The Dark Gifts Birthright

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The Dark Gifts Birthright Page 17

by Willow Cross

  Uncertain how to proceed, Liz‘s eyes darted from Cass to the monstrosity. Before she could make a decision, Angie leapt from their hiding place and positioned herself between Cass and her oppressor. “You cannot have them!” She screamed.

  The thing’s face slightly registered surprise and released its grip on Cass. Lifting its talons again, the creature made a gurgling noise. The massive blubberous form jiggled as a screeching unholy sound that might have been laughter, vomited from its jowls.

  Angie's body levitated several feet from the floor. Helpless and unable to move, she floated.

  It spoke with a voice that emulated fingernails raking a chalkboard, “So they have sent a child to take down Goliath? You have no idea with whom you are speaking, child.” The thing oozed hate and malice. Tongue darting from its maw, it licked putrid lips with all the feeling of a hungry man about to feast.

  Cass flinched. One hand shot around Jenna issuing a bright blue flame. She sent it straight into the belly of the massive thing. When the flame hit, Angie fell, landing with a sickening crunch as her feet hit the floor. The thing screeched in rage. Black as pitch, a great darkness exploded from the talons like a massive spray of oil and smoke. Cass' fire changed shape and direction becoming a spherical shield between them. Falling to her knees with the exertion of it, she kept herself, Jenna, and Angie covered. Angie, injured from the fall, pulled herself across the floor to Cass' feet, dragging twisted legs behind her.

  Liz started as, simultaneously, an arm locked around her chest and a hand covered her mouth. Her body recognized the familiar presence and immediately relaxed. Michael loosened his grip allowing her to turn as he nodded to the other pillars. The others, weapons ready, waited for their leader to give the order. Then putting his finger to his mouth, moved away motioning for her to stay put.

  The thing, worn from the use of its formidable magic, growled and let its arms drop. Cass, still on her knees, allowed her protective bubble to dissipate as well. The thing spoke again, “You have grown very powerful daughter”

  “You have grown very ugly, Mother,” Cass replied full of contempt.

  Again, the thing laughed and spoke, “Ah, but it wasn’t so when I was young. When I was young, I was beautiful, but I was not this powerful. Strength, my pet, is what rules the world. You could have been so much more than the pitiful thing you are now. Look at you, standing there holding that disgusting human as if it were your own. With all that I have taught you, you still have not overcome your humanity.”

  “You have not one appearance of humanity in you, Sekhmet. You look alien to anything of this earth; there is no beauty or joy, only death and decay. Your physical body has finally taken on the appearance of your soul. What good has all of this power brought you?”

  “What good you ask? What good? Are you insane? Has living with mortals so completely dulled your mind, that you cannot comprehend true greatness when you encounter it? Who can stop me now? Even you cannot resist my call. You will never leave this place, Hathor. My minions are coming with today’s delicacies. When they arrive you will be caged and the girl will be mine.”

  “I’ll never let you have her. You’ll have to take my life, Sekhmet, and even as powerful as you are, you cannot do it.” Cass whispered vehemently.

  The ancient vampire raised her claws, leveling them at Cass. Jenna whimpered, looking at Liz for help. When the beast drew forth her dark power, Michael and the others struck. The attack came from all sides.

  As the darkness slithered and wriggled around Cass, her blue flame flickered to life. She threw her arm up over head creating a large blue shield that covered her body from floor to ceiling.

  Distracted by the screaming vampires to her right, Sekhmet sent one hand toward them throwing them off of their feet and slamming them into pillars and walls. Shrieks echoed in the great room making it sound more like hundreds battled.

  While Sekhmet focused on Cass and the others, Michael moved lithely around behind her, prepared to remove her head from her monstrous shoulders. With a flick of her wrist, he flew across the room, bounced off a pillar, and crashed into the wall. Small bits of stone and dust spewed into the air. Even with the tremendous force of impact, Michael was back on his feet in an instant searching for his lost sword.

  Liz darted forward to where Cass was failing under the onslaught of the dark magic. She took Jenna from the woman’s arms, intending to run for safety.

  The room unexpectedly went silent. Sekhmet’s head lay on the ground in front of her tuberous legs; eyes opened and glazed with surprise. Angie stood behind the monstrosity, her lips pulled tight. A clank reverberated through the room as the broadsword she held hit the stone floor.

  Cass fell to the floor unconscious while the others slowly picked themselves up.

  Jenna jumped out of a startled Liz’s arms and ran to her motionless mother. While Michael and the others made their way over to where Cass lay on the ground, the massive body of the old one started writhing and melting into a voluminous puddle of ichor. A green fog of stench blanketed the room. Everyone coughed and gagged from the reek. Gingerly lifting Cass, Michael told the others to head out. They had to proceed up many levels before the smell dissipated to a tolerable concentration. Once there, Michael began trying to revive Cass.

  Shortly, Cass regained consciousness. She was weak and weary, but unharmed. “Where are we?” she asked.

  “In Slovenia,” Michael replied. “Why did you come here?”

  Cass answered, still somewhat in shock, “I don’t know. This isn’t where I intended to go. I opened a portal to our cabin in the mountains. Somehow, she must have changed the flow and brought us here. From the moment I exited, I had little control of my functions. I was drawn to her, and as hard as I fought, I could not lift the weight of her power from my mind.”

  Cass’ eyes rested on Jenna. Reaching out, she stroked her cheek and tenderly pushed stray strands of hair behind the child’s ears. “She wanted Jenna. She said that Jenna was to be the most powerful vampire that ever lived. She told me that Jenna would not need to grow old to become strong, and that she had selected her for turning.” Cass lifted her eyes and met Michael’s gaze. “Now. She was going to turn her now.”

  The appalled look on Michael’s face spoke volumes. There were no words to express his horror at turning one so young.

  A deep sigh shuddered from her chest as she pulled her daughter closer. “All these centuries I had thought her dead, and the entire time she had been watching me. Who killed her?”

  Michael nodded to Angie and softly replied, “The one we keep under estimating.”

  Cass stared at Angie. “You saved us,” she whispered in awe of this young girl who had seemed so helpless and innocent.

  Angie looked down at her feet for a moment; her voice trembled as she spoke. “I would have died before I let it take her.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Citadel

  Michael offered his hand to Cass. “You gave us a scare.”

  Cass cast her eyes down as he pulled her up. “Thank you. Have you talked to Gregorio yet?”

  “I will right now.” He closed his eyes. By the time his lids opened, a blue shimmer of light flickered in front of the group, and Gregorio, Athena, and Minerva stepped through.

  Gregorio and Athena rushed to Cass’ side.

  “You are well?” Gregorio asked after a brisk hug.

  Cass embraced Athena saying, “I’m sorry. She pulled me here. There was nothing I could do.”

  “Michael, is it safe?” Gregorio asked.

  “I’ll take care of that now.” He shifted his gaze to the others. “I need you in groups of two or three. Inspect each room, regardless of size. Clear every level. Not even a closet is to be left out. Sekhmet claimed others were coming. Be watchful and keep in contact with each other.” Michael flicked his hand dismissing them.

  Gregorio placed his hand on the old stone wall and smiled as he ran his hand over it. “This
will do quite nicely.”

  “It’s perfect.” Athena said.

  “Should we start bringing the rest?” Minerva asked.

  “Yes, get them here as quick as you can.” Gregorio said.

  Minerva gave a quick nod, created a portal, and left.

  “Well my dear, are you ready to run another fortress?” Gregorio asked.

  Athena, still smiling, said, “I better be. They are arriving.”

  Blue lights shimmered up and down the hall as the host of vampires entered their new home. Athena walked to the center of the hall to meet them. “You there,” she pointed to a petite woman with platinum-blond hair braided into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. “You are?”

  “Esmerelda, Callista’s daughter.”

  Athena shook her head. “Of course, and my apologies, names often seem to elude me. Please take fifteen to the first level and begin cleaning up.” The woman nodded and scuttled away on her mission. Athena moved down the hall with purpose setting each to a task. “Marcus, Gregorio wants you with him. Take your men with you. Ah, Callista, you take another fifteen and get the second level squared away. Gen, I don’t want you cleaning. Minerva will need you to help with stores and their placements. You take twenty with you to help bring things in. Go ask Michael which men you can take.”

  Jenna reached out and tugged at Gregorio’s sleeve. “Did you notice?”

  He knelt down to speak with her. “Notice what little one?”

  “This looks like my picture!”

  Gregorio tussled her hair. “Of course it does, dear.”

  Another portal shimmered and Michael stepped through. “You have to see this place from the outside Gregorio. It’s massive and easily defensible.”

  “Our little Jenna says it looks just like her picture.” He answered.

  Michael's grin spread ear to ear. “It does.”

  Jenna, hands behind her back, swayed from side to side. “I told you so.”


  Built into the side of a mountain, it could only be attacked from the front. To accomplish such a feat, enemies would need to scale up a mile of steep rocky hillside, lush with vegetation and wild animals. Those inside could see for miles around. Not one human dwelling stood within fifty miles. Thirty of which, were overrun with forests full of deer, elk, and numerous other large animals that would provide an almost unlimited supply of fresh blood for all those gathered. This place was twice the size of the fortress and every bit as impenetrable as it should have been. Before the two days they had been given by Jenna’s voices had expired, they were completely moved and settling into the castle.

  Four days later, the castle was running like a well-oiled machine. Except for the loss of those that had died in the fortress, it was as if they had lived there for years. Once everyone had settled into their niche, there was finally time for meetings and loved ones.

  Although there were many Council meetings to attend, and tasks to accomplish, Michael and Liz s were finally able to spend many happy hours together. It was the first time since her turning that she had actually had him to herself. It was a relief to finally have some down time, and even get to the point of monotony. Liz enjoyed those days with Michael. They were perfect together. Even without their connection, it was obvious to all who saw them that they were very much in love. The lingering touches and looks they continuously gave each other, spoke more than any words even the greatest of storytellers or songwriters could have contrived.

  Angie had been appointed guardian and defender of Jenna. She was also designated to teach the child. Jenna was at the age when she should have been starting kindergarten, but there were no schools available to her. Angie was thrilled to be given the position and took it seriously. Jenna and her teacher became inseparable.

  The camaraderie the vampires and witches had felt just before the assault on the fortress did not diminish. If anything, it grew stronger. Of the one hundred and ninety five witches that started with them, only five had died at the fortress. They took shifts at the castle, some staying, while others went home to their lives and families. Every floor had ten resident witches that were on duty at all times. If there was a need to run, they were prepared to evacuate everyone within a matter of minutes. This unexpected alliance, and even friendship, had given the vampires a new sense of home and family that none had ever expected to find. Even those who had lost their 'connection' basked in the glow of this newfound joy.


  Gregorio cleared his throat. The leaders quieted and waited patiently for him to speak. “We have done great work here. With all that we have managed to accomplish, there are still many things to be done.”

  The council members nodded in agreement.

  “It is imperative that we find Monroe’s base. Rene, what is being done to facilitate that?”

  “William is working diligently. He has recruited several spirits to help him, but is not having much luck.”

  “I can speak to that as well.” Minerva said. “We’ve been casting bones and worked several retrieval spells. Each time we come up with zilch. A dark magic is hiding them.”

  The sound of shifting material whispered through the room as the leaders moved uncomfortably in their seats.

  “Are you certain?” Cass asked leaning forward in her seat.

  “There is no doubt.”

  Cass looked at the faces of her followers. Dread filled her. Monroe was not capable of pulling that off alone. Someone of great skill and power must be involved. She thought back on her battle with Sekhmet. While the beast infiltrated her mind, the link had also allowed Cass access to her maker‘s thoughts and memories. Sekhmet had hidden herself away from the world many thousands of years ago. Cass had been six hundred years old when she had heard that the woman was dead and felt the breaking of the connection.

  There had been another uprising and many of the ruling vampires had been killed that year. Several ancients had banded together to take out those stronger and more powerful than they, one at a time. With the help of the ancient magic, Sekhmet had hidden herself away from the minds of those who sought to kill her. Alone in the world, with her husband dead and primaries gone, she had delved deeper into the darker realms of the magic. It had totally consumed her.

  She’d lived in a cave for several thousand years, only leaving to feed. Then two thousand years ago she’d ventured to this castle. Never having turned another; for fear they would one-day rise against her as well, she entombed herself in an abysmal solitary hell. So many years in the darkness had made it impossible for her to return to the light of day. Living in constant fear and hatred, controlled by her dark magic, she had entranced any human in the area to come as an animal to the slaughter.

  This lush land had been once been inhabited by many small villages full of farming families. Over a period of two hundred years, she had eaten her way through all that remained in the surrounding area. Those that managed to escape had left the countryside long ago, leaving nothing behind, except rumors and stories about a monster that lived in the castle, ate babies for snacks, and devoured entire families at a time. She watched Cass from afar all those years, never giving up her vendetta against the woman, seeking a way to destroy her. That is how she found Jenna.

  Inside Sekhmet’s mind, Cass saw that Jenna was destined to great power. The woman intended to turn the child from light to dark, using the child’s abilities to conquer not only the vampire nation, but the entire mortal world. Cass had known from the first time that Jenna had answered her telepathically, that the child was destined for greatness, but even she had not seen the power that would eventually come from the girl. If her turning were allowed, she would truly be the most powerful vampire of all time.

  “Mother?” Gregorio’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

  “Yes. Sorry. I was elsewhere.”

  “What are we to do about Jenna?”

  “I don’t know. I’m too close to this, I think.” She said looking at the table.

bsp; Athena reached out and grabbed her hand. “Of course you are. She will be fine, I swear it.”

  Minerva coughed slightly and received a glare from Athena for her effort.

  Athena’s gaze remained on Minerva as she repeated, “She will be fine. We will all see to that.”

  Minerva and the others nodded, but their eyes showed the suspicion and worry that had settled in their hearts.

  Days and nights followed, one after the other, until three months had passed with no more happening other than a few much-needed repairs. Gregorio had contacted his agent in the mortal world and purchased the Citadel. Owning the property ensured that no human would enter without cause, and they gave no cause for entry. Already filled with antiques and remnants from the past, it had become the beautiful, majestic place it had been in history.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Lesson In Magic

  With everyone settled, the Council decided that the next order of business was to prepare the masses for the next battle. Cass didn’t need to do much coaxing to get a unanimous vote allowing her to teach magic. All that were willing began to study. Even the witches immersed themselves in learning Cass’ brand of magic.

  It was far older and different from anything that they had encountered before. Neither dark nor light, the magic tapped into psychic energy that surrounded all living beings. Not everyone had the ability to learn such magic. It was ordered that everyone in the Citadel be assessed for this ability.

  Every witch there qualified for the class, but of the vampires, only thirty had adequate control of their minds to be adept in learning the skill. Michael and Gregorio, although powerful in their own right, did not have the necessary ability to learn the magic. Liz and Athena seemed to be exceptionally gifted in this area, so they were among the first to be taught. Angie also qualified to enter, but refused. She did not want to leave young Jenna for the three hours a day that had been allotted for the class.

  The witches learned quickly, being accustomed to using and controlling magic already. The vampires took much more time to learn even the simplest of spells. The primary goal of the class was portal creation and vampire restraining spells. Cass was convinced the key to winning against the renegades was portal magic. If her pupils could master both, they could not lose. They all worked diligently, training every day.


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