficult for one of them to watch both of us. Wait for an opportunity, but make sure you’re confident of overpowering whichever one you attack. Don’t die,” he added. “I want to make love to you one more time in my gattoc.”

  A tiny smile curved her lips for a sec, and that gave him hope and a shot of fortitude. Then, she darted to the opposite side of the cabin, half her attention on the doorway leading to the bridge while she searched for a weapon.

  He’d have to rely on his hair tendrils if he failed to free his hands. While not confident or proficient, he’d do his best.

  Their ship dipped without warning, a bright flash of light outside their vessel searing his retinas for an instant.

  Chobe appeared in the doorway, his blaster clutched in his right hand. “What weapons do your friends have in their ship?”

  “They have several classes of vessel. Each are fully equipped with standard weapons.” Elation filled him at the question. His friends were coming. They wouldn’t risk the Indy since it was better suited to long voyages and freighting goods. Ry had likely commandeered one of the new fighters Lynx and Shiloh had purchased for times such as these.

  Simultaneous flashes blinded Nanu.

  “There are two ships,” Jazen said with quiet satisfaction from the other side of the cabin.

  “We’ll contact the ships, and you can speak to them. Call them off,” Chobe ordered Nanu.


  “I’ve seen the way you’re gaga on my sister,” Chobe said and pulled a tool from his pocket. He used it to unclip the bindings from the seats without freeing Nanu. “Follow my instructions or I’ll shoot her.”

  “Very well.” Nanu rose and concentrated on making the fabric wrapped around his head appear tight and secure. He’d need to time his attack and take out both males at once. He’d seen the elders control their hair tendrils with precision, but it was a learned skill.

  Chobe stood to the side and gestured for Nanu to pass him. Hanoid sat at the bridge, flying the ship himself. A natural pilot the man was not, since he wasn’t utilizing the ship’s capabilities to the fullest. Nanu would’ve used the turbo straight off to get as far away from Viros as possible. It told him that Chobe’s and Hanoid’s expertise was in capture, not escape.

  Nanu contained his sneer and waited for Chobe to tell him what to do. A quick glance past Chobe showed him Jazen was creeping nearer. A good idea as long as her brother didn’t notice.

  “Call one of the ships. Tell them we have no problem shooting both you and Jazen. Get them to back off.” Chobe’s gaze kept darting to the main viewport while Hanoid shared his focus between the two ships trailing them and the instrument panel. Tension gripped both, the air fraught with strain. Neither male was as confident as they’d like him to believe.

  Nanu angled his body while he freed several hair tendrils and concentrated on extending them to full whip length. “I-I’m not familiar with this ship. How does the comm control work? Since I don’t have the use of my hands, you’ll have to work it for me.”

  Chobe stepped closer, his gaze split between the comm section of the control panel and Nanu. Another warning flash lit the deep space around them and while both men flinched at the rock and roll of their vessel, Nanu struck. He whacked one tendril hard across Chobe’s weapon hand. A scant sec later, he whipped out another tendril in Hanoid’s direction. No finesse in this blow. He struck to disable.

  Chobe’s blaster went flying, striking the instrument panel and firing with the impact. In a fluke shot, the blaster hit Hanoid in the chest, and the man dropped. Nanu concentrated on Chobe, but his third tendril whip lacked the power required to disable the man.

  Chobe leaped at him, fists flying. His right fist grazed Nanu’s jaw. His head snapped back with the impact. Nanu backed up to give himself room. He shook his head to clear his mind and fell back on his training, but he was at a disadvantage with his hands bound.

  “Nanu, let me,” Jazen said in a hard voice from the arch doorway that separated the cabin from the bridge.

  “You?” Chobe scoffed, his gaze flicking from Nanu to her. “You’ve never bested me.”

  “Because I didn’t want to beat up my brother.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Jazen set her jaw and made a come-to-me motion with her hands.

  Chobe snorted in amusement.

  Nanu took three steps back to give Jazen room, gaze watchful.

  “Cease your flight and travel back to Viros,” a familiar voice ordered.

  Nanu grinned, and trusting Jazen to handle her brother, he darted to the control panel and slowed the ship, placing it on autopilot by clumsily using his tendrils as hands. Then, he opened the communication channel. That took two attempts, but his control over his tendrils was improving.

  “Jannike, how did you leave the castle? Where are your men?”

  “Never mind,” Jannike said. “What’s happening?”

  “I’ve put the ship on autopilot. One abductor is dead. Jazen is busy taking care of her brother.”

  “Her brother?”

  “How many men onboard?” another male voice demanded.

  Nanu recognized Ellard Tetsu’s voice. Ellard was Jannike’s brother-in-law, his presence no doubt the only reason the king and duke had allowed Jannike to take part in the rescue mission.

  “One dead. One alive.”

  “What can we do?”

  “Standby until I comm you back.”

  He clicked off halfway through Jannike telling him she’d contact Ry and Kaya in the other ship.

  A crash came from the main cabin, and Nanu bounded to the doorway. Jazen and Chobe were trading punches and kicks, and Jazen was more than holding her own. Nanu leaned against the wall and watched, ready to offer aid.

  But he got it.

  Jazen needed to finish this with Chobe.

  It didn’t take Nanu long to see Jazen was playing with her brother. While Chobe was bigger, it was obvious he didn’t waste his time training or upskilling. Ry insisted that the crew attended regular training sessions to remain at full fitness for times such as these.

  As he watched, Jazen let loose with a series of kicks and punches. Chobe gave a pained groan and fell back. Jazen didn’t let up on the pressure, kicking out at his l
egs and pushing him off balance. She led with a right hook. He struck back. An ineffectual blow that missed Jazen’s face. With his torso wide open, she drove with her left and thumped him hard in the sternum.

  Chobe gasped, doubling up as he attempted to breathe. Jazen shoved him, and he fell to the floor. She kicked him in the ribs.

  “Enough,” Nanu said. “You don’t want his death on your conscience.”

  “He intended to kill me. He told me that.”

  “Shush, sweetheart. You’re better than him, which is why you will not kick him again.” Nanu rotated his shoulders and tried to relieve the tension in his joints. “Does he have the key to unlock these cuffs?”

  Jazen crouched to search through her brother’s pockets. “I can’t find it. I didn’t see what he did with it after unlocking you from the chairs. Let me see the cuffs again. He might have coded them to his fingerprints.”

  Nanu sauntered closer to Jazen. Her features were pale with exhaustion.

  Chobe groaned, and Nanu scanned for something to secure him. His inner beast stirred beneath his skin, and Nanu wanted to hold Jazen and comfort her. The other part of him wanted to kick the crap out of Chobe then kill him painfully and slowly for treating his sister, his only family member, with such contempt.

  Jazen lifted Chobe’s hand and pressed his fingers to the cuff.

  Nanu listened for a click and growled when the cuffs remained intact. He sighed. “My friends will never let me forget this.”

  * * * * *

  Security met them at the spaceport, weapons at the ready. Kaya, Jannike and Ry sprinted toward the ship while Ellard followed at a more sedate pace.

  Kaya slid to a halt, her blue hair swishing against her chin. “Who is the bad guy?”

  “He’s in there.” Nanu straightened his sore shoulders as much as possible and braced for their teasing. His hair tendrils hissed in warning, swarming around his head in a slow dance.

  “Whoa,” Jannike said. “That’s creepy. Why didn’t I learn of this development? I’m the queen. I should know everything.”

  “These are indestructible cuffs. They won’t open with a fingerprint,” Jazen said. “Chobe had the key, but we can’t locate it now. Do not give Nanu a tough time. He saved us.”

  Kaya opened her mouth and shut it again with a click.

  “Let me see,” Ellard said, gentle hands rotating Nanu so he could survey the cuffs. “These are recent technology, the same as the new ones I’ve ordered.”

  “Ordered?” Nanu asked faintly.

  “Huh!” Ellard said, breaking into a broad grin. “Got ya. The order came in six cycles ago. I’ll make a call to get a key sent here.”

  “Ha!” Kaya’s shoulders shook in merriment.

  “That was not amusing,” Jazen said.

  Ellard gestured at one of the security guards, and they took charge of Chobe.

  “Did you want to speak to Chobe before he goes?” Nanu asked. “Find out about his wife and son.”

  “He made them up,” Jazen said in disgust. Pain at his deceit beat at her skull, her temples, her chest. He’d made a fool of her. Used her for his benefit. She had no clue how he’d spent all the funds she’d given him so far. “Take him away. I don’t want to see him again.”

  She’d always believed her brother had her back, that he’d be there for her in the same way she protected him. A part of her had owed Chobe. Azarious had intended to leave her at the brothel, not seeing the point in taking a female who’d likely spend most of her time on her back. Jazen had surprised Azarious with her shrill demands for him to train her too.

  Smiling faintly, she made a mental note to send Azarious currency to cover his commission so he wouldn’t ask questions. She recalled the child she’d been when they first met him, already responsible beyond her years. Determined. Feisty. Insistent.

  Her lips twisted as another memory darted back to her. Chobe had cried. That was true, but it was because Azarious had been so big and scary with his red skin and black matted hair. His bushy black beard. She had marched up to him and yanked on his hair when he’d ignored her. She’d told him Chobe was her brother, and they stayed together.

  Azarious had stared at her with his scarlet eyes. In the blink, he’d measured her, then he’d agreed and told her family was important. He’d give her a chance, but she’d need to work hard and pay back his investment.

  To the amusement of the two men accompanying Azarious, she’d thrust out her hand to seal the deal. Touching many of the alien races held danger and possible death, but Jazen remembered how she’d wanted to impress upon Azarious her intent.

  “Nanu, I’ll take you to security headquarters to free the bindings for you,” Ellard said. “You were wise not to cut them since they tighten farther and some of them shock the captive.”

  “Thanks,” Nanu said. “I want to get through this in one piece.”

  “I’ll get someone to take care of your leg too,” Ellard said. “We’ll see you guys later at the castle.”

  “Are you coming, Jazen?” Nanu asked.

  “No.” She needed to be alone to ponder, to feel sorry for herself.

  “We’ll take Jazen back with us,” Jannike said smoothly.

  Jazen stiffened since she read between the lines. They intended to watch her in case she inflicted more hurt on Nanu. Despite her irritation, she empathized with their reasoning. After the way Chobe had acted, the way she had acted, they didn’t trust her. Ashamed, she hung her head, staring at the sparkling white plastique squares on the floor, rather than facing whatever expression Nanu wore.





  He had a right to every emotion.

  Jazen’s lifeforce muscle pounded, trying to escape her chest and follow the man she’d come to care for. She watched his boots, Ellard’s boots until both men rounded a corner and disappeared.

  “You can ride back to the castle with me.” Jannike glanced at two silent males standing in the background. “Your presence will help to balance out the dynamics.”

  “No,” Kaya objected in a hard tone. “I wanted to speak with Jazen.”

  “Leave it, Kaya,” Ry said. “Let’s go. Camryn and Mogens will want news of Nanu’s safety.”

  The pair left, but Kaya glowered at her over her shoulder before they vanished.

  Jazen aimed for impassive and prayed she’d succeeded.

  “It’s me you should worry about,” Jannike said. “I’m the queen and I have the power to put you in the dungeon.”

  Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy.

  After her threat, Jannike escorted her to a zippy red flymo, a sleeker and more mobile model than the chubby vehicles the locals used as transport. One silent guard marched in front of them with the other bringing up the rear.

  Jazen could have made a run for it. She might have made an escape, yet guilt kept her chained in position as if she wore the bindings.

  They settled inside the flymo and one of their guards piloted the vehicle.

  “What do you want to do?” Jannike asked.

  Jazen frowned, slanting her body a fraction to observe the queen’s face. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you want to stay or leave? What do you want to do?”

  She wanted to stay with Nanu, but she didn’t deserve him. “I-I…” She trailed off, her lifeforce muscle aching so badly, she pressed her fingers to her chest. She blinked. Once. Twice. The rapid eye movement pushed the moisture out instead of shoving it back.

  “I knew it,” Jannike said. “You care for him.”

  Jazen stared back, but she remained silent. She couldn’t have spoken even if she tried, with her throat thick and her gaze shrouded by tears.

  “We will go for a drink at my favorite estaminet,” the queen announced. “You will like it there. It is on Second Street, and the owner welcomes all, as long as they behave and pay proper homage to his ale. I’ve heard he wants to expand and offer more substantial food with hi
s ales. You might be interested in speaking with Retsae.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “Everyone requires help at some stage of their lives.”

  “That’s not it,” Jazen said with certainty.

  “Ry helped me when I needed it. When I was much younger and desperately needed a job. Ry, Nanu, his brother Yep, Mogens and Kaya. All of us had secrets but none of that mattered. Together, we built a business and a family. Later, Camryn mated with Ry, and our situation changed direction again. I have mates and children. So does Ry. But we still have strong family bonds between us, built on loyalty and adversity. Our mates understand our bond and accept it. Our family has grown bigger and we have different responsibilities, but if one of us is ever in trouble, we come together. Nanu loves you. Are you brave enough to accept his love?”

  “I’m frightened. So much has happened.” Jazen gave an irritable shrug, not understanding how to rebuild trust. “I’m not going to capture Nanu and claim the bounty, but what happens if someone else recognizes him? It would be easy for one of you to say it was my fault. That I told one of my friends.”

  “Since meeting you, Nanu’s appearance has changed.”

  “I suppose.” The change had been gradual, but his hair tendrils altered his appearance. Gray tinged the black. The beads he’d worn at the end of each strand, when she first met him, had dropped off. His torso seemed more muscled.

  “The king sent one of his trusted guards to Indra to investigate the man financing the bounty. Nanu says he didn’t murder the woman, and I believe him. If this corporation man framed Nanu and Yep, he might have done it to others. We hope to gain proof of the man abusing his position. Once we do that, we can get the bounty canceled.”

  “You would do that for Nanu?”

  “As I said, he’s family. Lynx and Shiloh understand how important my friends are to me. We stand together. If you care for Nanu, if you stay, you’d become part of our family.”

  The flymo landed right outside the estaminet. Jannike waited for the guards to exit the vehicle before standing.


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