Lincoln (Ember Quest Book 3)

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Lincoln (Ember Quest Book 3) Page 12

by Arcadia Shield

  “Can’t say I do,” said Clive. “But there are a few nuts in the State who pay me to send out teams to pick up bits of bone and egg. They never confirm it, but some think they’re looking for proof that dragons once lived. They reckon the damn things once ran this place, if you believe some of the drunk State officials who come in here.”

  “You don’t say?” Lincoln glanced at Anastasia who remained motionless in her seat, legs crossed and her fingers tapping against the glass. So far, she hadn’t touched the contents.

  “I don’t care why they want the stuff, just so long as they pay,” said Clive.

  “Some people have weird hobbies.”

  “You’d better believe it,” said Clive. “But their hobbies pay me well. And you need to do the next pick up of dragon hokum.”

  “What’s the location?”

  “It’s a place not far from here.” Clive scribbled coordinates on a piece of paper before handing it to him. “Should only take an hour to do the collection.”

  “Inside or out?” asked Anastasia.

  “It’s a building,” said Clive.

  “What’s site security like?”

  “It’s easy to break into,” said Clive. “There’s a basic alarm. And there might be the odd guard inside, but they won’t be trained to handle the two of you. Doubt the alarm will even be on. But you’ll need a Jeep for the cargo.”

  “It’s that big of a haul?” Lincoln’s interest piqued. Heath would want to know if there was a large quantity of dragon remains at the site. He’d want them himself.

  “My information source suggested a decent amount of goodies to be collected,” said Clive, a sly smile crossing his face. “You don’t want to leave anything behind. Do that, and I’ll make you go back.”

  “Who’s your source?” asked Anastasia.

  “I’m not sharing the name,” said Clive. “But she works at the place. Earns a pittance serving the higher-ups and decided she needed extra credit. Word got through that she had information to sell. I happily bought it.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem,” said Lincoln. “We’ll get in, bag the goods, and be back before dawn.”

  “It can’t happen this evening,” said Clive.

  Lincoln sat up straight. “Why not?”

  “I’ve just had word the place is being used tonight. You go in now, and you might have to spill a bit too much blood. Though I imagine neither of you would have a problem with that. Can’t have any messy deaths getting linked to my name, though.”

  “That would be a tragedy.” Anastasia’s tone was dry.

  “That it would, beautiful.”

  “We’ve got the information, we’ll do the job tomorrow.” Lincoln went to stand, but Clive gestured for him to remain in his seat.

  “You’re here now. We can use the time to get to know each other. Have some fun.”

  Lincoln ran his tongue across his teeth. Spending too much time in Clive’s company made him feel the need to take a long, hot shower. “Sure. We can hang for a while.”

  “Stay the night.” Clive refilled all their glasses, even though Anastasia hadn’t touched her drink. “We’ve got spare rooms here. We use them sometimes when a fighter’s been too bashed around and we can’t get them to the hospital.”

  Lincoln risked a quick glance at Anastasia to see if he could gauge her thoughts, but her face remained impassive. “We can stay.”

  “I’ve got a couple of fights on tonight you might be interested in,” said Clive. “And you’d only be watching. I don’t expect my crew to take part in fights just before they go out on a job for me. Can’t have you compromised by a concussion and broken ribs.”

  “That’s thoughtful of you,” said Lincoln.

  Clive cracked a smile and tossed his whiskey back. “I’ve got business to take care of, but you go out front and enjoy yourselves. The drinks are free and the company is decent. I’ll join you later when I’m done.”

  Lincoln doubted anyone in the fight club could be considered decent. To turn down Clive’s offer would look suspicious. He nodded as he stood, and picked up his whiskey glass. “We’ll catch you later.”

  Anastasia stood without a word, leaving her drink behind, as Lincoln steered her out the door and shut it behind him.

  The second the door was closed she whirled toward him, eyes blazing. “I’m not spending the night here.”

  Lincoln pushed her toward the bar, glancing along the corridor to make sure no one was watching. “It’s not ideal. I reckon Clive is putting us to the test by keeping us here. He wants to see how we operate.”

  “I’ll operate by shoving a foot up his ass if he keeps looking at my chest.”

  Lincoln grinned. “You do have a lovely chest.”

  That comment earned him an icy glare as Anastasia stalked into the bar. The place was crowded with hot bodies. The smell of sweat and beer filled Lincoln’s nose.

  “Let’s wait it out here. We’ll have a couple of drinks, make our excuses, and disappear into a room. We can stay out of the way until we get a chance to leave and go investigate this site.” He pulled the coordinates out of his pocket and stared at them. There was something familiar about these numbers.

  “And if word gets back to him Thunder Island has been messed with?”

  “Then we run. But if we leave, he’ll think it’s suspicious.” He leaned closer to Anastasia. “I’ll comm Heath. Let him know what’s happening.”

  “If anyone tries any funny business, I will be punching them.” Anastasia slid onto a bar stool, a scowl on her face.

  She was gorgeous, despite the fiery expression. “I give you full permission to do that.” Lincoln smiled at her. “Let’s get some drinks and try to blend in.”

  WORRY TRACED THROUGH Anastasia as she tapped her feet against the legs of the bar stool. She hadn’t expected to be stuck in this disgusting fight club for the whole night. And not with Lincoln plastered to her side, his hand stroking her arm and his intoxicating smell drifting up her nose and making her thoughts spin.

  She couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t get her head clear. If she wasn’t thinking lustful, inappropriate thoughts about Lincoln, she was stressing about Skyler and how she was doing. The baby was safe at the bunker and being looked after. But it didn’t stop her wanting to get back and check everything was okay.

  She took a gulp of the ice water Lincoln had gotten her. Her gaze traced around the bar. She could spot the genuine dragon hybrids in the crowded room easily. Anastasia wasn’t entirely sure how she managed it, but it was as if they gave off a vibe. She recognized her own kind. Like a signal ping in the darkness, alerting her another dragon hybrid was near. From the looks some of them were giving her, they could also detect she was something more than human.

  Anastasia’s teeth ground together, as a female dragon hybrid was yanked into the lap of an overweight, leather-clad slob, who ran his meaty hands over her arms. She was on her feet, about to go and help, when a blast of flame shot from the dragon hybrid and she threw herself off the man’s lap.

  The man yelped and beat at the flames in his greasy hair, before the guy sitting next to him chucked the remains of his beer over him, putting out the fire.

  The dragon hybrid was on her feet, glaring at the man and yelling. Anastasia relaxed as she saw the woman looking after herself. She felt Lincoln’s hand on her arm, and turned to see him give her a shake of his head. “Not here. We’re not fighting anyone else’s battles tonight.”

  “You saw what he did.” Anastasia gestured to the man, rage dancing through her veins. “He doesn’t have a right to touch anyone like that.”

  Lincoln drew her closer, leaning down until his mouth was by her ear. “The people here don’t know what they’re really dealing with. They think the fighters are humans with artificial modifications. That’s why they mess with them. They don’t know they’re genuine dragon hybrids. They’re the ones at far more risk than the dragon hybrids are. I’m probably missing a few, but I’ve identified six dragon hybrid
s in the crowd. They could kill everyone here if they wanted. If they get provoked enough, I expect they will.”

  An angry huff shot out of Anastasia as she allowed Lincoln to take her back to the bar stool. He was right; given enough provocation, a dragon hybrid would snap and take out everyone. But some of them looked so broken, she wondered if they had any spirit left in them to fight back.

  “I know how hard this is for you,” whispered Lincoln, his mouth still by her ear, sending tiny shivers down her spine as his breath drifted against her throat. “But once we’ve done our job, worked out how this operates, we can shut it down. We will get everyone free. Just focus on that, it will help you keep your sanity.”

  She downed the rest of her water and placed the empty glass on the bar. Her gut tightened as she saw Clive approaching, his arm wrapped around a curvy brunette in a fitted red catsuit. It was Orchid, the woman who’d made a move on Lincoln the last time they’d been here. Jealousy flared, but she stamped on it right away. Lincoln was not hers to be jealous about.

  “Oh, good. The boss is here,” muttered Lincoln. She watched as he pasted a false smile on his face and lounged against the bar.

  Clive stopped next to them and slapped Lincoln on the back. “You two enjoying yourself?”

  “We’re having fun,” said Lincoln.

  Orchid extracted herself from Clive’s arms and snaked a hand down Lincoln’s chest. “You got time to play tonight?” Her lips were painted glossy pink and her eyes highlighted with blue shadow.

  “Aren’t you already taken?” Lincoln tilted his head at Clive.

  “Clive is an understanding man.” Orchid slid him a smile, her gaze not leaving Lincoln’s.

  “He might be, but I’m not.” Anastasia didn’t stop to think as she stood, wrapped her hand around Lincoln’s neck, and pulled him in for a kiss.

  He made a startled noise before returning her kiss. She felt his lips quirk into a smile against hers.

  “It’s like that, is it?” Orchid’s tone was disappointed. “Well, guess I don’t mind sharing. He is hot.”

  “He’s mine,” growled Anastasia, as she broke her kiss with Lincoln. “So back off.”

  Clive laughed as he ordered a round of shots. “Keep the claws in, ladies. Everyone can enjoy themselves tonight. Orchid, honey, go find yourself a new ride for the evening. Looks like your first choice is no longer available.”

  Orchid pouted, her gaze hardening as she stared at Anastasia, before she flounced away on sky-high black heels, into the sweaty, hyped-up crowd.

  “Thanks for that,” Lincoln whispered in Anastasia’s ear.

  “Thought you could do with the help.” She could still taste Lincoln on her lips, and wanted more than just a kiss from him.

  Clive passed around the drinks. “Not so much enemies anymore?”

  “Only in the ring. This job has come with surprising benefits.” Lincoln raised his shot glass.

  “Maybe I can get you tag-team fighting in the ring?” Clive’s gaze scanned the crowd. “That would be of interest, a couple fighting together.”

  “We have different fighting styles,” said Anastasia. “Not sure they’d work well together.”

  “They’d work if I wanted them to,” said Clive, not sparing her a glance. “Let’s go watch the fight.”

  Two hours later, and a dull ache throbbed behind Anastasia’s eyes. She’d watched three dragon hybrids get brutally battered in the ring and had faked her pleasure at seeing every punch and kick laid on them.

  “If I have to watch any more of this, I’m going to be sick,” she muttered into Lincoln’s ear.

  “My thoughts exactly.” He grabbed her around the waist and planted a kiss on her lips before turning to Clive. “Which room have we got?”

  Clive’s expression turned feral as his gaze raked over Anastasia. “You prepared to share her?”

  “No, he’s not,” snapped Anastasia.

  Clive ignored Anastasia. “I could make it worth your while. She’s a hot one.”

  “Sadly, the lady is right,” said Lincoln, his fingers tight around Anastasia’s waist. “I’m just getting to know her. I want to explore all the opportunities, before I hand her over to anyone else.”

  “Tell me when you’re done with her. I don’t mind taking sloppy seconds.”

  A ripple of heat ran through Anastasia’s chest, as her desire to burn Clive’s face off became almost overwhelming. The only thing that stopped her was having Lincoln by her side, his grip firm around her, keeping her grounded, reminding her the world hadn’t completely gone to hell.

  Lincoln nodded, his smile looking strained. “Will do. Where’s the room?”

  “Go back past my office to the end of the corridor. Empty room to the right. It’s got a bed in it, so make sure you use all the facilities available.” He winked at Anastasia, and his fingers drifted toward her.

  She felt herself dragged out of his reach and swung around before Lincoln landed another kiss on her mouth. He shot Clive a salute and pulled her through the crowd.

  “I’ll kill him,” growled Anastasia.

  “That’s the plan,” said Lincoln. “But pick your time.”

  The heat in her chest faded, growing instead in her stomach, as Lincoln’s hand ran up and down her back as they left the crowded bar. They entered the quiet of the corridor, and headed toward the room they were to spend the night in. Her breath hitched at the thought.

  “This must be it.” Lincoln pushed open the door and Anastasia stepped in behind him. He stared, unimpressed, at the plain white walls, sagging, gray couch, and mattress on the floor. There was a sink in one corner, and two grimy looking mugs on the floor next to it.

  “He’s spoiling us with so much luxury.” She unzipped her boots and kicked them off.

  “The guy is nothing if not a cheap slob.” Lincoln shrugged off his jacket, his gaze intent on Anastasia. “You okay with this?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” She kept her back to him and inspected her fingernails, suddenly uncertain about being alone with Lincoln. When she spent too long studying the lines of his face, her stomach did strange things, made her behave in a way that was dangerous to her heart.

  “We can always sneak out, come back first thing. Pretend we stayed.”

  “What if he checks up on us?”

  “Then we say we went out for some air.”

  “Not worth the risk,” said Anastasia. “One night here won’t kill us.” But having to resist Lincoln’s arms would be torture.

  “Doubt we’ll get much sleep.”

  Anastasia shot him a surprised look. “What else do you think we’re going to do?”

  Lincoln laughed. “I didn’t mean that. I meant that mattress looks like it’s had one too many bodies on it. And I’m sure that’s a bloodstain.” He pointed to the corner of the mattress, where a dark, ancient black splotch had soaked into the fabric.

  Anastasia wrinkled her nose. “You’re right. We need to find a cover before I touch it.”

  “I’ll find us something.” After searching in the other rooms, Lincoln returned with three blankets, which he spread over the mattress. The final blanket he folded to make a large pillow and placed it at the end of the bed. “It looks almost homey.”

  Anastasia smiled. His efforts at making it more comfortable were touching. “I’ve slept in worse places.”

  “Me, too.” Lincoln sank onto the bed. He patted the space next to him.

  After a second of hesitation, Anastasia joined him, his body heat radiating off him like a magnet. “Listen. About earlier.”

  “What part of earlier are you referring to?”

  “Outside. When I got angry with you and…”

  “And I kissed you?”

  “Yes. That earlier.”

  Lincoln stretched his legs out. “I liked it.”

  Anastasia plucked at the brown blanket. “I didn’t mean to get so pissed at you. It’s just that, well, ever since it happened, ever since the State took away my chance
to have children, I’ve had to suffer the same look every time I told someone.”

  Lincoln’s hand rested on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I didn’t handle myself well. I just wanted you to know that I got what was happening. The State are trying to destroy everything we love, hoping it will break us and make us easier to control.”

  Anastasia swallowed the lump in her throat. “I sometimes think they’re winning. They’ve taken away so much. And we have no idea who they really are, even what they even are. All I know for sure is that Emperor Endrir gives me the chills. There’s something off about him.”

  “You’re right there. But they haven’t taken everything.” Lincoln’s hand slid down Anastasia’s back. “While we’re still here and fighting them, they will never win. We can beat them, whoever they turn out to be. We’re already doing it. We’re here in this dragon-forsaken place to bring down a tiny part of what the State have created. By doing this, we’re showing them we can’t be beaten. No matter what they do to us, no matter how hard they fight us, we keep coming back.”

  “We’re like cockroaches. The only insect able to withstand a nuclear war.”

  Lincoln choked out a laugh. “Don’t think anyone’s ever called me a cockroach before. Oh, wait! There was this one girl…”

  Anastasia placed a finger over his lips. “No more jokey stories about all your amazing conquests.”

  The grin on Lincoln’s face faded. He kissed her finger. “I’ll never joke when it comes to you.”

  She dropped her hand and her eyes filled with tears. His tenderness was surprising. There was so much she didn’t know about Lincoln, that she wanted to know. But at what cost? She couldn’t go falling for a guy so unreliable when it came to love.

  She felt his fingers on her cheek, and realized the tears had spilt. He wiped them away gently and then replaced his fingers with his lips, trailing soft kisses down each side of her face and onto her jaw line. The touch was gentle, sweet. Nothing like Lincoln.

  “What you’ve been through is horrible. There are more tough times to come for both of us. But you’re not alone. You have me, and everyone at the bunker, supporting you. And you have your sister. You have to stay strong for her, for all of this. We need you in this battle.”


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