Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3)

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Training Trevor: An ABDL Age Play Romance (Safe Boys Book 3) Page 14

by Laurie Lochs

  Ash welcomed me into his arms. "Thank you so much, baby boy. You don't know how happy that makes Daddy. He wants nothing but the best for you and wants to give you his heart."

  I burrowed into Daddy's arms. "Thank you for your gift. I promise I'll treasure and honor it every day."

  Ash smiled and let go of me. "There's just one more thing, sweet boy."

  I bit my lip. "What is it, Daddy?"

  "We need to sign an agreement. This will make sure there's never anything you're uncomfortable with. This agreement sets the boundaries of our relationship and goes over consent. In this agreement, you have to promise that if you're uncomfortable at any time, you must tell me right away. If not, there will be severe repercussions."

  "Yes. Of course."

  "And if Daddy feels uncomfortable with anything, he will tell you too," Ash continued. He produced a piece of paper from the shelf. "We need to come up with a special word just between us. I know we’re not going to be doing anything like pain or bondage but we need to come up with a signal that lets both of us know it's time to stop if things ever go too far. I want to set this up now before there’s any confusion when you move in."

  "Yes," I gasped, staring into his eyes. "I understand. This is something I want too."

  "In Asteria, many of our guests use the stoplight system. But I want something more fun. For our special word, we should use starlight.”

  “Starlight?" I whispered, unsure of what to make of it. Why did my Daddy want to use this word?

  “It’s because you remind me of the stars, sweet boy. If I ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable, just say this word and I’ll stop.”

  "That's perfect, Daddy. If I'm ever uncomfortable, I promise I'll say starlight. You'll know to stop."

  Ash grinned. "I'm so glad you agree to this, baby boy. Here,” he said, showing me the paper. “If you sign this, you’ll move in tonight.”

  My jaw dropped. He wanted me to move in… Tonight?

  "Is there a problem, sweet boy?”

  My cheeks burst into flames. "No, Daddy. I'm so glad you said that. I was worried you didn't want me to come until after my performance."

  Ash grinned. "Of course not, sweet one. I’ve wanted this for a long time. Tonight is a perfect night to start the rest of your life.”

  “Oh, Daddy,” I cried, rushing towards him. I threw my arms around him and peppered him with kisses. Ash pulled me off his body and gave me a pen. I signed and drew a heart next to my name. Then Ash signed in the space below.

  It was official. I was Ash’s baby boy.

  “Da-da,” I whispered. I stared into Ash’s eyes. “I like you, Da-da.”

  “I like you too, baby boy.”

  "Thank you for this gift, Da-da. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Ash pulled me close. I felt the steady thump thump of his beautiful heart.

  This is a perfect afternoon. Just you, Daddy, and an agreement that might last forever.

  But our afternoon was interrupted by a phone call that changed Daddy's mood for the worse.

  Chapter 28


  Ring ring.

  “Sonofabitch,” I muttered, picking up the phone. Who the hell could be calling me at 5 PM? It better not be Stephen. If it was…

  But my stomach heaved the second I glanced at the caller ID. It was my brother Peter. What was he doing calling me in the middle of the day?

  I sighed and brought the phone to my ear. "Peter?"

  “Ash?” My brother’s tone was crisp and mocking. “Is that really you? Does my big bro actually want to talk to me for once?”

  I glanced at Trevor. I didn't want the boy to be nervous. It wasn't his fault that my stepbrother, who I rarely talked to and who always ended our conversations making me feel like shit, was calling. I needed to make the call as quick as possible so I could get back to playing with my baby boy. We had a limited amount of time together. The BDSM workshop attendees were arriving soon. I had to get Peter off the phone.

  "I'm doing well, Peter. How's Jamaal?"

  Jamaal was Peter's baby son he had with his wife, Ashanti. I'd only seen Jamaal a handful of times, when Peter let me see him. Our visits were closely supervised, and he always loomed in the wings, making sure that I wasn't crossing any boundaries with his son. As far as babies went — and by babies I meant real babies, not like my beautiful baby boy — Jamaal was pretty damn cute. He had curly black hair and caramel skin, and his green eyes glistened like twin emeralds. He was going to be a ladies man when he grew up. But I wasn't kidding myself. Peter would never let me have a relationship with him or be his uncle. He never wasted a chance to remind me of that.

  "Great, Ash. He's just starting to walk. Ashanti and I are trying to potty train him, but you know how that goes. You… You really know how that goes."

  I gritted my teeth. "I'm not sure I do."

  Peter roared with laughter. "Now he's telling me he's never changed a diaper. Can you believe that?"

  I tried not to stare at Trevor. I didn't want my baby boy getting worried. I couldn’t let him see I was getting fucking pissed that Peter was mocking my role as a Daddy. Peter knew I'd hosted littles before and he wasn't going to let me forget it. He judged me for my lifestyle, which was why I never talked to him. The cat was out of the bag.

  "I've changed diapers, Peter. What did you call me about?"

  "It's not much.” His voice trailed off. “Well, it depends how you look at it. I think it’s a lot. But you clearly don’t give a shit. It’s about Mom. She hasn't heard from you in months and she asked me about it the other day."

  I nodded curtly, as if he could see me through the phone. I didn't respond. I had no need to. The truth was that my Mom was just as bad as Peter, if not worse. Though I loved her with all my heart, she harbored animosity towards those in the kink community and towards LGBT people in general. She'd grown up on a rural Midwestern farm. She went to church every Sunday and though she claimed to be relatively tolerant, this was not borne out in her words, which frequently bordered on judgmental. I tried to talk to my mom as much as possible, but I set firm boundaries whenever she started to attack my sexuality.

  I’d done the same with Peter.

  "That's not true, Peter. I talked to her last week."

  Silence filled the room. I glanced at Trevor and ran a finger through his hair. He immediately leaned forward and set his chin on my knee. I grazed the tip of his nose and his cheeks with my thumb. He bit it playfully. It warmed my heart and made me want to ignore the unease bubbling within me due to my conversation with my stepbrother.

  "Anyways," Peter said, "I stumbled across your website the other day. I was with Ashanti and we were discussing Jamaal. I've seen you host monthly talent shows, but I was really blown away by this month’s star act. We were wondering if we could maybe get tickets."

  “Tickets? Why?”

  Peter took a sharp breath. "To see the diaper boy, obviously."

  Something reared up within me. I tightened my grip on Trevor. When I saw I’d hurt him I immediately let go of the boy and closed my eyes. “I’m ending this conversation."

  "Honestly, Ash?" Peter said. "I don't know how you expect to see Jamaal if you're advertising blatant pedophilia on your website."

  My jaw dropped. I was about to leave Trevor and drive right to Peter's house right then and there. "Fuck you."

  Peter laughed. "Fuck me,? At least I'm not the one fucking… Well, you know."

  That was the last straw. I snapped off the phone and slid it into my pocket. A tremor shot across Trevor's lower lip. He was on the verge of tears. He was feeling all of my emotions in this moment.

  "What is it, Daddy?"

  I tried to force a smile, but it was no good. "It was my stepbrother, baby boy. I don't want you to worry about it. He made Daddy upset, that's all."

  Trevor sniffled and stared into my eyes. "What did he say?"

  "He didn't say anything that should concern you, sweet one. He's judgmental
and he doesn't understand what we do."

  Trevor wasn't convinced. "I heard him say pedophile."

  My heart stopped. Why the fuck did my rude stepbrother have to call me at this exact moment? I'd been in the middle of letting Trevor know he had in eternal room in my home. Now, my baby boy was worried about the opinions of some judgmental prick. I had to explain it to him, but only briefly. The guests at the kink club would arrive any moment. I needed to make sure Trevor felt safe before they came.

  I scooped Trevor into my arms and ran my fingers through his hair. I was still furious, but I was forcing myself to stay calm. "He saw the website, sweet one. He saw we were advertising a picture of a boy in a diaper, singing a song for talent night. He accused me of trying to attract pedophiles to our club."

  Trevor's jaw dropped. "You mean… Wait. Was he talking about me?"

  "I'm afraid so. People like Peter don't understand what we're about. There is no place for pedophiles in this club. And by that I mean adults who seek out children. Pedophilia involves hurting people and that's not what we do. Even if our role-play gets taboo, it’s still between two consenting 18+ adults. It brings pleasure, not pain. Unless you like pain. But people like Peter don't understand the difference."

  Trevor sighed. “I'm sorry, Daddy.”

  "It's okay, sweet boy. He's my stepbrother, not yours. I don't want you to concern yourself with this.”

  But the mood had irreversibly changed.

  Chapter 29


  The drive was silent the entire way home. Every few minutes, I glanced at Ash to see if he was all right. But his face was motionless so I didn’t press it. I didn't want to upset him. Especially not our first night together.

  During the BDSM workshop, I'd stayed in the office and played with my Hot Wheels. Ash said that these workshops went on for a long time but he wrapped it up early so we could get home. He didn't want his baby boy spending too much time alone in his office. But even his generosity hadn't taken my mind off the fact that he was uncomfortable and distressed because of his conversation with his brother.

  What was certain was that I felt none of the warmth and happiness I thought I'd feel after he'd asked me to be his full-time little. None of it was my fault, either. If I could find his stepbrother, I'd go to him and scream right in his face. If I were bigger, I might even try to hit him, but I knew that would never work. I never wanted Ash to have to talk to his stepbrother again.

  At last, we arrived home. Ash smiled at me and pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you earlier. It was busier than I expected but I made sure to get us out early."

  I planted a soft kiss on Ash's neck. "It's okay, Daddy. I had fun playing with my Hot Wheels in the office."

  It wasn't like Ash had totally left me to my own devices. Every so often, he snuck into the office to check on me, bringing me little treats like cookies when no one was looking, planting kisses on me as I played. But I didn't want to think about the club, not right now. Not when I was starting the first step in my journey to happiness with Ash.

  He led me out of the car and into the house. He lifted me into his arms and brought me straight to his bedroom. "Do you mind if we snuggle tonight, baby boy? Daddy needs a snuggle.”

  I nodded so hard I almost cracked my neck. Ash ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me to his chest. "Thank you, little one," he whispered, sending waves of warmth through my body. Tears welled in my eyes. "I'm so sorry our night changed, baby boy. You're so special to me and I apologize for letting my brother get to me."

  "It's okay, Daddy," I whispered, inhaling Ash's sent. It sent a tingle through my body and immediately I thrust my arms and legs around him like a koala. He was sad, but he was every bit the big cuddle bear I'd fallen for in the first place. He'd helped me so much. I wanted to make sure I could help him and be of service in his time of need.

  "You're so special, little one. I can't wait to show you off to the guests."

  I giggled. "They won't think you're a pedophile?"

  Ash sighed loudly. "Please don't ever say that to me again. I know you were joking, but it's a horrible thing to say."

  "I'm sorry, Daddy. You know I was only making fun of your stupid stepbrother."

  "I know, boy. I never should have let him get to me, not tonight."

  I was in the middle of mourning the loss of a happy night together when, without a word, Ash gripped my chin so hard I thought he might break it and brought his hot mouth to my lips. My neck snapped back as he took me in his arms and wrapped his right arm around my waist. I moaned and cried out as my body burst into flames. He kissed me again, infecting me with intensity. It was like he'd injected a sense of safety and comfort into my veins and I wanted to return that to him 10 times more. Thinking quickly, I did the only thing I could think of.

  "Daddy," I whispered, his hot breath on my neck, "do you want to try to fuck me? It might… It might help you feel better."

  Ash shuddered. "No, baby boy. You're the top in this relationship. I don't want to take that from you."

  "No, Daddy," I whispered, "it's the perfect night, really. I want to give you this gift to let you know I'm here for you just like you're here for me. I'm completely untouched, you know. My hole is pink and smooth. I want you to take my virginity."

  Ash ran his thumb across my throat. "That's generous, baby boy," he whispered, kissing me. "But if we’re going to do that, I don't want it to be because Daddy had a rough afternoon. I want it to be a happy time. I don't want to give my stepbrother the power."

  I welcomed Ash's lips on my neck. "I think I understand."

  "But I appreciate it more than you could ever know.” Ash slid his hand down my pants. I gasped as his warm hand came into contact with my cock. It throbbed and a bead of pre-come brushed against his index finger. He hickeyed my neck while stroking my cock with his firm hand. He tickled my balls with his pinky and jerked me until my body was prickling with orgasm. Without warning, I suddenly convulsed and spurted all over the bed sheets. Ash reached down and caught the last of my stream in his palm.

  He brought the palmful of come to his lips and drank. "Thank you for your gift, baby boy."

  My body trembled at the thought that Ash was consuming my come. "Did you like it, Daddy?"

  "Yes, sweet boy. It's the best thing Daddy has tasted in his life." I moaned and turned around to face Ash in the bed. I lifted up his shirt and kissed his hairy chest. His big stomach was so soft and hairy, it felt like a pillow or a giant snuggle bear. I wanted to cut it open and climb inside. But I couldn't, and so I did the only thing I could think of, which was tease his nipples with my tongue and plant little angel kisses along his chest. Ash quivered and heaved. I snuck a hand down his pants and gripped his cock in my palm. He moaned and stroked my hair rapidly as I brought his cock out of his underwear and massaged it. His cock was so firm and yet so soft, and his balls throbbed against his thigh. As I stroked him, I pulled the foreskin all the way back and ran my thumb across the shiny tip. I brought my lips to Ash as I jerked him, never pausing a moment to breathe. Ash was gripped by a singular intensity. I wanted to bring him over the edge.

  At last, Ash's body trembled. He opened his mouth to speak but I immediately press my palm over it. A devilish gleam danced across my eye. I wanted to make my Daddy come without saying anything.

  I moved my hand from his mouth and softly wrapped it around his throat. Then, I inched downwards until my face was head-to-head with his cock. With one hand, I strangled him and cut off his air supply. With the other, I jerked him frantically until his balls heaved up into his body and he was ready to burst. Ash whimpered. I clamped down on his throat. I was digging into his flesh so hard my thumb accidentally pressed his Adam's apple. Ash shuddered. I knew it was time.

  I brought my mouth to his cock and pulled the foreskin all the way back, relishing in the musk. I put the tip in my mouth. I’d little more than insert the tip when Ash heaved and a hot jet of come rocketed down my thro

  “OhmyGod. Sweet boy.”

  I grinned and flicked my tongue along the tip of his cock as another stream burst from the head, coating the walls of my mouth with wet, sticky warmth. Immediately, I loosened my grip on Ash's throat and he let out a moan that shook the walls. I brought my mouth to the base of his cock, not wanting a drop to creep onto the hairy balls or taint below. I ran a finger down his taint until I came to his ass hole. I massaged it as I took every drop from his quivering cock.

  At last, the come stopped. I swallowed his load and stared into his eyes. "Did I do good, Daddy?"

  "Get over here, boy. That was the best present you could've given me tonight."

  I grinned and licked the last droplet of come from my lips. I heaved myself onto Daddy's body and pressed my hot mouth against his. Ash wrapped his arms around me, swirling his tongue across my teeth to mix the taste of his body with his come. He took in every taste. He gripped my ass so firmly I thought I was going to burst just from the pressure. At last, I leaned up and brought my nose to his. "I'm so glad I could make you happier than you were before, Daddy.”

  Ash grinned. "Remember, boy. It's not your job to make Daddy happy. Daddy wants you to become the best version of yourself. You can be. But…"

  "What?" I asked, worriedly.

  "But that was the best fucking blow job I've ever had in my life."

  I burst into laughter and wrapped myself around Ash. He pulled the blanket tight over both of us and shut the world out. Peter could stand on the doorstep, for all we cared. We were lost souls who’d found ourselves in each other’s arms.


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