Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology Page 18

by Peyton Banks

  She smiles and has a slight giggle. “It is a pricey option, but it has a better engine and not as many breakdowns.”

  “Do you ever talk about anything other than cars?” I ask.

  “No,” her friend interjects.

  I laugh at the comical expression on Alex’s face when she turns to look at Keisha.

  “I mean, she does. But mostly, cars are her main subject of conversation. Now, thank you for the drink, Mr. Thrower, but I’m gonna go find our table in the VIP section. It was lovely meeting you. Hope you’ll join us.” She saunters off, leaving me and Alex at the bar to nurse our drinks.

  A few passing glances and a smile later, she speaks. “I think I should go meet up with Keisha. I’ll see you Monday.” She turns to leave but my instincts kick in and I take her by the elbow.

  “Dance with me.” I half expect her to hesitate, but to my surprise, and maybe to hers, she willingly accepts. I pull her to the parquet floor that’s centered between the bar and the stage. Not one to break someone's personal space, I just sway to the beat at the sight of her relaxing and begin to move herself.

  “You can place your hands around my waist if you want to not look so awkward,” she invites.

  The first touch of her smooth skin sends pulses of want through me. Intoxicating wafts of her hair oils combined with her creams and butters draw me to her even more. It doesn’t help when she places her arms around my neck, and we are standing as close as two lovers.

  “Just so you know, this doesn’t mean you get a discount,” she chortles.

  “Well, can I at least get a date out of this?”

  “Mmm, maybe. Let’s see how the introduction goes. We both know the first one was an epic fail.”

  “Okay, in my defense, I was upset and thought I was going to miss tonight's event.”

  “Oh, you mean a chance to pick up lonely and vulnerable women.”

  “No. I mean a chance to meet a strong, sexy, maybe nice woman like you.”

  “Ah, so you’re saying something along the lines of fate had this planned all along.”

  “I feel like it, don’t you?”


  He’s clever. Not to mention smooth, alluring, and devilishly handsome. I mean his skin is like ribbons of chocolate, and the smell of cocoa butter is serving up the perfect aphrodisiac, but I’m not giving in to my wiles...not tonight.

  “How can you say that based on one event?”

  “Cause, I’ve been thinking about you ever since.” His hand softly caresses my cheek, giving me a spark I haven’t felt in a while.

  I let out a soft moan internally, not wanting to show the emotion inside. A glance into his warm chestnut eyes hints at him feeling the same electrical charge. Now I know this shit only happens in movies, but tonight I feel like being my own leading lady. Changing my position, I back into him, placing my hips firmly against his, feeling a slight bulge against my backside.

  He follows with a firmer hold on my body as we sway to the melodic sounds of Jill Scott’s The Way. For a few moments, it felt like we were familiar. He is more than the man who rushed into my shop yesterday, mad at the world and finding error with a woman being in charge. He’s a man who knows how to navigate the curves of a road and the bed. The way he slides his hand over my thighs as we sway to the beat of the sultry music playing tells me so.

  I turn back to face him and the draw in his eyes has me captured like a moth to the eternal flames. His lips softly brush against my neck when he leans forward pulling me closer.

  “You never answered me,” he whispers. The sweet smell of the whiskey he had earlier plays with my senses.

  “Oh, the date? I’m open tomorrow evening.”

  “Good. Let me give you my business card and you call me for instructions on the where and when.” He steps back and pulls his wallet from his pocket, only to open it and retrieve the rectangular, clear media with his intel embossed.

  “Oh, you work for Merit, too,” I say, looking over the information.

  “Yeah, been there awhile. Do you need any assistance with money management?”

  “Mmm, no. My girl takes care of all my financial portfolios. She’s a boss at it too.” I thank him for the dance and walk back to my seat blowing him a kiss in the process.

  Keisha is sitting there with a wide grin on her face.

  “What you smiling for?” I ask while taking my seat.

  “I saw you out there. Looks like you were having a real good time.”

  “If you want to know, and you do, we are possibly going out on a date tomorrow evening.”

  “Yass. Maybe he can knock the cobwebs off that buried treasure,” she cackles loudly, and I just shake my head.

  She’s not wrong. I could use a good round or two with a rod that’s hard and not made of steel. Plus, the way he felt against my backside lets me know I won’t be disappointed. I take a pull from my drink and direct my gaze through the crowd of faces, searching for him. Only to rest when I find my target and notice he has company beside him. A voluptuous woman with long brown hair and butterscotch complexion. That’s all I can manage to see from this position. They seem to be really acquainted, the way their body language is spoken.

  Letting out a deep breath, I finish my drink and signal for another.

  “Eew,” Keisha says as she looks around.

  I’m hoping she didn’t see Roderick and the accompanying stranger. “What are you eewing about?”

  “The vibe just got real dark over here. What happened?”

  “Um, my drink was empty, I ordered a replacement, and you said eew. I can’t see the issue.”

  “Nah, you saw something and let out a deep sigh. What was it?”

  I contemplate telling her the truth, but then she’d be all in her explanation of how I’m overreacting. So, I decide to use work as a cover. “Oh, that. I was thinking about a part that was supposed to come in yesterday and it didn’t, which means I’m gonna have to discount the customer.”

  “Girl, look. You a boss, I know this, but tonight, can you just be my girl and enjoy yourself? I promise, you can get back to tinkering with engines tomorrow.”

  “Alright, I will let it go for the evening.” We clink our newly delivered refreshments in agreement and take the inaugural taste just as the house lights dim and the emcee takes the stage, announcing tonight’s performer.

  The sweet sounds of jazz saxophonist Najee bellow through the speakers and sound system. Looking around, you can see people enjoying the groove and dancing in their seats, even standing to get the full experience. I can’t help but search for him, but instead of finding him enthralled with his company, I see he is looking back at me.

  My body becomes flush with the intensity of the heat his gaze bores into me. I take another sip and play off our connection. When I look back, he is no longer in my sight. I just sit back and take in the atmosphere, letting go of my lust-filled thoughts and enjoying the evening as planned.

  “Man, that was a great night,” Keisha says as we enter my house.

  “It was. Those guys we met up with after Najee took the stage were funny. Sad they were stood up on a double date. Another reason I don’t date where I work.”

  “I mean the only option you would have is a sports car or truck. Maybe a motorcycle.”

  “Shut up, Keish. I throw one of my decorative pillows at her hitting her square on her head.”

  “Alexandria, you’re going to mess up my hair.”

  “Stop with the jokes and your head won’t be my target.”

  “There’s a head you need to target, but not mine.” She laughs and receives a second pillow to her dome. “Fine, I’m going to bed since joking isn’t in your spirit this evening. See you in the morning.” She strolls off to the guest room, which she has claimed as her very own getaway.

  When I hear the door close, I rise to my feet to close mine, then retreat to my bathroom where I shower to remove the evening off me. From the makeup that I never wear to the emollients on my skin. O
ne thing I can’t remove is the feeling of Roderick pressed up against me. The way our bodies molded to each other fed a desire deep within me that now wants to be sated. I trail my fingers down my curves, imagining him touching every inch of my being with more attention to the sweet area. My nub hardens with excitement and I know I need to finish this one strong.

  Shutting off the shower, I go to my jewelry box with the secret compartment and remove my one rod that never fails. The soft buzz from the pulsating charge coursing through the sleek design is the purr I’ve come to be familiar with over the past three years. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve had a man in my life to ease my aches.

  But he couldn’t handle me and my entrepreneurial ways. No man can, I guess. Maybe Roderick will be the difference, I think as I slowly move my vibrator over my nipples, letting the sensation stimulate the nerves before moving down to my clit. The moment the first wave makes its connection, I imagine the cool tip being his tongue after sucking on a piece of ice. My body shivers, craving another touch.

  I apply gentle pressure, allowing the sensation to elicit urges from within, picturing him in its place. How great it would feel to have his rod pressed against me right now. My fingers play with the sticky and wet path between my legs, finding the hole and delving in, deep within, secretly wanting his fingers to be what I’m wet for. I find my pleasure center and toy with it, giving myself a double whammy of pure joy. My body convulses at the soft caress. I moan as the sense is heightened and I become even wetter.

  The squishy sounds as I finger myself harder, turning the dial up a notch on my vibrator, are evident of my oncoming orgasm. My nipples tighten to buds and my breathing becomes heavy and erratic. My muscles contract and my body stiffens when I reach my apex. Shuddering and riding the wave, I breathe in and out, calming to my previous state.

  I roll over onto my stomach and look at the business card he gave me, making a mental note to call him for our date.


  The sun shines unusually bright this morning. I take my coffee and bagel onto my patio and have a seat at the table, reviewing the financial section of the morning news to see what the futures may hold for tomorrow’s opening. I didn’t have much to drink last night at the club. Not as much as I expected. To put it simply, I was distracted. Alex, with her honey-blonde braids, a little past her shoulders, and the way they lay across her tawny colored skin, excited me. What sent me over the edge was that sun tattoo around her navel and how I wanted to use my tongue to trace it, every single etched-in ink drop. Maybe even work my way down her beautifully sculpted abdomen to see if her pussy was as sweet as I imagined.

  Yeah, I was big distracted.

  So much so that when Daphne came over to my table and invited herself to stay, I wasn’t much company. I conversed with her and enjoyed a few laughs, bought a round or two of drinks, even shared a nice seductive dance with her. She was throwing it at me from all angles, but I declined. All I could think about was her—Alex. I fold my newspaper and return indoors to see what is on the morning stock report news. I find the reports are better than what was printed only because of the potential breaking news.

  I open my laptop and compare the financials of my clients with what I’ve researched. After reviewing the emails that have been forwarded to me in lieu of Lucas, I address them and the files associated with them. I mark my positions for opening trade, then prepare for this afternoon on the lake.

  My phone rings and I blindly answer, “Hello,”

  “Hey, change of plans. I will be in the office next week after all, but I want you to go out on the lake with me today so I can talk to you about something.”

  “Lucas, uh, sure. I just marked the opening positions for your Monday clients and noted Tuesday’s performance expectations. I can go ahead and handle if you need a day or two.”

  “Just the opposite. I need to remain busy and make that money grow so I can pay for this damn house we just looked at.”

  “Wait, I thought she was gone all weekend.”

  “She was or rather, is. But she and her friends were looking online last night and saw it, and she set the appointment for us to go look at it this morning. We put in a contract and will close in about forty-five days.”

  “Damn, Simone is a boss. She sees what she wants, tells you, and it’s hers.”

  “Pretty much. She gives me what I want all the time.”

  “Okay bruh, that’s enough. I don’t need to hear all about your sex life.”

  “Oh, like you don’t talk about your conquests every Monday.”

  “That is only when I have a conquest.”

  “What? Has the mac been in a slump?”

  “Just—I don’t know. Not that I want to settle down like you, but it would be nice to have a little calm in my life.”

  “Well, she’ll come to you. What about Daphne at the office? She seems to like you.”

  “She likes what I could do for her. She’s too status update-ish. I need a woman that has her own.”

  “Hmm, like my Monie. That reminds me, I have to go make a few arrangements for this afternoon. Say you will join us? My dad’s been asking about you.”

  “Sure man. What time?”

  “One in the afternoon. We will set sail around one-thirty.”

  “Okay, see you then. Later.” We disconnect and I stroll to my room to find an appropriate outfit. I don’t want to look like I came out of the pages of the Polo catalog, but I do need to look Sunday casual.

  I pull out a pair of khakis and a white polo shirt along with a pair of deck shoes. Set aside a jacket for the evening on the water because it can be breezy. In putting my outfit together, I come across the business card for Alex and think about calling her to see if she’d want to tag along. But then I backtrack and think about asking her out. Settling on that option, I send her a text.

  Me- Hey, I didn’t get a chance to say goodnight last night?

  Alex- Who is this?

  Me- Oh, I’m sorry. This is Roderick Thrower. You are working on my car. We danced at the Red Hot.

  Alex- Oh, hey. Didn’t think you remembered me. You seemed a bit busy with the pretty young lady.

  Me- That was my coworker. Nothing is going on. I did want to see about that date.

  Alex- What did you have in mind?

  Me- Hmm, I’m not sure but I will let you know.

  I wait to see if she replies, and when she doesn’t, I know I’m gonna have to kick up the efforts. I arrange for a large bouquet of roses to be delivered to her on Monday. That way when I pick up my car, she will already be floating on cloud nine. At least, I hope. With that task complete, I arrange to pick up a simple three-stemmed set for Simone and her mother to be picked up on my way out to the marina. Never attend a function without a gift is what my dad taught me. Especially a gift for the lady. I gather my grooming supplies and head to the bathroom where I start getting ready.


  “Now, you brushed us off all weekend. You can’t say no today. We are going out on his father’s yacht so there will be plenty of room to continue the bridal weekend. So, there is no backing out.”

  Simone is relentless. I did use excuses to not attend the festivities Friday and Saturday, and I do feel bad. So, there is no way I can say no. “Okay, Monie. I’ll be there. This better not be an attempt to set me up on a date or something like that,” I warn.

  “No. Nothing like that. Just a few of Lucas’s co-workers, so he won’t be outnumbered, and our folks.”

  “I still can’t believe you are dating your step-brother,” I laugh. I know the punchline is a bit old, but it still tickles me at times.

  “Okay, enough. That joke is past its expiration date.”

  “Fine. I won’t say it again. But he is a good catch. Did he like the house that you and the others had to call me about at seven this morning?”

  “Yes, he did. In fact, we put in our contract and are waiting to close. Besides, you loved the house for the large garage and the sitting area off th
e pool.”

  “Yes, I did. Since you are twisting my arm to go to this soiree, let me go find something to wear and get ready, since I have to drive to the marina.”

  “Ooh, which car are you going to bring today?”

  “Maybe the sixty-seven Vette. It screams class, don’t you think?”

  “Is that the red one or the white?”

  “Red, of course.”

  “Well, be careful. I just had one appraised for a client who is looking to put his in an auction for charity. I’d hate for anything to happen to yours.”

  “I will. See you soon, soro.” The call ends and I am left sitting on my bed trying to figure out what to wear and why I acted the way I did with Roderick. Just last night, or early this morning, I was thinking about calling him to make a date. The moment he asked, I froze and gave him a bullshit reply. I mean, how hard is it to tell a guy what you want to do on a date? Has it been that long?

  With a deep sigh, I rummage through my closet and go through my various dress options. I may be a mechanic, but I am still all woman. I love to wear things that flatter my shape, accentuate my hips, or show off any of my multiple tats. And my skin is soft from head to toe, including my hands, the things I work with the most. If you didn’t know me, you’d never know what I did for a living. I find a long flowy, spaghetti strapped, white maxi-dress and select it, pairing it with thong style sandals. I play around with my braids and decide to pin them up in a sleek updo. Tying it with my scarf to protect it from the water of my pending boat trip, I proceed to tidy up my place before getting ready to go.

  Keisha left earlier this morning to go to work. Her first flight out is at noon and she is going to Florida. Being in the airline industry has its perks, but when you're the pilot, it's even better. We are two women in non-traditional roles, and we love it. I definitely love being able to fly pretty much anywhere for free.


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