A Time for Home: A Snowberry Creek Novel

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A Time for Home: A Snowberry Creek Novel Page 26

by Alexis Morgan

  It was a relief when Callie didn’t hesitate. Picking up her keys, she started for the door. “Tell you what: Let’s get something to go and then eat by the creek so Mooch can go with us.”

  Nick followed her outside, promising himself he’d do everything possible to make sure she enjoyed the outing. If it was to be their last night together, he wanted it to be memorable.

  Chapter 27

  Callie couldn’t remember the last time she laughed so much. By unspoken agreement, she and Nick both set aside their problems and kept the tone of the evening light and fun. They’d picked up a pizza for dinner for simplicity’s sake, although they’d argued a bit about what kind to order. He wanted sausage and pepperoni while she held out for the veggie special.

  Finally, they’d flipped a coin, and she’d won. Then, in the spirit of the evening, she ordered one of each kind, figuring Nick and Leif would take care of any leftovers. After the two of them had eaten their fill, she sat back and watched while Nick entertained Mooch throwing sticks for him to fetch. For a dog that had grown up alone on the streets, he took to games with surprising gusto.

  Callie had promised to give Mooch a good home with her, and she’d meant it. However, watching the two of them play so happily together made her heart hurt. The bond between the man and the dog was painfully clear, and both would suffer if separated. What was she supposed to do about that?

  Nick turned as if to tell her something, but his smile quickly faded. “Callie, is something wrong?”

  Nothing. Everything.

  She managed a small smile. “No, I’m fine. I should be getting back to the house. I still have a few things left to do before I can leave in the morning.”

  Now his expression mirrored hers. He called Mooch back to his side and clipped on the leash. “Come on, boy, we need to go.”

  Great, now even the dog’s tail was drooping, but the two males joined her. Nick handed off Mooch’s leash and picked up the pizza boxes from the picnic table. Then he took her hand in his, giving it a quick squeeze as they started the long walk back to the house.

  After a bit, Nick released her hand and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer to his side. The evening air had a slight chill to it, and the heat from Nick’s body felt good. For the moment, he seemed content to walk in silence.

  But as they approached the driveway to Spence’s house, he slowed to a stop and stooped down to unclip Mooch’s leash. “Go on home, boy. I’ll be along in a minute.”

  The dog woofed softly and trotted off into the woods. Nick then set the pizza boxes on top of the mailbox. Callie watched and waited to see what he’d do next. Her pulse picked up speed when he stepped in front of her and ran his big hands up and down her arms, leaving a lot of heat in their wake.

  She offered up no resistance when he closed the small distance between them to enfold her in his arms. “Mooch will miss you while you’re gone.”

  He’d whispered the words close to her ear, his breath tickling her skin. She whispered back, “And I’ll miss him.”

  Nick gave her a stern look. “He’ll expect you to call every night, so he can know you’re all right alone in the big city.”

  Callie laughed but only because Nick expected it. “You won’t mind taking messages for him?”

  He pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Not at all. You know how much the fur ball worries.”

  “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

  But when she lifted her face to respond to his teasing, her smile died as Nick stared down at her with hot, stark hunger in his dark eyes. Whatever she’d thought to say disappeared in a rush of desire.

  Nick brushed her hair back from her face, his touch gentle. “Stay with me, Callie, just for tonight.”

  There were probably a dozen reasons why that wasn’t a good idea. Not a single one came to mind. “It won’t change anything.”

  “I know.”

  There was such powerful truth and understanding in his simple statement. They both knew the risks and the rewards of sharing the night together. She’d known from early on that Nick could break her heart, but she wasn’t going to miss this chance to assuage the constant ache for his touch.

  She cupped the side of his face, trailing her fingers along the lines of tension in his jaw and down to the thrumming pulse at the base of his neck. He might have sounded calm, but he was feeling the same hunger, the same need.

  “Take me to bed, Nick.”

  Rather than immediately rush down the driveway to the house, Nick kissed her with such sweetness, but with an added spice of heat. He broke it off abruptly and glanced back toward town. A car was coming their way, and soon its headlights would find them hovering on the side of the road. After grabbing the pizza, Nick took her hand, and the two of them ran down the driveway, laughing as they dove into the dark shadows like a pair of teenagers desperate for a bit of privacy.

  By the time they’d reached the porch, she was a bit breathless. Nick quickly unlocked the door and stood back as Mooch ran inside just ahead of Callie. Nick led her straight up the staircase without bothering to turn on any lights. When they reached his bedroom, he closed the door, shutting out the world, including Mooch. The last vestiges of the sunset gave his room a rosy glow as the two of them tumbled down onto the bed.

  • • •

  God, what was he doing? Did he really need to remind himself that he was in Spence’s hometown with the woman who had meant everything to him? Not only that, but Nick was about to make love to her in Spence’s house. That was wrong on so many levels, but at the moment Nick couldn’t find the strength to stop himself, not when time was running out for the two of them. Tomorrow would be time enough to deal with a new layer of guilt.

  Doing his best to ignore the grumble of his conscience, Nick forced himself to go slowly, to savor the moment. He wanted to memorize every second, every touch, every kiss the two of them shared. For the longest time, they lay together, arms and legs tangled, as they kissed and fanned the flames between them with simple touch.

  His lady wasn’t as patient. She was the one who grew frustrated by the layers of clothing between them. Callie tugged his shirt up and off, tossing it to the floor. Her kisses left a hot trail down his chest until she reached the waistband of his cargo shorts. Her smile was wicked as she slipped the button free and then worked the zipper down. He lifted his hips to assist Callie in her mission.

  She peeled down his shorts, taking his boxers with them. Next, she made quick work of his shoes and socks before sitting back as if to admire her handiwork. When he reached for her, she slapped his hands away.

  “No way! Let me.”

  “Okay,” he said as he reached back to hold on to the headboard, content for the moment to be her willing prisoner.

  “You’re looking pretty hungry there, Callie girl, although I’m thinking you have a few too many clothes on right now.”

  His comment seemed to please her. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

  She took her time, letting him look his fill as she gradually revealed each luscious inch of her skin. God, he hoped he wasn’t drooling, but she was so damned beautiful. When her clothes had joined his on the floor, she straddled his thighs and slid her hands up his chest until she was stretched out on top of him.

  The simple contact felt good but wasn’t near enough to satisfy his need for her. “Damn, woman, you’re killing me here.”

  She kissed him slowly, deeply, the whole time rocking her hips, stoking the fire between them. He moaned when she broke off the kiss, but his disappointment was short-lived. She reached between them and firmly gripped his penis in the warmth of her hand.

  Her smile was all vixen as she teased him with a sliding massage. She kept her eyes locked on his as she bowed her head down to follow the trail her hand had blazed. He arched up off the bed, begging her to take more, to take everything he had
to offer.

  But then the teasing was over. She rolled to the side, pulling him with her. Between one heartbeat and the next, he took control and then took her. When their bodies joined, it was heaven. He reined himself in long enough to savor the moment, but when she lifted her legs high around his hips, taking him even more deeply into her body, his control snapped.

  He thrust into her hard and fast, over and over. Callie dug her nails into his shoulders, encouraging him, demanding everything he had to give her. Despite the near frenzy, he recognized this moment for what it was: a claiming, marking Callie as his, maybe not forever, but at least for tonight.

  All too quickly, she reached her climax, taking him with her. He held on tight, pouring out everything he had to make it as good for her as he could. A few seconds later, both of them were breathing hard and totally spent. Nick mustered up enough strength to move to the side, spooning along the length of Callie’s body before tugging the sheet and quilt up to cover them both.

  For the moment, he would be content to simply hold her, to fill his senses with her scent and soak in the warmth of her skin. They weren’t done yet, not by a long shot. He’d give both of them time to recover, and then he’d coax Callie into a repeat performance or maybe two. He couldn’t lose sight of the fact that she’d need some rest for her long drive to Portland tomorrow. But one way or another, the memory of this time together would follow her down the highway.

  He hated the whole idea of her leaving, but he would watch as she drove away. Hell, he’d even smile and wave. But even as he gave her the space and time she needed, he’d despair every minute she was gone. His patience had limits. If Callie didn’t realize that her place was right here in Snowberry Creek, especially with him, he’d have to figure out some way to convince her.

  That was something for him to work on later. For tonight, he had her exactly where he wanted her.

  • • •

  A scratching at the bedroom door followed by something breaking downstairs dragged Callie up from a deep sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to decide whether she’d really heard a noise or if it had been part of a dream.

  Nick answered the question for her. “It’s Mooch scratching at the door trying to tell us somebody else is in the house. Stay still and stay quiet.”

  His words came in a soft whisper near her ear just before he rolled up to sit on the edge of the bed. Fear tasted sour in her throat as Callie watched Nick pulling on his cargoes. “What are you going to do?”

  He put his finger across her lips, reminding her not to talk. The scratching at the door resumed, this time accompanied by a soft growl. Nick reached for something on the dresser and approached the door, calling softly, “Stand down, Mooch.”

  Nick returned to the bedside long enough to toss Callie her shirt and jeans with his free hand. The other one held a handgun.

  “Get dressed, Callie. I’m not sure how this is going to play out.”

  Her fingers fumbled with even the simplest task, but she managed to pull on her shirt and zip her jeans. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”

  Nick nodded and handed her his cell phone. “Warn them I’m armed and that I’m going downstairs to see what the hell’s going on.”

  Callie followed him across the room. “Why can’t you stay up here and wait for the police?”

  His eyes glinted in the darkness, and his voice was steel hard and cold. “I’m tired of this bastard playing these games, and he could be gone before the police arrive. This ends tonight.”

  She wanted to argue some more, but he’d already opened the door and stepped out into the hall. The way he moved in total silence was startling. He looked far too at home with that gun in his hand. Gone was her gentle lover; in his place was the highly trained soldier. Knowing that was what he was and seeing Nick in action were two very different things.

  She hated being left alone, but someone had to call the authorities. The dispatcher answered on the second ring; her calm voice and businesslike attitude went a long way toward calming Callie’s badly frayed nerves.

  “They’ll be there inside of ten minutes, Miss Redding. Where are you in the house?”

  “I’m on the second floor, but my, uh, friend Nick went downstairs to investigate. He’s a soldier and took his handgun with him. He wanted me to tell you that.”

  The dispatcher didn’t try to hide her disapproval. “I’ll warn the officers, but it would have been better if he’d stayed with you.”

  Callie wasn’t about to argue that point. “What should I do?”

  “Stay where you are. Lock the door to your room if it has one. The officer says he’s within two miles of your house now.”

  Thank goodness. Callie held on to the phone like it was a lifeline, praying the police would get there before anything happened downstairs. She didn’t even care if the intruder made good on his escape as long as no one got hurt, especially Nick.

  What was going on down there, anyway? She pressed her ear against the door, hoping to hear something, anything that would let her know that Nick and Mooch were all right. Nothing but an ominous silence. She crossed the room and carefully peeked out the window to watch for the police.

  The first set of lights she saw flickering through the trees kept on going. She held the cell phone in a death grip, praying the next car would herald the arrival of the cavalry.

  What was happening downstairs? Nothing, she prayed.

  But then a crash and a cry of pain shattered any hope of that. The smart thing to do would be to stay right where she was, but what if Nick was hurt? She was out in the hall and poised at the top of the steps in a heartbeat.

  A weapon. She needed a weapon. The big vase on the table in the hall would do. There was no use being stealthy, not with all the banging around going on right below her in the dining room. At the bottom of the steps, she debated whether to turn on the lights. Since Nick had obviously already confronted the intruder, she flipped on the switch, hoping to give the police a clear view of whatever was going on.

  The front door was ajar. Had she and Nick left it unlocked? She couldn’t remember. And it really didn’t matter now. Creeping forward on wobbly legs, she risked a quick peek around the corner into the living room. Sure enough, Nick had the other man cornered, holding him at bay with his gun.

  “Hey, man, let me go, and you won’t see me again.”

  The voice was vaguely familiar, but it took her a second to place it. As soon as she did, her temper flared hot. “Austin Locke, is that you? What are you doing here?”

  But she knew. The doors to the china cabinet stood open, and there was a pile of silver serving pieces scattered across the floor. Seeing it all made her sick.

  “No way you’re walking out of here, you little prick!” Nick’s voice was almost unrecognizable, his entire demeanor radiating a murderous rage.

  Austin held his hands up. “Look, man, don’t shoot. I’m not armed.”

  There was already blood trickling down the side of his face. He looked past Nick toward Callie. “For mercy’s sake, Callie, call him off.”

  “There’s no mercy for scum like you,” Nick sneered.

  Austin threw the handful of forks in his hand straight at Nick’s face and tried to bolt past him.

  In a lightning fast move, Nick had a terrified Austin by the throat, lifting him up on his toes with one hand. He shoved the barrel of his gun up under Austin’s jaw hard enough to bruise and growled, “I should do the whole world a favor and end you right now.”

  “Stop him, Callie!”

  Austin was choking as he desperately tried to pry himself free of the death grip on his neck. Callie wasn’t sure which man had her more worried. Yes, Austin might deserve to go to jail, but she didn’t want Nick to do something he’d regret forever.

  “Nick, let go of him. Austin isn’t going anywhere. The police will be here any second. Let th
em do their job.”

  Nick was breathing hard, his jaw working with tension as he shook his head. “My friends and I fought to protect this country, and for what? So scum like this little prick can terrorize people in their own homes? So he can rob you blind because he thinks he’s entitled to profit from Spence’s death? Not on my watch.”

  It was hard to keep her own fear out of her voice, but it was imperative that one of them remain calm. “No, Nick, you and Spence served our country to make sure that even criminals get their day in court. Austin’s actions have already ruined his life. Don’t let him ruin yours, too.”

  She gently tugged on Nick’s wrist. “Please let go. If not for your sake, then for mine.”

  He finally looked at her hands on his arm. His grip on Austin eased up enough for the man to draw a deep breath.

  “That’s it, Nick, loosen your hold. He’s not going anywhere.”

  Nick’s hands finally dropped back down to his sides, and his shoulders slumped. Austin slid down the wall to the floor and scooted sideways into the corner. He rubbed his throat and stared up at Nick as if he were a rabid dog poised for another attack. Maybe he wasn’t far off the mark, but right now she was more worried about Nick than she was Austin.

  When she tried to wrap her arms around Nick, he backed away shaking his head. “No, don’t. Not now.”

  Before she could change his mind, Mooch barked from out in the hall. She reluctantly left the two men alone long enough to greet the police. Gage Logan and two deputies filed in, their weapons drawn. The three men relaxed only slightly when she waved them inside.

  “We’re in here,” she said as she led them into the other room. Nick was right where she’d left him, staring down at Austin with his hands clenched into white-knuckled fists. It was a relief to see that he’d set the gun down on the table.

  “Just as you suspected, Gage, it was Austin. He’s in the far corner on the floor.”


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