The Beaumont Brothers: The Complete Series

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The Beaumont Brothers: The Complete Series Page 10

by North, Leslie

  She busied herself as best she could with planning and organizing her apartment. Around eleven, she got a text from Lexie.

  “Hey girl, can you stop by the theater? Wanna run something by you for tomorrow’s class.”

  Kara jumped on the chance. Anything to resist the temptation of the race. “On my way.”

  Kara tugged on a light sweater and a pair of leggings for the unseasonably cool summer day, opting to walk to the theater instead of driving like normal. She needed the time to think, to clear her head. To remind herself not to text Gregor. To remember why she preferred her little old life in Seattle to anything that arrogant Brit had to offer.

  As she walked down tree lined streets and walls covered in murals, her mind circled back to something else that bothered her. In five full days, Gregor couldn’t even reach out to her once? Not even to say he was sorry again, or that he actually loved her?

  His silence seemed like the proof she needed that he didn’t actually love her. No matter how desperately she wanted to believe that he did. How could he love her and just let her go like that? Nothing made sense. Men didn’t make sense. Man logic was one of the wonders of the world, and she was yet another victim left gaping in its wake.

  It’s fine. You’ll be over him soon. Someday, at least.

  That, for now, was all she had to go on.

  After a brisk fifteen-minute walk, she rolled up to the familiar little theater, smiling as she tugged open the side door. The darkness of the auditorium flooded her, and after her eyes adjusted a few moments later, she noticed a strange sight.

  It wasn’t just Lexie waiting for her.

  It was almost a full theater of people.

  She blinked, trying to understand what she was looking at. This didn’t make sense. They were…students. Of all her classes. Not every student ever, but a healthy sampling. Her mouth parted as she stepped inside carefully, unsure what she was walking into. This didn’t seem right. Maybe she’d missed something. Maybe Lexie was holding her own class. Maybe…

  “Kara, come here!” Lexie hopped up and down from the far side, waving her hand in the air. “Come here, I need your help!”

  Her students waved and smiled her way, and she greeted as many as she could as she made her way toward Lexie. “It’s time for improv!” Lexie yelled with a clap of her hands. At least half the students flooded the front area, rushing past them to climb the side stairs to the stage.

  “What is going on?” Kara asked in a low voice.

  Lexie looked at her with a strange pinched look on her face, like she might explode. “It’s improv!”

  Kara creased her brow, looking up at the stage. It seemed that everyone certainly knew where they were going. Hardly improv at all. “So what’s with the stage direction?”

  “They’re practicing a scene,” Lexie said, her voice coming out strange. “You should go help them.”

  Kara sighed, curiosity mingling with frustration about being left in the dark. What the actual hell? She slid her messenger bag off, plopping it near the side of the stage as she climbed up the stairs.

  “The scene is somewhere in Italy,” Lexie directed as Kara joined the chatter on the stage. “You’re looking for a friend.”

  Kara nodded, shrugging. Why not? She assumed a happy go lucky tourist persona, imagining herself back in Milan, going up to her former students and asking them questions in stilted Italian and brash English. Plenty of laughs ensured as the students took on various Italian and foreign personalities, including a brief skirmish with a sunglasses vendor who tried to rip Kara off for a pair of Ray bans. The scene was lighthearted and fun, a perfect chance to reacquaint with her old students and get some practice in for the day.

  But as she made her way toward the back of the stage, someone else came forward. Someone who was most definitely not her student, as least not for longer than one fateful class. Kara stilled, her persona falling away as her eyes landed on Gregor.

  He came forward, his face full of mischief and soul. All the words she had on the tip of her tongue evaporated, and all she could hear was the hammering of her heart between her ears. She could barely breathe.

  “Kooky Kara,” he whispered, and for a moment she thought this was a dream, something she’d conjured into being from wanting it too hard.

  “Stop it.” She turned, looking back at Lexie, who peered over the top of her clipboard. Most of the students had returned to their seats, conversation swelling in the auditorium. “This isn’t real.”

  “No, it’s real.” Gregor reached for her hand, his touch sending a jolt through her. She caught a hint of his scent, that damned Burberry and fine wood mixture.

  “You’re supposed to be racing,” she whispered. “Or recently done, at least. Maybe standing in winner’s circle again. Or maybe in the hospital.”

  “But I’m here.” He smiled softly, sweeping her hand into his. He bought it to his chest, pressing a small kiss to her knuckles. “With the woman I love.”

  She crumpled at his words, too flabbergasted to really understand how this was even possible. “But how…?”

  “Christian raced for me. He’s agreed to fill in for the rest of the season.” Gregor took another step closer, his heat sinking into her. Her bottom lip trembled as her gaze crossed over the familiar contours of his frame.

  “But what about…?”

  “Darling.” He cupped the side of her face and she nuzzled against it, desperate to feel him. Her lips dragged across the palm of his hand and she inhaled sharply. God, she loved this man. She needed this man. Five days apart had been unbearable. Now it was like a sip of ice water making her realize just how parched she’d been.

  “You were right,” he went on, his voice soft. Behind them, the students were engaged in their own chatter, oblivious to their intimate conversation. “Bringing on engineers was a good idea. I was just too full of pride to allow you to be right. To allow my grandfather’s legacy to interfere with what I thought I was creating.” He paused, rubbing a thumb over her knuckles. “I’ve decided to show off the joint efforts of the companies to remedy the issue. I’ve renamed the car the Beaumontgomery, which honors his company and mine. To showcase our joint contribution to perfecting the engine and making a safer product overall. My brothers are on board with it, though they can scarcely believe I’m doing it. But more importantly, I realized what’s more important than any of that.”

  “And what’s that?” She poked at his chest, pleased by the hardness there, the realness of him.

  “Together more can be achieved.” He smiled in that lopsided boyish way that made her heart pool in her stomach, and she nearly tipped over into his arms.

  “That sounds like an inspirational school quote,” she cracked.

  “How about this one? The best parts of life can be found with others. Not alone. And that’s precisely why I asked your students to help me today.”

  “God, you’re sappy,” she said, tears filling her eyes.

  “Like a pancake breakfast,” he retorted. “Trust me, this class was more than willing to help me orchestrate the final scene.”

  “What scene?” She clutched at his shirt. “Don’t tell me we’re doing that remake of Romeo and Juliet again.”

  “Oh no. It’s a new one. One that doesn’t take much imagination. In fact, you don’t even have to play a character for this scene. You just get to be Kooky Kara, and I get to be Gregarious Gregor.”

  “Gorgeous Gregor,” she corrected, smoothing her hand over his heart.

  “Kinky Kara,” he whispered hotly into her ear. “Now come here.”

  He urged her toward the front of the stage. At the very front he paused, positioning her in front of him like they had to hit specific marks. The class in the auditorium became oddly quiet, waiting for the play they knew was about to start.

  “You ready?” he said. She nodded. “Here’s how it begins.” He shoved a shaky hand into his pocket at the same time that he dropped to one knee. Kara’s mouth fell open, knowing exac
tly what this was but too incredulous to believe it.

  “Oh my God,” she murmured into her palm.

  “Kara,” Gregor began, looking up at her with a mischievous smile. He popped open the little black ring box, showcasing a brilliant, sparkling diamond ring that made her gasp. “Will you marry me?”

  “Oh my god,” she wailed into her hands, emotion flooding her, making her knees weak. “Yes! What the hell! Yes!”

  The auditorium erupted into cheers and hoots, and while her former students cheered, Gregor slipped the ring onto her finger, looking up at her with tears in his eyes.

  “I love you, Kara.” He pressed his lips to the back of her hand, over and over again. “I just want to be with you. For as long as you can stand me.”

  She fell to her knees, throwing her arms around him, letting out a sob against his shoulder. Mind swirling, head spinning, the only thing that rose above the rest was that this man was the one. The only one she’d ever needed without even realizing.

  “I love you. Even though you’re sometimes an asshole.”

  “Mostly an asshole,” he corrected.

  “Actually not an asshole at all,” she said. “And that’s why I’m marrying you.”

  She pressed her lips to his, clutching his face in her hands, unwilling to ever let this man get away.



  Gregor shifted in his seat, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. Nana was running late, which was terribly unlike her. At his side, Kara peered around the laidback restaurant and lounge, also looking for her.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked with a knowing smile.

  “Not as much as last time,” he said, crossing his ankle over a knee and then uncrossing it. “Nothing to fake now.”

  They shared a private smile as Gregor reached out to squeeze Kara’s hand. They’d agreed to meet her for a late lunch and tea, since Nana had surprised them with the plan to visit Seattle on a whim. She was more and more adventurous since Grandfather’s passing, something that struck Gregor as both unsettling and inspiring. Besides, now she could see their life in Seattle. All the ways the theater was coming together for the upcoming inaugural school year, and the latest developments at Beaumont Headquarters in the Beaumontgomery project.

  “Oh!” Kara clapped her hands together. “There she is.”

  Nana strode forward, the epitome of poise and refinement. When she neared the table, both Kara and Gregor stood, taking turns to press small kisses to her cheek.

  “My grandchildren,” she said, squeezing Kara’s wrist warmly. “Sorry for my tardiness.”

  Gregor checked his watch, realizing she was only one minute late. But in Nana’s world, that was a serious offense. “No worries, Nana. We would wait a full week if we had to.”

  “Only a week?” she mused to herself, receiving a menu from a waiter.

  “I would wait much longer than that,” Kara added. “Just so you know.”

  Gregor sent her a wink. “Now, Nana, tell us the news! What brings you stateside?”

  “I come with a gift and a request.” Nana rummaged in her purse, revealing a small box. She handed it to Gregor, nodding slightly to indicate that he open it.

  He tugged off the loose ribbon then let Kara pop off the lid. She gasped as soon as she saw what was inside.

  “Nana,” she began.

  Gregor looked as well. It was a family heirloom, one that he recognized immediately. A twelve-carat oval sapphire ring surrounded by fourteen diamonds.

  “For the happy couple,” Nana said softly, nodding her head. “I’m just so pleased that one of my grandsons has made the decision to settle down.” To Kara, she said, “It’s something that my late husband and I always wished for them. And if he were here, he’d agree with Gregor’s choice as much as I do.”

  Kara looked up at Gregor with tears in her eyes. He squeezed her shoulder, swallowing back a knot of emotion. His grandmother would never know that it had started out so very different from what it was now. But maybe that was his grandfather’s way of helping him find the real happy ending. Pushing him into the situation that he’d only ever buck on his own…allowing for true love to shine through.

  But it wouldn’t have happened with just anyone. That thought ran through his head so often it had its own special path in his brain. Gregor had chosen just right. How had he known? Maybe that was his grandfather smiling down on him, helping him along.

  “Thank you for this incredibly thoughtful gift,” Gregor finally said. Kara murmured her agreement, and then he added, “What was your request? Surely you know we’ll only say yes after a gift like this.”

  Nana smiled mysteriously, clasping her hands in her lap. “Perhaps that is why I gifted first and requested second. I would like to plan the wedding.”

  Gregor’s eyes widened and he turned to look at Kara. Her face shone with excitement.

  “I’d love to have it at the castle in Scotland,” Nana went on.

  Kara bit her lip, nodding. Gregor cleared his throat. “Nana, that’s such a generous offer. We’d be honored to have you plan the wedding.”

  Nana smiled wide, lips pulled tight. “Very well. I’d say we’re off to quite a fabulous lunch, wouldn’t you agree?” She picked up her menu, scanning the items there, as Gregor squeezed Kara’s hand. He could feel the excitement radiating off of her, just imagining how she’d exclaim “In a castle! Are you fucking serious?” after the lunch date.

  Gregor couldn’t fight the excitement either. Her suggestion was one that might have formerly made him balk. Giving away the power of choice, not being at the helm of the decision making. But this…this felt right. It felt empowering. Allowing the wise matriarch of the family to take over where she saw fit was the best way to accomplish more, together.

  Kara pecked his cheek quickly, rubbing her thumb over top of his knuckles. Later, that kiss would turn into so much more. But for now, he just let the bliss wash over him, his body buzzing bright and happy with the love of his life at his side.

  End of The Billionaire’s Sham Girlfriend

  The Beaumont Brothers Book One


  Jess Green has had to fight for everything she has. When she sees her future about to slide into an abyss thanks to an offhand comment made by her sexy but oblivious boss, Alistair Beaumont, she decides to take things into her own hands. Everyone in the financial world knows the Beaumont brothers need to settle down else the company that Jess depends upon will go under. So when Alistair is overheard discussing his disbelief in love and marriage the company stock price plunges. When Alistair suffers a bout of amnesia on a skiing trip, Jess sees a way to save the company and decides to tell him one teeny, tiny lie: she’s his fiancé.

  Alistair loves one thing and one thing only—his freedom—and certainly not the girl he finds in his bed, claiming to be his future wife. Amnesia or not, something’s not right. Sure, she’s got that girl-next-door sexiness about her, and his attraction to her is powerful, but deep in his gut he’s rebelling against the idea of being tied down. However, snowed in and isolated from the world in an exclusive lodge, Alistair begins to believe they are a couple and against all odds, he actually finds himself falling in love.

  But when Alistair gets his memories back, will he choose to stay with Jess who he can’t get out of his mind—or out of his heart—or will he choose to take back the freedom he’s always craved?


  “You’re pretty. You’re slim. You’re outgoing. You don’t want anything serious.” Jessica Green shifted in her seat, referencing the clipboard in her lap. This interview process had been hell, but maybe she’d finally found the light at the end of the tunnel. The proverbial angel descending from the heavens to rescue her from this never-ending work task. “You seem like the ideal candidate, to be honest.”

  The perfectly painted blonde in front of her grinned from ear to ear. That was one of the requirements—pretty enough to be a celebrity, vapid enough to agree to a fake relationshi
p, and bubbly enough to convince the world. Jess’s boss, Alistair Beaumont, needed to find a girlfriend and fast. The man himself was too disinterested and too busy for the task, so Jess herself was forced to wade into the dating pool on his behalf.

  Each woman signed a confidentiality agreement even before being interviewed. Most of them were lured to the Seattle offices of B3 Motors under vague enough pretenses that word wouldn’t leak. But even so, rumors had begun circulating. Alistair’s older brother Gregor had recently married for love, which Jess wished Alistair would just shut up and do already. It would make the process—and her job security—so much easier if he could just find a girlfriend, fall in love, and settle down a little already.

  But instead, I’m here micromanaging his love life. Just like every other aspect of his life.

  “Something that you’ll be required to do,” Jess said, tapping her pen against the edge of the clipboard, “Is both go through with a marriage and then eventually divorce. Are you willing to go to these extremes for the position?”

  The blonde, named Abby, gave an incredulous laugh. “Of course! I would give my left tit to be seen with Alistair even once. You have no idea how this is going to help my career.”

  Jess smiled tightly, her gaze skating up and down Abby’s figure again. Her tits were nice, but would Alistair approve? She didn’t know what his sexual preferences were. All she knew was that Alistair had a rotating door of women in his calendar and dinner reservations, and almost none of them showed up twice.

  It bothered her that she wondered. Of course he would be a playboy. Alistair’s good looks were off the charts; even her annoyance with his haphazard work ethic and irritating habits couldn’t dull her appreciation of them. But what did he like?


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