Succubus Summoning 101

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Succubus Summoning 101 Page 8

by M. E. Hydra

  Phil didn’t really get a chance to ponder what she meant by encouragement before the world went dark and he felt warm flesh pressing down on either side of his face. Nurse Honey rolled over him and smothered his head between her large breasts. His last breath had been filled with that same clean, but slightly illicit, scent. Now his nose was buried deep in the soft folds of her cleavage. He couldn’t breathe and there was no way he could push her off in his weakened state. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. It felt nice to have his face caught between the soft pillows of her breasts.

  Phil was on the verge of pleasurably losing consciousness when Nurse Honey took the pressure away from his face. He was a little disappointed even though his lungs sang with the relief of getting some much needed oxygen.

  His mouth was still open when Nurse Honey filled it with the soft flesh of her breast. Phil felt the globe shiver and a sticky, sweet liquid flooded the back of his throat. He had no option but to swallow and he felt a warmth spread through his body as it slid down his throat like warm molasses. The fluid came into contact with his taste buds and all of a sudden fireworks of pleasure were dancing on Phil’s tongue. It tasted like the sweetest, purest honey, laced with a tang of the wickedest sin.

  He let the liquid enter his mouth passively at first, but the taste was so delicious his lips started moving of their own accord, suckling at the warm flesh. Nurse Honey obliged, letting her breast exude more of the luscious nectar into Phil’s mouth. He hungrily drank it down and felt a warm glow spread outwards throughout his body.

  Nurse Honey pulled her teat away and Phil tried to follow, his mouth moving on empty air.

  “We need to work on the rest of your body as well,” she said.

  She spun him onto his front with one practised movement and then Phil felt her weight settle on his back. She straddled him and lay down until he felt the soft weight of her breasts pressing against his back. Her body covered him completely and he felt her warmth as it seeped into his withered flesh.

  Her breasts shivered again and Phil felt warm, sticky fluid ooze across his back and shoulders. Nurse Honey sat back up and started to massage the liquid into his wasted muscles with firm fingers.

  This couldn’t be hell, Phil thought. Only heaven could feel this good. He sighed in pleasure as Nurse Honey’s skilful hands kneaded his neck and shoulders before moving down to the muscles of his side. Her soft breasts moved across his back, exuding more sticky fluid until his skin was coated in a thick layer. Beneath it his skin tingled pleasantly and a pleasurable glow sank down into his muscles.

  She turned her attentions to his limbs, first running them between the soft, sticky pillows of her breasts and then using her hands to knead the syrupy liquid into his muscles.

  “Better?” she asked.

  “Sticky,” Phil replied. He understood how Nurse Honey had received her name. He felt like he’d been dipped in warm, aromatic honey.

  “Let it soak in and restore your tissues,” she said.

  She moved her breasts down to his buttocks. She rubbed the hard nubs of her nipples across his ass cheeks, exuding more of her honey. Then she lifted her breasts off him and let her hands knead the liquid into his flesh. His body was responding. As her sticky fluids permeated his skin he felt dried-up tissues start to expand and feel fleshy again.

  A thick dollop of syrup rolled down his crack and settled warmly on his balls. Nurse Honey pushed his ass cheeks apart and let her finger circle the tight bud of his anus. The finger roamed around the rim, relaxing the muscles before gently slipping inside.

  “Relax,” Nurse Honey said. Her finger moved around in a gentle circular motion, loosening up his tightness. “This will feel a little strange, but your tissues need to be rejuvenated both inside and out.”

  Strange didn’t even begin to cover it. Phil felt the warm flesh of her breast pushing between his ass cheeks. Her nipple lined up until it rested in the shallow dip of his anus. Then her breast squirted.

  Phil was too surprised to say anything. It was weird, but not bad weird. Her breast pumped more fluid into his ass and he felt warmth spread out across his lower abdomen. His internal tissues, dried up and sore from the lack of moisture in his body, eagerly absorbed her sugary nectar and came back to life.

  Nurse Honey filled his interior with syrupy warmth and then removed her life giving teat. She squirted another thick dollop of honey over his testicles and then mmm-ed in pleasure as she ran a finger along his perineum and tickled the underside of his balls. Phil felt a familiar tightness start to build in his testicles.

  “Turn over,” Nurse Honey ordered, although Phil didn’t really get a chance to obey as she put firm hands on his shoulder and rolled him over onto his back.

  She lay back down on him, her breasts resting on his wasted chest like a heavy duvet. They contracted and more of the sticky substance pooled on his chest. In the dim light it looked like molten amber. She slowly slid down his body, letting her hands caress and massage his chest.

  She slid right down until her breasts rested in his lap and his cock lay snug in the lush valley of her cleavage. Nurse Honey stared straight at him with her weird, all-white eyes. She pouted a kiss and then pushed her breasts forwards and squeezed them together.

  Phil closed his eyes as his cock was enveloped in warm, sticky breast flesh. She twisted and rubbed, letting his dick slide in her honey-soaked cleavage. He felt her breasts shiver against him and his cock was flooded with a thick liquid that tingled against his skin.

  Phil was hard and twitching in a matter of moments. Nurse Honey sat back on his legs and moved her hands up and down his shaft with soft, shlupping sounds. Phil squirmed with pleasure as he felt her massage her honey into his erection until his whole cock tingled with pleasure.

  “Let’s check if everything is in full working order.” She winked at him.

  She leaned forwards over Phil and raised her hips up above him until the head of his cock rested against the lips of her pussy. He watched as a thick gobbet of amber-coloured syrup oozed out between her labia and slid down his cock, sending shivers of pleasure in its wake.

  Nurse Honey slowly lowered herself down onto him and Phil felt his cock push into a warm pit filled with thick, syrupy liquid that tingled against his skin. Her groin met his with a soft squelch. Honey oozed out from her cunt and pooled around his balls.

  “How does that feel?” Nurse Honey asked.

  “Nh…nice,” Phil stammered.

  Nurse Honey’s vagina squeezed and gently pumped more honeyed fluids over Phil’s cock. He lay back, paralysed, as the sensations overwhelmed his nervous system. Nothing else existed apart from the blissful feeling of her soft vaginal walls squirting rich syrup over his cock.

  She began to move up and down, rubbing her warm honey into his cock with steady thrusts of her hips. Phil looked up at her, watching her heavy breasts sway with each motion.

  “Are you an angel?” he asked.

  Nurse Honey smiled. “I’m about as far from an angel as you’re ever likely to find,” she said.

  Yeah, the whole fucking his brains out was probably a giveaway there, Phil thought. Angels probably didn’t approve of this kind of behaviour.

  He felt so good though, stronger, enough to start pushing back against Nurse Honey’s body, adding to the movements as she bounced on his hips. He felt like an active participant rather than an unwilling prop.

  Ooh, this was good, Phil thought. It felt heavenly to plunge his cock into Nurse Honey’s sticky centre. A throbbing sensation started in his balls and started to creep up his cock. He was going to—

  He pushed up and ejaculated into her sticky folds. She pushed down to meet him. Her vaginal walls undulated as wave after wave of sticky syrup flowed out around his pulsing cock until his thighs, stomach and balls were completely inundated.

  Nurse Honey gently rocked on him as the aftermath of the orgasm trembled through his body. She smiled and ran a hand through the sticky strands of her blonde hair.

“Mmm, that was to check your equipment is functioning properly,” she said. Still with Phil inside her, she folded her body over his until her breasts squashed against his chest. She licked her lips suggestively. “This is for my enjoyment.”

  Still lying on Phil, she began to pump her hips up and down. The air was filled with squelching sounds as his cock thrust back and forth into her honey-filled depths.

  After his experiences with Rosa and Verdé, Phil wasn’t entirely surprised to find he was still hard and already on the way to a second orgasm. Once again he was a passenger, slave to lust running through his veins, as Nurse Honey bounced her hips up and down on top of his cock.

  Her arms slid under his body and she squeezed her curves against him. Phil felt an odd sensation in his chest and realised Nurse Honey had impaled him with her nipples. No, impale was the wrong word. It implied force and brutality when there was none. Her nipples had simply slipped, painlessly, through his skin. As if her flesh had merged with his.

  He didn’t have long to contemplate this latest weirdness before her breasts squeezed and a spreading pool of warmth filled his body.

  Phil was totally detached from his body. His consciousness floated above his physical form like a kite soaring through soft clouds.

  Nurse Honey’s pussy gripped his body with powerful suction. Part of his essence was drawn up into the warm interior of her body. She held it there, letting it mix with the slow moving currents running through her, before her breasts squeezed and pumped it back into Phil’s body.

  “Mmm. The others are too selfish.”

  She sucked another great draught of Phil up through his cock.

  “They only take.”

  Her breasts squeezed a flood of life-giving energy back into Phil’s shell.

  “If they gave as well they’d realise how much longer the pleasure can be extended.”

  Suck. Squeeze.

  Phil was completely lost to the pleasure. He was caught in a cycle of unending bliss as Nurse Honey drew him up into her body through her pussy, then squirted him back out into his body through her breasts. He relaxed and let the ebb and flow of the motions absorb him.

  “We can keep this up for a long long time.”

  Suck. Squeeze.

  He didn’t know how long Nurse Honey kept him trapped in the cycle. At some point he realised she was no longer sucking and instead just squeezing warmth into his body. Atrophied tissues drank hungrily and swelled. His body was returning to normal. She was returning his vitality.

  Finally Nurse Honey gave him a beatific smile, kissed him tenderly on the forehead and climbed off his body. Phil lay in a puddle of sticky, sweet-smelling fluid, but he felt great. He held an arm out in front of him and stared at it in wonderment. It was no longer stick-thin. It no longer hurt to move. It was his arm, as good as new.

  “Mmm, I like getting good and sticky,” Nurse Honey said. She sat on the end of the bed and Phil watched as she scooped a dollop of amber-coloured honey out of her cleavage and slowly sucked it off her finger.

  “Are you sure you’re not an angel?” Phil asked.

  “Quite,” Nurse Honey replied. Amusement flashed in her pure white eyes. She got off the bed and squeezed back into her tight white nurse’s outfit.

  Phil sat up. His naked body was plastered in her honey.

  “How come I feel so good?” he asked. He didn’t understand. Succubi fucked the life out of their victims, not back in. Was she a succubus?

  “You needed replenishing,” Nurse Honey stated. “I replenished you. And had some fun,” she added, turning back to Phil and licking her full lips.

  “But I thought succubi drained energy, not give it back,” Phil said.

  Nurse Honey smiled. “The energy was a loan not a gift, fledgling. Be careful you do not run up debts you cannot afford to pay off.”

  Phil saw movement under her tight nurse’s costume. Something was moving, writhing, under her left breast. Similar motions started in the centre of the flat expanse of her stomach. It looked like rats were crawling underneath the tight rubber of her uniform. Phil couldn’t pull his gaze away from the grotesque sight.

  Not rats, people, he realised. A tiny human arm pushed out against the tight white latex covering her belly. On the underside of her breast a miniature face screamed in soundless terror.

  Phil understood now where all her honey came from. She was a battery, stuffed with the energy of countless stolen souls.

  Turmoil spread across her flesh as hundreds of tiny limbs thrashed and pushed in futile motion. Nurse Honey smiled serenely. The motions died away, each struggling form dragged back beneath the surface until her skin was once more smooth and flawless.

  “I would be wary of calling on my services too often, fledgling warlock,” Nurse Honey said. She blew him a kiss and walked from the room. Phil was left alone in the dark bedroom, surrounded by his fears and the dissonant cries of madness and despair spilling in from the night outside.


  Phil lay on the big bed and listened to the noises of the night outside. Large animals snuffled about beneath the windows. Occasionally the silence was punctuated with a cacophony of howls and growls that clawed at his sanity and threatened to tear it asunder.

  He was in hell.

  He was still alive, but he didn’t know for how long that would be. The sex daemons might decide to make a light evening snack out of him at any time. He had to get away.

  At least he was in better shape, he thought, trying out his arm. Nurse Honey had done a good job, although Phil was fearful of what the final cost for that might be.

  He tested his legs. They seemed to be working fine. Maybe he should try and sneak—

  “Hey, fledgling warlock.”

  Phil’s spirits fell even as his cock rose in betrayal. They were back.

  Rosa and Verdé stood in the doorway. Phil was surprised to see they were wearing clothes. It was the first time he’d seen them in anything. He was less surprised by the lack of either convention or concealment in the outfits they’d selected.

  Verdé was wearing a diaphanous green robe. Underneath it she wore a light-green bodice that pushed up her tanned breasts and showed off the lush valley of her cleavage. A corset extended halfway down the flat expanse of her stomach. She didn’t feel the need to wear anything beneath that and the plush folds of her sex were exposed to the world.

  Rosa was wearing even less. Phil wasn’t sure what she was wearing even qualified as clothes. She was wearing a series of studded red leather belts. They looped under her naked breasts and formed a series of hoops across her flat midriff. She finished off her outfit with a studded dog collar and two leather boots with spiked heels that came up to her thighs. There wasn’t anything covering the lush folds of her sex either.

  “Honey’s done a very good job,” Rosa said. “Our little warlock looks positively delicious.”

  She bounded up onto the bed with catlike grace and was on top of Phil before he even had a chance to scoot backwards. She crouched above him and smiled, her eyes gleaming with hunger.

  “Tasty enough for a quick suck,” Rosa said. She pushed her hips down and rubbed Phil’s semi-erect cock down the moist cleft of her pussy. Phil sprang straight to full hardness and he shivered both in fear and pleasurable anticipation.

  Rosa smiled down at him and licked her tongue over luscious red lips. Phil’s nostrils filled with her powerful musky perfume. His eyes were filled with the vision of her perfect breasts dangling before him like ripe fruit. He knew it was her powerful sexual aura taking control of his thoughts and desires, but even though he knew it he still couldn’t resist her. Rosa stared deeply into his eyes and gently rotated her hips, teasing his growing erection.

  “Rosa!” Verdé said sternly, cutting through the succubus’s spell.

  Rosa looked up guiltily. Verdé stood by the side of the bed with her hands on her hips.

  “I thought we were going to show our fledgling warlock around the castle,” Verdé

  “I only wanted a little suck first,” Rosa said. She lowered her hips until the plush lips of her labia lightly kissed the tip of Phil’s cock.

  “Later,” Verdé ordered. She looked down at Phil. He was still plastered in Nurse Honey’s sticky fluids. “Nurse Honey works wonders, but her attentions are very messy. I’m sure our fledgling warlock would like a bath to clean himself off.”

  “I can get him all clean,” Rosa said. She ran her tongue up Phil’s chest.

  “Remember what happened last time,” Verdé said.

  “Yes I know, Nurse Honey’s honey is too sweet for me,” Rosa said. She got up off Phil and swung her legs back over the side of the bed.


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