Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3)

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Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3) Page 3

by Laurie Lochs

  And, holy fucking shit. Trevor was perfect. The second he took the stage I just about had an aneurism. All my doubts washed away the second he opened his pretty little untouched mouth. He’d done little more than bring his lips to the microphone — and flick his tongue across his teeth — before I knew he was the “one.” The perfect boy for talent night. His brown hair flowed across his face like a river thawing in spring. His little fingers darted across the keyboard and brought to life in entirely new set of musical combinations I'd never heard before. At least not in a pop singer. The original composition blew me away. It took my heart to depths of emotion I hadn't experienced in years. At least not since my ex left me for a younger man. And his lips, when they got so close to the microphone? I could've kissed him right then and there. But I knew I needed to keep it professional if he was going to be the star attraction of the club.

  I wished I’d gotten his number.

  I got ready for another administrative day at Asteria. I'd done little more than enter the back office when my assistant Veronica suddenly greeted me with a large latte from a local coffee shop. Due to the light rain she wore rubber boots, a dark black coat, and even blacker stockings that crept up to her thighs. She wiped her hands on her skirt and shoved the biggest stack of papers I'd seen in my life in my face towards me.

  "Take," she ordered, thrusting the load towards my mouth.

  I glanced at the folder in shock. "And just what the hell is this?"

  "An assignment, silly. It's the third of the month and Stephen hasn’t paid rent."

  “That little bitch.” I grabbed the papers and brought them to the computer. I quickly transferred the rent to the landlord over Interac. He was a close friend who frequented Asteria on weekends. He wouldn't penalize me for being two days late. But it was still an embarrassment that our part-time assistant and full-time accounts manager, Stephen, hadn't paid the rent on time. If it were up to me, I would've set it on automatic payments. I had a habit of leaving things until the last minute or forgetting them altogether. But Stephen, the co-owner of Asteria who had a 25% equity stake, refused to put any of our bills on automatic payment. “If there’s an issue," he'd said, “or if the vendor doesn’t deliver, they've already got your money. I want to examine every receipt before I send them a cent."

  It was a prudent business move if you remembered to pay the vendors that weren't screwing you. Stephen flat out didn’t pay anyone.

  "I'll have a talk with him.” I pushed the stack of papers across the table. They bumped into the gold tinged lamp on the corner of the desk and almost sent it flying over the edge. At the last minute, Veronica grabbed the lamp and set it next to my stack of Joyce Carol Oates short stories, which I sometimes read when the Dungeon wasn't packed with Daddies and boys. Or when I wasn't occupied picking up the slack for my seriously shitty best friend.

  "Now that that's out of the way," Veronica said, "I got you a surprise."

  I glanced up from the lamp and studied the cup she was holding in front of me. "It's coffee, right?" She better not have fucked with my coffee. I liked dark roast, no cream or sugar.

  "Not quite," she said with a laugh, tossing her Louis Vuitton bag over her shoulder. "They were having a special on this new latte… It's called a skinny mocha caramel latte with soy whipped cream."

  “Soy whipped cream?" I asked, scrunching my brow. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  Veronica laughed and turned around. “If you think I’m giving you a hint to go to the gym, you’re wrong. You’re perfect just the way you are. The boys love you, belly and all. I wanted you to try the new seasonal latte, that’s all.”

  I brought the cup to my mouth and sniffed it. Though the combination sounded horrendous, it wafted good. I couldn't see it becoming my new order, but it was good enough to drink.

  "Thanks, Veronica," I muttered, taking a sip. I set the latte next to my computer. I placed a stack of napkins between it and the keyboard to remind me not to be too rough. I'd ruined one of my MacBook Pros two years ago by spilling a mug of hot coffee all over the keys. Though I'd set it in a bag of rice for three weeks, it still wouldn't work without a charger. The last thing I needed was to lose club records over a latte spill.

  Veronica pivoted and left. She was off to an appointment with her grandma I’d approved along with Stephen the day before. I was on the cusp of pulling up our financials for the last month when the office phone suddenly rung.

  Immediately, my mind shot to the boy from last night.

  It’s him. He wants to be your baby boy.

  I cleared my throat and forced the thoughts from my head. It was not Trevor. He was way too fucking cute for me, anyway. He didn’t want a Daddy with a belly that hung to his knees. He was adorable as shit.

  My heart deflated at the thought that whoever was on the other side of the ringing phone was definitely not the boy. I grabbed the phone and brought it to my ear.

  I’d done little more than open my mouth when a timid voice quietly said, “Is this Mr. Ash?”

  Chapter 5


  I waited in terror for the voice on the other end to speak. What if it wasn’t Ash? I was going to totally embarrass myself by asking to speak to the owner of Asteria. I might have dialed a wrong number. That was the last thing I wanted to do. But if it was Ash… Well, shit. That was almost worst.

  Quickly, I made the decision to hang up before I could totally humiliate myself. But before I could, a soft, low voice suddenly said, “Yes. Ash speaking."

  Ohhh, fuck. So it was him. I still couldn’t believe I’d called. In fact, I hadn’t planned on it… At least not until I’d checked my bank account and realized that, if I didn't get work soon, I was going to be shit out of luck. While the $300 for a talent performance wouldn't solve my problems, it was enough to get me over the threshold and pay my aunt rent.

  "Hello, um… Hello, Ash," I stammered, clearing my throat. "My name is…"

  I let my voice trail off. Suddenly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Ash my name. Though the Safe Check program on his website had let me know I was wrong about seeing “depraved shit” at the club, I still wasn't sure what kind of shit this man was into. Or maybe I was just being a total pussy.

  "Trevor, isn't it?" Ash said, with a pause. "I'm just going to assume that you're the boy who saying those incredible songs last night. Until you prove me wrong, I'm not going to think any different."

  I couldn't help but laugh. So he already knew who I was. Stupidly, I remembered that I’d announced my name before I performed. So of course Ash already knew my name. He probably knew a ton of things about me and Googled me the second he got home.

  "Yes," I confessed. "You caught me. I'm calling about, uhm… About the offer you gave me. Or, sorry… Not the offer, but the application. The opportunity to perform at Asteria.”

  Ash paused. "Honest to God," he said at last, "I'm glad as hell you called. As I mentioned, it's part of our monthly marketing we use to attract new clients. Business has been good, but if we branched out a bit and tried something new, we could draw in bigger crowds. At least that’s what my business partner Stephen and I think.”

  My heart trembled. Was he really suggesting that I could draw in bigger crowds? I asked him as much.

  "Yes. The song you sang at The Watering Hole was one of the best original compositions I've heard in years. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you'd been performing for a long time. You have a remarkable stage presence. I don't listen to much pop music — and when I do, I don't typically deviate too far from Lana Del Ray — but I could tell right away. You have a gift."

  “T-Thank you," I stammered, unsure of what to say. I willed Ash’s face from last night to the front of my mind. Without another word, I was standing in front of him again, staring into his warm brown eyes that promised safety and protection and all the things I’d ever wanted in my life — all the things my best friend Blakely and Kyle currently had with their Daddies — but never had the courage to
try to find on my own.

  "We've interviewed various performers for the next talent night, but I'm pretty damn sure you fit the bill the best. The pay is $300 for less than three hours of work. The first 30 minutes consists of you performing your original songs. Then, as the various couples get into action, we’ll offer them beverages and snacks to make sure they’re having a good time."

  "So…" I began, trying to work it out in my mind. "I'd be like a singer—waiter mix. Is that right?"

  "Something like that," Ash said with a laugh. It sounded like he took a sip of something and licked his lips. Suddenly, I imagine what it would be like to sit in his office, watching him lick his lips like he just had over the phone. I wondered what lay under that checkered shirt of his he’d worn last night, and if the tuft of chest hair I'd seen poking out from the top extended all the way to his round, voluptuous belly. My cock jolted in my khakis at the thought of Ash running a firm, hairy hand over my body, touching me in places no man ever had before.

  "Come to the office," Ash said, "we'll do a test run and see if you'll be right for the job. There are a few more things I need to discuss with you before you come, but I'm confident that you'll fit in."

  "Does this afternoon work?"

  "Yes," Ash said, "I'll be here. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Ash. I'll come right out and we’ll get down to business."

  I grinned and hung up the phone. We’ll get down to business. What did that mean? My heart was pounding out of my chest. The opportunity sounded too good to be true. But at the same time, Ash's voice made me think there was a chance I was talented enough to perform at Asteria. Even though I hadn't known the club existed for more than a day.

  "All performers have to start somewhere, Trevor," I whispered to myself, imagining myself on the front stage, staring into the sea of daddies and Doms. "You start off performing in the Dungeon, and maybe next week, you'll be in Hollywood, singing with the stars."

  I changed into a more appropriate shirt and got ready. I had two hours before I needed to meet Ash. I had to make sure I look my best.

  Especially if we decided to get down to business at the club.

  Chapter 6


  I tossed the latte cup in the trash and folded my arms nervously. It was three hours later and the boy still hadn't shown up. I wasn't one to get nervous, but this was throwing me for a loop. I still wasn't sure Trevor would show up at all. I hoped he hadn't gone on our website and gotten scared by the photos. Although they were tame compared to what we did most nights.

  I was about to give up when Veronica burst through the door with a grin on her face. “You've got a boy to see you."

  My heart trembled. I had to play it cool. I nodded, letting Veronica know I wanted her to show the boy inside. I pulled up a chair in front of the office and waited. I’d just finished sorting a stack of papers when Trevor suddenly walked into the room.

  And, oh my God, did he look incredible. He was every bit as beautiful as last night. A chance ray of sunlight illuminated his hazelnut—green eyes and turn them into sparkling jewels. His pointy nose fit in perfectly with his pale face, recalling the noblest moments of Greek sculpture. The long strands of flowing brown hair that cascaded over his cheeks were something out of a Renaissance painting. Suddenly, I understood why the ancients used boys just like this to represent the unattainable ideal of Athenian male beauty. Just as well, Trevor would've fit into any one of Michelangelo's many statues, and he would've been a perfect complement to one of Tuke’s beautiful slim boys on the sea.

  But I wasn't in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This boy was standing before my eyes.

  "Boy," I said, pulling a chair in front of the desk. "Have a seat. I’m glad you came.”

  “T-Thank you," the boy stammered, bringing a hand to his cheek. It immediately flushed beneath his touch. The boy still hadn't looked me in the eyes, as if he found the floor that much more safe than me.

  Or perhaps he's shy. You can't neglect that possibility. He's a shy, shy boy, but he turns into a luminous angel when he's on stage.

  "I was finishing up a few things," I said, pretending like I hadn't been waiting in agony for him to show up all afternoon. I couldn't remember the last time a boy had driven me this crazy, especially one I didn’t even know. "But I can put those aside. Let’s talk about talent night.”

  The boy glanced up at me and smiled weakly. My heart stopped and my legs turned to jelly. I was worried I was going to collapse and melt in a giant, Daddy-sized puddle on the floor. His skin was so delicate and soft… Would it melt if I did so little as touch him? If I pressed my thumb into his forearm, would it sink all the way?

  Trevor snapped me out of my daze. He smiled and said, “Well, I’m a little nervous, Sir… I’ve never performed at a BDSM club before."

  Stop, Ash. He doesn’t know what “Sir” means. Chill out.

  “Have you ever been in a BDSM club before?”

  Trevor shook his head timidly. “N-No. And to be honest, I’m glad to be here, but… Well, I’m scared.”

  I burst into a grin. “You’re adorable, boy. You know that?”

  Trevor blushed. “Oh, please don’t say that. You’re going to make me shy.”

  I laughed. “You’re a fucking heartbreaker, boy. Here,” I said, walking to the door. “Let’s get the hell out of this cramped office. Let me show you the club.”

  Trevor shot me a nervous glance. But then he smiled and got up from his seat. He followed me to the door and cautiously peaked around the corner. His jaw dropped when he saw the gear along the walls.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You look concerned. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes,” Trevor said too quickly. This let me know that everything was not alright.

  “Well, shit. Let me put you at ease. Trevor,” I said, gesturing to the space in front of us. “Welcome to the Dungeon.”

  Trevor’s mouth fell open. “The Dungeon?”

  I laughed. “Yes, the Dungeon. This is where Doms play with their boys.”

  “Oh.” Trevor was nervous but there was a fire in his eyes that warmed my heart. I had to guide him slowly through the Dungeon to make him feel comfortable around this gear.

  I decided to lead Trevor to the dildo wall, where we had dildos of every color and size fastened with bolts to the concrete wall. Doms and Subs could pleasure themselves with the dildos while they watched the action or if they needed a break. They were equipped with lube and slid smoothly into assholes.

  By the dildo wall sat a black basket of martinets, perfect for Subs who enjoyed pain. I grabbed one and handed it to Trevor. “Do you know what this is, boy?”

  “N-No, Sir.”

  “It’s a flogger. It’s meant to invoke pain in Subs. It’s one of many tools used to bring Subs to Subspace.”

  Trevor still looked scared as hell. My heart trembled a bit. But then I forced myself to remember it was his very first time in a kink club. Hell, the first time I walked into a kink club, I’d been trembling in my boots. But that stopped the minute a group of kind, silver-haired Daddies tied my 22-year-old body up to a wall and rubbed their cocks on me, even pissing on me and jerking me off. I’d moaned and come 5 times that night, in rapid succession. They’d flogged my body hard enough to leave marks. But they’d comforted me as soon as we finished, wrapping me in their arms and holding me tight as my cock continued to spurt uncontrollably.

  It wasn’t until the morning after that I realized I hated being dominated in any form. The next time I went to a BDSM club, I forced the Daddies to come for me.

  “Don’t be afraid, boy.” I set the flogger down and gently took Trevor’s hand. “You’re correct to think that much of this gear is dangerous in the wrong hands. But that’s why we vet every Dom before they join. The only time we don’t vet guests is our monthly talent night, which we use to attract new guests. But when they formally apply, we run a full background check. That way, when they attend our monthly events such as brunch, geek ni
ghts, or mentoring workshops, our current guests know they will be safe.”

  Trevor looked confused. “Why do you need workshops? Wouldn’t someone coming to Asteria already be interested in BDSM?”

  “They might be interested but they don’t necessarily know how to play. That’s why we offer workshops for every experience level. For beginners, we have submissive and dominant workshops. If you have experience with scenes and wish to get into more advanced play, we offer workshops on wax, fire, and impact play.”

  Trevor looked lost. “What is wax play?”

  I laughed. “Wax play is when a Dom drips hot candle wax onto his willing, consenting sub. At Asteria, Doms use soy wax, which melts at 54 °C and doesn’t leaving lasting damage to skin. Unlike beeswax, it’s soft and can’t be formed into pillars. This also means that it will not leave blisters or burns, which is what turns many Subs off from wax play. Yet when practiced safely, it is an amazing part of the pain experience. Fire play is just what it sounds like. Subs with this kink enjoy fire placed near or directly on their skin. It can be done by wiping alcohol or other flammables on skin and lighting it, pressing into the skin with a lit torch, or flogging skin with a flaming whip or martinet. This is an advanced practice and should only be done when both parties are aware of the risks. In the Dungeon, fire play is closely monitored and we do not use materials that put guests in harm’s way. If an accident occurs, we have First Aid Kits on standby and bandages to heal burns.”

  Trevor was shocked. “Jesus fucking Christ. Why the hell would anyone want to get burned?”

  “For the same reason some Subs enjoy impact play. It’s their kink, Trevor. It’s no different than using a paddle, cane or riding crop to hit or punish your sub. It helps Subs reach sub space, especially if used in combination with types of sensory deprivation such as ball gags, blindfolds, or restraints. It helps Subs soar.”


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