Pure Ecstasy

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Pure Ecstasy Page 27

by Aja James

  She leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to claim you,” she murmured.

  Then searched his eyes, for he still hadn’t the strength to respond.

  “You’re not angry that we’re Mated now, are you? It’s rather tricky to undo it. Death is definitely still a possibility. But if you really want—”

  He grasped the hand that she held over his heart and squeezed, his strength slowly but surely returning.

  “Why?” he rasped, his dark gray eyes boring into hers, for once showing everything he felt, all the pain and vulnerability and love in his heart.

  He let her know how much her answer meant to him, that it was in her power alone to devastate or restore him.

  Her smile turned wry, then disappeared with a grimace.

  “You’re going to make me say it out loud, aren’t you? I’ll sound like such a fool. Those weaklings I’ve always made fun of, with their heads in the clouds…”

  He squeezed her hand again.

  Yes, he needed to hear her say it.

  “Very well, Pure One,” she admitted with chagrin, and took a deep breath as if to brace herself.

  And finally, she confessed clearly, as if throwing a gauntlet down:

  “I love you.”

  He exhaled deeply, the breath shuddering out of his body.

  He pulled her down to him and kissed her slow, his still broken body shaking with the intensity of his feelings, the unfathomable depth of his love for her.

  “Jade…” he rasped into her mouth, his wounded heart thundering and flailing against his breast bone.

  “I need…”

  She knew what he needed.

  She knew how to heal him.

  With a shimmer and a shrug, she shed the silky sheath she wore and laid her naked body on top of his.

  He gasped at the feel of their bare skin touching, as if for the very first time, as if he were branded by her heat.

  Brought back to life.

  He was sore and stinging with fiery pain everywhere, his tissues and bones and organs mending as fast as they could.

  Yet his need for her was paramount, as he grew hard and thick and long, ready to fill her, ready for her to welcome him home.

  She stared down into his eyes as she held his face between her palms.

  Love me, he silently beseeched her, his heart and soul burning in the stormy gray pools of his gaze.

  Show me.

  She’d never loved him with her whole self, even though she’d given him pleasure. There was always a contract between them, even when they pretended to be more.

  She’d broken his heart every time she used him, and all the pain he’d bottled inside glistened in the tears he kept contained in the stormy gray clouds of his eyes.

  In the back of his mind, he knew what he meant to her. She’d Bonded her life force to his. She’d vowed never to take a Mate, and yet she took him.

  But he needed to feel it.

  He needed to feel her love more than he needed to breathe.

  “I’m sorry,” she uttered simply, and shed the tears that he held back, as if she felt everything he felt, as she finally understood how much he’d sacrificed to be close to her.

  “For all the times I hurt you,” she whispered. “For all the cruel words I said. For all the savage things I did. For trying to conquer a male who could never be conquered. I know now that he can only be won. And only when he chooses to give himself.”

  She peppered soft kisses on his mouth, his brow, his thick, bristly lashes, his cheeks and the dimple in his chin.

  “Thank you for the gift of you. I promise to spend the rest of eternity cherishing you.”

  This time when she kissed him, it was deep and passionate, and he responded in kind, desperate to drink in her love for him, desperate to piece together the shattered pieces of his heart.

  Time lost meaning as they devoured each other; they didn’t even want to separate long enough to come up for air.

  They became each other’s oxygen, food and water. And the longer she kissed him, the stronger he grew.

  Until finally, he rolled her beneath him, their bodies aligning perfectly on their own accord.

  Her thighs immediately opened to him, her breasts going soft at the press of his chest.

  His sex pulsed heavily at her entrance, and she wriggled greedily for his possession.

  But Seth held still above her, poised on the precipice of their joining.

  He stared down into her liquid sapphire eyes and waited.

  She grew still and silent beneath him, her breath frozen with anticipation in her lungs, as she stared back.

  Slowly, he flexed his hips and pushed the head of his penis inside, making her shudder at his fullness and strength, at the way he stretched her and made her clutch him tight.

  Who is inside you now? his heart asked hers, as he painstakingly gained another inch.

  You are, she answered him.

  Seth. My Seth.

  Yes, he acknowledged, flexing again to dig deeper, his body quivering with his iron restraint. And when I’m inside you, loving you, you’re mine too.

  Say it.

  She held his face in her hands as she held her eyes with her own and vowed:

  “I’m yours, Seth. I love you forever.”

  With a fractured groan he thrust all the way home.

  There was no finesse after that. No control and no restraint.

  Almost violently, desperately, he surged within her, his body driving hers with a mindless need.

  She clutched him to her just as savagely, clawing his back to pull him closer, deeper, into her.

  When she orgasmed on the first wave of ecstasy, she latched onto his throat in wild abandon.

  He shuddered from her penetration but didn’t break his brutal pace, pounding into her so hard she had to brace one hand against the headboard of his bed.

  Somehow, the harder he plowed into her, the tighter she squeezed him, voraciously milking him for that which she desired most.

  His balls drew so tight they burned with pain from the need for release, but still he held back.

  He was afraid to be broken again.

  A vampire could Mate without being in love. Despite everything she said and did, he was afraid.

  And then her arms grew soft around his torso, her fingers gently weaving into his wavy hair.

  Trust me, husband, she beseeched him with her heart.

  Trust in my love for you.

  With a hoarse shout, he came apart for her, releasing endlessly against her core.

  She came apart too on a sultry moan, her body ravenously drinking him in.

  And then he felt it—the blast of healing energy from her core. Shooting like lightning into his blood, into every molecule and cell.

  The euphoria was so consuming, he was robbed of strength, even as he felt the infusion of a vitality he’d never known before follow immediately on its heels.

  She pulled her fangs out of his neck and licked his wounds closed.

  She pushed until he rolled onto his back with her draped bonelessly on top of him.

  She thrust her tongue into his mouth and kissed him deep as his body shivered through the last waves of his release.

  And finally, when they were able to breathe normally again, when their heartbeats returned to a more sedate rhythm, she smiled down at him with triumph.

  “How does my love feel to you, husband mine?”

  With his eyes opened only a sliver, his exhausted but utterly happy smile was her answer.

  For a moment, she turned solemn, her eyes a piercing blue.

  “I will never again give you cause to doubt my love, I promise. I love you more than my hard-won independence. I love you more than my rule. I love you more than all the pleasures across all the world. I love you more than life itself. I would rather be your wife for a day than be a queen for eternity. I would go through my lives and deaths all over again just to have the chance
to meet you, love you, claim you.”

  She kissed him soundly at the end of her speech.

  Then added for good measure, “I love you. My Seth.”

  He held her sapphire gaze and gave one nod of acceptance.

  He knew it. He felt it.

  His body, heart and soul healed because of it.

  For a time, they were silent, simply breathing each other in.

  And then she asked him, “What were your three requests? You’ve only told me one.”

  “I hadn’t thought that far,” he admitted, and she understood that what he meant was that he hadn’t expected to live out the full duration of their contract.

  “I only wanted to protect you. Sometimes you need extra inducement to make the best decision for your own welfare.”

  “And you thought a Dark Consort would protect me?”

  “It would have helped. The Dark nobles who are against you wouldn’t have been able to use your lack of one as an excuse to remove you from the throne. The Consort himself would have bolstered your strength and legitimacy.”

  “But I didn’t want a Dark Consort,” she said as she covered his heart again with her hand.

  “I wanted you.”

  “Then that would have been my second request—that you never think of me again.”

  “But why?”

  She levered herself up to look into his eyes.

  The dark gray pools filled with pain.

  “The only way you could have kept me with you is as your Blood Slave,” he uttered low.

  “It would have fueled the Dark nobles’ fervor for enslaving my Kind once more. Beyond that, even if you tied my life force to yours so that I could not die, it would have…”

  He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

  “It would have killed me to be used that way by you. And if you took a Consort or Mate… It hurts…I can’t…”

  He broke their gaze and looked down, clenching his jaw.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again and held him tightly to her, her hand over his heart radiating soothing warmth.

  She’d spend the rest of eternity making it up to him. For all the times she’d hurt him.

  “And the third request?” she murmured, pressing a soft kiss against his mouth.

  But before he could answer, she clarified her meaning.

  “Forget everything you were going to request before. I am no longer queen. I don’t need to please anyone but myself and you. What would you ask for if you had one wish? Something that only I can grant you? I would do anything. Ask me anything.”

  He looked deeply into her eyes, and the pain in his gaze slowly but surely receded.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled in that irresistible way that made her practically pant with all-consuming lust.

  And now, all-consuming love.

  “Give me ecstasy,” he said in that low and husky voice.

  “Give me you.”


  So, here’s how it all went down, in case you were wondering.

  As I hear Jade Cicada tell it, anyway. Though her Chosen backs up her story.

  After she chose her Consort—Alend Ramses—they made it official in a vampire rite.

  Immediately thereafter, Jade (yes, we’re on a first-name basis now that I’ve let it all hang out with her) threw down the ultimate bomb:

  She’s abdicating the throne.

  I can imagine there were all kinds of WTFs amongst the Dark nobles gathered for the event.

  With her resignation, the rule falls to her newly established ex-Consort, unless anyone chooses to Challenge him for the top spot.

  Apparently, Ramses is a formidable, badass warrior male, because nobody present did Challenge him.

  He’s also rumored to be the most ancient vampire within the Hive, giving his claim to the throne legitimacy on his own merits, though no one really knows his origins or his age.

  One by one, they all swore allegiance to their new ruler—the first-ever Dark King—who holds dominion over the strongest vampire Hive in the world.

  I am encouraged to pay my respects, since the Pure-Dark alliance with the New England Hive is still ongoing. Though the Chosen’s Commander, Maximus, advises that I should give the new vampire king some time to settle into his role and make his own decisions.

  I can pick up on what’s not being said, that Ramses may not feel as kindly toward the Pure Ones as Jade does.

  So, okay, the Pure-Dark alliance is up for debate. We’ll just have to wait and see which way Ramses leans.

  The Chosen debated whether they would follow Jade or remain with the new King. Jade persuaded them to support Ramses, and Ramses was appreciative of their support. They would need to ramp up recruitment for new members, however, since they’re now down by two.

  Meanwhile, Jade has decided to take up residence at the Shield, as my Consul’s Blooded Mate.

  Not sure how she feels about the demotion—must be hard going from the most powerful queen in the vampire world to someone’s “housewife,” so to speak. But she seems to be taking it in stride.

  I suspect she’ll quickly lord it over us all, even without formal authority.

  One person she never seems able to lord over, or perhaps she simply doesn’t want to, is Seth.

  She practically melts when he’s near, and blushes like crazy, often tucking a strand of hair behind her ear or wetting her lips or pulling on her earlobe.

  It makes me smile to see such a dominant female get so fidgety around the male she adores. All he has to do is look at her, and Goddess forbid—crinkle his eyes at her—and she goes all boneless with sighs and batting lashes.

  Pretty soon, we’ll hold a ritual for the two lovebirds to seal the deal as Eternal Mates as well, just like we did for Tal and Ishtar not so long ago.

  For some reason, though, they tend to call each other “wife” and “husband.” It’s anybody’s guess whether there would be a “wedding” in the future as well.

  All I know is, they’ve been nonstop enjoying their “honeymoon” since the night Jade showed up at our doorstep to see her male and save him from the Decline or join him in the beyond.

  I’m very, very happy she saved him.

  Not one to slack off, Jade offered to help out wherever we might need her. With her healing abilities, she’ll be a great partner to Rain, and apparently they already know each other.

  I can see a lifelong friendship on the horizon.

  Jade’s presence comforts Rain greatly, because Wan’er decided to strike out on her own, not even staying long enough to say a proper goodbye, leaving only a note behind to explain that she’s dedicating herself to establishing and running medical clinics for humans who can’t afford them. She’s already started ones in Boston and NYC, and she has ambitions to expand her work more broadly.

  With Jade in our midst, Inanna, Gabriel and their son, Benji (one of my favorite people in the world), have decided to officially join our extended family.

  Inanna and Gabriel will be members of the Elite warriors, despite being vampires. They have Pure souls, after all.

  And hey, who said vampires can’t be part of the Elite?

  Am I or am I not the Queen of the Pure Ones?

  As such, I decreed that Dark Ones, humans, and whatever else race is out there, is welcome to join our inner circle if they so desire.

  I have a feeling we’re going to need all the help we can get in the days ahead.

  Benji, believe it or not, is starting to study the Zodiac Scrolls. Even at almost eight years old, he’s a huge help to Eveline. I have no doubt he will make a superb Scribe one day if that’s something he’d like to do.

  With Eveline, Seth, Ayelet, Rain and me rounding out the Circlet members, we’re now a complete team for the first time in three years.

  I’m still holding an extra spot for Dalair, for when he comes back.

  Nobody said the “Dozen” can’t be more than twelve.

  Eveline assures me that she found nothing in the Zo
diac Scrolls or Prophesies that forbid vampires or other races from being part of our royal inner circle, oddly enough. Nor did she find out why everything revolves around the number twelve.

  But honestly, even if there had been dire threats and warnings, I don’t think I would have heeded them.

  All I have to do is look at Tal and Ishtar, Inanna and Gabriel, and now Seth and Jade, to see that Destiny is what we make of it.

  For the first time ever in the history of the races, our Kinds have come together in one united front—Pure Ones, Dark Ones and humans alike.

  Didn’t I tell you that darkness is in all of us?

  And so is light.

  As well as all the colors of life in between.

  Like the burning fires of our souls, blazing bravely against all odds, each and every one uniquely gorgeous in its varying hues.

  I see them all, like the aurora borealis dancing in the night sky.

  In these moments I think to myself:

  Darkness is beautiful too.

  Excerpt from Book #8 Dark Obsession

  Chapter One

  Three months ago.

  Simca stretched out lazily on Maximus’ gigantic bed and proceeded to meticulously bathe herself with her sandpaper tongue until her fur glistened a bluish black in the darkened room.

  Given the city lights that flashed from the nightscape outside through the floor-to-ceiling window beside the bed, Simca saw everything with crystal clarity through her predatory feline eyes. In fact, she’d see even more clearly if the room was submerged in total darkness.

  The shower turned off in the en suite bathroom, making Simca pause in her ablutions and raise her head with alertness.

  A few seconds later, Maximus emerged through the open doorway, in the process of toweling off his hair, the rest of his freshly washed body still damp from the shower but drying quickly under the blast of the central AC and the heat of his skin.

  Simca tilted her head slightly. His internal temperature seemed hotter than usual. Something was bothering her warrior.

  He forgot his toweling for a moment and simply stood there fuming, his face a grim mask, his brows slammed down over his eyes, his mouth a tight line.


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