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An Island Christmas Wedding: A Novella

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by Susan Coventry

  An island christmas wedding

  By Susan Coventry

  Copyright © 2017 Susan Coventry

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Woodchuck Arts

  Edited by:

  Also by Susan Coventry

  A New Chapter

  Better Than Fiction

  Custom Built for Me

  Me & You Plus Two

  Right Here With You

  See You Then

  Starring You and Me

  Twice as Tempting

  Table of Contents

  An Island Christmas Wedding

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Epilogue – Nine months later

  Chapter 1

  Jess McClean settled back into her first-class seat and smiled at the handsome man seated next to her. Even though they’d been preparing for this for months, she couldn’t believe that the time had finally arrived. Three days from now, she would become Mrs. Jessica DeMarco, and the wonderful man beside her was Shane DeMarco, her husband-to-be.

  Sitting across the aisle was Shane’s sister, and Jess’s best friend, Hannah, and her husband-to-be, Ty McBride. The poor guy had received a lot of ribbing recently from his coworkers at DeMarco & Sons Building Company. Whenever Hannah visited him on the job site, some of the guys would say things like, “Hey, look. Here comes your McBride.” Like Shane, Ty was the easygoing type, and he took it all in stride.

  The four of them were on an early morning flight from Detroit, Michigan, to the U.S. Virgin Islands, more specifically St. John, where they would be having a double wedding. Jess had visited the island last spring and had fallen in love with it. After Shane had proposed to her, she’d suggested they get married there, and since Hannah and Ty were considering it too, they’d decided to have one wedding instead of two.

  The rest of the DeMarco family, including the patriarch and owner of DeMarco & Sons, Tony, and his lovely wife, Jean, would be flying down the next day. Shane and Hannah’s brother, Matt, would also be attending, but he’d been vague about his arrival time. In true brotherly fashion, Shane had told him, “I don’t care when you get there, just get there!” Matt would be serving as the best man for both Shane and Ty, and Jess’s sister, Beth, would be serving as their maid of honor.

  Jess felt a twinge of nervousness when she thought about seeing her sister and their father. She’d had a strained relationship with them ever since her mother had died of cancer several years ago. Beth lived in New York City now, and Jess had hardly seen her over the past few years. They’d spoken on the phone periodically, but neither of them had made much of an effort to get together. When they did see each other, usually at Christmastime, they got along fine, but they didn’t share the closeness they’d once had. Jess was sad about the way their relationship had deteriorated, but she wasn’t sure how to mend it or even if she could. She hoped that asking her sister to stand up in her wedding would help bridge the distance between them. Maybe it would be a fresh start for all of them.

  Jess’s thoughts were interrupted when the pilot came over the intercom and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be leaving momentarily. Please fasten your seatbelts, sit back, and enjoy the flight. We’ll be landing on St. Thomas in approximately four hours and twenty-six minutes.”

  Hannah leaned across the aisle and tapped Jess on the arm. “Thank God we have our own restroom up here, because I’m going to need it!”

  Hannah was just over five months pregnant, and she was constantly complaining about having to pee. She’d also become scattered and forgetful, and at times, she’d burst out crying for no apparent reason. From the back, she didn’t even look pregnant, but her baby bump was protruding and growing every day. Other than having to pee all the time, she’d also been complaining about having to wear maternity clothes.

  “I’m going to look like I have a beach ball underneath my wedding dress,” she’d lamented on several occasions. Shane had volleyed back with, “Well, if you wouldn’t have gotten knocked up before your wedding day, you wouldn’t have to worry about it!” Teasing was Shane’s way of showing love to his siblings.

  “It’s ok, Hannah. Everyone understands that pregnant women have to pee all the time,” Jess assured her.

  Once they were safely in the air, Jess reached into her tote bag and pulled out her current read. She’d stocked up on a few books from A New Chapter, the independently owned bookstore in downtown Clarkston. Even though she and Shane lived in a house he’d custom built for them in Grand Blanc, she found herself visiting her hometown of Clarkston regularly. It was where she grew up, and her father, Jim, still lived there. She felt another twinge of guilt thinking about her dad. He’d changed so much since her mom’s death—they all had, and she’d had trouble bridging the gap with him too. They’d kept in touch with phone calls and short, infrequent visits, but she always felt stiff in his presence. So much time had passed that she couldn’t remember not feeling like that.

  When she’d told him she was getting married, he hadn’t said much other than, “I wish you the best of luck.” The way he’d said it had made marriage sound ominous rather than joyful. At that moment, she’d missed her mom so desperately that her chest had ached. Her mom would have been thrilled that her daughter was getting married. She would have plunged right in to help her plan the wedding, and she would have given her words of encouragement instead of what sounded like a warning. Jess had gone home after that visit and poured her heart out to Shane, who had held her tight and whispered reassurances in her ear until she’d felt better.

  “I’m sure your dad loves you, sweetheart,” Shane had said, “but he just doesn’t know how to show it.” When Jess had invited him to their wedding, Jim’s response had been: “That’s a long way to go to get married. Why can’t you just do it here?” Shane had been with her that time, and he’d spoken up and said pointedly, “I’m sure you’d like to be there to walk your daughter down the aisle.” Jim had studied Shane for a moment before replying, “Yes. Of course.”

  Jess didn’t know if it was possible to love her man any more than she already did, but then he’d go and do something that proved her wrong. Shane constantly surprised her, showing her with his words and his actions how much he loved her, and she felt like the luckiest woman on earth.

  “Jess? Ae you going to read or just stare into space?” he asked her now.

  She giggled. “Yes. I was just thinking.”

  Shane grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I bet I know what you were thinking about, and don’t worry. Everything’s going to be wonderful. People can’t help but be happy on St. John. Even if someone shows up crabby, they’ll leave smiling.”

  Her almost-husband had the most positive outlook of anyone she knew. It was just one more quality that she loved about him. Feeling more relaxed, she had just cracked opened her new book, when Hannah tapped her on the arm again.

  “See. I have to go pee already, and we just left.”

  “Would you stop talking about it and just go,” Ty hissed beside her.

h had a way of drawing attention to herself that wasn’t always welcome. She scowled at him and said, “You try carrying a human being in your stomach, and then we’ll talk!”

  “I would if I could just so I wouldn’t have to hear you complain all the time!” To an outsider, it might seem like Hannah and Ty were unlikely candidates for marriage, but those who knew them understood that this was just their way. Despite their bickering, they were crazy about each other, and Jess didn’t think her friend could have found a better match.

  “Be right back,” Hannah said, and then she sashayed sideways up the aisle to the restroom.

  “She’s not even that big yet! What’s she going to be like three months from now?” Ty muttered.

  Shane had been laughing during the entire interaction. “Better you than me, buddy.”

  Jess gave him a playful shove. “Hey, watch it. I could be the happiest pregnant woman you’ve ever known.”

  “We’ll see,” Shane said and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  They both wanted children; however, Shane had admitted to not wanting to share her for a while. “Let’s wait until a year or two after we’re married,” he’d suggested, and Jess had agreed. In the meantime, she was taking note of Hannah’s experiences, and hopefully, she’d be prepared for her own pregnancy—someday. But for now, she had other things to think about, namely, their wedding!

  Chapter 2

  “Wow! This place is absolutely gorgeous,” Jess exclaimed. After landing on St. Thomas, they’d taken the ferry to St. John, and the four of them were now standing in the spacious lobby of the beachfront resort that would serve as their “home away from home” for the next two weeks. The rest of their guests would be staying there as well, except for Tony and Jean, who were staying at the villa they owned on the island.

  Jess glanced at the clock and realized that her sister should be arriving within the hour, which made her anxious all over again. Shane and Beth hadn’t met yet, and Jess was in a hurry to get past the initial introduction. Her sister could be a bit snobbish at times, and her behavior had worsened since she’d moved to New York City. Beth had a high-powered job at a financial company, and she hobnobbed with business executives and their wivesor girlfriends at fancy restaurants and charity events on a regular basis.

  While Jess was extremely proud of Shane, she imagined her sister turning her nose up at his career choice. Instead of a suit and tie, Shane’s job attire consisted of ripped jeans, t-shirts, and dirty construction boots. As part owner of DeMarco & Sons, he not only helped run the company, but he got his hands dirty on a daily basis. While his brother, Matt, worked from behind a desk, Shane was out on the building sites directing the construction crews and pitching in wherever necessary. His rugged good looks were what had drawn Jess to him initially, but then she’d discovered that he had a heart of gold to boot!

  Shane and Ty were at the front desk checking in while Jess and Hannah meandered around the lobby.

  “I’m anxious to finally meet your sister,” Hannah said.

  Hannah had the uncanny ability to read Jess’s mind, or maybe it was because Jess had expressed her concerns about Beth quite often over the past few months. “Anxious is exactly how I’m feeling, but not in a good way,” Jess replied.

  “How could your sister not be happy for you? I can’t comprehend that.”

  “That’s because you have two brothers who would lasso the moon for you!”

  Hannah laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far, although they are pretty wonderful most of the time.”

  “Speaking of brothers, I wonder when Matt will show up?”

  “Who knows. He’s a wild card these days. I thought he had something special going with his last girlfriend, but he’s back to being single again.”

  “I know, and I really liked Claire when I met her in Traverse City.”

  “Me too. Oh well, he’ll settle down once he meets the right woman. None of us believed that Shane would be first.”

  Jess smiled thinking about the night he’d followed her home from the bar near her condo in Clarkston. Hannah had referred to Shane as a “player,” and that was exactly what he’d been back then. Jess had had no idea what she’d been getting into with him, and it had been a wild ride. But since those days, he’d proven his love for her and only her, and the term player no longer applied. Well, except for in the bedroom, where he was still playful!

  “Ladies,” Shane said as he and Ty walked toward them. “Our honeymoon suites await!”

  Jess was back to feeling giddy as the four of them rode the elevator to the top floor. When they stepped out in the hallway, Shane turned toward the right, and Ty turned toward the left, not even noticing that their brides-to-be had stopped in the middle of the hall.

  Hannah cleared her throat loudly, and both men turned around. “Did you guys separate us on purpose?”

  Shane nodded. “Of course. I’m not interested in hearing what you two do behind closed doors!”

  Hannah looked to Ty, and he just shrugged, his lips curling up into a smirk. “Fine,” said Hannah. “I guess we’ll meet up later when Jess’s sister arrives.” With that, Hannah gave Jess a brief hug and whispered, “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine,” before turning and following after Ty.

  Once they were behind closed doors and Jess had set down her purse, Shane gathered her into his arms. Dipping his head into her neck, he inhaled deeply. “God, I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”

  “We don’t have enough time,” Jess protested, although she tilted her head to allow him greater access. She never could resist the man.

  “Since when? We can be done in ten minutes if we really want to,” he replied, trailing kisses over her bare shoulders.

  Jess had discovered that Shane had a thing for her shoulders, and whenever possible, she wore off-the-shoulder tops. Some men liked cleavage; he liked shoulders. Go figure! “But what if my sister arrives early?”

  “You haven’t seen her for months. She can wait ten more minutes.”

  She couldn’t really argue with that, and besides, his kisses were making her head spin. Jess gently pushed him away just so she could pull down her top and expose her strapless bra underneath.

  Shane growled as he lowered his head to her breasts, tipping the bra cups down to reveal her taut, rosy nipples. He pulled one into his mouth while he teased the other with his expert fingers, and she tipped her head back and moaned.

  They were still standing in the middle of the room, and now Shane backed her up to the wall. Up against a wall had become their favorite alternative to a bed, especially when they were strapped for time.

  “So glad you’re wearing a skirt today,” Shane whispered as he reached underneath it.

  Her panties were already damp, and as he rubbed his fingers over her, she moaned again. “Shane,” she said pleadingly.

  “You ready for me?”

  She nodded, but he was already unzipping his jeans. He yanked down his boxer briefs to reveal his thick erection, and she wriggled in anticipation. Since they’d been engaged, they’d taken some risks when it came to contraception. When they were dating, they’d almost always used a condom, but now neither of them wanted to take the time to find one.

  Shane rubbed his erection along her center a few times and then slowly eased inside, filling her to the hilt. “Hang on,” he said gruffly as he picked up the pace.

  Jess clung to his muscular shoulders as he thrust into her, meeting him stroke for stroke. It was always like this for them—intense, hot, and urgent. Or at least, it was when they knew they only had ten minutes!

  A few minutes later, they climaxed together, and Shane supported her weight as she drifted back down. After they’d cleaned up and straightened their clothes, he said, “Good thing Ty and Hannah aren’t in the room next to us, huh?”

  Jess laughed. “They’re probably doing the same thing right now.”

  “Ewww…I didn’t hear that. I did not hear that,” Shane teased, putting his fingers in his ears. />
  Jess was still giggling when she went into the bathroom to fix her hair. When she’d first started dating Shane she’d worn her hair in a traditional (boring) bob, but recently, she’d grown out her auburn locks into a sassy mid-length style that flipped up at the ends. Her hairstylist had added a few highlights last week, and Jess loved her new look. Assessing her appearance in the mirror, she noticed that her face was flushed from their quick romp, and there were a few red marks on her chin from his stubble. Overall, she liked what she saw. She looked like a glowing bride, and that was exactly what she was.

  “Uh, Jess,” Shane called from the bedroom.


  “You just got a text. Your sister’s here.”

  And just like that, her face fell. Do not panic! She took a deep breath and then another one as she steadied herself against the bathroom counter.

  “Honey? Did you hear me?”

  “Yes. I’m coming,” she yelled, and she pushed herself away from the counter. When she rejoined him, he noticed her expression and pulled her into his embrace.

  “I’m with you, ok? I’m right here,” he said, running his hands up and down her arms in a soothing motion.

  Jess nodded and gave him a weak smile. “It shouldn’t be like this, you know? I shouldn’t be dreading seeing my own sister.”

  “I know, but maybe it’ll go better than you expect. She came here, didn’t she? She could have declined the invitation.”

  “I guess so,” Jess replied, still unconvinced.

  “Maybe she wants to reconcile with you too. Have you considered that?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Besides, it’s almost Christmas,” Shane continued. “Don’t discount the magic of the holidays for bringing people closer together.”

  Jess smirked at him. “Ok, now you sound like a Hallmark card!”

  “I took it too far, didn’t I?”

  “Little bit,” she said, holding her thumb and index finger a few inches apart.


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