by Randal Sloan
Julie tapped the control to the big gun to set it to half power. “I should be able to fire twice as fast at half power,” she told them. By this time, a couple of shots were off from the plasma gun and a total of ten within a couple more seconds. An instant later, the missiles began to explode until all were gone.
Julie tapped back to full power and fired five more shots. All five aircraft exploded into huge balls of flame. “And that’s that.” She turned them back to course and kicked them up to full speed. “Sir, we’ll be at Space Tech station in a couple of minutes. I apologize for the disturbance in your flight.”
Both men were staring at her incredulously. “Fifteen shots, fifteen hits, all at high speed. You don’t miss, do you?” the President asked her.
“No, sir. What would be the point of that?”
Her father asked her, “Just curious. How many shots did Zeke fire at the pirates?”
“Four ships, four shots, Dad. He doesn’t miss either.”
“You think they would eventually learn,” the President said.
As they approached Space Tech Station, Julie sent a message to the comm room. “Air Force One, Julie Randolph piloting, arriving with Doctor Sam Randolph and the President of the United States.”
She brought them into one of the new docking bays, the field there giving a tiny shimmer as she crossed the boundary into the bay; a tiny little shudder that only Julie as the pilot felt. “Umm, Zeke’s going to have to tweak that one just a little more.”
Julie brought them in for a sharp landing and tapped a control to open the door. Turning to her passengers who were staring in shock, she told them. “Welcome, gentlemen, to a new era of space travel. This bay is fully pressurized. Two redundant shield generators keep the air in here, but any ships with fields set to the correct frequency can fly right in.”
The Secret Service men had been caught by surprise, but they quickly overcame their surprise and moved out to take positions on either side of the doorway. Others stood in preparation to escort their party. “Gentlemen, I recommend that we go directly to the media room. Zeke will be here in about five minutes and we’ll need to get this show on the road.” Turning to the escorts, she told them. “Just check your HUDs. I have told the AI to direct you there.” Their trip there went without further interruption.
Julie smiled at Jesalyn, the makeup lady, when they arrived in the media room. “Got you a couple more customers,” and laughed to see her response when she realized who they were. “I know you’ll do as good a job on them as you do on me. Just don’t be plan on letting them steal you. I know the best when I see it.”
That brought a laugh from her. She was soon chatting away with the two men, explaining her philosophy regarding makeup and complementing them on their looks and boyish charm. When the lady came to her, Julie told her, “You know Doctor Randolph is my Dad, right?”
That caused her eyes to widen. “No, I guess I knew that, but I didn’t think about it. I see it now. Although, you look more like your mother than your father. I did her makeup once before too. I still miss her.”
“Me too,” Julie told her, with tears in her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I’m glad you knew her and liked her. She was a very special lady. I bet she recognized your talent too.”
In an instant, Julie went from sadly thinking of her mother, to thinking about Zeke as he used their mental connection to tell her they’d arrived at the space station. When Jess looked at her intently, she told her, “Zeke’s here.”
“I see that. You might want to at least pretend to talk on your headset, by the way. No one else has noticed you two, but I noticed it the last time you were here.”
“Oh. I guess I forgot.” Julie couldn’t help but feel a little sheepish. She smiled at Jess, “Somehow I know the secret’s safe with you, but I guess I’d better work on that.”
She sighed. “I might be a little excited. With my Dad here, the wedding is on for the upcoming weekend; that’s four days from now. If you don’t mind, I want you to work it and then join us in the celebration afterwards.”
“Oh, I would love to. Weddings are my favorite thing to do, and to be able to help you would be fabulous. I also heard you’re going to carry it live on VR, so you’ll need the tiniest bit of adjustment in your makeup.”
“I already knew that you were the best.” Julie tapped her armband. “I just told my AI you’re hired for the wedding, and added a little bonus too. You’re so undervalued around here, I’m always afraid someone will steal you away.” Jess just laughed, but Julie knew she would be able to use the rather large bonus she had just given her.
Zeke came rushing in and gave Julie a kiss. “Missed you,” he told her with a big smile. Then he gave her a stern look. “I leave you alone for just a little while, and now you’re a triple Ace. I’m never going to catch up.”
“Sorry, love. They refused to listen, so I had no choice. By the way, the plasma cannon can indeed fire twice as fast at half power. Actually a little better than twice as fast. But it was perfect to take care of the missiles. But sit down. Let Jess see if she can do anything with those looks. As soon as that crew gets here, we’re going to do this thing. Then I’m going for some time alone with you.”
Jess laughed at them and told Zeke, “She knows those looks are just perfect. And you two. Good thing that wedding is soon.”
“Yes, it is,” Julie said and Zeke blushed at the thought she sent him. “Oh, look, Jess. You can just skip the blush now.”
But Zeke sent her a thought back and she quickly closed her mouth. That got a laugh from Zeke and she pulled him close.
“Just you wait!” she whispered in his ear.
Luckily for the two of them, about that time Uncle Ted came rushing into the room, giving his brother a huge hug. “I thought I’d lost you this time, brother,” he told him. “At first I wasn’t even sure you were on The Annette, but you were nowhere to be found. When you didn’t turn up after a few days and no trace of you was to be found, I was pretty sure you were on the ship, but until Julie figured out you were thrown forward in time, we had no idea what had happened.”
Sam nodded. “I know, my brother. Of course, to me that was all of two days ago. It’s been really strange, coming back to see all the changes that have taken place. And to find the Organization gone.”
The brothers’ conversation was interrupted as the crew members from The Annette started arriving. Those that had family there quickly ran to them to deliver hugs and kisses, and those whose family were elsewhere were looking anxious.
Deciding it was time for the presentation, so that everyone could get out of there to spend more quality time with their family, Julie moved up to the podium. “We have two announcements and I will go first. The crew of The Annette have all been recovered safe and sound and have all joined us here today. Let’s celebrate their safe arrival!”
Cheers broke out in the room. Those that had family members on the station had already started to celebrate with their family, so their families joined in the cheers.
“I am announcing also that the crew all have time off with pay for the next six weeks to make up for their lost time with their families.”
That led to more and louder cheers from both groups of people.
“Finally, we have another announcement to make. I invite Doctor Randolph, who you all know is my Dad, and a very special guest, the President of the United States, to come up now.”
The two quickly came up to the podium. Doctor Randolph spoke first. “The first thing that I would like to announce is that I have decided to make permanent the appointment of my daughter Julie Randolph as CEO of Space Tech.” He stopped as there was a huge round of applause from the whole room. Those watching on VR were smiling too, and a few of them couldn’t resist joining in on the applause.
When the applause finally started to die down, he continued. “I belie
ve the whole world can recognize what a tremendous job she has done and will continue to do so. It would therefore appear that I am currently unemployed.” That brought a few chuckles from the audience but most didn’t quite know how to respond.
Into the void that followed, the President spoke, “In a joint agreement, The US Space Administration and Space Tech, Inc. would like to announce the formation of the Near Space Exploration venture. Doctor Samuel Randolph has agreed to serve as head of this task force whose job will be to make use of the new technologies in space propulsion developed by Space Tech to explore our solar system. The thrust of their task force will be strictly scientific, but any commercially viable discoveries will be optionally pursued by Space Tech. Over the next few weeks and months Doctor Randolph will be announcing specific plans, and many of you will have the opportunity to participate.”
Julie stepped back in for a moment, “As CEO of Space Tech, I am excited to be able to do our part in this venture. And I eagerly await the opportunity to see the results as new scientific discoveries, and new ideas are brought back by these efforts.” She smiled at them. “I know you’re all eager to return to your families, so please, enjoy your time off.” That brought another round of applause that faded more quickly as everyone rushed to spend that time with their loved ones.
They all stepped down from the podium. Julie arranged for the President to have a guided tour of the new module showing off all of the materials and devices from Space Tech. Her father went with him since even though he’d known about many of their plans, it had all been on the drawing board when he left. She also arranged for a shuttle trip back to earth for the President and for Joe to escort them in his corvette. Then she left to collect on that Zeke time. Soon, my love!
Plans That Come Together
Julie had collected on her Zeke time, not that it was ever enough. But now it was time to make the first attempt to contact her other self. She had set up a full-length mirror in her quarters on Space Tech Station, one that used one of the new Space Tech materials, vacuum grown sapphire. She figured the man in Space Tech Research had thought she was really vain when she came to get it, because even with their new capabilities, such a large piece of sapphire would have been outrageously expensive. But Julie just had a feeling that the purity of the crystal would assist in her quest, just as the purity of the water had helped her in the First Lady’s gardens.
Julie set herself up in the lotus position right in front of the special mirror. She immediately dropped into a meditative state and stretched her mind out toward the sapphire. The instant she reached out toward it, she smiled, her feeling had been right. She would have to pass that on to her teacher and maybe donate her a couple of these if she thought she could use them. But that was for later.
Dropping deep into her meditative state, Julie began her exercise. After her practice with the fountain, she easily was able to reach mentally to the side of the sapphire mirror, but she struggled to make a connection on the other side. She lost track of the time, sitting there and stretching her mind, and she was about to give up, feeling herself approach a level of exhaustion she knew would force that, when suddenly the connection clicked together. Looking into her metaphysical mirror, Julie saw herself. And she was indeed wearing her necklace too.
“Who are you?” Julie demanded. “How did you reach me?”
“I’m you,” Julie replied. “I’m in an alternate timeline, an alternate reality if you want to call it that. And I know you need help.”
Julie looked at her closely and smiled. “Yes, I can tell you’re really me, and though we’re the same, we’re very different too. And you’re right. We need help badly. We have an asteroid that is about to strike the earth in a couple of days and we’re close to being able to stop it, but everything I see says it won’t work.”
Julie answered. “I know I can help, but I can’t do it tonight. I’ve spent much too long trying to reach you and I’m nearing the point I can’t hold the connection. I’ll try again tomorrow, but I need your help. I need you to obtain the purest full-length mirror you can get. I’m using sapphire because I have access to it, but do the best you can with whatever you have. Then meditate in front of it, beginning at the top of this hour tomorrow night. You have to reach to it in your mind and then reach just to the side of it mentally. I’ll be doing the same from this side. I suggest you practice during the day tomorrow, but don’t do it too long. I don’t want you too exhausted to help tomorrow night.”
Julie gave her a big smile. “I think you’re going to be quite the person to get to know. I’ll be ready tomorrow.”
Julie was really getting tired. “I’ve got to go, but I’ve got to ask. Zeke? Are you two together?”
Julie looked at her intently. “Yes, and what we have is amazing. I’ll have to tell you about it tomorrow.”
Julie smiled a big smile. “I didn’t think it could be any other way. Listen, you two need to have the wedding before the asteroid arrives and that night, assuming you survive, you need to conceive your daughter. Somehow she is critical to all of this.”
Julie smiled an even bigger smile. “Yes, I’ve seen her in a couple of my visions. She’s going to be quite amazing.”
Julie couldn’t hold the connection open any longer. “Tomorrow—” and the connection was gone.
Julie just sat there for some time, thinking about what she had felt. Her other self had been so much like her and yet so different too. No nanites, her father hadn’t been there to build them, and she’d never been injured during that attack. No Space Tech to attack. But she’d caught a glimpse of the other Julie’s ability to see visions.
Julie caught her breath suddenly. Juliette, the name of her daughter as the First Lady had foreseen, had told her that her brother was working with the other Julie. That meant the other Julie had seen their son. She would have to get her to share some of her visions of him.
So finally, Julie arose from her meditation spot, ate a very late snack to help her nanites overcome her exhausted state, and finally went to sleep, dreaming of that other reality, of their world, and then finally their future son. She couldn’t see him very well in her dreams but she hoped the next night, she would.
Chen Wu stared out at the mountain view outside the window in his office on his private estate. He was really worried about what he had learned a few hours earlier from his superior. For some time, his government had been fighting a group of rebels rather covertly. The group had started up in the mountains in a difficult to reach area, and they were obviously getting funding from someone. The problem with the group was they thought the current Chinese government was much too docile and maintained that they should be much more aggressive with the rest of the world, especially the US. After all, they had for years been the largest economy in the world, passing the US to take over that distinction. The rebels demanded the world recognize them as the top. For some reason that no one understood, they hated Space Tech and blamed them for all their current problems.
Chen was actually proud of his government. They had recognized that everything was global now. In such a global economy, what was done to one economy would affect the whole. Of course, his government would never be so foolish as to go democratic because they saw easily the problems that led to. Every time the political groups flip-flopped their control in Washington, the whole US government would change directions. Often the groups would get gridlocked in power struggles and be unable to accomplish anything. But it wouldn’t be very long before the pendulum swung back the other way. How they ever got anything done was a wonder.
But the Chinese government had made a number of reforms that were very good for their country. Controlled freedom they called it behind their closed doors. Human nature was such that most people, if they had the opportunity to better themselves, they would. They would strive to improve themselves, and would work harder.
One of the dividends of that was innovation. Instead of just
copying someone else, a problem they had suffered with in the past, such a motivated person would sometimes invent a new and better way to do things. It had paid tremendous dividends in the past few years and Chen seriously doubted that they would ever try to go back to their old way of doing things. One of the side effects of that, the people were even more supportive of their government than ever.
Thanks to his daughter, Chen’s position in the government had improved. Space Tech was both a thorn in their side and a huge benefit to his people. The rebels only saw the one side of that, or at least the people supporting them, whoever they were. But his daughter, who with his small amount of help, had gotten assigned as the Chinese envoy to Space Tech, somehow had immediately delivered the contracts for a large number of Space Tech’s power units.
The Chinese for a time had not cared about the environment, building huge coal power plants that, while they were nothing like the media tried to portray, supposedly pouring out huge clouds of black smoke, they still poured out tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide. Modern coal plants were clean and efficient and cheap to operate. But whether or not you believed how bad the whole global warming thing really was, risking the possible results just wasn’t worth it. So they had really tried to go greener, and had built huge solar arrays and wind farms. Plus, a bunch of nuclear plants, another one of those that could both be good for the environment or very bad if something went wrong.
Because of all that, the Space Tech power units were seen as a huge benefit to their government and Chen had been recognized for the contributions his daughter had made. And up until today, that had been great for him. But now, because of his potential link to Space Tech, Chen had inherited the problem with the rebels. However, the information he had just received really shook him up.
Back before the rebels had pulled away from the main Chinese government, they had been a faction working for their cause within the ranks. That faction had somehow gotten plans for a new hardened, stealthed, and extremely fast missile that no one in the world had, not even the US or Space Tech. They had somehow managed to get a base built on the edge of the very same mountains where they were now hiding, and that base controlled a large number of those missiles. Fortunately someone in the government had found out what they were doing and had stopped it before completion. But it appeared that they had one launchpad completed and an undisclosed number of missiles. And if you drew a line from the rebel base in the mountains to the airfield where they had stolen the planes responsible for the recent incident with the US government and Space Tech, and then to the missile base, it was almost a straight line.