His Passionate Pioneer

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His Passionate Pioneer Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  She let out another sob and her hands went to cup her buttocks, her face going pale. "Please, I said I was sorry. I swear I won't ever sass or disobey again. Richard, I'm your wife! What will people think if you strap your wife?" she begged, willing to try anything to change his mind.

  He pointed down the road again. "I've told you before that I don't give a damn what other people think. However, young lady, they will know I love you enough to teach you to behave. The longer you stand there being naughty, the harder this is going to be on that sweet bottom."

  Anna blushed scarlet, her entire body beginning to shake even harder as the reality of her situation began to sink in. She felt tears well in her eyes and she jumped when he bent close to speak into her ear.

  "I want you bare from the waist down by the time I get there. If you want to make this harder, I suggest you try to defy me again."

  She turned and began to run down the road, fleeing from the smiling, knowing faces. What he had said was beyond horrid but she knew he wasn't budging from his decision. She had sworn to herself that she'd never give him cause to spank her. Now, she wasn't just going to be spanked, he had promised her a paddling and a whipping as well. Sobbing, she ran past the woman she had waved to earlier, mortified to know she had to be wondering exactly what was happening.

  As Richard passed the house, he returned the woman's wave as she wished him a good day. "I guarantee it will be far better than my naughty wife's. Especially if she's not bare-bottomed and exactly where she's been told to be before I get there."

  Anna heard him and sobbed louder, embarrassment at her husband's words causing her feet to pump faster as she flew away from the town and the woman. James heard her before he saw her and stepped out into the road. When he saw Anna frantically running towards the wagons, sobbing as though she was terrified, he picked up his rifle and ran towards her. He halted when he saw Richard calmly following his wife. James stepped aside as Anna blindly ran past him.

  As Richard approached, James said, "I'm sorry, Richard. I didn't see her get by me. God, I thought maybe Indians were after her the way she is running."

  Richard shook his head. "Believe me, she doesn't need Indians, she has me. Don't worry about letting her get by you, she sure seems to know how to be sneaky. It's not your fault, and she will be over to make her apologies as soon as she's learned her husband's word is law.."

  * * * * *

  Anna had been terrified as she'd awkwardly climbed up into the wagon. Her chest was heaving from running all the way from town, and she couldn't seem to stop crying. She threw down her bag and pulled off her bonnet. Her entire body was trembling as she remembered Richard's warning. Never had she been more humiliated as she thought about the wagon master—and the men she'd served blackberry cobbler to only days earlier—silently watching Richard swat her bottom. Sobbing, she unbuttoned her dress and drew it down, pulling her petticoats off. She threw the clothing into a corner of the wagon and stood shaking in her chemise and drawers, her eyes going to the hooks on the side of the wagon. Then a shadow fell across the opening in the canvas and she looked over to see Richard.

  He looked in at her. "I said bare, young lady. Get those drawers off."

  Blushing, she fumbled at the ribbon. It knotted and she cried as she tried to loosen it. She felt the wagon shift as Richard entered, stooping as it wasn't tall enough for him to stand upright except at the very center.

  "There's a knot," she wailed, her hands now shaking too hard to attempt to untie it. Richard solved the problem by simply putting his hands into the waistband and ripping them from her body. As the fabric tore, Anna prayed that her disobedience had not torn an irreparable hole in her husband's heart.

  * * * * *

  "Chemise as well," Richard ordered, as it hung down over her bare bottom. Anna blushed but pulled it off and held it in front of her. She was shaking, and looked so tiny as she drew in ragged breaths. His heart softened for an instant until he remembered how horrified he'd been to see her walking down the sidewalk, totally oblivious to her surroundings. God, anything could have happened! He hardened his heart and reached up and took her paddle off its hook for the first time.

  "No, please, no," she begged, her hands out in front of her as if to push the paddle away.

  "Yes," he replied calmly. He reached out, tugged the chemise from her and tossed it on top of her discarded dress. He pulled a barrel to the center of the wagon and sat down. "Come here, Annabelle," he ordered and held out one hand, though he could have easily pulled her to him.

  "I'm so sorry," she said. "I know I shouldn't have left the wagons. Please forgive me, Richard."

  "Don't make me come get you, Annabelle, come here right this instant. You've earned a paddling and I'm going to make sure you get it."

  Anna sobbed but managed to shuffle forward a little. Richard sighed, understanding how difficult this first discipline session was for his wife. He reached forward and took her hand, drawing her the last few inches towards him. Hid bride looked so woebegone and scared. He wondered if she had any idea how difficult it was for him as well.

  "You were told not to sass me, young lady, and you've already received a reminder with my finger well up inside your bottom hole. Since that didn't seem to do the trick, you are going to get your arse paddled." He was pleased when she didn't resist as he pulled her down across his knees. Arranging her over his lap, he pulled her forward until her bottom was in the position he wanted. Her feet didn't touch the ground and she yelped as she was tipped forward. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall," he reassured her. "Let this teach you the foolishness of choosing to continue to sass your husband. I do not speak in such tones to you, Annabelle, and I will not tolerate you speaking in such to me." He rubbed the paddle across her trembling buttocks.

  "Relax, Anna. I want your cheeks loose."

  It took her a few moments but she unclenched, her bottom now ready to feel every swat of the paddle. He didn't make her wait long. He lifted the paddle, the rose carved on its surface about to be transferred to his naughty wife's hiney. The paddle fell onto her left buttock for the first time with a resounding whack, immediately followed with a second to her right cheek.

  Anna gasped loudly but did not shriek until the third had landed across the center of her rear. "No, please, ow! Stop, please! I'm sorry!"

  Richard ignored her cries, paddling first one buttock and then the other in a steady cadence. When her feet began to kick up, he spoke firmly. "Get those feet down, young lady!" When her feet kicked up again, he lifted her off his lap.

  Throwing her hands behind her, she rubbed her bottom. "I won't do it again."

  He understood she thought her paddling was over but knew she'd soon find out she couldn't be more wrong. He reached out and pulled her hands away, spread his knees, and pulled her down over one knee. Placing his free leg over both of hers, he pinned her wrists at the small of her back and began again. Richard swatted the paddle onto her wobbling bottom, her attempt to squirm off his knee or to wag her rear out of the paddle's fall ignored. He didn't stop until her entire backside was an even red, with overlapping roses painted all across its surface. He laid the paddle on the floor of the wagon as she hung over his knee, sobbing loudly.

  "That was for sassing me yet again, Annabelle. You have more punishment coming. You will treat me with respect, and I will not tolerate a naughty mouth. Do you understand me?"

  "Ye… yes, sir."

  He nodded and then set her on her feet. He steadied her between his knees and took her hands in his. "Bring me your strap." When her eyes widened, he squeezed her hands. "You can do this, Annabelle. Now, bring it to me and ask me to strap your arse." He saw her take a deep breath and released her hands. She walked the three steps it took to where the strap hung and lifted it off its hook. Tears were sliding down her cheeks as she returned to him.

  "Please str... strap me," she whispered.

  "Annabelle, I told you to stay for a reason, and I hope that after your strapping, you'll learn
not to disobey me again." He stood and reached to pick up his pillow. Turning, he placed it on top of the barrel. "Turn around, bend over the barrel, put your hands on the floor. Don't you dare reach back; I don't want to strap your hands."

  She took the steps to the barrel. "I'm really sorry, Richard. I know I did wrong but please, my bottom hurts so much. Please forgive me."

  "I already have, Anna, but I will also finish your punishment. Turn around and bend over. Push your naughty arse up and out. Get up on your toes and I want your legs spread wide. This is the position you will always take to get a strapping," he calmly informed her.

  She sobbed again but obeyed, assuming the very open position and then rising up onto her tiptoes. Richard moved into position beside his wife. He lifted the strap and brought it down sharply against her scarlet, uplifted bottom. Anna shrieked and lurched forward as a line of fire bloomed across both of her cheeks.

  She continued to shriek as he whipped her twice more. When he lifted the strap again, she rolled off the barrel and dropped to her knees, her hands cupping her hot skin. "No, please no more. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

  He drew her up. "We aren't yet done, Annabelle. Get your hands off your bottom." He pulled her to him. "I know your arse burns, but, sweetheart, it's a lesson you absolutely must learn. I love you so much, and the thought of not knowing if I can trust you to stay when I tell you, or to question my decisions, is simply not something I can condone. I don't like this any more than you do, so let's get this done." Anna still had tears streaming down her face but he was very proud of her when she nodded and took a few deeper breaths before positioning herself again.

  The sound of the paddling had been loud but it was nothing compared to the strap. The slapping of leather onto bare flesh was unmistakable and there was no question of her cries being contained within the interior of the wagon. Richard laid the strap across her blazing cheeks ten times, then moved it down to stripe against the backs of her thighs.

  She shrieked at the pain of this new attack and kicked her legs up, almost rolling off the barrel again.

  "Be still, get those legs down," he ordered, and continued strapping her legs. "You used these naughty legs to disobey me by walking into town, and they are going to be punished."

  She screeched and threw her head back at the pain as he gave her thighs a half dozen strokes and then returned to her bottom. He laid the last three strokes across her sit-spots, making sure she would never ever forget her first taste of his discipline. He stepped back and lowered the strap to his side, certain she wouldn't sit comfortably for the next few days. Anna's rear and the tops of her thighs were crimson. He listened to her sob and wondered if she realized she was promising to be a good girl over and over again.

  He felt his heart go out to her, wanting nothing more than to take her into her arms and hold her tight. However, he knew she could have been seriously hurt with her decision to walk into town against his will. He allowed her to cry until her ragged sobs turned into the occasional sniffle and hiccup. Then he reached out and ran his hand over her bottom, amazed at the heat he felt radiating from her punished skin. She shuddered under his touch, whimpering softly.

  "Anna, turn around and look at me." She pushed up from the barrel, her hands swiping at her cheeks before she turned around. When her hands dropped behind her to rub at her backside, Richard slowly reached out and moved her arms to her side.

  "No, little one," he reprimanded, seeing her feet dance as she realized she wouldn't be allowed to comfort her poor punished rear. "I punished your arse for a good reason. You need to feel it burn to remind you of that reason. Tell me why you got a whipping."

  She lowered her eyes, her face turning as red as her bum. He waited for a moment and then said, "I can whip you again, Anna, or perhaps you need my finger?" Anna shook her head violently, tears flying off her cheeks. "Then answer my question."

  "I sassed you."

  Richard shook his head. "No, Annabelle. You were paddled for sassing me, as I promised you would be the other day. I had to also give you a strapping; tell me why."

  "I didn't obey you. I didn't stay at the wagon."

  "And why do you think I didn't want you to go into town until I'd checked it out?"

  She took a moment to answer. "Because it could have been dangerous. Because it might not have been you to grab me."

  He drew her into his arms and hugged her, then held her as she cried against his chest. "That's right. You are my life, Anna. You aren't ever to do things that put you in danger. I almost died when I saw you walking around. Sweetheart, you have no idea what sort of men are in that town. It's not safe for a beautiful woman to be walking around alone, especially one who is not paying the least bit of attention to her surroundings. You are never, ever to disobey me again. Is that clear?"

  She pressed against her husband's chest and nodded. "Yes, sir. I'm so sorry. I didn't think. I was just being selfish and childish. I promise I won't ever do it again."

  Richard nodded and then bent to kiss the top of her head. He cupped her punished globes with his palms, easily feeling the heat radiating from her small red bottom. After a gentle pat, he set her away from him. "I certainly hope you remember that promise. Now, put your paddle and strap back on their hooks."

  Anna took the hated implements from him and hung them up. The sounds of people moving about had her turning to him. "They—they could hear."

  He saw her face and knew she was embarrassed. "Sweetheart, you aren't the only wife who gets spanked. I'm sorry you're feeling ashamed but I will not apologize for punishing you. I told you this would happen, and I'm only sorry you chose not to believe me." He paused as she looked up at him, fresh tears running down her cheeks. "You need to get dressed, and I'll help you get supper tonight."

  "I can't go out there. Please don't make me. Everyone will know you punished me."

  Richard sighed and took her into his arms again. "I think they are already aware of that honey. Don't be ashamed unless you are ashamed of your behavior. You've paid the price of being naughty and it is over. Be brave now and hold your head up. Believe me, no one will make fun of you, and you need to make your apologies to James, as well as Mr. Morgan."

  Her mouth dropped open. "No, please, don't make me talk to them. I'm so embarrassed. I won't ever be naughty again."

  "Anna, James was upset that you slipped by him. How would you feel knowing that you let someone sneak by you and that person was assaulted or kidnapped? In James's mind, he feels he failed in his duty—not only to me and Mr. Morgan, but to you as well."

  "I didn't think about how he'd feel. I didn't think about him having to answer to Mr. Morgan. I understand that he needs to know I'm sorry for putting him in that position. I'll apologize to James, but please, don't make me talk to the wagon master. That's not fair. I hardly even know him and he was watching me in town! I can't—I won't!"

  Richard gave a sigh and sat down on the barrel. "Annabelle, you are already disobeying me, right after all those promises to be a good girl. Come here."

  She shook her head but stepped up to her husband. He turned her around and then bent her over his lap. His hand began to spank her already punished bottom. Anna no longer fought, she just sobbed as he reignited the fire in her arse. After a dozen swats, he slid his finger between her cheeks and she screeched as he roughly pushed it into her bottom hole.

  "I'll do it!" she wailed, as he began to pump his finger in and out of her. "I'll do it. I'll talk to him, please take it out!"

  Richard held her tight, his finger reminding her in no uncertain terms that he was very serious indeed. He popped his finger from her and turned her around to sit on his knees. She gasped as her weight settled onto her welted buttocks, sinking into him, her head tucked under his neck. He hoped that she was done with any disobedience; having to punish her had his heart aching. He drew her close and bent and kissed the top of her head, stroking her back and arms as she gradually calmed down.

  "That's my good girl. You get dressed
and I'll start the fire."

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna was grateful when he climbed down from the wagon. Though she had been horrified to realize that he was truly going to whip her, she had to admit, she'd taken far more strokes from her Pa. Still, it had hurt, both her butt and her heart. She shuddered and subconsciously reached back to rub her aching bottom, which was now burning inside as well.

  As soon as she felt the ridges from the strap she dropped her hands, afraid Richard would see her disobey his direct order not to rub, and decide to add additional welts. Sniffling, she dug through the trunk for a fresh pair of drawers, knowing the others would have to be mended before they could be worn again. Picking up a pair of drawers, she froze and felt a rush of desire flood through her as she thought about him ripping the other pair from her body. She wondered if she was crazy—did any other woman feel this way after receiving a whipping? Flushing hotly, she knew that though she didn't understand it, she'd certainly never felt this way after her Pa had whipped her.

  But you aren't your father's child any longer. You are Richard's wife. Anna quivered; she had just been stripped, not to be loved but to be punished. Perhaps it was simply because she was a newlywed, but she couldn't help but desire the unpleasant memories of her lesson be replaced with her husband's loving her instead.

  Slipping into the drawers, she hissed as the fabric touched her hot skin. Pulling on her petticoats and dress, she took deep breaths, concentrating on each task in order to keep her mind from traveling down paths she didn't understand. With her apron tied, she knew she couldn't postpone the inevitable any longer. She took a deep breath to steady herself and then poked her head out of the wagon flap.

  Richard looked up and stifled a chuckle, but his wife heard him and started to pull back inside the wagon. "I'm sorry," he said. "You just looked like a scared rabbit, sticking your head out of your burrow to make sure there aren't any hawks flying around." He stood up and walked to her. "Honey, bring me your brush." Her lip quivered. "No, Anna, I'm not going to spank you. I'm just going to brush your hair. It's a little messy."


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