Kitt: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides #4 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

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Kitt: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides #4 (Intergalactic Dating Agency) Page 1

by Tasha Black


  Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides #4 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  Tasha Black

  13th Story Press

  Copyright © 2017 by 13th Story Press All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  13th Story Press PO Box 506 Swarthmore, PA 19081

  [email protected]


  Tasha Black Starter Library



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Remington (Sample)

  1. Addy

  2. Remington

  Tasha Black Starter Library

  Intergalactic Dating Agency

  About the Author

  One Percent Club

  Tasha Black Starter Library

  Packed with steamy shifters, mischievous magic, billionaire superheroes, and plenty of HEAT, the Tasha Black Starter Library is the perfect way to dive into Tasha's unique brand of Romance with Bite!

  Get your FREE books now!


  Summer loving never happened so fast…

  From USA Today bestseller Tasha Black comes the anticipated second season of the sizzling Stargazer series...

  Honey McCarthy is a dancer with a penchant for bad boys. When her summer job teaching ballroom classes at a family resort in the Catskills turns into a matchmaking gig for smoking hot fugitive aliens she’s not sure who she can trust - the friends who have had her back all summer, or the handsome stranger who visits her dreams.

  Kitt has been sent to Earth for one purpose, to fill one woman with as much pleasure as she can bear - a mission he would enjoy very much if Honey would stop second-guessing herself and accept his touch. But Kitt will be lucky if Honey can keep herself out of harm’s way long enough to give in to the hunger he sees in her eyes.

  When an ex-flame threatens to extinguish the woman he loves, Kitt will have to decide between celestial peace and his urgent need to protect Honey.

  About the Stargazer Alien Brides series:

  Educated about humankind by the 1980s movies that came to them in an interstellar time capsule, these gorgeous gentlemen are eager to meet Earth girls...

  Season 1 focused on three couples in a small Pennsylvania town, featuring Bond, Rocky and Magnum.

  Season 2 follows the story to a resort in the Catskills where three new couples meet. Kitt tells the first part of this new story, with more to come in Remington and Indiana...


  Chapter 1


  Honey McCarthy danced, naked and alone, in the normally crowded staff commons cabin.

  She swayed, shimmied and pirouetted, her body singing with the pleasure of dancing her own way - a wild mix of ballet and modern - far from the straight lines of the ballroom dancing she taught the guests down at the resort.

  She should have been embarrassed, but there was no one else around.

  And she knew it was only a dream.

  Honey had been having this same dream almost every night for the past few weeks. But tonight it felt so real.

  The fragrant night air brought a welcome respite from the heat of the summer day. Honey enjoyed the sensuous kiss of the cool breeze against her skin as she moved. Soft music was playing from somewhere nearby, though she couldn’t tell exactly where.

  Honey didn’t care. She danced on, knowing something wonderful was coming.

  The screened walls of the porch-like cabin let in the view of the woods and the lake on every side. The staff commons cabin was on a hilltop, far above the emerald lawn and stone cottages of Maxwell’s Family Resort.

  In the dream, instead of one moon reflecting on the black surface of the midnight lake, there were three. She always noticed the triple moons right before the best part.

  He would be there soon.

  It always happened the same way.

  One moment she would be dancing alone, and the next there would be a man watching her.

  He didn’t approach from any direction, didn’t enter through the door. He was just… there.

  The man in her dream was always the same, all flashing eyes and glistening muscle, an enormous brute with masculine features and an inquisitive half-smile.

  The frank curiosity in his expression never seemed quite fitting in the presence of a naked woman dancing in the moonlight. Honey was very beautiful, according to her long list of creepy ex-boyfriends. She was used to the way most men looked at her.

  But this man, this particular man, always seemed more interested in her dancing. He watched her as if mesmerized by the movements of her limbs, by the swirl of the air in her wake.

  Honey shivered a little in anticipation of his arrival.

  She moved in time with the music, her heart in perfect sync with the rhythm, each limb an extension of the melody.

  Suddenly, she was dancing in slow motion, her hair floating around her head as she pivoted.

  He was there.

  She spun to find him. Her exertion was the same as before and so was her momentum, but somehow his presence was slowing down time, letting her appreciate the stretch and extension of each movement, see the shapes she drew in the darkness.

  And then the music stopped and she came to rest before him.

  He studied her solemnly, his eyes moving upward from her feet.

  She tried not to shy away. Honey knew her dancing was beautiful but she was more athletic than the average woman and curvier than any ballerina.

  The man, on the other hand, looked like a movie star or an underwear model. He was clearly out of her league.

  But he didn’t seem to be disappointed. Though he showed no outward sign of disrespect, the time he took bringing his eyes up to hers told her he was memorizing every inch of her body with his inquisitive gaze.

  She felt herself responding to his unasked question, nipples stiffening, an empty ache tightening in her belly.

  She had never met the man before. Yet when his gray eyes met hers, the feeling was oddly familiar, like coming home and exploring exotic locales all at once.

  Electricity crackled in the air and she felt the pull between them, inescapable as gravity.

  A red light bloomed in her periphery, like fireworks reflecting on the lake, though she heard nothing and she couldn’t bear to tear her eyes from his to look.

  She had the sinking feeling that always came when she had to talk with someone new. Honey wasn’t much of a talker, especially small talk or subtle flirtation. And she didn’t want to ruin this.

  But he surprised her by taking her in his arms without saying a word.

  And then
they were both dancing in the gentle summer breeze.

  His large warm hands molded her waist and hips as they swayed, rising and sinking to the strange music that swelled mysteriously around them.

  Chapter 2

  Honey awoke to the sounds of her roommates preparing for the day.

  Nearly the entire staff of Maxwell’s Family Resort shared two large bunk rooms, but Honey was exceptionally lucky. As the head dance instructor she had a private cabin shared with only two other women - Nikki Fortune, the head theatrical instructor, and Addy Barnes, the head swim coach. Honey and Addy had been working together at Maxwell’s since high school and their place in this coveted cabin was the culmination of a lot of hard work and answered prayers. Nikki was new to Maxwell’s this year, but her high spirits and good nature made her a welcome addition to the cabin. The three were already becoming fast friends.

  The cabin consisted of a small common living room with a vaulted ceiling from which hung an ancient metal ceiling fan. Curving around three walls of the living room was a sort of u-shaped series of bedrooms - three tiny alcoves really, each just large enough for a bunk and nothing more. Best of all was the tiny bathroom complete with a metal stall shower. That meant no more using a communal bathroom with the rest of the staff.

  The whole front of the cedar shake building was screened so that it felt a bit like a cabin and a bit like a porch.

  It might be modest, but compared to sharing space with nineteen other employees in the staff ladies’ bunkhouse as they had in years past, it was practically the lap of luxury.

  Nikki was singing in the shower. Not a musical number, as you would expect from the theatre girl, but a Cyndi Lauper tune from the eighties. Nikki was kind of an eighties buff. Which had turned out not to be nearly as annoying as Honey had worried when Nikki first told them.

  “Come on, Nikki,” Addy yelled good-naturedly. “We all need a shower.”

  Addy was the head swim instructor. She was really nice, but had kind of a split personality. She was known around the resort as a party girl. But Honey knew she wanted to be a doctor one day, and was super-serious about it most of the time.

  Honey suspected that Addy wouldn’t be here at all, except that her parents had met at the resort when they were in college, and had probably pressed her to come. In Honey’s opinion, that was for the best. Poor Addy might have long ago lost herself between the pages of an MCAT study guide if not for the bracing fresh air and plentiful mosquito bites of a summer at Maxwell’s. And Addy didn’t seem to mind. She was that rare breed of person that could compartmentalize the different aspects of her life. While she was at camp, she was all-in. No study sessions or worrying over test scores like the other nine months of the year. As things were, normally uptight Addy became so laid-back in the summers that she seemed like a completely different person.

  “You up, Honey?” Addy’s footsteps headed her way.

  “Yes,” Honey said, wishing she could go back into the arms of the mysterious stranger. Unfortunately, he was only a dream. Whereas her booked solid day of dance lessons was very, very real.

  Addy looked a little frustrated, so Honey decided to lighten the mood. “Nikki’s still in the shower, huh?”

  Addy got the hint immediately, and a glint of mischief appeared in her eyes. “Want to turn off the hot water valve?”

  Honey laughed. “We’d better not.”

  “I don’t know.” Addy shook her head. “It was pretty effective last time.”

  “Yes, but she promised revenge if we ever did it again,” Honey reminder her.

  “Nikki,” Addy yelled, dashing to the shower curtain. “Honey says if you don’t stop singing and get out she’s going to turn off the hot water again.”

  The singing stopped.

  The water kept going.

  “Did you tell her I’m going to seek vengeance on her if she does that?” Nikki’s voice barely contained her laughter.

  Honey felt a little worried anyway.

  “She says step away from the shower,” Addy said.

  Nikki laughed, but the shower curtain slid open and she came out, wrapping a towel around herself.

  Addy grinned and pulled her nightgown over her head, stepping into the steaming water as Nikki dashed over to her bunk for clothes.

  “I’ll be out in two seconds,” Addy announced to Honey.

  Addy spent all day in the pool and lake and then showered the chlorine out of her hair each night. Honey was mystified as to why the woman needed to shower in the morning at all. In her more creative moments she sometimes wondered if Addy might actually be part mermaid or a fish or something. Maybe she should really be worrying about how Addy could stay dry for eight hours each night…

  “Your turn,” Addy said happily, popping out and grabbing a towel.

  “Thanks,” Honey said, stepping into the heavenly steaming water. She closed her eyes and she could almost hear the haunting music from her dream.

  Chapter 3

  Honey pressed the remote to start up the music again.

  It was almost lunchtime, and the relaxing feeling from her morning was all but forgotten. Her shins ached from being kicked so much, but she was determined that this year’s demonstration dance would be the tango, so her shins would just have to deal with it.

  She returned to Wade Travers as he tapped his foot impatiently. He was a big strong guy, and handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes.

  Honey had learned the hard way that he was also a self-important ass.

  Wade was not the man of her dreams - literally or figuratively.

  But he was the dance partner of her current reality.

  “Okay,” Honey said. “Let’s listen for the slow counts. Remember, you’re stepping forward left first, then forward right, okay?”

  “Why are you wearing that?” Wade’s voice was slightly whiny. He liked when she wore a sports bra and leggings, as she did when teaching the advanced ballroom class.

  Today she’d thrown a practice dress on top for his session. He’d gotten too grabby last time and she didn’t want to be accused of leading him on, or any of the other awful things he charged her with from time to time.

  He could have any girl in the place. Honey had no idea why he was still obsessed with her. They’d gone out for a little while, and she’d been taken by his good looks, at first.

  But those few weeks of casual dating had led Honey to recognize pretty quickly that they weren’t meant to be.

  Unfortunately, those same few weeks were apparently enough to lead Wade to think he owned her forever.

  “We need to be ready for the performance,” she said with as much patience as she could muster. “The dress is important to get used to.”

  Wade didn’t bother to answer. He was pouting.

  “You know, you don’t have to do this,” she offered for about the hundredth time. “I can ask Thaddeus Klein.”

  Suddenly Wade pulled her close, his hand on her waist too tight for dancing. “Are you trying to make me jealous?”

  “Of what?” she asked, trying to extricate herself from his grasp.

  He resisted letting her go at first, and then released her just as she was beginning to get scared.

  It was always this way with Wade. He was just creepy enough to get her hackles up and then he eased off before it got to the point that she could say he was unequivocally doing something wrong.

  If he’d been any other guest, she would have pawned him off on another instructor by now. But Wade’s father was a major stakeholder in the resort. And the resort wasn’t exactly swimming in money these days. Every time another stakeholder died, the widow cashed out and moved on. Soon there might be no more Maxwell’s.

  “I was only kidding,” he smirked. “Do you want to dance or not?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Of course.”

  He held her properly and they began again.

  Honey let the music flow through her until it sizzled in her chest. Then she began.

  “One, t
wo, three, four,” she whispered to Wade.

  He began on the correct foot this time and she didn’t get kicked on the turn.

  He was staring through her, a look of fierce concentration stiffening his features. Wade wasn’t a natural, but he was doing his best and she did appreciate it.

  “Arms,” she whispered.

  He straightened his arms slightly. Then he stepped on her foot.

  “Damn it,” he said, stopping.

  “You’re fine,” she told him. “That was so much better.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and she started the music again as they got back into position.

  “One, two, three, four,” she whispered.

  He stepped on her foot immediately.

  She winced. The oak floor didn’t have much give.

  “Jesus,” he spat.

  “Again,” she said firmly. “One, two, three, four.”

  This time, he got off to a good start. They were just coming up to where they had left off before when her phone gave the double buzz that alerted her to a text message.

  She ignored it. She’d find out who it was later.

  They came to the first turn.

  Wade swung her a little too hard but she managed to stay on her feet and get back to him in time with the rhythm.


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