Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2

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Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2 Page 22

by Henry Fielding


  _A short chapter, but very full of matter; particularly the arrival ofMr Booby and his lady._

  All that night, and the next day, the Lady Booby past with the utmostanxiety; her mind was distracted and her soul tossed up and down by manyturbulent and opposite passions. She loved, hated, pitied, scorned,admired, despised the same person by fits, which changed in a very shortinterval. On Tuesday morning, which happened to be a holiday, she wentto church, where, to her surprize, Mr Adams published the banns againwith as audible a voice as before. It was lucky for her that, as therewas no sermon, she had an immediate opportunity of returning home tovent her rage, which she could not have concealed from the congregationfive minutes; indeed, it was not then very numerous, the assemblyconsisting of no more than Adams, his clerk, his wife, the lady, and oneof her servants. At her return she met Slipslop, who accosted her inthese words:--"O meam, what doth your ladyship think? To be sure, lawyerScout hath carried Joseph and Fanny both before the justice. All theparish are in tears, and say they will certainly be hanged; for nobodyknows what it is for"--"I suppose they deserve it," says the lady."What! dost thou mention such wretches to me?"--"O dear madam," answeredSlipslop, "is it not a pity such a graceless young man should die avirulent death? I hope the judge will take commensuration on his youth.As for Fanny, I don't think it signifies much what becomes of her; andif poor Joseph hath done anything, I could venture to swear she traducedhim to it: few men ever come to a fragrant punishment, but by thosenasty creatures, who are a scandal to our sect." The lady was no morepleased at this news, after a moment's reflection, than Slipslopherself; for, though she wished Fanny far enough, she did not desire theremoval of Joseph, especially with her. She was puzzled how to act orwhat to say on this occasion, when a coach and six drove into the court,and a servant acquainted her with the arrival of her nephew Booby andhis lady. She ordered them to be conducted into a drawing-room, whithershe presently repaired, having composed her countenance as well as shecould, and being a little satisfied that the wedding would by thesemeans be at least interrupted, and that she should have an opportunityto execute any resolution she might take, for which she saw herselfprovided with an excellent instrument in Scout.

  The Lady Booby apprehended her servant had made a mistake when hementioned Mr Booby's lady; for she had never heard of his marriage: buthow great was her surprize when, at her entering the room, her nephewpresented his wife to her; saying, "Madam, this is that charming Pamela,of whom I am convinced you have heard so much." The lady received herwith more civility than he expected; indeed with the utmost; for she wasperfectly polite, nor had any vice inconsistent with good-breeding. Theypast some little time in ordinary discourse, when a servant came andwhispered Mr Booby, who presently told the ladies he must desert them alittle on some business of consequence; and, as their discourse duringhis absence would afford little improvement or entertainment to thereader, we will leave them for a while to attend Mr Booby.


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