The Kerrigan Kids Box Set Books #1-3

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by W. J. May

  The Kerrigan Kids Box Set Books #1-3

  The Kerrigan Kids, Volume 13

  W.J. May

  Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2021.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 13, 2021.

  Copyright © 2021 W.J. May.

  ISBN: 978-1393183495

  Written by W.J. May.

  Also by W.J. May

  Bit-Lit Series

  Lost Vampire

  Cost of Blood

  Price of Death

  Blood Red Series

  Courage Runs Red

  The Night Watch

  Marked by Courage

  Forever Night

  The Other Side of Fear

  Blood Red Box Set Books #1-5

  Daughters of Darkness: Victoria's Journey



  Coveted (A Vampire & Paranormal Romance)


  Daughter of Darkness - Victoria - Box Set

  Great Temptation Series

  The Devil's Footsteps

  Heaven's Command

  Mortals Surrender

  Hidden Secrets Saga

  Seventh Mark - Part 1

  Seventh Mark - Part 2

  Marked By Destiny


  Fate's Intervention

  Chosen Three

  The Hidden Secrets Saga:The Complete Series

  Kerrigan Chronicles

  Stopping Time

  A Passage of Time

  Ticking Clock

  Secrets in Time

  Time in the City

  Ultimate Future

  Mending Magic Series

  Lost Souls

  Illusion of Power

  Challenging the Dark

  Castle of Power

  Limits of Magic

  Protectors of Light

  Omega Queen Series









  Balance (Coming Soon)

  Paranormal Huntress Series

  Never Look Back

  Coven Master

  Alpha's Permission

  Blood Bonding

  Oracle of Nightmares

  Shadows in the Night

  Paranormal Huntress BOX SET

  Prophecy Series

  Only the Beginning

  White Winter

  Secrets of Destiny

  Revamped Series




  Royal Factions

  The Price For Peace

  The Cost for Surviving

  The Punishment For Deception

  Faking Perfection

  The Most Cherished

  The Strength to Endure (Coming Soon)

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  Rae of Hope

  Dark Nebula

  House of Cards

  Royal Tea

  Under Fire

  End in Sight

  Hidden Darkness

  Twisted Together

  Mark of Fate

  Strength & Power

  Last One Standing

  Rae of Light

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan: Gabriel

  Living in the Past

  Present For Today

  Staring at the Future

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Prequel

  Christmas Before the Magic

  Question the Darkness

  Into the Darkness

  Fight the Darkness

  Alone in the Darkness

  Lost in Darkness

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Prequel Series Books #1-3

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Sequel

  A Matter of Time

  Time Piece

  Second Chance

  Glitch in Time

  Our Time

  Precious Time

  The Hidden Secrets Saga

  Seventh Mark (part 1 & 2)

  The Kerrigan Kids

  School of Potential

  Myths & Magic

  Kith & Kin

  Playing With Power

  Line of Ancestry

  Descent of Hope

  Illusion of Shadows

  Frozen by the Future

  Guilt Of My Past (Coming Soon)

  Demise of Magic (Coming Soon)

  The Kerrigan Kids Box Set Books #1-3

  The Queen's Alpha Series













  The Queen's Alpha Box Set

  The Senseless Series

  Radium Halos - Part 1

  Radium Halos - Part 2



  The Senseless - Box Set Books #1-4


  Shadow of Doubt (Part 1 & 2)

  Five Shades of Fantasy

  Zwarte Nevel

  Shadow of Doubt - Part 1

  Shadow of Doubt - Part 2

  Four and a Half Shades of Fantasy

  Dream Fighter

  What Creeps in the Night

  Forest of the Forbidden

  Arcane Forest: A Fantasy Anthology

  The First Fantasy Box Set

  Watch for more at W.J. May’s site.

  The Kerrigan Kids

  Box Set Books #1-3

  Copyright 2021 by W.J. May

  THIS BOOK IS LICENSED for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  The Kerrigan Kids Box Set Books #1-3

  Copyright 2021 by W.J. May

  Cover design by: Book Cover by Design

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

  The Prequel series is a Sub-Series of the Chronicles of Kerrigan.

  The prequel on how Simon Kerrigan met Beth!!

  Download for FREE:


  Christmas Before the Magic

  Question the Darkness

  Into the Darkness

  Fight the Darkness

  Alone in the Darkness

  Lost the Darkness


  Book I - Rae of Hope is FREE!

  Book Trailer:

  Book II - Dark Nebula

  Book Trailer:

  Book III - House of Cards

  Book IV - Royal Tea

  Book V - Under Fire

  Book VI - End in Sight

  Book VII – Hidden Darkness

  Book VIII – Twisted Together

  Book IX – Mark of Fate

  Book X – Strength & Power

  Book XI – Last One Standing

  Book XII – Rae of Light


  Matter of Time

  Time Piece

  Second Chance

  Glitch in Time

  Our Time

  Precious Time

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan: Gabriel

  Living in the Past

  Present for Today

  Staring at the Future

  Kerrigan Chronicles

  Book 1 – Stopping Time

  Book 2 – A Passage of Time

  Book 3 – Ticking Clock

  Book 4 – Just in Time

  Book 5 – Time in the City

  Book 6 – Ultimate Future

  The Kerrigan Kids Series

  Book 1 - School of Potential

  Book 2 - Myths & Magic

  Book 3 - Kith & Kin

  Book 4 - Playing With Power

  Book 5 - Line of Ancestry

  Book 6 - Descent of Hope

  Book 7 – Illusion of Shadows

  Book 8 – Frozen by the Future

  Book 9 – Guilt of My Past

  Book 10 – Demise of Magic

  Book 11- Rise of the Prophecy

  Book 12 – Deafened by the Past

  Find W.J. May




  SIGN UP FOR W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!


  Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

  The Kerrigan Kids Series

  Find W.J. May

  Book 1


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Book 2

  Myths & Magic

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Book 3

  Kith & Kin

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  GRAB BOOK 4 – Playing With Power

  The Kerrigan Kids Series

  Find W.J. May

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan



  The Chronicles of Kerrigan: Gabriel

  More books by W.J. May


  Book 1

  Copyright 2019 by W.J. May


  HOW DO YOU SAVE THE world when it’s already been saved?

  Eighteen-year-old Aria was supposed to have it all. A tight-knit circle of friends, a loving family, and a magical tatù on her lower back that gave her every superpower under the sun. When it came to the battle between good and evil, she was ready to do her part. There was just one little problem.

  ...good had already won.

  Trapped beneath their parents’ legacy, Aria and her friends find themselves restlessly pacing the halls of Guilder University. Desperate to come into their powers, desperate for whatever comes next. The months blend together, each more monotonous than the next. Until one day, no different than any other, a mysterious stranger comes to school.

  Determined to uncover his secrets and driven by a fierce need to prove themselves, the new gang does whatever it takes to show the rest of the world they’re ready. But that readiness comes at a cost.

  Will it be a price they’re willing to pay?

  Chapter 1

  The girl sat with her chin in her hand, blankly staring out the window. Beside her a teacher was lecturing without pausing for breath, pacing rhythmically in front of the rows of students.

  A rather ordinary scene, but nothing about it was ordinary.

  It wasn’t an ordinary school. He wasn’t an ordinary teacher. It wasn’t even an ordinary window. It had been replaced with bulletproof glass after the remodel about a decade before.

  And if you had to describe Aria Wardell in a single would never be ordinary.


  She jumped back to attention, dropping her pencil on her desk. The pacing had stopped, the teacher was staring at her, and she had no idea what she was supposed to say.

  “Would you like to continue daydreaming? Or shall I repeat the question?”

  The red-haired boy sitting beside her smirked. A few seats back a guy with messy blond hair flashed a faint grin, but never took his eyes from his desk. He was carving something into the underside of the wood. Not using a pencil, but what looked like a shard of glass.

  “I’m sorry,” she uttered, swiveling quickly in her chair, trying to look engaged, “come again?”

  The teacher ground his teeth in exasperation.

  “Who led the British forces in the Battle of 1746?”

  ...there was a battle in 1746?

  She glanced at her unopened textbook.

  Probably in the reading last night. The reading I was going to do before Kensie made a slip-and-slide on top of the art building and we all took turns falling into the shrubs.

  “That’s a very good question,” she replied, stalling for time. “And before we go any farther, I’d like to thank you for calling on me to answer it. So many schools lack the personal attention you find here in the hallowed halls of Guilder University.”

  There was a tittering of laughter amongst the students. The blond lifted his eyes for the first time and the teacher tilted his head with a caustic smile.

  “Much as I enjoy these little back and forths, Miss Wardell, the real battle happened in 1746. So if you can just tell me the name of the British commander, we can move on.”

  Why isn’t Lily here—she’d know the answer.

  Aria leaned back in her chair, about to admit defeat, when a sudden feeling of recklessness told hold and she did something else instead. Something that was very, very against the rules.

p; Her blue eyes dilated as they locked onto the professor, drifting out of the classroom entirely and jumping back to the morning before. She saw him stacking books into a leather satchel, glancing down at an open page. A stocky man in an ivory wig stared up at her. She squinted at the caption.

  “Prince William, Duke of Cumberland,” she announced triumphantly. If only she’d stopped there, but she had a habit of taking things just a bit too far. “A true champion for modern day hair-extensions. The man was before his time.”

  There was more laughter as the professor rolled his eyes and continued pacing.

  It was most definitely a punishable offense. Rule number one at Guilder was never use a tatù in class, and she hadn’t even bothered to hide it. But no matter what she did, she and her friends never seemed to find themselves in any serious trouble.

  Rather ironic, because they happened to be the biggest troublemakers in school.

  Freshman year, they’d filled the university peace fountain with blowfish and refused to remove them on what they claimed were religious grounds. The year after that, they’d ordered sixty-five pizzas from a place in London—the delivery man had a hard time with the enchanted gate.

  It was enough to get them suspended. It was enough to get them expelled.

  But each time, the faculty of Guilder University would just smile and look the other way.

  Like they were some kind of beloved pets that could do no wrong. Like some kind of debt was owed, the kind they could never hope to pay. It was annoying, but not entirely unexpected.

  You see, our parents saved the world...a lot.

  Imagine being a kid growing up in a secret magical community. Now imagine being a kid growing up in a secret magical community that your parents had saved from extinction.

  There were framed pictures of them in the Oratory, wings of the campus dedicated to their achievements. Hand to the heart, there was a PC training course named after their dads.


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