The Charm Runner (Broken Throne Book 1)

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The Charm Runner (Broken Throne Book 1) Page 19

by Jamie Davis

  Winnie scanned the faces looking back at her. This was the most complex thing she’d ever done. It had too many places to fail, and only a few that might work. They had no clear alternatives. She was still nervous about putting Danny in the middle, but he was right. He was an obvious mark for Meredith Harriman. The woman would never know that she would be on the hot seat.

  She broke up the meeting and sent the crew home. They’d meet again once Cait and Joey found a way to predict Meredith’s location with enough notice to set up their con. Winnie didn’t want to put this off. Artos was awaiting results.

  As Winnie closed shop, she saw that Danny was waiting for her out front. She was glad to see that he’d stuck around. He was leaning against his car.

  He looked up at Winnie with a smile. “I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to stay and give you a ride home. It’s late, after all.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I didn’t feel like riding the bus to the Enclave tonight. Even with a pass, it isn’t always pleasant for a girl to ride home alone.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” He opened the car door, then walked around to join her in the vehicle. He started the engine and pulled away from the curb.

  After two long red lights, Winnie broke the silence. “Danny, you know I’m not comfortable putting you in the position of being the object of Meredith Harriman’s twisted desires. If I thought there was another way, I’d have gone with that plan.”

  “Who else were you going to choose? Joey? He’s still twitchy since his run-in with the Red Legs. He doesn’t have the confidence to pull this off. And you need someone to play the spoiled rich guy. I was born to play it.”

  Winnie laughed. Danny was right about Joey. He was just starting to come out of his shell and was in no position to work on his own. That was why she’d paired him with Cait. Their work was peripheral. They’d have no direct involvement with the scam and Joey wouldn’t be expected to perform in a critical moment.

  “So you’ve got this?”

  “What do you think? I just need to be the guy you thought I was when we met. Back when you wouldn’t accept any of my help.”

  “Yeah, well, here we are now. I’m in your car, accepting your ride.”

  Danny smiled, and it melted something inside her. “I finally have you right where I want you.”

  A delicious comfort settled between them. Only now was Winnie realizing that what she felt for Danny was true affection. She reached over and laid a hand atop his on the gear shift. He looked down at her hand and smiled wider.

  Winnie settled back in her seat, worries fading as they drove through the night. They had a few days to put it all together and she was confident in her team’s ability to pull it off.

  Tonight, she could focus on them.


  Victor stared at his bedroom ceiling, pondering the ways his life had changed over the past few months. He had been part of something historic, the enforcement of Resolution 84. He had started working directly under Nils Kane himself, and had discovered that he had the capacity for true affection …

  His attention turned to the sleeping girl in bed beside him. Morgan’s desire to please him — as an informant, junior Red Leg officer, and lover — was new. He’d always been a loner, living life on the outskirts. To have someone so devoted was unfamiliar, but pleasant.

  Morgan had come directly to Victor’s apartment two days before, following a late meeting with Winnie and her crew. She had been bursting at the seams, eager to deliver the news about their plan to blackmail a sitting United Americas Supreme Court Justice.

  Victor had listened to her betrayal as she undressed to join him in bed. Then Morgan had turned her animated energy to other pursuits, temporarily distracting him from his work for the Assembly and Director Kane.

  Now, after all the plans had been revealed and Winnie Durham and her crew were putting their little plan into action, Victor had the chance to put that infuriating chanter girl away for good, and pick up Artos Merrilyn along the way as well. Director Kane would be pleased with him and Victor would finally be getting that inspector’s shield.

  Morgan’s information was detailed, and because she would be an integral part of the plan through the entire operation, Victor would be close to everything they did along the way.

  In a few hours, she would be up and going to school. Then she would be working their con on the judge’s daughter. Victor had considered rescuing Meredith before they pulled their con and stripped her charm. In the end, he thought it was better that she got what was coming, with the added value of catching the crew with a particularly nasty piece of Sable Magic.

  It would be impossible to weasel out from under this at the other end, regardless of their connections. By the day’s end, he’d have Winnie Durham exactly where he wanted her.


  Winnie was surprised to see Morgan show up in an upscale looking, tight red dress, cut low in front and open at the back, totally unlike anything she’d be seen in under normal circumstances. Winnie had given her sister some cash to go shopping so she’d look the part of the jilted debutante.

  The whole sordid affair was to take place at an outdoor cotillion put on by the Temperance League’s Ladies Auxiliary. Meredith Harriman was sure to be there, along with several other society types.

  The con group was to meet at Charmed, then travel to the event in separate vehicles. Tris was there already, in her capacity as a recently-hired part-time tech to maintain magical charms on the fountains and the grounds.

  Danny arrived in his rich boy get up — khaki slacks, blue button-down shirt, and navy blazer. He looked spectacular. Winnie had to muffle her jealousy, with Morgan being the one to wear a hot dress and spend time with him. Her mind drifted back to the time they’d spent alone after her mother had gone to bed two nights before. Now that was magic.

  Danny blurted, “Wow, Morgan, I’m so used to seeing you dressed down in jeans and a tee, I forgot that you’re actually a girl.”

  “Gee, thanks, lover boy,” Morgan said. “Don’t let my sister hear you talking like that.”

  “Too late, sis,” Winnie said. “We’ll talk about it later. Once this is finished.”

  Danny raised his hands in surrender. “I know when I’m outnumbered. I give up.” He laughed with the girls before getting back to business. “So, Winnie, any last-minute changes?”

  “No. Cait and Joey are tracking Meredith now. She’s already on her way to the event. You two should get on the road — it’s important to get in position for your little act. We need time for her to work her magic on you. With Morgan’s input, of course.”

  “And you’re sure I can resist the charm’s full effects?” Danny asked.

  “I made these just for you.” Winnie reached into her pocket and handed Danny a small velvet-lined black box. He held her eyes as he opened the box. Inside were the counter-charms she’d crafted to protect him from every type of lust, love, and passion charm she knew of, and several others described by Artos, just in case. Danny pulled a heavy gold bracelet from the box and whistled, then laughed while pointing at a giant gold medallion.

  “This must have set you back a pretty penny.”

  “Nope. I told Artos he should pony up some seed money. I told him our plan and he gave us these two items to fill out your character.”

  “I look gaudy with all this gold.”

  “That’s the point, Danny. We need her, and maybe everyone there, to hate you on sight.”

  “This won’t be easy. I’m naturally lovable.”

  “Well, for today, please channel your inner tool. You’re going to need it. Alright, you two. Load up and get going. I’ll follow when Joey spins around to pick me up. Once you get the drop on her, we’re heading straight to Justice Harriman’s home to deliver the bad news about his daughter. We don’t want her having a change of heart and coming clean on her own.”

  “Shall we?” Danny offered Morgan the crook of his elbow.

  “No time like the p
resent. I guess it’s time to see this through.” Morgan linked arms with Danny and the two of them left the shop for the cotillion.

  Her phone chirped with a text from Joey. He was there there to pick her up. She, Joey and Cait were the cavalry. If something went wrong with the con, they’d be close in the van, there to pick everyone up and make their getaway.

  Winnie locked the shop door, then climbed inside the van’s passenger seat. Joey was smiling ear to ear behind the wheel. It was a joy to see him smiling for once. Surely his mirth came from finding a use for himself in the crew, even now that his magic had been stripped. Being the getaway driver for a criminal enterprise might not be much, but for him, it was all about little victories.

  “Ready, boss lady?” he asked.

  “Ready. Let’s get this girl. Stop her scam with one of our own.”

  Joey nodded, put the van in gear, and drove off into twilight.


  They arrived at the cotillion just as the event was beginning.

  Cait checked the location spell in everyone’s phones and saw that Danny had just arrived with Morgan. Winnie shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable.

  Waiting was all they could do.

  Cait tapped on the van’s rear door, then opened the back and climbed inside. “Is everything working? I placed the charms wherever I could while posing as a waitress.”

  Winnie checked. She pulled out a tablet. She had cast a specific set of clairvoyance charms on several random objects for Cait to drop around the venue. She closed her eyes and worked a new set of the clairvoyance charms on the tablet. When she opened her eyes, she could see a multi-view display of the scene unfolding inside. When she tapped on any of the six video squares, the view expanded and she could hear the sound from that location.

  Joey looked at her, his grin giant. “Wow, Winnie. I didn’t think your plan to watch was going to work. This is amazing.”

  Winnie nodded. “There was no way for Cait and Tris to get working technology inside to view the event from out here, undetected. I don’t think anyone suspected that magic would be used. I got the idea from Cait, modeled on an intelligence gathering charm she learned in the army.”

  “I never thought I’d use that one in civilian life. Goes to show you never know.” Cait settled into a seat behind Winnie, looking at the screen propped up on the dashboard. She pointed to one of the squares. “There they are.”

  Winnie followed Cait’s finger. She saw Danny and Morgan enter the central part of the gardens. Danny’s voice came over the speaker.

  “Douche-daddy to home-base, douche-daddy to home-base. All things GO. Target in sight.”

  Winnie rolled her eyes. “He’s having way too much fun.”

  Cait pointed at another of the squares and Winnie expanded it for a better view. They saw Meredith Harriman standing by the punch bowl.

  It was all starting soon.

  Winnie switched views again, then expanded the frame so they could see all three of them in the wider screen. Just in time. They watched as Morgan turned, tossed her drink in Danny’s face, and began a tirade against him right in front of Meredith.

  “Do you think I’m another one of your tramps? Do you think you can just make everything better by taking me out to one of these stupid galas? I saw you texting. Who is she this time? That little chanter minx you’ve been fooling around with?”

  “Take it easy, honey, you’re making a scene,” Danny said to Morgan, using a pocket handkerchief to mop at the drink on his face.

  “Don’t tell me to take it easy. I’m through with you, and with your crap!”

  Morgan reached over and slapped Danny’s face, then stormed out of view.

  Joey said, “Damn. We should’ve brought popcorn.”

  Danny stood in shock as the onlookers paused, before settling into hushed conversations in small groups around him. Winnie and the others in the van looked from Danny to Meredith on-screen. Research said she targeted men who were unfaithful to their women. It was now or never if this was going to work.

  “Come on, Meredith, go get him,” Winnie whispered, leaning forward in her seat.

  “Ooh,” Cait exclaimed. “There she goes.”

  Meredith set down her drink, gathered a few napkins from the table beside the punchbowl, and took them to Danny.

  “Watch her right hand,” Winnie said. “She has to twist her sapphire ring there three times to activate the charm.”

  Cait tapped around the screen, searching for a better angle. She found one she liked and filled the screen.

  Meredith handed Danny the napkins.

  “Thanks. I should never have brought her to something like this. She’s a total psycho, but I felt sorry for her. My mistake. On the plus side, I did get to feel the kindness of a stranger.” He extended a hand to Meredith. “I’m Danny Barber.”

  “Meredith Harriman. So, you think she overreacted?”

  “Of course. You don’t behave that way in public. I was texting a friend, that’s all. We have history, but that’s no reason to go crazy.”

  “Indeed.” Meredith grasped her right hand in her left.

  Winnie pointed to screen and they all watched Meredith twist her ring. “We’ve got her,” she said, her fist in the air.

  Now it got interesting. Danny’s charms should resist the effects, allowing him to act as if he were under Meredith’s control while steering her to do exactly what they wanted.

  Danny stopped talking and stood perfectly still.

  Meredith smiled at him and cupped his cheek in her hand. “Do you have a car? I’d love for you to show me all the most expensive things you own, especially anything magic.”

  “My car is just outside. I have a few favorites in the glove box.”

  “Well, then, take my hand and we’ll leave together.”

  Winnie clapped then turned to Joey. “That’s it. He did it. Let’s go grab our wayward debutante.”

  Joey turned the engine and they pulled around from where they were parked on the street to the end of the lot. Cait slipped on leather gloves and moved to the van’s sliding side door.

  Danny and Meredith exited the building and started walking towards his car.

  “Now,” Winnie said.

  Joey gunned the engine and raced down the lot’s central lane towards the pair.

  Meredith looked up in alarm as they stopped a few feet away and opened the side door. Cait leaned out, grabbed the startled woman, and yanked her back inside the van.

  Winnie muttered a few words, flinging her fingers toward Meredith.

  This was the part of the plan the others had argued against. They didn’t want Winnie casting this spell — one of the forbidden Sable Charms designed to incapacitate its victim. She felt the surge of adrenaline — pleasure kissing her soul at the casting — as she hurled the spell at their captive.

  Meredith went limp in Cait’s arms, her struggle ceasing as the ex-soldier closed the van door just as it drove away.

  Winnie tied off the flows and felt an instant loss inside her. Emptiness lingered for minutes before it finally faded. That was why the others didn’t want her casting such a thing. Joey’s prior addiction had taught him how serious dabbling in such spells could be. She shrugged off the feeling of loss, proud of how easily she’d overcome the urge to hold the spell longer.

  She could do this.

  Cait removed the sapphire ring from Meredith’s limp finger and handed it to Winnie. She inspected it in the magical spectrum and saw an intricate weave of nasty magic.

  This was what they were looking for. Now to visit the judge and confront him with the recordings and his wayward granddaughter. Winnie would use a truth charm to encourage her veracity. The threat to expose her crimes would be enough to get the judge right where they wanted.

  By the time they met with Danny an hour later, the spell on Meredith was wearing off and she could walk to his car with support. They put her in the tiny back, then Winnie got in the passenger seat while Danny wa

  They waved to Joey and Cait — they’d pick up Tris and meet them back at the shop — then the van sped away.

  Winnie looked at Danny. “So … did you feel her spell at all, or did my charms work?”

  “I felt a tingling when she twisted her ring, so I knew she was doing something. But other than that, I feel fine. You should know better than to doubt yourself.”

  “I’ll keep the primary control charm in place while you drive, but we shouldn’t keep her this way long. She needs to talk if we expect to finish this.”

  The drive took them to the city’s outskirts, a residential neighborhood with enormous homes nestled on a hill, overlooking the road below. Each had a gated access road with a keypad for entry. They’d already verified that Meredith had the code for her grandfather’s home. When they arrived, Winnie turned and looked in the back seat where the blond debutante sat staring back with an empty expression.

  “Meredith, what’s the code for your grandfather’s driveway?” Winnie asked.


  “Thank you, Meredith.”

  Winnie turned to the front and Danny leaned out the driver’s window to reach for the keypad. He punched a single digit, then the iron gate hummed to life, yawning open.

  “What the … !” Winnie exclaimed.

  Danny pointed to a surveillance camera mounted over the gate. “Maybe they recognized her in the back and think we’re bringing her home?”

  Winnie shrugged, then motioned for Danny to drive.

  She itched between her shoulders.

  Something was wrong.

  They pulled up to a broad, circular drive, leading to the front entrance of a brick mansion. Danny parked next to another car there and got out, helping Winnie get the slightly groggy girl out of the back.

  The trio walked up the broad flagstone steps to the front. Winnie reached out to ring the bell but was interrupted by the opening door.


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