Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)

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Tame the Beast (Ever After #1) Page 15

by Allison Smith

  “Oh no. I don’t break.”

  “Fair enough.” With one sharp hit, he sent balls flying to every corner. A yellow stripe fell into the pocket with ease. “So, what made you want to play for questions?”

  Clara shook her head and laughed as he lined up for another shot. “Out of all the things, that’s what you ask? Figures.” Adam thought she was avoiding the question, but his attention was averted as she leaned over the opposite end of the table. “I guess there were just a few things I’m still curious about,” she replied. The loose material of her shirt exposed part of her lacy bra. A soft snicker escaped her lips as he missed his shot. “My turn.”

  Adam examined the table, cursing under his breath. If she knew anything about the game, she would realize he’d just set up her next three shots. His silent prayer was interrupted with the crack of the cue ball soaring across the green felt.

  With the first shot sunk, Clara glided around the table as she asked, “So, if you didn’t have to take over all the family stuff, is there something else you’d want to do?”

  “Not really,” he answered, fixing up a couple of drinks at the mini bar. One cocktail and one whiskey to get through whatever questions she had up her sleeve. “I took comfort knowing it was all preplanned for me. My father would always say that Beaumonts don’t leave legacies for their children, they leave legacies in them.”

  “I like that,” she said as she took the cocktail from his hand. “So what’ll your legacy be?”

  Adam shook his head with a smile. There was no way he was going to let her get away with extra questions. “One per shot. Your rules.”

  A grin washed over her face as she relented. Adam watched greedily as her hips swayed and she lined up for another shot. Crack. The solid soared into the corner pocket. “Tell me the craziest thing you did with Luke and Deacon as kids.”

  “Is that a question?” It wasn’t that Adam refused to answer, but the adorable scowl on her face was just too enjoyable. She knew he was stalling. Giving in, he told her about the time his parents were out of town for business and the boys terrorized a babysitter into believing the estate was haunted. Even as a child, Deacon had the skills of a mad genius.

  “You guys are evil,” Clara said but her laugh filled the room. “I hope you got in trouble for that.”

  “You have no idea. The girl called Mrs. Thompson crying that she couldn’t stay there another minute. She actually believed the place was haunted.”

  “That poor girl.” Clara shook her head. “What did Mrs. Thompson do?”

  “Oh, she didn’t buy it for a second. She dragged us out of bed, whooped her sons, and made the three of us put the guest room back in order while she lectured us on how to behave. The next morning we all had to write apology letters to the babysitter. But she still quit.”

  “I don’t blame her,” Clara said as she lined up for another shot. She was still shaking her head. “I bet you went through a new sitter every week.”

  “Practically.” He chuckled at the thought. Clara’s infectious laugh was becoming addictive, and if she kept smiling at him with desire in her eyes, he was going to throw the game. It was clear she knew how to play.

  Not wanting her to get away with another question, Adam slid his hands on either side of her. He was careful not to touch her as he hovered over her ear and whispered, “Maybe if I’d had someone as beautiful as you, I would’ve wanted to behave.”

  Clara paused mid stroke. Pulling the cue stick back to position, she steadied her hands. He was affecting her shot and the thought enticed him further. Just as she attempted a second try, Adam leaned his hips against her. The result was gratifying in so many ways. Her shot miscued, but it was the way she spun around to face him that was truly enjoyable.

  “You’re cheating.” The false anger in her voice was amusing too.

  “Am not. There were no rules about distractions. Remember?” With each word, he inched his face closer to hers. The flash in her brown eyes begged him to keep going, but he wasn’t going to give in that easily. He was too busy enjoying the way her breath caught as he pressed them closer together. They weren’t just playing for questions. This was a betting game to see who would break first. It was obvious he was already turned on, but he wasn’t going to give in. Not yet.

  Adam slid his hands up Clara’s waist with feather-light touches. Brushing his lips over hers, he said, “My turn.”

  A smug smile covered his face as circled the table, leaving Clara gripping the edge of the side rail. He wasted no time in sinking his shot. He threw away his first question. Meanwhile, Clara was jumping at the opportunity to ask what she wanted.

  Choosing carefully, he asked, “What’s your dream job?”

  “I don’t have one,” she answered a bit too fast.

  “Liar. Everyone has something they’d like to do if nothing stood in their way. So what’s yours?”

  Clara fiddled with the cue stick in her hands. “That’s not fair. You didn’t answer when I asked.”

  “Yes, I did. You asked if there was something else I’d want to do and I said no. That’s the truth. Now it’s your turn.”

  The way Clara chewed on her bottom lip almost ended the game right there. Adam snatched up his drink for a distraction. It wasn’t just the simple motion. There something innocent in her look and it was bringing out the animal in him.

  Clara finished her own drink in one large gulp. “If I could do anything, I would write. Maybe as a journalist. I’d love to travel, but I know that business is tricky to get into. Or maybe a novelist. I really enjoyed that creative writing class.”

  “So why don’t you?”

  Tossing a playful glare his way, she said, “One question at a time. Remember?”

  His deep laugh rumbled in his chest. He loved when her feisty side came out to play. Ignoring all of her enticing attempts to distract him, Adam sunk enough shots to learn that Clara’s primary goal was to find a career that would help her father pay the bills. She was willing to give up her dream to do it. That didn’t sit well with Adam. He understood her reason, but her talent wasn’t going to be wasted. Not if he had a say.

  There was no denying it. He was falling for her. Hard. And he didn’t know if this casual thing she insisted on was going to be enough anymore. The thought of someone else touching her, having her, pissed him off to no end.

  The way she leaned over the pool table deepened how much he wanted her. He was ready to forfeit the game and take her right there on the table when her next question hit him like a bucket of ice water.

  “What was that?” he asked. If he weren’t so busy thinking about wrapping those lean legs around him, he would have heard her correctly.

  “Oh come on,” she said, not understanding his sudden withdrawal. “You were mine. Who was yours?”

  “My first?” His voice sounded distant even to his own ears.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Really. Promise not to get jealous.”

  A cold laugh escaped his lips. No one should be jealous of that witch. He hardly recognized his own voice when he replied, “We met in high school.”

  Something in the room changed. It was like the game ceased to exist as unwanted thoughts of Adam’s past came flooding into the room. And it hit him harder than the whiskey.

  Clara must have sensed it too as she asked, “Did you love her?”

  He wanted to tell her it was none of her damn business, but one look into her curious brown eyes had him ready to tell all. She didn’t sound jealous or even nosy. She just seemed genuinely interested.

  Slowly, he said, “No, but I thought I did. She was kind of my first everything. I was young and stupid and ready to believe I found the one.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with believing in your first love.” She tried to comfort him, her fingers sweeping down his arm. It almost worked, but the reality of his earlier thoughts was setting in. He was falling for Clara, and sooner or later she would come to her se
nses and run for the hills.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He didn’t know how much he was ready to tell her. Hell, he’d never told Deacon or Luke the full story. Why should she know? Taking another sip of his drink, Adam leaned against the table. He was deep in thought. If Clara truly wanted to know the dirty details of his past, then so be it. “I put my trust in a woman I thought I loved, and do you know what happened? I came from a canceled football practice and found Vivian in my bed.” Her name rolled off his tongue like acid. “Found her in my bed with my father.”

  Clara’s hand flew to her mouth, covering the gasp that escaped her lips. Her face filled with worry and she tried to reach out to him, but one look at his cold exterior had her withdrawing again.

  Her voice was hushed as she said, “I’m so sorry.”

  He wanted to shrug it off, tell her it was all in the past, but he knew she wouldn’t believe him. It haunted him every day. Every time he had to face that witch those following days in school. And every day his father was no longer there.

  “Did you ever tell your mom?”

  Adam shook his head, staring into his drink. “How could I? My father practically begged me to forgive him. Said it was a mistake. He wasn’t thinking clearly. It’d never happen again. I couldn’t bring myself to break my mother’s heart too.” An eerie silence spread throughout the room as Adam sloshed the ice around in his glass. It was just beginning to melt into the whiskey. “I threatened to move out, go to a different school, but I was told I would be cut off if I did. How would it look if a Beaumont didn’t attend his own school?”

  His father’s words echoed in his mind as he relived those memories he’d spent so many years trying to forget. From that moment on, Adam could do no wrong at home. Detentions were paid off with generous donations. Parties were excuses for blowing off steam. His father’s guilty conscience became a never-ending expense account.

  “I spent almost two years hating him. Him and that bitch,” Adam continued, his mood turning solemn. “And then one day he had a heart attack and was gone.”

  Clara’s sweet voice pulled Adam from his dark thoughts. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Isn’t it? I spent so much time hating him and he died knowing that. His only son. I can never take it back.”

  Clara moved from his side, leaning into his chest. Her arms wrapped protectively around him, but Adam didn’t reciprocate. He kept his hands on the edge of the table, his drink clutched between his fingers. Still, he couldn’t hide the amount of comfort her warm body gave.

  Staring into his weary eyes, Clara said, “You’re right. You can’t change any of that. Not any of their actions. Not any of yours. But you can change what you do tomorrow, and what you do right now.”

  The stern look in her eyes was overwhelming. She was so warm and gentle, but her words hit him harder than she would ever know. He decided long ago that he would never be so vulnerable or naïve again. It wasn’t worth the risk. At least, that’s what he had promised himself until the moment he met Clara. It terrified him to know how much he wanted her.

  All of her.

  Without a word, Adam pulled her face to his. Nipping at her bottom lip, he demanded more and she followed. He pushed the past as far out of his mind as possible. All he wanted to focus on was what he had in his arms now.

  There were no more questions as layers of clothes flew around the table. This was becoming a game of power and emotions were at stake. He could feel it in his very core. She was caring. Loving. Incredible. He needed that in his life, and if he wanted to win her over, he would have to play for keeps. But as the little temptress ran her hands over his belt and dropped to her knees, Adam realized one thing.

  She had all the power.

  Her mouth was hot on his skin, tasting and teasing him until he was gripping the side of the pool table so hard he thought it would snap. Every move, every touch was pulling him in deeper. There was nothing more erotic than the sight of her lips wrapped around him, her beautiful gaze locked on his. Damn, she was going to be the end of him.

  Taking control, Adam slid his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her up to his mouth. He needed to be in control or the night would be over too soon. Placing her on the edge of the pool table, Adam took in the full sight of her. She was stunning, but the crimson lace that clung to her body was the damn cherry on top of his undoing.

  “I was wondering when I would get to see this on you,” he whispered as his fingers traced the material.

  “I thought you’d be more excited to take it off.”

  “Oh trust me. I am. But not just yet.” He wanted to take his time as he kissed his way to the sensitive part of her neck. His fingers pulled at the red lace of her panties, pushing it to the side.

  * * *

  Clara’s skin burned with anticipation. The man was a master. The groan that rumbled through his chest as his fingers slid between her wet thighs sent Clara’s heart racing. She loved turning him on.

  Adam’s mouth found its way back to hers, hushing her moan as he pushed inside her. He moved slowly like he was trying to savor each moment, filling her completely. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.

  Each kiss was filled with something more than physical need, and she didn’t know how much more she could take. He had opened up to her and that pulled her heart down a dangerous path. Lost in his caress, Clara forgot to keep her emotions at bay. She forgot his reputation and ignored the last flare set off by her sensible side. All she could focus on was the incredible feeling of being in the arms of a man who knew how to bring her to ecstasy and back.

  She could taste the whiskey on his lips, feel the rough stubble around his jaw scratching against her cheek. His fingers treaded along the strap of her bra, freeing her from its red lace. She was on the verge of losing all control when Adam pulled away. She was about to protest at the sudden emptiness when he pulled her hips toward him. With the skill of an expert, he flipped her around, forcing her to the table.

  “Oh God.” The words came out in a breathy whisper as he filled her once more.

  Feverish kisses danced down her shoulder. The promises his raspy voice whispered in her ear was enough to bring her back to the edge. But he was no longer gentle, and the green felt that rubbed against her bare flesh only added to the growing sensation in the pit of her stomach. If he stopped now there would be hell to pay. She was trapped between pain and absolute pleasure, and she enjoyed every delicious second of it.

  “Come for me, sweetheart.” His rough voice wrapped around her. As if knowing what she needed, Adam took her over the edge. He nipped at her neck, sending volts of pleasure straight through her core. Her body tightened around him and everything exploded.

  Still tingling in the aftershocks, Clara didn’t move even as Adam lost his own control and collapsed against her, wrapping her in his arms. Between heavy breaths, he placed kisses down her cheek and along her chin. A smile filled her face, but she didn’t return his kiss. Her mind was still soaring, wondering how, after tonight, she would ever be able to walk away from him unscarred.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nothing could ruin Adam’s good mood. Even brunch with his mother was turning out to be surprisingly enjoyable. Seated at the center of the little café, Adam picked at the cheese crescent on his plate. His mother updated him on her latest business ventures, something his father would have done had he still been alive.

  The little café filled Adam with a sense of nostalgia. How many times had he sat in this very chair with a cheese crescent and hot chocolate as he listened to his father talk business with his associates? Sitting there now, his hot chocolate replaced by a large cup of coffee, Adam felt like he was finally living up to his parents’ expectations.

  “This summer will be crucial for your future,” his mother said as she sipped her tea.

  “I know,” Adam agreed. A smile filled his face. Over the last few weeks, something had changed
in him. His father’s passing had taken a toll on both of them. When Adam fell into a downward spiral, believing his father died thinking his only son still hated him, Angela was left picking up all of the pieces on her own. She had done so with tremendous grace, stepping into the position of dean and meeting with every company the Beaumont name had an investment in. Now it was Adam’s turn. For once, he felt like letting go of all the women and parties. Well, all women except for one. Smiling at the thought of Clara by his side, he asked, “What can I do?”

  “Well, I’ve talked with your uncle and he’s agreed to have you intern under him.”

  “Uncle Jeff?”

  Angela gave a simple nod. Adam’s smile grew wider. Jeffery Beaumont was a legend. The man could smell a goldmine a mile away. With the stunning Beaumont genes, smooth talking skills, and deep pockets, Jeffery knew just how to get what he wanted. He was an investor and salesman, plain and simple, and he could turn someone else’s good idea into the must-have product of the year. He was business savvy which made him the perfect guy to learn from.

  “It will be for the whole summer,” Angela said. “You can stay at the apartment in Benson. I’ll have Maria prepare it for you at the end of the school year. Although Jeff was requesting that you start on the weekends. You can drive out there this Thursday after class. I know it’s a lot to ask of you with school still going on, but after the way you’ve handled this year, I’m sure you’ll be just fine. I’m impressed.”

  “I had a good tutor.” He tried to sound confident, but it felt automated. Inside, a game of tug of war pulled at his thoughts. He wanted to be ecstatic at the opportunity his mother was giving him, not to mention her approval, but the reality of it was beginning to sink in. He would be gone the entire summer and most weekends. Benson was a two-hour drive from their small city of Rouen, and almost three hours to Kleinbrook where Clara lived.

  “So should I tell your uncle you are joining him this weekend?”

  His thoughts pulled at both ends of the rope. He’d never had a long distance relationship before. Hell, he hadn’t had an actual relationship in years. He didn’t want to lose Clara so soon. Things were finally going well. But this was his chance to take control of his life again. He would be graduating soon, and he had no intention of taking over the college like his father and grandfather had done. That was their legacy. Adam wanted his own.


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