A Time for Home: A Snowberry Creek Novel

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A Time for Home: A Snowberry Creek Novel Page 6

by Alexis Morgan

Nick’s reaction to the rustic restaurant she’d chosen had been an odd mix of good humor and relief. He was the one who suggested they eat outside on the deck, which offered a view of Mount Rainier in the distance. He stared out at the mountain with a small smile softening the harsh lines of his face.

  Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, he said, “Tell me you don’t get so used to being surrounded by such beauty that you don’t even notice it anymore.”

  Callie shook her head. “I haven’t lived here in years, so it all feels fresh and new to me. But even when I did, I always loved the mountains. Rainier would pose a huge threat to the entire area if it ever acts up like Mount St. Helens did back in 1980, but it’s still beautiful.”

  For the first time since she’d met Nick—was it just yesterday?—he seemed relaxed. She wondered what had happened to put him at ease.

  As if sensing her curiosity, he slowly turned to face her directly. “Let me know if the breeze makes it too chilly for you, but I love being outside when the air is this cool. It was hotter than hell when I left Afghanistan, and where my parents live wasn’t much cooler, with the added joy of high humidity.”

  She could have been freezing to death at that moment, and she wouldn’t have complained. Not if something so simple chased some of the shadows from Nick’s eyes.

  Callie was familiar with the menu, so she barely glanced at it. “I’m glad you like this place. It’s always been one of my favorites. I love their grilled salmon, and the crab cakes are to die for. They also brew a mean amber ale.”

  When their waiter returned, Nick looked up from studying the selections. “That does sound good. Want to start off with a couple of the ales and the crab cakes for an appetizer?”

  Callie nodded. “Sure, and for dinner I’ll have a Caesar salad along with the grilled salmon.”

  Nick closed his menu and handed it back. “I’ll have the same.”

  The waiter smiled. “Good choices. The crab cakes shouldn’t take long.”

  When they were alone again, Nick went back to staring at the mountain. Normally, the silence that settled between them wouldn’t have bothered Callie. However, something about the way Nick was keeping his eyes averted convinced her that it wasn’t that he had nothing to say. No, he was just reluctant to share whatever it was that he wanted to tell her.

  The suspense was killing her. If he didn’t speak up soon, she’d have to find some way to nudge him along. When she was about to do just that, he started talking.

  “I have a couple of things to tell you, Callie, and they’re sort of intertwined.”

  She wished he would look at her, but then again maybe not, considering the expression on his face right then. Even in profile, it was easy to see the growing tension in the clench of his jaw and the way his eyebrows rode down low over his dark eyes. What was he seeing in his mind that had him looking so grim?

  “Spence was the one who insisted on adopting Mooch after the dog saved us. It was touch-and-go that first night even after the vet treated Mooch. Although the bullet didn’t hit anything vital, the wound bled a lot, especially for a dog his size. Added to that, Mooch was half-starved and filthy, so it was anybody’s guess what kind of germs were embedded in the wound.”

  He lapsed into silence again, his expression bleak as he relived that night. This time she did try to nudge him along.

  “Spence told me a lot about what happened on that particular patrol and afterward. He also said that you finally ordered him to get some sleep while you stood watch over Mooch. You have to know that meant a lot to Spence.”

  Nick shrugged it off. “I owed both him and the dog that much, but back to the story. Once we knew the dog would actually make it, Spence started worrying about what would happen to him when our deployment ended. He called in every favor he could to make the arrangements to ship Mooch back to the States. He wanted to give that idiot fur ball a chance to live a long and lazy life, hopefully here in Snowberry Creek.”

  Nick finally turned to face her. “When Spence was killed, Leif and I couldn’t stand for that dream to die along with him.”

  Oh, no, she could guess where he was headed with this. It had never occurred to her that along with Spence’s house she might inherit his dog, too. What could she say?

  “If you’re asking me to adopt Mooch, Nick, I can’t say yes, not without thinking about it long and hard. I hadn’t told you this, but I’m thinking about turning Spence’s house into a bed-and-breakfast. It’s too soon to know if that’s going to work out. If it doesn’t, I’ll be looking for another contract job, which could be anywhere for any length of time. I often live out of suitcases for weeks at a time.”

  Their crab cakes and drinks arrived, giving her a few seconds’ respite before having to say more. In fact, having Nick dump this on her lap with no warning made her angry, especially because to say no to providing a home for Mooch came with a huge load of guilt.

  “For certain, I can’t give you a firm answer tonight or even tomorrow, Nick. Not when I don’t know where I’ll be living in a month’s time.”

  “I’m not really asking you for a commitment one way or another.” He was back to staring at the mountain. “I certainly understand what it’s like to live in between homes. I’m in the same boat, at least until I decide whether to extend my enlistment. It doesn’t help that Leif is trying to come back from an injury that could cost him his career in the army.”

  He offered her a tired smile. “That one patrol has had a profound effect on all of our lives, I guess.”

  There wasn’t much she could say to that, so she concentrated on enjoying the crab cakes. Unfortunately, they didn’t last very long as a diversion.

  “You said you wanted to talk to me about a couple of things. What’s the other one?”

  Nick set down his fork and pushed his plate away. “I was wondering if you’d mind if I stuck around long enough to do the yard work for you.”

  Now, that she definitely hadn’t been expecting. “Really?”

  There was a bit of a twinkle in his eyes now. “Yeah, really. I don’t have to be anywhere in particular for a while, and I’d like to help.”

  After poking and prodding the idea, she found she wouldn’t mind getting to know Nick better. Smiling so he’d know she was teasing, she said, “So, tell me—do you have any experience as a professional weed puller?”

  He responded in kind. “Yes, ma’am, I do, and I can even furnish you with references.”


  Nick laughed. “The truth is my dad’s a general contractor who specializes in remodels. I grew up working on his crews summers and during breaks in college. I’ve mostly done carpentry, but I’ve done a little bit of everything. That includes a fair amount of landscaping, like the kind you need done—clearing out everything that’s become overgrown so you can plant new stuff.”

  It would be so nice to start crossing a few things off her growing to-do list. “If you’re sure, then I’d love to have your help. I can even pay you for your efforts if you don’t mind working for minimum wage.”

  She was afraid he’d refuse that outright, but he surprised her with a counteroffer. “Keep me in groceries and beer, and we’ll call it even.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  The knowledge that Nick would be sticking around for a while pleased her far more than it should have. She figured he was offering only because of some misguided idea that he owed it to Spence to help her out.

  And maybe one of the reasons she wanted Nick to stay was that she needed that connection to Spence, too. Their dinners arrived, so they turned their attention to the fresh salmon and the beautiful sunset.

  • • •

  Nick dropped Callie off in her parents’ driveway. He didn’t trust himself to walk her to the door without wanting to do more than simply say good night. At least she didn’t seem to find it odd that he stayed
in the truck watching as she walked up to the porch and let herself in. She waved one last time before turning off the porch light and closing the door.

  He drove the short distance back to Spence’s house feeling more relaxed than he had been in a long time. Once inside, he grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat out on the porch while Mooch patrolled the yard. But after doing a quick circuit, Mooch made a beeline for the path that led toward Callie’s yard.

  Nick charged down the steps after him. “Damn it, dog, come back here.”

  No response. The stubborn beast obviously thought that Callie’s place was also part of his territory. Most likely the dog would come back on his own, but then again, maybe not. Muttering a few choice words about Mooch’s questionable ancestry, Nick stomped across the yard and took off through the woods after him.

  At least the moon was bright enough to make a flashlight unnecessary. The woods were cool and still, but at night the bushes and trees took on strange shapes. Dangerous shapes. Ones that might mean snipers and insurgents could be lurking in the deepest shadows. Nick stuttered to a stop next to a tall Douglas fir, leaning against the rough surface of the trunk, unable to move forward. His pride wouldn’t let him retreat.

  He was being absurd, and his conscious mind knew it. He’d left that kind of danger behind when the transport plane had gone wheels up, leaving Afghanistan in Nick’s rearview mirror. He tried convincing his subconscious of that truth, but it wasn’t always willing to listen.

  It took everything he had to step forward without either breaking into a panicky run or bolting back to Spence’s house to get his sidearm. But a gun in the hands of a man who couldn’t always control his own reactions to the slightest stimulus was never a good idea. He forced his feet to move.

  Counting his steps helped, giving himself something to concentrate on besides his racing pulse and how hard it was to breathe. “One, two, three . . .”

  It didn’t take long before he could see the end of the path where it opened out into Callie’s yard. He intended to call Mooch to heel and march right back to where they belonged. But as he drew closer, he knew that wasn’t going to happen. Mooch hadn’t been patrolling; he’d been hunting for his new best pal. What’s more, he’d found her.

  Callie’s voice carried across the yard. “Yeah, Mooch, I missed you, too, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be over here.”

  Time to join the discussion. “That’s right. He’s not.”

  Nick made his way over to where Callie stood on her back porch. Mooch was too busy worshipping at her feet to even acknowledge Nick’s presence.

  “Dog, get down here. You shouldn’t be bothering Callie.” Not that Nick blamed the mutt for preferring her company to his.

  No response.

  Nick tried again, this time injecting the same authority into his voice that he’d used on raw recruits who weren’t performing up to expectations. “Now, Mooch, or the next time I let you out it will be on your leash.”

  The dog hated the L-word and finally realized he was in big-time trouble. He came slinking down the steps to crouch at Nick’s feet. It was hard not to laugh, but the dog had to learn how things were done in his new world.

  “Sorry that he dragged you out of the house, Callie.”

  She walked down the steps. “It’s okay, Nick. I was headed out here anyway. I like to sit out here in the dark on my mom’s swing by the koi pond and enjoy the night air.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she wrinkled her nose as she studied Nick. “Want to join me? Or would that only send Mooch the wrong message?”

  Yeah, it probably would, but right now Nick didn’t care. Hell, he and the dog both ought to do Callie a favor and leave, but right now Nick just didn’t have it in him to refuse her invitation. All he had waiting for him back at Spence’s place was a six-pack of beer, a book he wasn’t all that interested in, and a big lonely bed.

  He slammed the door shut on that line of thought. It was time to go.

  But when he opened his mouth to say good night, that wasn’t what came out. “If you’re not tired of my . . . I mean our company.”

  “Not at all.”

  Then, to his surprise, Callie took his hand and tugged him along behind her. She led the way to the old-fashioned yard swing near the small pond with a burbling fountain in the middle. Mooch, evidently deciding he’d been forgiven, was already exploring the far end of the yard and slowly making his way back toward his two human companions.

  The swing proved to be long enough for Nick and Callie to sit down with plenty of room between them. He dutifully settled on the far end of the seat, but somehow Callie ended up sitting right next to him, thigh to thigh, with her hand still tangled up with his.

  Holy crap, Spence would have kicked Nick’s ass from one end of Afghanistan to the other for even thinking about touching Callie. Even though Leif was still on crutches, no doubt he would be only too glad to stand in for their fallen comrade. But since neither of them was there to provide a buffer between him and Callie, Nick was on his own.

  And right now, under the moonlight with a warm woman sitting by his side, this was simply the best moment he’d enjoyed in far longer than Nick could remember. Come morning, he promised to hate himself for taking advantage of Callie’s good nature, but right now he was going stay right where he was.

  “Nick, you’re thinking way too hard.”

  Angling his head to look down into Callie’s pretty face, he meant to tell her that he shouldn’t be there. Or maybe to thank her for making him feel so welcome. Yeah, that would be good. But instead, he did the one thing he shouldn’t have.

  He kissed her.

  Chapter 8

  Nick sure knew how to kiss. He tasted like the night: cool and mysterious, his lips surprisingly soft, especially in contrast to the slight rasp of his whiskers against her skin. He probably hadn’t shaved since that morning, but she didn’t care, and now wasn’t the time to be thinking about it anyway.

  This was a moment to savor and definitely one for the record books. She sighed and tipped her head back to rest against the strong curve of his shoulder, parting her lips just enough to let Nick know that she’d welcome an even deeper kiss.

  The hint worked. He wrapped his arms around her as his tongue swept in and out of her mouth on a quick foray. Murmuring her approval, she raised up to do a little exploring of her own, at the same time tracing the curve of his cheek with her fingertips.

  The night air took on a special warmth, surrounded as she was by the strength and heat of Nick’s warrior body. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to crawl right up on his lap, to feel the press of her body against his. That would be too much too soon, but if she didn’t back away now, she might not be able to resist.

  Before she had a chance to retreat, Nick took the initiative and broke off the kiss, jerking back out of reach. He stared down at her, his eyes flared wide and looking a little panicky. His breath came in short gasps, but then her own sounded as if she’d been running sprints, too.

  His expression abruptly morphed from confused to absolutely blank, every emotion he’d just been feeling evidently disappearing between one second and the next. Her skin prickled with goose bumps as if the temperature had suddenly dropped ten degrees.

  She would have retreated to the far end of the swing if his arm wasn’t still holding her prisoner. As if reading her mind, Nick shifted his arm off her shoulders and up onto the back of the swing. Callie inched away, opening up a far larger breach between them than the short distance she’d actually moved.


  His eyes dropped closed and stayed that way for several seconds. When he finally looked at her again, she was looking at a total stranger, so cold and distant.

  “Callie, I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

  Okay, now she was getting mad. “Do what, Nick? It was a kiss. Nothing more.”r />
  Evidently he didn’t agree. Nick stood up and walked a short distance away, hovering just out of reach. Callie stayed on the swing, not sure what had just happened and not all that anxious to find out.

  “I’d better go, Callie. And unless you’ve changed your mind about me sticking around, I’ll get started on the yard tomorrow morning.”

  He kept his back to her as he spoke. Did he really think she’d send him packing because of one ill-advised kiss? Maybe so, because he sure sounded dead serious. She wasn’t even tempted to ask him to leave, if for no other reason than she hadn’t had time to decide what to do about Mooch.

  Keeping her voice businesslike, she gave him his answer. “I’m not sure what yard tools you’ll find over there in the garage, but feel free to borrow anything you need from my dad’s toolshed. If there’s stuff like fertilizer or weed killer that you need, make a list so I can pick it up for you.”

  “I’ll do that.” The rigid set of his shoulders softened a bit. “And, Callie, just so you know, the problem is with me, not you.”

  She wanted to point out that that was what they all said, but he was already gone. Mooch stopped to get petted one last time and then charged off into the darkness to catch up with his buddy. Callie set the swing in motion, swaying gently as she listened to the soft murmur of the fountain. Gradually, the last bit of her own tension drained away. It was definitely time to go inside.

  Tomorrow she’d get back to work on her plans for the bed-and-breakfast. Since Nick would be working outside in the yard, she could work inside on the detailed inventory of the rest of the house. Maybe it was time to start clearing out the garage and attic over there, too.

  Hopefully she could keep busy without crowding Nick too much. She paused at the top of the porch steps to listen to the night one last time.

  And even knowing he wouldn’t hear her, she called softly, “Good night, Nick. You, too, Mooch. I hope you both sleep well.”

  Then she went inside and locked the rest of the world out.


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