Book Read Free

Burning Obsession

Page 7

by Carole Mortimer

  Kelly looked shamefaced. She had always received nothing but kindness from Maggie. Okay, so she made her dislike of Jordan known, but he was no less insulting about her. ‘I’m sorry, Maggie,’ she said ruefully. ‘As you can imagine, it’s all a bit tense at home at the moment.’

  ‘I can imagine,’ Maggie instantly agreed. ‘And Jordan’s perfectly happy to live in such—sterility?’

  Kelly blushed at Maggie’s plain speaking. ‘I would doubt he’s doing that.’

  ‘When did he ever?’ her friend nodded. ‘But he doesn’t mind this arrangement?’

  ‘He was the one who insisted on it.’

  ‘Oh dear!’

  Kelly’s look was sharp. ‘Why did you say “oh dear” like that? We didn’t really have any choice.’

  ‘Jordan is never pushed into doing anything he doesn’t want to. Has he tried to get you into bed with him yet?’

  ‘Maggie! Isn’t that a little too personal?’ Her face was fiery red.

  ‘Maybe. But has he?’

  ‘No,’ Kelly snapped.

  Maggie raised one finely plucked eyebrow. ‘You sound a bit peeved.’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ Kelly said sharply. ‘I just don’t like your line of questioning.’

  Her friend shrugged goodnaturedly. ‘I only asked because I remember you hardly ever used to be out of bed.’

  Maggie was a dear, and Kelly loved her very much, but she didn’t care for this conversation at all.


  ‘Okay, okay,’ Maggie helped herself to a cream cake now. ‘I do love this English habit of afternoon tea.’ She grinned. ‘It gives me an excuse to make a pig of myself in between meals too. I like elevenses as well.’

  ‘You’ll get fat!’

  ‘Not me,’ Maggie laughed. ‘At school they used to call me. Olive Oyl, remember, but I’m glad now that I’m so skinny. Every woman who sees me in one of my own creations thinks that she’s going to look the same, even if she’s the size of an elephant. No, really, Kelly,’ she insisted as Kelly began to laugh. ‘Now I’m not boasting, but I look marvellous in my own clothes, and—Stop it, Kelly! Now stop laughing,’ she chided reproachfully. ‘I’m being serious.’

  ‘I know,’ Kelly chuckled. ‘Without boasting,’ she teased.

  ‘Well…’ Maggie grinned back at her. ‘Maybe I was a bit.’

  ‘You were,’ Kelly nodded, her eyes twinkling merrily.

  ‘And so I ought. You never get anywhere in this world without grabbing what you want. I had to learn that the hard way. When I came back to England and Dad cut off my allowance I decided I was going to survive without his help. It hasn’t always been easy, but at least now I’m keeping my head above water. Dad even started to mellow some while I was home this time. He was talking of opening a boutique for me.’

  ‘Oh, I am glad!’ Kelly knew how Maggie’s father’s attitude had hurt her over the years.

  ‘In the States,’ she added with a grimace.

  ‘Oh. Don’t you want that?’

  ‘I like England, especially at the moment. I have a lovely new guy.’ She shrugged. ‘Right now I don’t want to leave him. In a couple of months I could feel differently, but right now, no. And speaking of him,’ she gave a hurried look at her wrist-watch, ‘I have to go now, I’m cooking him dinner.’

  ‘You are?’ Kelly had never known Maggie boil a kettle unless she really had to.

  ‘Crazy, isn’t it?’ Maggie pulled a face. ‘He’s the first guy I ever did that for.’

  ‘Must be serious,’ Kelly smiled.

  ‘Maybe.’ Maggie stood up. ‘I’ll have to love you and leave you, Kelly. I’ll give you a call, hmm?’

  ‘You do that. I want to hear more about this superman who has you tied to the cooker.’

  ‘It hasn’t gone that far yet. Besides, he was ill for a week last time I cooked for him.’

  ‘Then I’m surprised he trusts you again.’

  ‘So am I.’ Maggie blew Kelly a kiss. ‘Be good,’ came her parting shot.

  Kelly always felt the same after being with Maggie—as if she had just passed through a whirlpool! Her friend had boundless energy for everything, and never entered into anything half-heartedly.

  She drank her own tea at a leisurely pace, in no hurry to get back to the house. Her father would be resting until dinner time, and she had no wish to be alone with Jordan any longer than she needed to.

  When a woman walking past her table tripped and almost fell Kelly was the first to her feet to steady her. That the woman was beautiful was indisputable, that she was also very pregnant was also indisputable.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Kelly asked concernedly.

  ‘I’m fine, thank you,’ the voice was cool and very refined. ‘Just a little dizzy, that’s all.’

  ‘Here, sit down.’ Kelly pulled out a chair for her. ‘Shall I pour you a cup of tea? It would take away the dizziness,’ she encouraged as the other girl seemed about to refuse.

  ‘Very well—thank you.’ The girl was very white. ‘I was waiting for my husband, but he seems to have been delayed.’

  ‘Never mind,’ Kelly poured out the tea. ‘Sugar?’

  ‘No, thanks. This is very kind of you,’ the girl smiled shyly.

  She had short blonde curls and laughing blue eyes. Kelly liked her immediately. ‘Not kind at all. I can imagine how you must be feeling.’

  The girl blushed prettily, and looked at the wedding ring on Kelly’s finger. ‘Do you have children of your own?’

  ‘No.’ Kelly paled. ‘Almost. But it didn’t work out.’

  ‘Oh, I am sorry,’ the blue eyes were warm with compassion. ‘They’ve made such advances in this field, and yet I almost lost this baby in the beginning too. My name is Laura, by the way.’

  ‘Kelly,’ she supplied.

  ‘I’m pleased to meet you, Kelly. I was feeling lonely, so I appreciate your talking to me. My husband is often busy, I suppose that’s why he’s been delayed today.’

  ‘I know the feeling,’ Kelly grimaced.

  ‘Is your husband the same?’

  ‘He never stops.’ She felt she could be forgiven calling Jordan her husband, technically he was still that. ‘When is the baby due?’ She knew it couldn’t be long.

  ‘Another five weeks,’ Laura smiled coyly. ‘I feel like a pumpkin at the moment!’

  ‘It will soon be over.’

  ‘And then I’ll have the dirty nappies and the crying to cope with. I didn’t mean it,’ Laura laughed. ‘I’m very excited really. And my husband…! You would think no one else ever had a baby.’

  ‘That’s nice.’ There was an emotional catch in Kelly’s voice. If only Jordan had reacted like that, instead of turning away from her.

  ‘Yes.’ Laura’s face lit up. ‘Here he comes now.’ She stood up, her eyes glowing. ‘Darling!’ She launched herself into the arms of her husband.

  ‘Sorry I’m late, darling.’ He held her at arm’s length, smiling proudly down at her.

  ‘Business?’ she chided teasingly.

  ‘How did you guess!’

  Kelly recognised that voice, knew the man who was Laura’s husband. ‘Ian!’ she cried her pleasure, standing up too. ‘Ian Smythe!’

  He turned puzzled blue eyes on her for several seconds. ‘Kelly?’ he said uncertainly. ‘Kelly, is that you?’

  ‘None other,’ she beamed at him.

  ‘My God—Kelly!’ He hugged her to him, looking just as she remembered him, dark blond hair, laughing blue eyes, lean and muscular. ‘It’s good to see you again,’ he grinned.

  ‘And you.’

  ‘I take it you two have met before,’ Laura interrupted them coolly, eyeing them suspiciously.

  Ian’s arm went about his wife’s shoulders. ‘Let’s go through to the lounge, we seem to be attracting rather a lot of attention standing here. I just can’t believe it’s you, Kelly. After all this time.’

  ‘Perhaps you would care to introduce me, Ian,’ his wife said icily as they se
ated themselves in the lounge.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he looked startled. ‘I thought you must know each other.’

  His wife explained how she and Kelly had come to be sitting together, Ian expressing his concern. ‘Don’t fuss,’ Laura told him. ‘I’m perfectly all right.’

  ‘Yes, but—’

  ‘She really is okay, Ian,’ Kelly soothed, noticing that Laura was becoming agitated, and in her condition that could only do harm.

  ‘Well… if you say so,’ he accepted grudgingly.

  ‘The introduction, Ian,’ his wife reminded him.

  ‘Oh yes, yes, of course. Laura, this is Kelly Lord. Kelly, my wife Laura.’

  Laura smiled tightly. ‘That wasn’t much of an introduction, darling. How do you know Mrs Lord—Lord?’ she repeated slowly. ‘Ian, is this—’

  ‘Jordan’s wife,’ he finished excitedly.

  ‘Oh, I see,’ Laura blushed. ‘I’m sorry, Kelly, I didn’t mean to sound rude just now. I—I—’

  ‘That’s all right,’ Kelly assured her. I’d probably be jealous too if I had a lovely husband like Ian.’

  ‘But you have. I mean—’ Laura blushed again. ‘Well, Jordan is—very nice.’

  ‘Yes,’ Kelly agreed dully. ‘Which reminds me, I have to be getting back. He’ll be expecting me.’

  ‘You’re back together?—I’m sorry,’ Ian instantly apologised, ‘that’s none of my business. How is your father?’

  ‘Getting better.’

  ‘Is he home now?’

  ‘Oh yes. Today, actually. He’s staying with Jordan and me.’

  ‘Could you perhaps get away one evening?’ Laura asked, the sharpness now gone from her tone, her naturally sweet nature back in evidence. Kelly could understand such possessiveness, she had once been like that about Jordan. ‘Ian and I would love for you and Jordan to come over to dinner.’

  ‘Surely not,’ Kelly refused. ‘I’m sure you don’t want to be bothered with company now, not when the baby is so near.’

  ‘There’s nothing Laura likes more than entertaining,’ Ian teased. ‘Even now.’

  ‘Well, if you’re sure,’ she accepted uncertainly. ‘I’ll have to check with Jordan, of course…’ she stood up in preparation of leaving.

  ‘I’ll call him,’ Ian instantly suggested.

  Kelly took her leave of them, hurrying out to her car. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the Smythes, it was that she didn’t relish the idea of appearing socially as Jordan’s wife. It was bad enough in front of her father, in front of other people it would be ludicrous.

  Jordan was pacing up and down the lounge when she let herself into the house. ‘Where have you been?’ he demanded as soon as he saw her.

  Kelly put her handbag down on the sidetable. ‘I told you where I was going.’

  He swung her round, his face dark with anger. ‘I called Maggie, she said she left you hours ago.’

  Kelly’s eyes widened with indignation. ‘You called Maggie?’

  ‘Yes,’ he bit out.

  ‘My father, is he—’

  ‘He’s fine,’ Jordan interrupted.

  She frowned at him. ‘Were you checking up on me, then?’

  ‘Don’t be so damned silly,’ he dismissed tersely. ‘You were late, and I—’

  ‘You were concerned about me!’ Kelly derided.

  ‘Yes, damn you, I was! After the way you drove off this afternoon you could have had an accident for all I knew,’ he rasped.

  ‘I’m not prone to them. I wasn’t driving last time, if that’s what you’re implying.’

  ‘It wasn’t,’ he sighed, running a hand through the dark thickness of his hair. ‘I know you’re usually a sensible driver, but the way you drove off this afternoon wasn’t in the least sensible.’

  ‘If you’re really interested in why I was late—’

  ‘I am,’ he insisted grimly.

  She shrugged. ‘Then I met an old friend.’

  Jordan stiffened, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. ‘A friend?’

  Kelly nodded. ‘Of yours.’

  ‘Mine?’ he echoed sharply.

  ‘Yes. Would you like to know who?’ she taunted. ‘Frightened it might be one of your girl-friends?’

  ‘Kelly!’ he said warningly.

  ‘I met Ian and his lovely wife.’ She explained the meeting as briefly as she could. ‘Ian is going to call you about dinner. I’ll leave it up to you whether or not you accept.’

  ‘Do you want to go?’

  She shrugged. ‘I like Laura, but—’

  ‘Then we’ll go,’ Jordan decided firmly. ‘Your father won’t mind just for one evening. I’ll arrange it for some time next week.’

  ‘All right. They—They’re having a baby.’ Kelly looked down at her hands. ‘Any day now, I should say.’

  ‘I see.’ His mouth was tight.

  She looked up, her eyes accusing. ‘You notice I said they are having a baby, not just that Laura is.’

  ‘I noticed,’ Jordan snapped. ‘I take it that dig was aimed at me?’ He was pacing the room once again.

  ‘You know it was.’ She turned as her father entered the room. ‘Hello, darling,’ she kissed him warmly on the cheek. ‘You’re looking better after your rest.’

  ‘I feel better. Although you’ve had Jordan very worried,’ he scolded. ‘As a brand new husband he’s bound to worry if you’re later than you said you would be.’

  So her father knew about it too! ‘I’ve apologised in a suitable manner,’ she gave a teasing smile.

  ‘Have you now?’ her father grinned. ‘Then maybe I should have knocked before coming in.’

  She laughed as she knew she was expected to. ‘You have a naughty mind.’

  ‘I remember your mother and I used to do a lot of kissing and cuddling when we were first married. That’s how you were born,’ he added ruefully.

  ‘Charming!’ she gave him a light kiss. ‘I’m going up to change for dinner. I won’t be long.’

  ‘Didn’t you forget to kiss me?’ The mocking light in Jordan’s eyes challenged her.

  She paused at the door. ‘I think you’ve had quite enough for one day.’

  ‘Rationing me already,’ he shook his head at her father.

  Kelly laughingly left the room, the humour leaving her face as soon as she closed the door behind her. How dared Jordan challenge her like that! She would make her feelings very plain about kissing him as soon as her father had gone to bed.

  Jordan was at his most charming through dinner, very attentive towards her, and she knew her father watched them with a satisfied glint in his eye. Well, at least he was happy, and convinced of their happiness too.

  They all had a game of cards after dinner, Jordan winning as he usually did. When they were first married Jordan had taught her how to play strip poker, demanding an article of her clothing each time she lost. She had always ended up stark naked while he was still fully dressed. And when she had accused him of cheating he had instantly stripped himself. What followed usually made them forget all about playing cards.

  ‘You aren’t concentrating, Kelly,’ her father interrupted her thoughts.

  A guilty look in Jordan’s direction showed her that he had guessed her thoughts. Her face coloured as his mouth twisted derisively. ‘Sorry, Daddy. I—I think I’m a little tired.’

  ‘I think we all are.’ Jordan packed the cards away. ‘Time for bed.’

  ‘You could be right.’ Kelly’s father stretched tiredly. ‘I feel as weak as a kitten.’

  Jordan stood up, moving to the drinks cabinet. ‘Care for a nightcap?’ He held up the whisky decanter.

  ‘Thanks,’ her father accepted.

  ‘Not for me,’ Kelly said wearily. ‘I’m for bed. Goodnight.’ She moved to the door.

  ‘Doesn’t a father merit a goodnight kiss now that you have a husband?’ her father teased.

  ‘Of course.’ She smilingly kissed him on the cheek, the look she slanted at Jordan daring him to ask for one too. He di
dn’t, his mocking smile acknowledgement of her challenge.

  The bedclothes were turned back invitingly and her lacy nightgown lay across the bed. So much was like it used to be, except that tonight this huge double bed would hold only her. She shouldn’t find that so strange—hadn’t she slept alone here for two months before her separation from Jordan?

  She heard her father going to his room as she left the shower, wrapping a towel about herself as she entered the bedroom. Jordan was there, pulling his tie loose from his throat, the jacket to his suit already hanging in the wardrobe.

  ‘Wh-what are you doing here?’ she gasped.

  He gave her a pitying glance. ‘Getting ready for bed. I would have thought that was obvious.’

  Kelly stood firm, her mouth set stubbornly. ‘You aren’t sleeping in here!’

  ‘Try and stop me.’ Jordan’s stance became challenging, his feet set slightly apart, his arms folded across the broadness of his chest.


  ‘I INTEND to.’ Her eyes sparkled angrily. ‘I may have to share this house with you, but I have no intention of sharing the bedroom too. Use the room you used to sleep in, that shouldn’t be any hardship to you.’

  ‘Your father is in that room.’

  ‘Then use one of the others,’ Kelly said shrilly, clinging to the towel as if her life depended on it. ‘Goodness knows there are enough of them.’

  ‘I’m staying right here. Your father will expect it.’

  ‘My father?’ Kelly looked startled. ‘But he won’t know where you sleep!’

  ‘And if he should need anything in the night? If he should wake up early in the morning and come knocking on our door?’

  ‘He won’t.’ But she sounded less certain, Jordan noting her hesitation by the triumphant gleam in his eyes. ‘If you won’t sleep somewhere else, Jordan, then I will!’ She marched over to the door.

  ‘I think not, Kelly,’ his hand came out and gripped her upper arm. ‘I think we should settle this thing here and now.’

  She looked up at him with apprehensive eyes, aware of her vulnerability clothed only in a bathtowel. ‘Settle what here and now?’ she asked breathlessly, fascinated by the pulse beating in his throat.


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