Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas

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Holly Jolly Lycan Christmas Page 8

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Nonsense. It’s the least I could do after you saved me from freezing to death yesterday.”

  “I wouldn’t put it like that.” Holly chuckled. “I really do want to taste these while they’re fresh. Would you like some coffee or tea? I can put some plates out. And maybe some for the kids, as well.”

  “Those are all yours, my dear, but some tea would be nice.”

  “Let’s get settled then.”

  She led Gianna to a table in the corner of the kitchen with two chairs, then went to put the kettle on. She came back with the tea pot and sat down across from her.

  “So,” Gianna said. “Dante.”

  Holly visibly winced and nearly spilled the tea. “What about Dante?”

  “Don’t you feign innocence with me, young lady,” she warned. “What’s wrong with him? Why don’t you want to date him?”

  “Wow, you don’t mince words, do you?”

  Gianna chuckled, seemingly unoffended by her words. “When you’re my age, you can’t waste anything, not even words.”

  “It’s not that … he’s not … I can’t …” She bit her lip. “I don’t have the time right now.”

  “What, you think someday you’ll have time for a man? This restaurant will always need your attention. Hannah will always need you, whether she’s seven or twenty-seven. Believe me. Why don’t you just give him a chance? Don’t you think he’s handsome?”

  Holly looked away. Gianna really was sincere, and it was almost cute the way she was lobbying for Dante. But she didn’t know anything about her or her life. “Dante’s, uh, an attractive man. I’m sure lots of women would love to date him.”

  “So is that the problem?” she asked. “Because of his past with other women? His reputation and those pictures on the internet of him and all the women?”

  Holly said nothing but her silence gave away her answer.

  “Holly, dear, I know Dante. And I can tell you he’s never looked at any woman the way he looks at you. He’s also never talked about them the way the he talks about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he’s—”

  “Nonna, Frankie’s looking for the twins. Are you done here?”

  Holly whipped her head around toward the source of the intruding voice. The man who had entered her kitchen was standing behind her, a cocky smile on his face. He had sandy brown hair and brown eyes, and he looked familiar. “Hi,” he introduced himself, shoving his hand at her. “I’m Enzo Moretti. Nonna’s younger and more handsome great-nephew.”

  “And cockier, too,” Holly remarked, raising a brow at him. Still, she took his hand and shook it.

  “And, uh, sorry about the other night,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I was the one who put the sign on your door. Dante had nothing to do with it.”

  Ah-ha! That was why he looked familiar. He was the one who interrupted her and Dante in the storage room.

  “So, forgive and forget, and all that?” he asked with a cheeky grin.

  “I suppose I could forgive,” she said. “I don’t know about the forget part.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel better—”

  “Holly, why are there three children in my dining room?” Sharice asked as she burst through the door. Her friend was feeling the true Christmas spirit, dressed up in a red sweater dress that clung to her body and green-and-white striped stockings tucked into red boots. A santa hat was perched on top of her head. “Not that I mind, as they’re all well behaved, but last I checked, you only had one niece.”

  Holly was about to explain when Enzo elbowed his way forward. “Well, now, I must be on Santa’s nice list this year because he sent me my own personal elf.” He held out his hand toward Sharice. “I’m Enzo. And you are?”

  Sharice stared him down. “Not interested,” she said and turned to Holly.

  Holly rolled her eyes. “Sorry about that. Those are Gianna’s great-grandnephew and niece.” She quickly explained to Sharice who Gianna was, though she glossed over Dante’s name.

  “Lovely to meet you, ma’am,” Sharice said, as she gave Gianna a warm smile and took the hand she offered. “I’m glad to see Hannah coming out of her shell a bit.”

  Holly sighed inwardly with relief. When she took the job with Sharice, she briefed her friend on what had happened. Sharice was understanding and one of the few people Hannah liked being around.

  “You know, they’re related to me. I’m their favorite uncle,” Enzo interjected again. “Now, can you please tell me your name, you curvy goddess? Did you come straight from the North Pole?”

  “You did not just call me that,” Sharice seethed. “Get out of my restaurant.”

  Enzo, unfazed, winked at her. “Ah, playing hard to get. I get it.” He turned to Gianna. “Okay, Nonna, let’s head back before Frankie sends out an APB on us.”

  “Of course.” Gianna toddled to the door and stuck her head into the dining room. “Adrianna! Lucas! We need to go.”

  Disappointed cries answered her, but soon, three small figures marched through the door.

  “Can we come and play with Hannah another time? Please?” Adrianna begged.

  “Let’s see what Hannah’s aunt, says,” Gianna answered.

  Holly looked down at Hannah, who was staring up at her with pleading eyes and nodding. How could she say no, especially since Adrianna and Lucas were the first peers she’d shown interest in. She didn’t even want to keep in touch with her friends from Seattle. “Uhm, let’s see okay? I mean, we’re figuring out the babysitter situation.” Three pairs of eyes looked at her with varying degrees of sadness and disappointment. Holly let out a sigh. “If your mom wants to come over or call me here, I’d be happy to talk to her.” She made sure she emphasized mom, knowing that Gianna might be two steps ahead of her.

  “Of course,” Gianna agreed. “I’ll tell Frankie. Maybe Lucas and Adrianna can remind her, too.”

  “Yay!” the twins cried.

  “Okay, c’mon, time to say goodbye now,” Enzo reminded them. “And you know, if you wanted me to supervise while they had their playdates here, I’d be more than happy to help,” he said, flashing a smile at Sharice, who raised a brow at the insistent young man.

  “We’ll figure that out later,” Holly said wryly. “Now, we should get the staff meal ready …”

  “No worries. Nice to meet you, Holly,” he said. “And I’ll see you in your dreams, sexy elf,” he said to Sharice cheekily before ushering Gianna and the twins out the door.

  Sharice crossed her arms over her chest. “The nerve,” she said, shaking her head, though Holly didn’t miss the slight tugging at the corner of her friend’s lips.

  “He’s cute,” she said.

  “He’s too young,” Sharice countered.

  “He’s probably my age,” Holly pointed out. “Which makes him what … five years younger, max.”

  “He’s also an arrogant SOB.”

  “I thought you liked arrogant. Remember that Spanish guy who walked up to us while we were shopping in the Latin Quarter?”

  Sharice slapped a hand on her forehead. “Don’t remind me. That’s two months of my life I’ll never get back,” she said, narrowing her eyes at Holly. “So, Dante Muccino’s great-aunt? Do I smell something fishy in the air?”

  Holly put a hand up. “I have work to do.”

  Chapter Nine

  The rest of the week passed by quickly with the holiday rush, and Dante couldn’t believe it was already December twenty-third. It was peak season for Muccino’s, and every single night was booked solid, including their two private dining rooms for Christmas parties and gatherings.

  Dante was glad for the distraction. He drove himself to exhaustion every single day, if only so his wolf would quiet down. It was not happy, gnawing and clawing at him each time his mind drifted to Holly. The ache in his middle wouldn’t leave. Somedays it seemed like an empty pang that would never be filled. What am I supposed to do, he snapped back at the animal one day when it was getting too
unruly. She doesn’t want us. He wanted her, but that didn’t mean a damn thing. He knew the best course of action was to just forget about her, but it was damn near impossible.

  “Goodnight, Chef,” Jorge greeted as strode toward the door. “I’m done in the back. See you tomorrow.”

  “‘Night, Jorge,” he said.

  “Don’t stay here too long,” the other man said with a chuckle. “You gotta get some rest, too.”

  “I won’t,” he said as he gave Jorge a final wave goodbye. The other man left, the heavy door slamming behind him. Finally. It was just him in the kitchen. Enzo was still in the office, checking on the receipts and the next day’s reservations. They’d be open for lunch tomorrow, and then they were off until dinner on the 26th. This year, Frankie and Grant would be going to Paris for Christmas, while Grant’s sister Alynna and her husband would be off to Chicago to his parent’s. That meant instead of their usual get-together at Muccino’s, they’d all celebrate with a late lunch in Jersey before everyone left. Dante hadn’t made any plans for Christmas day. He’d figure something out. Christmas wasn’t his thing anyway, and he didn’t want to impose on his relatives and horn in on their celebration.

  Dante put his knives away, sent Enzo a text that he was leaving, and then put on his coat. He walked to the back where he was parked, got into his Jaguar, and maneuvered the vehicle out of his parking spot. As he drove out of the alley, he couldn’t help but glance across the street, just like he did every time Petite Louve came into view.

  Usually, he’d turn away and drive off, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the other restaurant. But tonight, something was different. The hairs on his arms prickled and his wolf raised it hackles. Alarm bells rang in his head and he knew something was wrong.

  He slammed on the brakes, not caring if his car was in the middle of the street. After pushing the door open, he sprinted across the street to the back alley and, as soon as he got there, he could smell it. Smoke.

  Dantesprinted to the rear door, and his blood ran cold when he saw a crowbar jammed across the handles. He touched the door, but pulled back. The door was hot, which meant there was a fire inside. He didn’t know why he felt it, but he was positive Holly was in there.

  There was no time to lose. He tossed the crowbar away and grabbed the handles, ignoring the pain as his skin burned. Smoke billowed out as soon as he opened the door, and the heat made him stagger back.

  “Fuck!” He fished his cellphone out of his pants and dialed 911. He didn’t even wait for the dispatcher to talk. “I’d like to report a fire. It’s a restaurant, Petite Louve, downtown on Bradley Street across from Muccino’s Italian Restaurant. Send the fire department.”

  It would probably take some time for them to arrive. His heart pounded in his chest, and he knew what he had to do. The back door was still too hot, but from what he could guess about the layout of the restaurant, he should be able to get in through the front door and access the rest of the place.

  He didn’t bother taking his clothes off; instead, he let his wolf have his body.


  As her eyelids fluttered open, Holly felt pain growing in the back of her head. What happened? She searched her scrambled mind, trying to figure it out.

  A few seconds passed before she gathered her thoughts. She thought she had been alone, but she heard someone come in through the back. Then she suddenly felt pain in the back of her head and everything went dark.

  Her eyes flew open. Her vision was blurry at first and everything was skewed on its side. Then, she realized she was lying on the floor of her office. How did she get all the way here from the kitchen?

  It was late and everyone else had gone home. She had stayed behind to lock up. Hannah was asleep in her office and …


  Slowly, she got to her knees, as her stomach churned. She staggered forward, but had to grab onto a chair to steady herself.

  “Hannah!” she called out. “Hannah!”

  She heard movement from behind her desk, and she nearly wept with relief when Hannah crawled out from underneath.

  “Hannah!” Despite her unsteady gait, she grabbed her niece and bent down, then hugged her tight. “Oh sweetie, are you hurt?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good. Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here.” She picked up Hannah in her arms and strode to the door. However, she stopped suddenly when the smell of acrid smoke filled her nostrils. Her heart thudded in her chest, and a dread filled the pit of her stomach as she gently laid her hand on the door. The heat was unmistakable, as was the gray smoke slowly seeping from under the door.

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” she soothed as she backed away from the door. “We’ll call for help.”

  Her cellphone wasn’t in her pocket, but she still had the office phone. She put Hannah down and grabbed the receiver, but soon that pit in her stomach grew even bigger when she only heard dead air. The phone line had been cut.

  She couldn’t panic. Not when Hannah was counting on her.

  As she tried to think, she heard a loud crash outside. Oh please, let that be the fire department! Maybe they were coming in here, breaking down the doors, and they would rescue her.

  Hannah looked up at her, her blue eyes wide with fear and tears streaming down her cheeks. Holly picked her up again and held her tight. “It’s okay, sweetie. They’re coming. They’re coming to get us.”

  A loud thud sounded against the door. They were trying to get in!

  “We’re in here!” she called. “Please help us!”

  The thumping and thudding continued, getting stronger and louder each time. When Holly heard the wood break, she turned away and braced herself. Slowly, she turned her head, expecting a group of firemen in their special suits. She let out a loud gasp at what she saw.

  It was an enormous … dog? No. It was a wolf, though not like any she’d seen in pictures. This creature was huge, with dark, thick fur. The head alone was probably as big as Hannah, and its jaws could probably crush her in one snap. She quickly grabbed Hannah’s head and pressed it to her chest.

  “Don’t move,” she said to Hannah “And close your eyes. Don’t open then until I tell you to.” Dear Lord, what was happening? Did the blow to the back of her head make her hallucinate?

  The creature began to stalk toward her. “Stay away!” she cried out and grabbed the first thing she could from her desk—a stapler—and hurled it at the wolf. She missed it, and the animal continued to advance.

  “What are you?” she cried as she scrambled to find something to defend herself with. As it got closer, she gasped when she saw its eyes. One was green and the other was blue.

  A shiver ran through her, and an icy chill blasted across her arms, raising gooseflesh on her skin. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  The dark fur began to shorten and recede into skin as the wolf’s head became smaller. Limbs shortened, and before she knew it, there was a naked human figure kneeling down in front of her. When he lifted his head, mismatched eyes crashed into hers.

  “Holly!” Dante said as he walked toward them.

  “What … how …” Oh God, she was going crazy. Dante Muccino was a werewolf?

  Hannah struggled when she heard Dante’s voice, but Holly kept her close to her chest and her face away from him. She didn’t know how to explain it to herself, let alone Hannah.

  “I don’t have time to explain,” he said. “We have to get out of here. The fire’s mostly contained in the kitchen. I crashed through your window and cleared a path out to the dining room.”

  Her feet were stuck to where she was standing, and her limbs were frozen. Blood roared in her ears, and pressure was building behind her eyes. Dante. Werewolf.

  “Please, Holly, snap out of it! I’ll explain later, but we need to move. Now.”

  Holly blinked and then nodded. “Yes. Okay, let’s go.” She held onto Hannah tightly.

  Dante nodded, then looked around. He grabbed he
r coat and held it out to her. “Here, put this over your heads. When I give you the signal, take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can, okay? Do you understand, Hannah?”

  Hannah’s face was still pressed to Holly’s chest and her eyes remained close, but she nodded.

  “What about you?” Holly asked.

  “I’ll be fine. I can see in the dark, and I can hold my breath for much longer than you can. It’ll take me less than fifteen seconds to carry you guys out of here.” He pulled the coat over their heads.

  “Carry us—hey!” Holly felt her feet lift off from the ground as Dante picked her and Hannah up.

  “Hang on to Hannah,” he instructed.

  Dear God, he was strong. He carried them both like they weighed nothing.

  “I’m by the door. Ready? Okay, go!”

  “Hold your breath, sweetie,” Holly whispered to Hannah, then she took a last gasp of air and held her breath as Dante had instructed. His feet pounded on the floor, and she could feel the heat of the fire. Even from under the coat, her eyes stung from the smoke. Holding Hannah tighter, she prayed they would make it.

  It seemed like the longest fifteen seconds of her life, but she soon felt the rush of cold air. The coat was whipped off her head, and she took a big gulp of the fresh oxygen. In the distance, she could hear sirens. They were safe.

  “Are you alright?” Dante asked. He didn’t put them down, but instead, continued to walk.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Somewhere safe. And I need to … get some clothes on before the cops get here.”

  Oh God, he was naked. Of course, he was. He did transform from a giant wolf.

  Dante stopped and set her down. She realized they were behind Muccino’s. He opened the door and led her inside the kitchen.

  “Enzo!” he shouted. “Enzo! Come out here now!”

  A door slammed from the other side. “What the fuck is going on out here? Are you—” Enzo’s eyes widened when he saw Dante. “Did you shift? In front of them?”


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