His Passionate Pioneer

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His Passionate Pioneer Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  "I'm far more likely to be seeking advice," Anna said, as she reached out to stroke Hope's waving hand a last time. "I feel like we are already friends."

  "So do I. It will be wonderful having such a close neighbor, even if our houses are on wheels and pulled by oxen. Instead of having to walk a mile to borrow something, we can just poke our heads in the back of the wagon. Thanks again for coming over, Anna. Come back to meet James soon."

  Chapter Seven

  Anna waved goodbye as Charity climbed up into the wagon to feed her baby. As she walked back towards her own wagon, she almost stumbled as a new thought came into her mind. Blushing furiously, she was glad of the wide brim of her bonnet to hide her face, and crossed her arms across her breasts as if to hide the fact that her nipples had hardened into stiff peaks. When someone stepped in front of her, she jumped back and gave a sharp squeal before realizing it was her husband.

  "You frightened me!"

  Richard took her into his arms and pulled her close before cupping her chin and lifting her face. "What has you so skittish?" he asked, bending to brush a kiss across her lips.

  Anna felt her stomach tingle and her face grow hotter. "Um, nothing. I just didn't see you."

  "Hmm," Richard said, one fingertip stroking down her cheek. "I'm not sure I believe that. You're flushed and your eyes are dreamy. In fact, you look exactly as you did last night in our bed." He grinned as her eyes darted around, as if expecting to see people leaning in close to hear his whispered words. "Of course, last night you didn't have a stitch of clothing on, so I could better see your sweet little nipples all puckered and wanting."

  "Richard!" She was shocked at his words, as well as the fact that he had been able to read her naughty thoughts. Ever since she'd left Charity, all she could think about was the lack of privacy the wagon train afforded. At home, their nearest neighbor was over a mile away. If the way the wagons were placed at this moment was any indication, there wouldn't be twenty feet between neighbors. Forget being overheard if Richard did spank her—they'd be able to hear every moan she made if he made love to her!

  He ignored her small cry as he hugged her and then bent to kiss her breathless. As he released her, she pushed against his chest and looked around.

  "Someone will see you!" she whispered, her face flushed, her lips tingling.

  Richard laughed and bent to kiss her again. "Can you tell me that you weren't having some wanton thoughts?"

  "I didn't realize I'd wed a mind-reader," she said, avoiding giving him a direct answer.

  "You didn't; just a man who wants nothing more than to help you out of those clothes and kiss you all over."

  "Richard!" she squealed again, but then couldn't hold back a giggle as he wagged his eyebrows at her. "You… you don't think it's bad to be wanton?"

  "Anna, you are exactly perfect as you are." This time the kiss was far longer, his tongue slipping between her lips to explore the depths of her mouth. She was even more breathless by the time he released her. "I am the luckiest man on earth, for I have a woman who loves me, and one who is learning the pleasures of making love." He took her hand and led her to the wagon, from which he took a basket and, after he spread a quilt onto the grass, led her to sit down. Her hands were shaking a bit as she unpacked the basket so they could enjoy the lunch her Ma had packed for them. As they dug into the food and he dipped cool water out of the bucket for her, she remembered the package her father had given Richard.

  "What was the present Pa gave you? Did you like it?" she asked, biting into a crisp apple.

  He grinned. "I like it just fine but I'm not sure you will." She looked at him in puzzlement until he added, "He wanted to make sure you took a little bit of home with you and gave me some books."

  "Oh, that's nice." She took another bite and looked up at him. "Why did you say I wouldn't like that? I love to read."

  "And I know I'm going to love hearing you read to me," he said, with a smile that had her stomach flipping. "I can't wait to hear all about the scrapes you got into as a girl." He paused and chuckled. "I understand you have kept quite the record of every one—and are on your fifth journal."

  Anna blushed scarlet and choked on her apple. Richard was quick to slap her on the back until she spit it out. When she'd recovered her composure, she stared at him. "He gave you my pun... punishment journals?"

  The look of disbelief on her face had him grinning even more widely. "Well, due to our space limitation, he only gave me three. Oh, and since he said he most often had to use it on your backend, he also gave me the strap from the barn."

  "No!" she gasped. "He wouldn't!"

  Richard laughed and rose. He retrieved John's gift, as well as another package, from the back of the wagon and sat down again with them in his lap. As he drew back the plain brown wrapping from the largest package, Anna couldn't believe it. The strap was coiled in the paper, sitting on top of some books. He picked it up, running his palm across the leather.

  She gasped and reached out to push his arm down. "Put that down! People will see you."

  He easily countered the pressure on his forearm, doubling the long strap in his hand. "You didn't believe me."

  She gasped again when he tossed the strap to her, and quickly hid it within the folds of her skirt. Hearing his chuckle, she flushed.

  "I have another gift for you," he said, handing her the smaller brown package.

  "Another? I seem to recall Pa gave these gifts to you."

  A deeper chuckle rumbled from his chest. "I do so adore you, little one. Open it."

  Her fingers worked at the knot, not at all sure she wanted to know what was hidden beneath the paper. Once she'd folded it back, she looked up at him, her mouth open.

  "Go on, look at it."

  Anna blushed but hunched over the paddle she'd uncovered; as if to hide it from view.

  She stared at her name, Annabelle Rose Andrews—her full name, not just 'Anna'—that had been had painstakingly carved into the back of the paddle. She looked up at her new husband, shock written clearly on her face.

  He grinned down at her. "I'm guessing you only heard your full name when you knew you were fixin' to be spanked, is that correct?" She could barely breathe, much less speak, and simply nodded her head until Richard said, "Answer me, Annabelle."

  She tore her eyes away from the awful implement. "Yes, sir."

  "That's how I always knew I was getting a hiding, as well."

  Anna looked up at him in surprise. "Your Pa spanked you?" She couldn't imagine this huge man baring his bottom for a spanking.

  "Sure did, every time I misbehaved and believe me, with four brothers, our butts got paddled and whipped quite often."

  Anna smiled back, imagining five little boys begging for their Pa to let them off. She finally reached out and traced her name in the wood. "It is pretty," she admitted. The wood was smooth and the shape was a perfect oval.

  "Turn it over."

  Giving him a glance, she did so, and another gasp escaped her lips. The back side had a single large rose carved in the center of the wooden surface. It looked almost identical to the brand Charity has described that she'd seen on the oxen. "Oh, my."

  "You are my special little rose, and now, whenever I've had to blister your bottom, hopefully every time you sit down you'll remember that your flower is branded across your arse. I believe it will help remind you to be my good girl," he said.

  She shuddered again as she traced a few of the rose's petals. She knew the paddle would sting like crazy and felt her bottom clench, visualizing her backend with its garden of red roses blooming across her skin. Richard pulled her onto his lap and held her as he, too, traced the flower.

  Anna lifted her face and he bent to kiss her. She laid her hand on his cheek, still clutching the paddle. When he broke away, she shuddered, the desire in her body rising.

  "I know you recognize your punishment journals," he said.

  She blushed but mumbled, "Um, yes, sir." Looking down at the pile of books, sh
e shook her head. "I don't recognize that one."

  Richard grinned. "You will continue to make your punishment entries for my review. This one is new."

  "You expect me to keep a journal?"

  His eyes met hers and he nodded. "I don't see any reason to stop a good practice. Having to keep track of the number of times you are squirming over my lap while your bottom gets blistered is a good incentive for you to lessen the frequency of such trips." He lifted it off the ground and opened it up to display blank pages. "I'm hoping that this one journal will last for a very long time; but then again, considering you've already filled eight, you actually might need another before too long."

  Anna blushed but giggled. "Don't count on it. I guess I was pretty naughty when I was a child, but that was long ago. I'm a grown woman now."

  He laughed loudly and hugged her tightly. "I seem to recall hearing you give that argument when I witnessed your Pa strapping you. Let's hope you have learned some hard lessons and you won't have need of the journal, but do know that it's here for you." At her nod, he grinned. "I suppose we'd better get ready for the meeting. Put your journal and implements in the wagon and I'll clean up."

  Anna rose off the blanket, barely catching the strap before it fell to the ground. Her first impulse was to toss it and the paddle away, but she dutifully walked to the wagon instead. Climbing into the back, she looked around and didn't know where to place them. She squealed as Richard came up behind her and touched her arm.

  "Hang the strap on that hook, Anna and put the paddle next to it. They'll be convenient when needed."

  She blushed, remembering Charity's mention of poking heads through the backs of their wagons. "But people could look in and see them. I'll put them in one of the trunks with the journals."

  He smacked her bottom over the layers of her clothing and she gave a small shriek, more from shock than from pain. "You'll do as you are told, young lady. You need to stop that worrying about what other people might see or hear, Annabelle Rose. You only need concern yourself with what I see or what I hear. If you continue this nonsense, we'll discover just how well these good people can hear. Hang them on the hooks. I believe you'll need to be able to see them daily to remember to be a good girl. Just be grateful you aren't feeling one or the other on that bottom already."

  Anna shuddered and hung both implements where he had indicated. Then she turned around and saw him waiting for her response. "Yes, sir, I'm sorry. It's just embarrassing."

  Richard spoke gently. "You may put the journals in the trunk, but keep them handy. I spoke the truth when I said I can't wait to hear your stories. I promise to share some of mine as well. I wasn't always the perfect specimen you see before you."

  His words brought a smile to her lips; thoughts of hearing his own tales of being a naughty little boy making her stomach flutter. He handed her the journals and she hurriedly placed them in the small trunk. When he passed her the basket and the folded blanket, she packed them away neatly. She knew it was vital to keep things in their proper place, as they would be living out of this wagon for months.

  Richard swung her down from the wagon and hugged her close. She looked up and could easily see the strap and paddle on their hook. The sight of the implements, and the knowledge that, no matter how she tried to deny it, Richard—her husband—would indeed use both on her backside if he felt she'd been naughty, made a shudder run through her body. As he kissed her gently, she promised herself yet again that she would be the perfect bride.

  Her hand was engulfed by his as he led her away from the wagon to join the stream of people walking towards a large grove of trees.

  "Oh, did you find the men?" she asked, remembering why they'd parted upon their arrival. "Are the cows okay?"

  He chuckled and dropped her hand; only to put his arm about her waist. "Yes. I talked to the men and will introduce you after the meeting. As for the cows, the herd is fine."

  "I'm glad. I met Charity, um, Mrs. Blakemore and her baby. Oh, Richard, Hope is so precious. Did you know that she'll be walking by the time we get to Oregon?"

  "Is that so?" Richard asked. "I'm glad to hear you so excited. It will be nice for you to have a friend during the journey."

  She couldn't agree more, but as they reached the wagon master's area, she quieted; somewhat intimated by the hordes of people surrounding her.

  They were joined by dozens of people, old and young, married couples with babies and children, as well as several single men. Richard sat on the ground and pulled his wife onto his lap. Anna snuggled into him and smiled as a man sat down beside them, followed by Charity and Hope. Richard quickly made the introductions and Anna was pleased to see that the man looked kind. Her conviction grew as he drew his wife onto his own lap, his arms going around both her and their daughter. Just the sight of Hope smiling and kicking, her little hands churning in the air until they latched onto one of her mother's curls, had Anna smiling. She might not have understood all of what was involved in marrying Richard and beginning the journey to fulfill his dream, but when she felt him close his arms around her slight body, she smiled and leaned against him. Despite the revelation of what the packages had contained, here in her husband's arms, with new friends beside them and a world of possibilities before her, she didn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

  Mr. Morgan welcomed everyone and outlined the next few days' journey. The train would move slowly but steadily, and everyone was expected to stay together, help each other and protect the others. He spoke about a rotation of watches; each man was to do his share of patrolling the train in the night. Cattle were not the most cooperative beasts and could cause a great deal of damage if something spooked them enough to make them stampede.

  Anna looked up at her husband. She hadn't imagined being left alone in the wagon during the night. "You'll have to leave me?" she asked, her voice a bit louder than she'd meant.

  "Shh," Richard said, looking down at her. "Mr. Morgan is speaking."


  It was only the shock that kept her from yelping when his palm connected with the side of her hip. Blushing hotly, she looked down, not wanting to know who might have witnessed that single swat even though she knew it had been more of a pat in warning than a swat. Blinking back tears, she knew they weren't threatening to come because he'd swatted her—she was fretting about the nights alone in the wagon in the dark of night in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by strangers, her husband nowhere nearby if she needed comfort.

  Richard held her a bit tighter. Bending until his mouth was close to her ear, he whispered, "Don't fret, I won't leave you alone. I have hired hands to serve guard duty."

  His words relaxed her and she felt foolish for even thinking he'd put her at risk. Snuggling into him again, she turned her attention back to the front but not before noticing that Charity was looking at her. Anna flushed but seeing the woman looked concerned and not judgmental, she managed a brief smile that her new friend was quick to return.

  Mr. Morgan talked a little longer about how the herd would be kept at a safe distance from the wagon train. He mentioned that, once they entered Indian Territory, the wagons would be arranged in a circle at every camp; the positioning a defensive one if needed. Anna was glad to see she wasn't the only woman to appear somewhat frightened at this bit of information. The wagon master paused for a few minutes, as if to give the men time to reassure their families that the likelihood of attack was slight. After all; other, much larger trains had made the trek safely, the natives proving to be tolerant, if not overly friendly, as pioneers passed through their lands.

  He spoke about the need to keep camping areas clean, water buckets by every fire pit, and how he expected everyone to obey his orders. Morgan looked out over the crowd of excited faces and smiled. "I realize that we are all traveling together as one extended family. I also realize that this is a new adventure to most of you. Please rest assured that I and my men will do our very best to make this journey a safe trip. In order to do that, I need y
our promise of obedience." He paused and looked around the fresh group of pioneers.

  "Those who are traveling with families, know that your husband chose this particular train for a reason. This will be a train where drinking, rabble-rousing or tomfoolery will not be tolerated. Women, you need to do as your husband says, and children, you must obey not only your parents but every other adult traveling with you. I know there will be times when naughtiness happens, and want to assure you that I fully expect transgressions to be dealt with quickly and as harshly as necessary. Small sins might be let go on a regular homestead but I will have no leniency during our travels. Bottoms will be bared and punished as often as warranted." He paused, his eyes seeming to meet those of every person spread out before him. "If you care to test my rules or my resolve to have this journey run as smoothly as possible, then know this: Infractions of the rules, or my learning that husbands are shirking their duties as the disciplinarian of their wives, will find the miscreant baring their bottom to me for my own dose of discipline. Is that understood?"

  Anna gasped and shuddered, her face burning as she looked around at the people sitting with her. She saw Charity blush, as well. Anna couldn't believe that this man was speaking about something so private, so intimate.

  Richard chuckled and simply tightened his grip on his wife. She blushed even more hotly when his hand drifted to cup her bottom. He leaned down and spoke softly into her ear. "Listen well, wife."

  She could only nod as the awful Morgan continued to lecture:

  "We are a family now, and while your men are the heads of your own households, I am the final boss. I'm sure I can trust each of you to tend to your needs—but if I decide someone is behaving in a manner that is detrimental to themselves or others, rest assured that I will step in and take the miscreant in hand." Straightening his stance, he paused to look around the circle, making eye contact with every single woman in the group. "And know, ladies, you will much prefer your husband tending to your naughty bottom than to feel my strap against it in front of everyone. Am I clear?" He waited until he heard a few women whisper in response. He shook his head, his hand dropping to the belt around his waist, every female eye following the subtle threat.


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