Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology Page 51

by Peyton Banks

  “Happy birthday, Precious.”

  I stepped across the threshold and emotion stole my breath. It was a floral explosion, more than what had been in the dining room. Along with the flowers were colorful balloon bouquets, more champagne chilling, and chocolate-covered strawberries on a silver platter atop one of the nightstands.

  In the center of the room sat a large king-sized bed covered in the most inviting-looking duvet and a mountain of pillows. Gold silk was draped across the four posters, creating an intimate cocoon. Above it hung a stunning chandelier, and its low light was reflected off the crystals, creating patterns around the space. A large chest dominated one wall while on another was a St. Andrew’s cross. Two wingback chairs were situated around the fireplace in the corner of the room. Between them a small end table held a gift box wrapped in red paper and tied with a black bow.

  My inner child danced with joy at the sight of it, especially considering the surprise from the dining room. What new toy would be held inside?

  “Do you like it?”

  I jumped at the sound of her voice and quickly nodded, unsure if I could make myself speak.

  “Good. I wanted you to love it. This is an important night.”

  It may have been my imagination, but I thought I detected a slight waver in her tone. It wasn’t that Mistress didn’t show emotion, it was simply rare. At least to me, she always appeared cool, calm, and undoubtedly sure of herself.

  “This has all been so amazing, Mistress. I...I never expected so much.”

  She ran her fingers down my arm until she interlaced them with mine. Her gaze was steady, soul piercing as she brought our joined hands to her mouth and kissed my knuckles.

  “You should always expect the best, Precious. Never settle for less.”

  I tried to push down my disappointment at the reminder. I would soon be on the search for a new Dom, and again my heart fractured at the idea. I loved her as Candace, the woman who rescued me when she didn’t have to. And as Mistress, the woman who tutored and cared for me as her loyal apprentice. I loved her, and leaving her, having our time end was a truth I didn’t want to face.

  But for tonight, I’d enjoy all she had to share with me. I’d let myself get lost in her attention and affections. I’d let myself pretend I meant as much to her as she did to me.

  “Before we play, I feel we need to talk.”

  My heart raced as she led us over to the chairs. Talk? Had I don’t something wrong? Was she ending things early? No. Even if that was the case, she wouldn’t have gone through all this trouble on my birthday simply to hurt me so deeply.

  I sat and folded my hands in my lap. The urge to cover myself was strong. My state of undress left me exposed and vulnerable in more ways than one. But I held strong, lowered my head, and waited.

  Mistress picked up the box. “Eyes, Vanessa.”

  Taking a slow breath, I obeyed the command. Before me wasn’t Mistress. Before me was Candace. Her posture more relaxed. Her expression soft. A subtle difference, but one I knew. Candace talked to me about the night at this very club with my ex. She’d been who listened as I’d poured out all the hurt that seemingly wanted to be revealed the moment I had a kind ear. Candace was who’d held my hand and spoke genuinely kind words to me. And it was Candace who’d first spoken to me about being her sub in training if that life was something I’d truly wanted.

  She was here nearly fidgeting with the gift in her hand.

  My pulse quickened and my nerves roared like wildfire.

  “Have you enjoyed your time with me?”

  “Absolutely! These have been the best months of my life.” I paused and took another breath. “May I ask you a question.”

  She smiled soft and sincere. “Always.”

  I pressed my hands together tighter. “Have you…have I been good in my role?” As much as I wanted to know if she’d enjoyed our time spent, the safer question was how well I’d done in my submission.

  “You’ve been a most astute pupil. And I’ve enjoyed every moment watching you bloom.” She glanced down at the box in her hands then back to me. “But as you know, when we began this there was a timeframe in place. One that is coming to an end soon.”

  Keeping focus on what she was saying became increasingly hard. My stomach twisted in knots, the blood whirling in my head made me dizzy, and I honestly feared everything I’d just eaten would come rushing back. Why was she doing this now?

  “I want to propose a change. If you’re willing.”

  The box was thrust in my direction, and with shaking hands I took it. Slowly, I untied the delicate bow. I reached for my neck, and I let out a shuddered breath when I took the lid off. A rose gold chain, connected at the bottom with a circle adorned with a sunflower in the center and vines wrapped around it. The clasp in the back was a small, open heart-shaped lock.

  “It’s been several years since I’ve maintained a long-term submissive. Since I’ve wanted a more attached relationship. But I would like that with you.”

  This time I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “So, you don’t want to end things early?”

  “Oh, Precious, no. Is that what you’ve been thinking?”

  I ran my fingers over the meaningful piece of jewelry and nodded. “I was beginning to think this was an elaborate goodbye.”

  She stood and was before me, tilting my chin up to look at her. Mistress was back. And that knowledge settled over me like a warm hug. She wanted me. I would be hers.

  Gently, with her thumbs, she wiped at the tears on my cheeks. “You will still continue to have the same freedoms you’ve had while in our training. Living separately. Maintaining your job. If you choose. Though, it is my sincere hope that you’ll eventually give up one of them.”

  If I choose? I was again lightheaded, but for very different reasons. “I…I’m in love with you. I was dreading our agreement ending. Knowing it doesn’t have to now… I choose yes. Wait, one of what?”

  Her head fell back as she laughed. “My sweet, sweet, Precious. Oh, how I love you.”

  She picked up the collar, and I turned so she could affix it around my neck. When the cool metal hit my skin, I was free. All my worries and doubts evaporated. I floated on a cloud of bliss.

  She loved me.

  “Before I lock this into place, there are two things. One, it’s a permanent lock. Once on, the only way to remove it would be to cut it.”

  She paused, and I placed my hand on the circle, pressing onto the flower and letting the weight of her words penetrate my soul. I nodded, and she placed a kiss to the back of my neck.

  “And two, the freedom I hope you will give up—eventually—is living on your own. I would like you to move in with me. Share my bed. It would be your home, and you’d have free reign. My moniker would only need to be used during our active times. Outside of that, we would be an everyday couple.”

  I blinked once, twice, and a third time, and I feared my heart might burst from happiness. Living with her…that would be a dream. Her expansive house was a million times better than my tiny apartment. But the sharing her bed part. I’d never even been in her room in all these months. Her domain was upstairs and off limits. When I’d stay over, she’d sleep with me on occasion, but downstairs in the room I’d been given.

  An everyday, real couple.

  She wanted me. She wanted us.

  Emotion thickened my throat and I could only nod again. When the ever so soft click echoed in my ear, I turned back, feeling more desirable and at peace than I could have ever imagined. Mistress held her hand out to me and I happily took it. A soft curve on her lips and delight danced in her dark-brown eyes.

  I was hers.

  She reached out to pick up the center pendent. “It suits you well.”

  “Thank you.”

  We were an everyday, real couple.

  “I am immensely happy you said yes.”

  I shrugged out of my dress, the silky fabric fell to the floor in a soft whisper. “With you is where I be
long,” I said then lowered to my knees.

  She placed her hand on the crown of my head and released a low exhale. “You are a gift, my Precious. And I shall cherish you always.”

  About the Author

  Meka James is a writer of adult contemporary and erotic romance. A born and raised Georgia Peach, she still resides in the southern state with her hubby of 16 years and counting. Mom to four kids of the two legged variety, she also has four fur-babies of the canine variety. Leo the turtle and Spade the snake rounds out her wacky household. When not writing or reading, Meka can be found playing The Sims 3, sometimes Sims 4, and making up fun stories to go with the pixelated people whose world she controls.

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  Fall in Love


  When you get out of your own way, it’s easy to Fall in Love.


  Sage Walker & Noah Franklin were a match made in Marketing heaven, but while everyone in the office joked about them her being his work wife, coworkers were all they could be at EndRoad Marketing. When she moved away, Noah figured that he’d lost his chance for more.

  A work shake-up in New York brings Sage back to Boston and Noah gives her his spare room. She says it’s only for a little while, but he’s hoping that he can make life with him so easy that she’ll never want to leave.

  Sage knows she’s asking for trouble staying with Noah. Her heart is on the line because she’s already half in love with her friend. What’s she going to do when she realizes that home is more than just a roof over her head. Noah makes it so easy to fall in love.


  When he answered her call, she opened her mouth to talk and managed to get out a “Hey.” It was the best she could come up with under the circumstances.

  “Sage? How are you? What’s it like in the big city?”

  Hearing Noah’s excitement made her stomach twist. There wasn’t an easy way to say it. So, straight out would have to work. “Actually, I’m headed back to Boston.”

  “For the weekend? I can clear my schedule.”

  The more excited he sounded, the worse it was for her.

  “For the foreseeable future. The company here,” how to put it so it made sense to him when it didn’t even make sense to her, “well, it’s splitting in half and when the owners picked out their people to take with them. I wasn’t on either list.”

  Oh, my goodness, that sounded depressing. Dragging her down even more than she’d already been.

  “When can I come help you pack?”

  The response took her aback. “What?”

  She heard him sigh. “Sage, I’m not happy about why you’re coming back, but I don’t think it’s a surprise that I’m happy you’re coming back here.”

  Her heart kicked in her chest, and she had to take a moment to breathe before she could talk. “I’ve missed you too.”

  His laugh sent shivers down her spine. “So, when can I come get you?”

  She dropped her chin down to her chest and laughed silently. “I’ve got a ticket tomorrow night. I know,” she hurried to continue on because she knew it had to sound crazy, “but the apartment I was renting-”

  “Sage.” He had that tone that could stop her in a heartbeat. Warm, strong, so very Noah. “You don’t have to explain. You don’t have to say a thing. Just tell me when and where to pick you up and I’m there.”

  Grateful. Hopeful. Her heart was so full of this man. She let out a breath. “I’ll send you the flight information. Thanks.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for a thing, but maybe you’ll let me take you out to dinner.”

  “Hey,” she laughed at him, “you’re picking me up at the airport. I should buy you dinner!”

  “Hmm…” She heard a little bit of humor in his tone. “If you buy me dinner, I guess it means I owe you.”

  She laughed and felt the skin over the bridge of her nose wrinkled. “Well, I owe you. This is a huge favor, Noah. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

  “You don’t ever have to say a thing. Having you back here…” his words trailed off and she felt tears in her eyes. She used the back of her hand to wipe them away.


  “Hmm, what?” She had to get a hold of her emotions before Noah started to wonder if she was losing her mind.

  “Where are you going to stay?”

  Wow. She really should have just sent him a text. After all, that was their primary mode of communication since she’d moved to New York. If she tried to ignore the question, he’d just ask it again until she answered.

  “I’ve got a hotel room set up for the first week or so until I find a-”

  “Now you’re just making stuff up.”

  “H- how did you know?”

  He was lucky he was far enough away that she couldn’t slug him on the shoulder, or elbow him in the side as she’d done so many times at work. His laughter was still warm, but knowing that he’d pegged her so quickly irked a little.

  “I’m not telling. If I did, you’re smart enough to change your tells, and then I’ll have to figure them out again.”

  “Tells?” Now, it seemed like she was figuring him out a little more and it felt good to be on even footing.

  “We’ll save this for later when you’re here and I can see what you’re thinking, but Sage?”

  “Yes?” She couldn’t help the edge she heard in her own voice. She felt like an open book and she didn’t want to feel so exposed. In New York, no one really knew her, and it gave her freedoms she didn’t have around Noah. No, back when they were working with each other at EndRoad Marketing, he could read her too easily. And it seemed like he could still do the same across state lines and wireless communication.

  “I’ve got an extra room at my duplex. There’s more than enough space for the two of us.”

  Now that, she hadn’t expected. “Noah-”

  “I don’t know if you remember what it was like to find a place to live here. You were at your apartment for three years before you moved to Manhattan, but it’s still crazy difficult to find a place here.”

  She didn’t want to lean on him, not like this. Not when she was worrying that being close to him again was going to stir up all kinds of feelings she didn’t want to explain.

  Maybe that was why she felt like she should tip up her chin and remind him that she might have worked in Manhattan, but she’d lived in the Bronx. Still, he was right. If things were just as tight in the rental market, it would be a good idea to take some of the stress out of a search.

  For a week.

  Two, tops.

  “Sage? It’s not that hard to say yes.”

  Speak for yourself. She shook her head and reminded herself not to be so stubborn.

  “I know you’re fighting it.”

  “Oh my God! Noah!”

  “Then just say yes. It’ll be good. We’ll get the chance to catch up and when I start irritating you, we’ll look for a place.”

  “You mean,” she clarified, “we’ll look for a place before I irritate you.”

  “Hey, now.”

  She laughed when she heard his affronted tone. “What?”

  “You already irritate me, Sage, but I’ve been missing it. So, this is going to be great.”

  She could talk to him for hours. It was something they’d done numerous times over the years that they’d worked together, but at the moment, she had work to do.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go and pack.”

  “Yeah,” she thought she heard a bit of sadness in his tone, “and I’ll see you soon.”

  “Tomorrow.” She turned to look at the small mountain of boxes she’d already packed. “Better get in your silence while you can. Thanks, Noah. This means… this means a lot. Good night.”

  “Sage?” She heard his rush and waited to hear what he had to say. “I’m sorry about your work, but it�
��ll be okay. I’m glad you’re coming home.”

  She heard the silence fall between them as he hung up the call on his side.

  Home. Strange, but it did feel like that.

  What was worse, it was because of him.

  Noah got into work early the next day. He only had a couple of things to do in group projects, so he worked on his individual accounts until it was time for their group session.

  Paula knocked on his open door and gave him a little half-wave when he looked up. “I saw that you’re taking tomorrow off. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” His immediate smile seemed to take her by surprise. “I have a friend moving back into town, and I wanted to be available in case she needed help with anything.”

  He looked back down at his tablet screen and went back to work.

  A few low voices brought his attention back toward the door.

  Kyle was standing next to Paula, and they were both watching him with an odd combination of curiosity and interest.

  Yeah, this wasn’t going to be easy.

  “So, this friend,” Kyle’s eyes were fixed on his face and Noah blew out a breath, “do we know who she is?”


  Paula gave him a wink. “I figured it was a good bet.”

  “Betting in the office is against the rules.” Noah reminded them.

  Kyle’s snort sounded like he was about to choke. “I’d take that seriously if Kohler didn’t win the pool for the next employee engagement, and he’s a manager.”

  Noah really couldn’t argue with that. “It’s not a big thing. A friend who needs a pickup from the airport and a place to stay for a few days.”

  He could have lived very happily leaving off that last part.

  “A ‘she’ in your house.” Paula met Kyle’s suspicious squint. “If Sage wasn’t in New York, I’d say it was-”


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