Spectrum (Stone Society Book 14)

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Spectrum (Stone Society Book 14) Page 9

by Faith Gibson

  Breathing hard, Stella stretched out her fingertips, and the second she touched the edge of his wing, he came again, pulsing his seed into her already filled core. For just a second, he wished she weren’t on birth control. But that second passed. Zeke wanted it all with this exquisite creature laid out before him, including children, but they now had all the time in the world. Their mating had been quick, but such was the way of Gargoyles. Well, some of them. Tessa had put Gregor off for three years. How she did it, Zeke couldn’t fathom. There was no way Zeke could have held off that long.

  Back when he was younger and dating, Zeke had not been a monk. He’d had sex, but it had never been as earth-shattering as with his mate.


  Oh, shut it.

  Zeke bent his head and dotted Stella’s face with sweet kisses before finding her lips. When he moved to pull out, Stella gripped his ass, holding him in place.

  “Not yet.” Her eyes were wet, and Zeke was afraid he hurt her until she smiled. “I have no words.” Stella slid her hands up his back, then around to his chest.

  I have the words for both of us, My Queen. You are my mate, and one day soon, my wife. You are my everything.

  Stella gasped. “I can feel you. I can feel your heart beat inside my chest. And…” Stella licked her lips. “I can hear you in my head.”

  Zeke grinned and kissed her nose. “That’s the bond. We’re connected now.”

  “Does the bond have anything to do with healing? Because the ache in my head is gone. Or maybe it was the powerful orgasm?”

  Zeke pushed up on his forearms. The bruises on her face were already fading. Gargoyle saliva held powerful properties, as he’d already explained, but even he was surprised at the quickness with which it had coursed through her veins.

  “I’m going to chalk it up to the orgasm,” Zeke joked as the sound of the French doors opening signaled Cyrus’s return. “My brother is back. As much as I’d love to stay in bed the rest of the night, I need to feed you. Let’s get cleaned up and see how Cyrus’s walk went.”

  Zeke wet a washcloth with warm water, then wiped away the evidence of their mating. As they dressed, they couldn’t stop grinning and kissing. By the time they walked into the living room, twenty minutes had passed. Cyrus was sitting on the sofa staring at the wall.

  “Brother? You okay?”

  When he turned Zeke’s way, Cyrus had a funny look on his face. “I think I’m in love.”

  Zeke smiled, but he couldn’t let his brother fall for the human if he wasn’t his mate. “I’m not sure if that’s good or not.” He hated to bring Cyrus’s mood down. “Don’t forget, you have a mate somewhere.”

  Cyrus scrubbed his hands down his face. “Yeah, I remember, but what if it’s Thomas? He’s absolutely perfect.”

  “For your sake, I hope he is. And if that’s the case, you’ll know soon enough. Are you hungry? I need to feed my mate, and I was going to cook.”

  “Oh, no thank you. Thomas and I walked to a place called Dockers after dropping Nonna off with his sister.”

  “If things were going so well, why aren’t you still with him?”

  “I don’t feel so good. I think something I ate didn’t agree with me.”

  Zeke winced. “Brother? Do you remember what I said about meeting your mate for the first time?”

  “Oh. Oh!” Cyrus jumped up from the sofa and paced in front of the fireplace.

  Zeke stepped into his path and placed his hands on Cyrus’s arms. “I’m not saying you’ve for certain met your mate, but if you have, you need to get ready. The transition is painful, but I’m here to help you through it.”

  “Oh, god. Yeah. Okay. I can do this.” Cyrus froze like a statue and closed his eyes. Zeke grinned at his brother.

  “Cyrus, you can relax. As a matter of fact, why don’t you have a drink?”

  Cyrus opened one eye. “Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.”

  “No, I get it. And not to put a damper on the situation, but it may just be something you ate. If that’s the case, you probably won’t want a drink.”

  “No, I definitely can handle a little alcohol.” Cyrus walked over to the cabinet where bottles of liquor were stored and poured himself a drink. “Would either of you… Stella? Your face.”

  Zeke turned toward his mate, worried about whatever it was that had Cyrus freaking out. His mate’s bruises were gone. Completely. Zeke walked over to her and cupped her cheek. “Any pain at all?”

  Stella shook her head. “Nope.” She smiled at Cyrus. “I was injected with Gargoyle miracle serum.”

  Cyrus choked on the sip of whiskey he’d just taken. “Uh, TMI,” he muttered when he got the coughing under control.

  Stella’s mouth dropped, and her face flushed crimson. “Not that! Oh my god. Zeke bit me.”

  Cyrus shook his head. “Yeah, that’s not much better.”

  Zeke pulled Stella’s back to his chest. “Just wait, Brother. When you get to bond with your own mate, you’ll want to shout it from the rooftops. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

  Cyrus rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, you’re right. And I’m really happy for you. Both of you. I hope—”

  Zeke’s phone rang. “Hold that thought.” Zeke walked over to where he’d left his phone earlier. “It’s Officer Dowd,” he said before answering. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Seymour, this is Officer Dowd. I tried to call Miss Bentley’s phone, but it’s gone straight to voicemail several times, so I was wondering if she’s with you?”

  “She is. Hang on a second.” Zeke held out the phone to Stella, and she put it on speaker.

  “Hello? This is Stella.”

  “Stella, this is Officer Dowd. I wanted to call you with an update. We were able to apprehend the man who attacked you.”

  Stella’s eyes widened. “Oh, that’s uh… That’s good. Did he say why he attacked me?”

  “He claims he was paid to do it. He says he was only supposed to rough you up a bit, but he hit you harder than intended.”

  “Who paid him?” Stella asked, her eyes filling with tears.

  “That’s what we’re still trying to figure out. He was paid in cash, so we can’t track the money, but he does have a description. I don’t want to say anything further until I have proof, but I wanted to let you know what we’ve learned so you can remain vigilant. Whoever paid the man is still out there, but I promise, we’re doing everything we can to catch him. I’ll call you when we have more.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Stella swiped the tears from her cheeks. Zeke disconnected the phone, then pulled Stella into his arms.

  Stella leaned her cheek against Zeke’s chest. “Who would pay someone to hurt me? I don’t have enemies.”

  Zeke didn’t want to upset his mate further, but he wouldn’t lie to her. “I have a theory.” Stella looked up at him, and Zeke kissed her forehead before continuing. “I have a feeling it’s Calhoun.”

  “Bradley? I know he’s unhappy that I won’t go out with him, but paying to have me assaulted? That’s going a little far.”

  “It is, but he is the one who found you. It’s too coincidental he happened along at just the right time.”

  “Crap. If they don’t catch him, I can never go back home.” Stella thudded her forehead against Zeke’s chest.

  “You can if that’s what you want. I’ll be watching over you from now on. He won’t get anywhere near you. That’s a promise. In the meantime, you can stay here. This is your home now. Or we can visit Tennessee. The mountains are splendid no matter the time of year.”

  “I need to call someone about my job. Normally, he would be the one I’d contact, but under the circumstances…”

  “You could call the school board. Explain how he’s been harassing you. Even if he isn’t responsible for the attack, they need to know what kind of man they have as their principal.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll do that first thing in the morning.”

  “Good. Now, I’m going to fix so
mething to eat.”

  Stella stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I’m going to find my phone and call Mom. She’s probably going nuts by now.”

  Zeke kept his eyes and ears open for both his mate and brother as well as his senses on the area surrounding the house. If Bradley was responsible for the attack, it wouldn’t surprise Zeke if the human had followed them to New Oceanside. He threw together a quick stir fry, and he and Stella ate at the dining room table while Cyrus retreated to his room to lie down. As they were eating, Zeke told Stella about Cyrus meeting Thomas. Then he told her what would happen if Cyrus did transition. She had lots of questions, and her concern for his brother was touching.

  After they polished off the stir fry, Zeke showed Stella around the house. It wasn’t as large as some of his family’s homes, but it was theirs, and there was room enough to start a family.

  When they were back in the living room, Zeke pulled Stella down onto his lap. He lifted her left hand and played with the promise ring, which was as unique as his mate with the onyx stones surrounding the princess-cut diamond. “Do you want children?”

  “Do you?” Stella asked.

  “I wouldn’t mind a little girl with dark hair and eyes.” Zeke wanted a houseful, but he wasn’t going to scare her with the truth. “But only if it’s what you want, and not anytime soon. I want to spend a few years getting to know each other. Our mating happened rather quickly, as is the case with some fated mates.”

  “And I’d love a son with your blond hair and blue eyes. I’ve never given much thought to having kids because I honestly never thought I’d find a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But I agree we should wait. I just found you, and I selfishly want you all to myself.” Stella moved out of Zeke’s hold to straddle his lap. She twisted her fingers through his hair. “I want to learn all about you.” Stella nuzzled Zeke’s neck before nipping below his ear. His mate leaned back, then gripped the hem of his shirt. Zeke reached behind his head and pulled the garment off, tossing it on the floor.

  Stella pushed off his lap and got on her knees between Zeke’s thighs. She ran her fingers down his chest and through each dip in his abs. “Your stomach is crazy sexy.” Stella’s hair fell around her face as she pressed open kisses to his muscles. Zeke gathered the long strands in a fist so he could watch. His dick was hard as stone, but he let his female set the pace. When she reached out to unfasten his jeans, Zeke opened his senses to his brother to make sure Cyrus wasn’t going to interrupt them. He wanted Stella’s mouth on him, but he didn’t want her to be embarrassed if they were caught.

  His mate on her knees was a sight to behold. Stella lowered the zipper and released his dick from its confines. She captured the drop of moisture from the tip and brought it to her mouth while watching him. Zeke’s chest rumbled, and her eyes widened. Zeke winked, letting her know she was good to continue. Stella grinned, then lowered her head, licking a stripe from base to tip. When she closed her lips around him and sucked, Zeke hissed. Her mouth around his erection was the second-best feeling in the world.

  “Gods, that feels good,” he muttered. It was better than good. If he died in that moment, he would go out a happy male. Stella used her mouth, tongue, and fist, setting up a steady tempo that had Zeke ready to blow within minutes. “I’m close,” he warned. Instead of pulling off, Stella stroked faster and sucked harder. Having his mate get him off was so much better than his own hand. “I’m coming, Baby.” Stella didn’t hesitate to swallow his load. She worked him over with her hand until the last aftershock subsided. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back onto his lap. Stella licked the corner of her mouth, then smacked her lips.

  Zeke grinned, then pulled her to him so he could taste himself on her tongue.

  “Zeke!” Cyrus called out. His brother was in pain.

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, Baby. It looks like Cyrus is getting ready to transition.”

  Stella scrambled off his lap. “What can I do to help?”

  “Gather the stock pot from the cabinet. Fill it with ice, then add water. Grab a washcloth out of the bathroom. I’ll need to lower the thermostat, so you might want to bundle up.” Zeke took off up the stairs, trusting Stella to do what he asked. He turned the heat off and the air down. He then rushed to Cyrus’s door and knocked before entering the room. Cyrus was writhing on the bed.

  “Oh, god. It hurts.”

  “Let’s get you stripped. You’re going to feel like you’re burning up from the inside. Stella’s bringing some icy water, and that’ll help cool you down, but it won’t take the heat away completely.” Zeke helped Cyrus out of his clothes but insisted he keep his underwear on. He didn’t want Stella around another male, even if it was his brother, but he also knew she wouldn’t look on Cyrus’s body with lust. They were mated, and she would never stray, even in her thoughts.

  Stella came in a few minutes later and set the pot on the nightstand. She rung out a washcloth and handed it to Zeke before taking another and pressing it to Cyrus’s forehead. Stella sat on the bed facing away from Cyrus’s lower body.

  “Stella, when I tell you it’s time, I need you to head back downstairs and stay there until I say otherwise. Cyrus won’t have control of his shifter immediately.”

  “I can do that.”

  The two of them continued to dip the cloths in the cold water and wipe Cyrus down until he let out a guttural scream.

  “It’s time. Please close the door behind you.”

  Stella did as asked, and as soon as the door was closed, Zeke told his brother, “This is going to be excruciating, but don’t fight it. I’ll be right here the whole time.” And Zeke would be.

  Chapter Nine

  Stella leaned against the wall just outside Cyrus’s door as the man’s cries became louder and more frantic. Zeke asked her to wait downstairs, so she pushed off her perch, went to his bedroom – she guessed it was their bedroom now – and grabbed more clothes. The house was cooling down quickly with the air conditioning turned low. Once downstairs, she added the layers and reclined on the sofa. After a few minutes of staring at the unlit fireplace, she padded into the kitchen and dug around the cabinets. Finding what she needed, Stella started a pot of coffee.

  Leaning against the counter while waiting for it to brew, Stella’s brain was overloaded with all that had happened in the last few days. She touched her fingertips to her cheek. There was no pain. No bruises. Her concussion no longer made her head throb. Gargoyle saliva, or whatever it was in the bite, was a miracle serum, but she wondered if it only worked on mates? What if it helped others? They could sell it on the black market for a mint. Stella imagined Zeke dropping his fangs and spitting into a jar. Then she laughed at the ludicrous thought.

  When the coffee was ready, Stella fixed herself a cup, adding just a splash of milk, then started for the living room. Before she got there, someone knocked on the back door. Stella froze. What if it was Bradley? Slipping behind the wall which separated the two rooms, Stella peeked around the corner. It wasn’t her former boss, but a handsome, older man. Stella didn’t know him, but he didn’t appear to be someone who went around accosting women. Then again, what did she know about what irrational men looked like? Bradley was charming and handsome. The irrational part of the man was on the inside where one couldn’t access his thoughts and intentions.

  “Cyrus? Are you there?” the man called out.

  Ah, this must be Thomas. But Cyrus was currently indisposed, and Stella couldn’t let him inside. Still, she wouldn’t leave him standing there. Deciding to take a chance he wasn’t evil, she walked to the French doors and cracked one open.

  “Hi. Cyrus isn’t feeling well, but I’ll tell him you stopped by.”

  Movement from behind Thomas caught Stella’s eye, but it was too late. Bradley hit Thomas over the head with the butt of a handgun, dropping the man to the deck. Stella tried to shut the door, but she was too slow. Coffee sloshed over the side of the cup, burning her hand. Thank goddess for the milk, or she might ha
ve been hurt. Bradley grabbed Stella’s wrist, pulling her outside, causing Stella to drop the mug on the kitchen floor.

  “Let me go!” Stella tried to jerk away, but his grip was too strong.

  “You’re a whole lot of trouble. Sometimes I wonder if your worth it, then all I have to do is look at your beautiful face.” Bradley grabbed her small frame and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Zeke!” Stella yelled as she beat her fists against Bradley’s back. His hold on her was too tight for her to wiggle loose. “Zeke, help!”

  “Shut up. He can’t help you now, and if he tries, I’ll kill him.”

  “You have no idea who you’re messing with.” Stella wasn’t worried about Zeke. Unless Bradley had a sword or certain poisons, he couldn’t harm Zeke.

  Bradley didn’t respond. He trudged as quickly as he could through the dense sand with her on his shoulder. That particular stretch of beach was dark this late at night. The moon was shrouded behind clouds, and the only light was from a lamp outside one of the houses. Stella’s fists did no good, so she raised his shirt and dug her nails into his back hard enough to draw blood.

  “Gah! You bitch!” Bradley dropped Stella onto the sand and drew back to hit her.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” Zeke’s low tone sent shivers up Stella’s spine. Bradley spun around and pulled Stella in front of him, using her as a shield. He pointed the gun at Zeke and fired. Stella cried out, waiting for blood to appear, but it didn’t. Bradley fired the gun in rapid succession as Zeke closed in on them.

  “What the fuck?” When Zeke was within striking distance, Bradley swung the pistol at Zeke’s head, but Zeke grabbed Bradley’s wrist, bones popping as he crushed it, sending the man to his knees.

  “Stella, go call 911.” Zeke twisted Bradley’s arm behind his back, keeping him on the sand. “You fucked up, you fucking psycho,” Stella heard Zeke curse as she tried to run back to the house.


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