The Virgin's Contract

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The Virgin's Contract Page 24

by Angela Blake

“Embarrassed?” Dan echoed confusing lacing his tone. “Why would he be embarrassed?”

  “Liesel was about to be deported, sent back to Germany because her father lost his job.”

  Comprehension dawned on Dan’s face. “So you married her to keep her from being deported?”

  Keith fidgeted. “Well, yes and no. She was about to be deported, but that isn’t the only reason I married her.”

  “What are the other reasons?”

  Keith lifted his shoulders up before letting them settle again. He could feel Liesel staring daggers into the side of his head, but he did his best to ignore that prickly feeling and stretched his legs casually as he stared ahead at nothing.

  “ Look, Dan, I can’t change the past, but I can work with what we have, I can spin the story either way, work the whole puppy love angle, it would also be better if we leak it to the press, that way we make it seem like he wanted to keep it to himself, a good deed between him and I, not for the rest of the worlds’ eyes.”

  “Yes, Yes!” Dan’s eyes began to flicker with excitement as he set a game plan for how the marriage would be leaked to the press, how Keith would pretend to be embarrassed then admit that he loved her and that he did it to keep her with him, but also how the split was amicable, and how they’re working together now.

  “So you think we should let the press know it was you?”

  “Of course, on the contrary, it makes him look more human. Being able to work side by side with his ex, letting her represent him, the press will eat it up.”

  “You really are very good at your job, Liesel.”

  “I try to be.”

  Dan and Liesel continued to talk for a few more minutes. Keith did his best to make eye contact with Liesel to convey his gratitude and his sorrow, but she studiously avoided his gaze.

  An hour later, they were finished up and heading out. Liesel got up to escort them to the door, and they briefly made eye contact. Liesel pretended not to notice as she made her way back to her desk.

  “Dan, I need to stay behind for a bit to sort some things out with Liesel,”

  Liesel’s eyes snapped up to meet his, and she regarded him coolly. “I don’t think there’s anything left to discuss Mr. Roger.”

  “Yes, there is,” Keith insisted.

  Dan gazed at Keith slowly then at Liesel. “alright, I’ll see you at dinner for the Pepsi ad meeting.”

  “I’ll be there,” Keith said as Dan made his way out and shut the door behind him.

  Liesel sat behind the desk, her cool blue eyes regarding him with as much indifference as she could muster, which wasn’t much. Keith could see that she was wound up by the erect way she sat, and by the way she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “It’s good to see you, Lis, really.”

  She stared at him as if unable to comprehend what he saying. Finally, she blinked. “Could’ve fooled me.”

  “ What is that supposed to mean?”

  Liesel sighed, the tension suddenly draining from her body. “Look, I’m not going to fight you, Keith, but let’s cut the crap, okay? You didn’t want the whole world knowing that Keith Roger-NBA star and womanizer- had a German wife. I get it.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, and anyway we’re not the same people anymore, so what does it matter?”

  Liesel eyes flashed. “What does it matter? What does it matter?! Of course, Mr. Hotshot NBA doesn’t care anymore. Not now that you have the kind of lifestyle you always dreamed of, and you aren’t going to let anything get in the way of that.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Like hell it isn’t. ‘we were married once, and now we’re not,’” she quoted back at him, using air quotes to signify her rage and disgust.

  “Look, Lis, calm down, there’s no need to be angry.”

  “No? Maybe I should take a page out of your book and act like a douche bag.”

  Keith strode to her desk and splayed his hands on her desk. “I messed up, okay? I know that, but don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

  “Overreacting?” Liesel stood up so quickly, her chair nearly toppled backwards. “When my father got sick, and I had to go take care of him in Germany, you told me you’d wait for me, that we’d make it work. I did everything I could to get back to you as soon as I could, but you couldn’t wait to be rid of me, your charity case.”

  Keith walked around the desk, so he was facing her. “You were not a charity case. Goddamn it, Lis! You know you weren’t. But you were gone for so long, and I wasn’t sure you’d ever come back, especially when your visa problem happened.”

  “So you go and sleep with another woman? That was your solution. Goddamn you, you bastard, you nearly destroyed me.”

  “And you think it didn’t destroy me? I spent months not knowing if you’d ever come back, hating that I couldn’t be there for you, and yes I know I hurt you when I slept with another woman, but I made a mistake. I was looking for comfort at the bottom of a glass, and I thought she could numb the pain, but I regretted it the second it happened.”

  “It was too late by then,” Liesel tried to angrily shove past him, but he grabbed both her wrists and held them as she squirmed and struggled against him. “let go of me, let me go!”

  Keith released her wrists, and as she stared up at him, her eyes filled with anguish and fury, she suddenly threw herself at him and began to kiss him.

  Surprised, Keith stumbled back until he landed against the door with a thud. He reached behind his back and bolted the lock on the door before he hoisted Liesel up, so that she had her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Liesel bit down on his lip hard, hard enough to draw blood, but by then they were too far gone to care. Too wrapped up in their passion for each other.

  Keith tore his mouth away from hers and maneuvered them, so her back hit her desk. He set her down and began to kiss and bite her neck quite fervently. Liesel gasped as his hands moved to cup her breasts while he continued to leave bite marks all over her neck.

  Liesel’s hands moved from neck, down his back till she left the hem of shirt. Keith’s whole body instantly shuddered as she touched him softly at first as she let her fingertips glide over his skin causing a ripple of goosebumps to gather in her wake.

  Keith had one hand on her neck, and the other snuck underneath her shirt and lay down her breast. It tweaked one nipple gently, and Liesel moaned in surprise as her hips bucked forward.

  Liesel impatiently began to claw at his back as she yanked his shirt off, so his skin was flushed against her damp shirt.

  Keith eagerly helped Liesel out of her shirt, and her nipples stood erect as they brushed against his bare chest. Liesel’s legs wrapped around her waist as her hips began to move over their own accord.

  Keith made a low guttural sound in the back of his throat as his hips began to move in response to hers. He reached behind him and undid the clasp on her bra and took both her breasts in his hands. He began to knead them carefully at first before he dropped his head to them and placed a gentle kiss on each breast.

  Liesel arched her back and began to run her fingers up and down his back. The sounds of their moans were interrupted by the shrill ringing of her office phone.


  They froze as they stared at the phone, trying to see clearly through the haze of desire. Liesel was the first to break eye contact as she dragged her hands away from her back and reached around to wrap grab the phone.

  “Yes?” Her voice came out sounding breathy, so she cleared her throat as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone. “Today?”

  Keith began to kiss her neck again, moving down to her stomach as his hands continued to play with her bare breast.

  He gazed up at Liesel who was gazing at him through lust filled eyes. She swallowed as Keith’s fingers brushed the top of her skirt, she began chewing on her bottom lip as she struggled to focus on what was being said.

Keith’s mouth moved upwards and began to suck on her neck. “Hang up the phone,” he murmered huskily as he gently bit down on her earlobe.

  Her eyelids fluttered as she attempted to control her reactions before she finally swore under her breath. “Listen, Liv, I’ve got to go. Make a note of it, and we’ll talk about it later, okay?”

  She slammed the phone shut and turned to gaze at him through hooded eyes. “That was important, you know.”

  “Mm-hmm,” he mumbled as he kissed every inch of skin on her neck till he reached her breasts. He took one breast between his mouth, and he sucked slowly at first, then he sunk his teeth gently into her skin causing Liesel to moan in pleasure. “Keith, maybe we should stop.”

  He released her nipple and placed a soft kiss before letting his eyes met hers. “Why should we stop?”

  “Because I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” she said hoarsely as she rested her forehead against his.

  “Lis,” he brushed her hair back and cupped her chin, so she was looking at him. “ I know that I hurt you once, and you have to believe that I know that I was a goddamn jackass for doing that to you.”

  Liesel met his gaze, and he could see the fear reflected in them, but he could see that her fear was intermingled with longing, so he pressed on. “I regretted it every second since it happened, she meant nothing to me, nothing, okay? You were the one I really wanted, you’re still the one I want.”

  Liesel studied him. “But how will I know that you really want me not just to satisfy your lust? I know all about you now Keith, you’re already building a reputation for yourself, other women might be okay with one night with you, but you and I both know-“ she met his gaze squarely. “I’m not like those women, I will never be okay with a one night stand. It’s not who I am.”

  Keith nodded. “Of course, I know that.” He stroked her cheek softly. “and I’m not asking you to be that. We loved each other once, I know we were young back then, and things were different, but we could try to find a compromise.”

  “But things are different now, we’re different people.”

  “Look, I’m not going to lie, I love being single and free to have options. Hearing women scream my name on the court, and in bed, yeah, that’s pretty amazing.”

  Liesel slapped his arm and glared at him. “If you’re trying to make a case for yourself, you’re failing miserably.”

  Keith leaned back and looked at her. “I can’t promise you anything, Lis,” he said quietly.

  Liesel stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t want to be in a relationship.”

  Liesel unwrapped her legs from around him and pushed herself back. She picked her shirt up off the floor and stared at Keith who still stood there standing in between her legs. “So what exactly are you proposing?”

  Keith stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Well, we could see each other whenever the urge arises, and I can say that I’ll do my best not to sleep with any other women on the same day, not before or after.”

  Liesel stared at him for a beat before a low chuckle escaped her lips. She began to laugh louder as she stared at him incredulously. She pushed Keith back, and he stumbled backwards in surprise.

  “Am I actually supposed to agree to that?”

  Keith stared at her in surprise. “Well, why wouldn’t you? Given our history, I think you’d agree that it’s the best way to get what we want without the chance of breaking promises.”

  “And you really think that the best way to get over our shared history is by hooking up whenever we both feel horny?”

  “It’s the best way, the only way, I think.”

  “You actually believe it,” Liesel’s mouth pressed itself into a thin line.

  “You don’t?”

  “Hell no, and honestly I don’t know how you can even proposition me like that.”

  Keith shrugged as he picked his shirt off the floor and slid it back on. “Honestly, most women I’ve been with the past few years have understood that and accepted it even.”

  Liesel slid her bra back on and slipped her shirt on over her head. “Well, I think that’s sad. You’ve given up on love.”

  Keith eyed her evenly. “You can’t seriously still believe in that, Lis.”

  Liesel walked around him and switched the lock open. “I do,” she nodded her head and gestured towards the door. “I hope you won’t let this affect our professional relationship.”

  Keith blinked as he realized he was being dismissed. “Yes, of course.”

  He straightened his back and made his way out the door. He turned around to say something, but Liesel had already shut the door behind him. He stared at the door and considered knocking, but there was nothing he could say now that would change her mind.

  He’d just have to try again later because he knew that he’d never be able to be around Liesel and be platonic.

  Chapter 4

  Liesel sighed as she rubbed her eyes as she stepped out of her car. She clicked the car closed and made her way to front doorstep.

  She placed the key in the lock, and the door swung open with a click.

  “Mummy!” A little voice yelled out as she ran towards her. Liesel scooped her up and held her close as she inhaled the scent of her baby shampoo.

  “You’re getting big, lady bug.”

  The little girl drew back and gazed at her mother with hazel eyes, eyes that were an exact replica of her father’s. Her blonde hair fell just past in her shoulders in loose ringlets, but right now it was sticking up on all ends.

  “Mummy, you’re funny.” Her little girl-Elsa-tweaked her nose and proceeded to giggle uncontrollably at the face her mother made.

  “What have you been doing, lady bug?” Liesel set her down and began to pat her hair in an attempt to get it to lay down.

  “Aunty Rachel and I were playing hide and seek.”

  Liesel gazed at Elsa, one eyebrow raised in amusement. “And where is your aunty Rachel?”

  “She’s supposed to be hiding, and I was supposed to be looking for her.” Elsa squirmed as Liesel set her down on the floor. Elsa took off like a bullet in search of her Rachel.

  Rachel Samuel was Liesel’s best friend. She was a petite blonde with a fiery attitude and fierce loyalty that made the two women as thick as thieves. They were both publicists working for different firms, and they had bonded really fast. Most of the time, they were like sisters, not best friends.

  They lived together along with Elsa, who considered Rachel family.

  Elsa emerged a while later with a triumphant smile on her face as she clutched Rachel’s sleeve, as if somehow afraid that Rachel would take off.

  “Here she is.” Elsa announced proudly as Rachel grumbled and stood before her trying to look dismayed at being caught by a five year old.

  She ran her hands over her rumpled pajamas and straightened her hair. She gave Liesel a quick grin before leaning down to pat Elsa on the head. “You definitely won that round, teddy bear, why don’t you go brush your teeth and get ready for bed? Your mum will be up in a minute to read you a story.”

  Elsa nodded eagerly before she scrambled up the stairs. Liesel watched her go in amusement before she turned to face Rachel.

  “Rough day at work?” she asked sympathetically.

  “I saw Keith today.”

  Rachel blew her hair out of her face. “Ouch, that’s tough. You okay?”

  “Let me just put Elsa to put bed, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “I’ll pour you a glass of wine.”

  Liesel made her way up the stairs and headed towards Elsa’s room where Elsa was already in between the covers holding up a storybook.

  Liesel smiled as she walked in and picked up the book. “Another Dr. Seuss book?”

  “Yes, mummy, he’s the best!” She slid deeper into the covers and gazed at her mother through hope filled eyes.

  Liesel’s heart melted as she sat down on a chair and f
lipped open the first page.


  Liesel quietly tiptoed down the stairs a while later and smiled as she noticed that Rachel had poured two glasses of wine and made some popcorn.

  “Rache, you really are the best,” Liesel sighed as she kicked off her shoes and reached for the glass of wine.

  “I know.” Rachel emerged from her room with a DVD in her hand.

  “I’ve got a selection of movies here that you can choose from, we have sappy romance, or something a little trashier, like 50 Shades of Grey.”

  “I don’t know if I’m in the mood for either to be honest.”

  Rachel set the DVDs down on the couch and made her way towards Liesel with a sympathetic smile. She tied her hair up in a high ponytail before she sat down at the kitchen counter opposite Liesel and gestured for her to start.

  Liesel sighed as she rubbed her temples in soft circular motions. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Well, you ran into Elsa’s dad, that can’t have been easy.”

  “I don’t know if I’d call it running into him per say, he’s kind of my client now.”

  Rachel nearly choked on her glass of wine. “He’s your what now? Back up, how did that happen?”

  “His manager came by today, and he was talking about him, and he was like Keith blah blah, I didn’t really put the pieces together until Keith walked into my office a while later.”

  Rachel sat back. “and how did that go?”

  “How do you think it went?” Liesel shot her a wry look.

  Rachel gave her a sympathetic smile. “That bad?”

  Liesel pursed her lips for a minute. “Well, no, I suppose it could’ve gone worse. The meeting was cordial I suppose well aside from the part where he dismissed our marriage out of hand.”

  “Really? What did he say?”

  “He said, ‘we were married, now we’re not.’”

  “Bloody effing jackass.”

  “Yeah, so I tried to be professional and cordial like him, but his comment stung, you know.”

  “Of course, it did.” Rachel patted her hand consolingly. “You’re only human, and I’m not saying rehash the past, but pretending it never happened, that’s just insensitive.”


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