She's Mine

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She's Mine Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I liked your dad.”

  “He’d have loved you.” Drew pressed a kiss to her lips. “Make yourself comfortable. I’m going to show you how much fun it can be to have a full blown rancher here.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Leaving her in the bath, he rushed toward into the bedroom, and quickly changed the sheets on his bed, dumping them in the laundry basket. After making up the bed quickly, he walked back into the bathroom, and climbed in behind her.

  “I don’t know if there’s enough room,” she said.

  “There’s plenty of room.” He moved in behind her, and pulled her against him. Thinking about the night, he couldn’t help but remember that fucking bastard who thought he could hit on his woman. He was so damn angry at Francine.

  That woman had used him for his dick, and now she was trying to hurt his girl. He didn’t like that, and he wasn’t going to let anything happen to Raven.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “About that guy, and how I’m going to handle Francine.”

  “Please don’t do what my dad did. I don’t think I could handle that.”

  “Who was the guy she married again?” he asked.

  “Do you ever listen to town gossip or read a newspaper?”

  “Don’t have to. I’ve never been interested in what is going on around the world.”

  “You’ve never wanted to leave this place?” she asked.

  “No. Ranching, it’s in my blood. I don’t own my ranch, but this, working for someone, that is. I’m a good hard worker, Raven. I’ll provide for you and for our kids.”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “I thought it was a given that we were getting married.”

  She rested her head on his chest, looking up at him. “Are you kidding? That is no way a proposal. That sucks as a proposal.”

  “I just took your virginity, and I’ve been with your dad. Didn’t you get that I was going to marry you?”

  “No! I didn’t. Usually a woman likes something romantic, and something … memorable.”

  He chuckled. Drew had a plan on proposing to her. He was just waiting for the ring to be delivered to her father’s place, which should be arriving next week. His mother had given him the ring that his father had given to her. With his mother’s arthritis, the ring was too small, and so he’d taken it to a jeweler to get sized for Raven’s finger.

  There was a plan in motion. He just had to wait.

  “Anyway, lack of romance aside, Francine married William Connor. He owns some kind of outlet chain that opened up in town.”

  Drew knew the name. Come Monday he was going to pay his old friend William a visit.

  “I can see that determination on your face. What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “I’m going to pay him a visit, and I’m going to see what he thinks of Francine doing the shit that she does.” William was a good guy. They had grown up together, been friends in high school. Both of them had different desires out of life. William wanted money and power. Drew wanted a good, humble life like his parents had.

  He grabbed the sponge, satisfied that he knew exactly what to do to help Raven. She didn’t deserve Francine’s wrath. That woman was the leader as well. Take her down, and the rest of her pack of bitches would follow suit.

  “I’m not going to think of them again. I’ve got a good woman in my arms, and I believed she told me that I’ve got a weekend to make all of her fantasies come true.”

  “I did, didn’t I?”

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, moving to cup her between her thighs. He slipped a finger through her slit, sinking deep into her cunt. She was so tight. He wanted to be inside her again. The need to possess every single inch of her was strong.

  “I’m not sore.”

  By the time he was through with her, he doubted she’d be able to walk come Monday.

  She startled him by reaching behind her, and taking hold of his cock. “I was thinking how amazing it would be to fuck in the bath,” she said.

  “You said a cuss word, Raven. I am shocked.”

  She turned around, and he watched as she pumped his shaft. He was already getting hard again. When he was around her, he seemed to be in a permanent state of arousal.

  Taking hold of her hips, he helped guide her across his lap. She held onto his shoulders, and he gripped the base of his dick, pressing the tip to her entrance.

  Inch by inch, she sank onto him, until he filled her tight little pussy.

  She wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  He’d taken her cherry, and now she belonged to him.

  The very thought turned him on even more.

  She sank down, filling herself so that his balls were nestled against her ass. He held onto her ass, loving the way she filled his hands. She took every inch of his cock without a single whimper. Nothing separated them.

  There was no pain, only love.

  “Now, Raven, you have me where you want me. I suggest you fuck my dick, and show me how much you want it.”

  Her cheeks heated. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Easing down in the bath so that her tits hovered over him, he glided his hands up to her hips. “Do what feels natural, and take what you want. I’m all yours to use.”

  He showed her a pace that had her pussy sliding up down his length. When she found a pace of her own, he released his hold on her, and simply admired her bouncing tits and full body riding him.

  Drew loved the way the lips of her pussy spread open around his dick. He loved the way she held onto him, her nails biting into his flesh as she rode his cock.

  The truth was, he just loved this woman.

  She was everything to him, and more.

  Raven rode his cock, and he reached between them, stroking her clit until she came, grinding her pussy on his dick. The heat of her release and the feel of her pussy squeezing him so hard were what set off his own release. He came, filling her up as she shouted his name. This woman was going to have his name branded all over her, and in her heart, just like hers had been with him for so long.

  Seven long years it had taken them. He intended to make the next seven years the best so that their time away from each other paled in comparison.


  The following morning, Raven woke up to Drew’s experienced tongue, teasing her pussy.

  She moaned, glancing down to see him spreading her pussy lips wide as he teased his tongue through her slit.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing. You kept me up late last night fucking, and now, all I can think about is being inside you.”

  He pushed two fingers inside her, pumping in and out. His thumb brushed across her clit, heightening her pleasure for him.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard and so deep you’re not going to remember your own name.”

  Drew pulled out of her pussy and flipped her over.

  She gave a little scream, glancing behind her. “A little warning.”

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he said.

  Raven didn’t have time to protest as he pressed his dick deep inside her. Any complaints died on her lips as his cock found every single pleasure nerve, and made her yearn for more.

  “Fuck, your pussy is the fucking best. It’s all mine.” He spread the cheeks of her ass wide, and started to pump inside her. His fingers teased against her anus, stroking her there. She had heard about anal sex, and had even stumbled onto it during one of her nights traveling across Europe. She’d been flicking through the television when she had stumbled across the channel. A woman had been fucked by three men, one in the ass, one in the pussy, and the other she had been sucking off as well.

  Drew’s gentle touches over her ass enhanced her pleasure.

  “I’ve been watching you sleep thinking about how I was going to wake you up, and this has to be the best way to wake you up. Your pussy is so good.”

  This was why she had asked Seymor t
o give Drew the weekend off. She’d wanted to have him all to herself. She had also asked for the day off from Cathy. Her friend had told her of course.

  Cathy was rooting for them to have one of those romances that people paid a lot of money to go and see at the movies.

  Raven touched her clit, fingering her pussy as he fucked her from behind. His strokes didn’t slow down. They sped up, and he rode her harder than ever, pounding every inch of his cock inside her.

  They came together, she crying his name as he cried hers. He filled her pussy with his cum, and they both collapsed together on the bed.

  “I want to wake up like that every single morning.”

  “Move in with me,” he said.

  Pushing her hair off her face, she glanced back at him. “What?”

  “I’ve already proposed. As far as I’m concerned we’re almost married, and it’s not going to be long before you’re living with me. I want you to live with me. Move in.” He kissed her neck and her back. “We could do it today.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “As a heart attack, and trust me, those things are serious.”

  Take a chance.

  Take a leap.

  Fall in love.

  Those were things her mother always told her to do. She didn’t see a reason why she couldn’t. She loved spending time with him. Her feelings for him were real.

  “Are you just trying to get someone to cook for you?” she asked.

  “That too. I’m teasing. No, I want you. I could drop you off at work, and pick you back up.”

  “It would be extra driving for you,” she said.

  “Do you think I give a shit about a bit of extra driving? I’m going to have you. When you’re in love you make sacrifices. Driving you is not going to be a sacrifice, not to me.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes. I want to move in.”

  So, on a Saturday, with every single part of her aching, she called Brice and Cathy, along with her parents to help.

  Cathy helped after she closed the bakery for half a day. Brice couldn’t help as he was doing Drew’s shift. Her parents helped, her father and Drew taking the furniture while she packed everything else. Her mother was in the kitchen, and Cathy came to see her in the bedroom and help fold her clothes.

  “So, did it happen?”

  “It happened,” she said, smiling.

  Cathy gave a quiet squeal. “I was worried. After what happened, I didn’t know if you’d go through with it.”

  “I didn’t care. I know I probably should, but he defended me. How could I not love that? He defended me and my honor. He was such a sweetheart for doing it.” She released a little sigh.

  “Was it good?” Cathy asked.

  Glancing toward the door to make sure her mother wasn’t there, Raven nodded. “It was so good. He asked me to move in with him this morning. I think he also proposed, but I’m not sure about that one. He could have asked me, or not.” She shrugged.

  “Could have asked. How does that work?”

  “He said that spending time with my dad, and also taking my virginity meant that I belonged to him.” She chuckled. “I don’t know.”

  “You’d say yes to him though, right?”

  “Yeah, I would. How was it with Brice after I left?”

  “We stayed, played some pool, danced a little, and then went home. We had sex, and then he left.”

  “You don’t mind that?” Raven asked.

  She wouldn’t be able to stand Drew taking what he wanted and leaving.

  “Some people want different things. I like Brice. I care about him, and I know he feels the same about me. We’re not in love. One day I’ll find the man for me, and Brice and I will be friends.”

  “You haven’t talked about staying together?”

  “We’ve talked about it. It’s not going to happen though. Neither of us wants to have that kind of commitment.”

  “I’ve packed all the kitchen,” Miranda said, coming into the bedroom. “Are you sure about this, honey?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “That’s all I want to know. I’m going to hear your father cursing this man for the next couple of weeks.”

  “I don’t know why. He likes Drew.”

  “I know. It’s a guy thing. It’s supposed to be accepted for them to hate each other.” Her mother threw her hands up. “I don’t get it. I’ll never get it, but I guess I’m not supposed.”

  They all laughed.

  “What’s this I hear about some trouble at Bobby’s bar?” Miranda said, folding her arms.

  “How did you even know something had happened?” Raven asked.

  “You’re our daughter, and Clark likes to make sure his girl is taken care of. Also Bobby and Clark go back a long way. He called us up, said that Drew handled it, but he heard enough to say he wasn’t happy.”

  “Francine giving out some vicious rumors.”

  “Ah, that kind of trick. Yes, it happened to me. Your father doesn’t know this, but I know he took care of it. He hurt the man who was making sleazy suggestions.” Miranda sighed. “Women, some of us can be right bitches, don’t you think?”

  Cathy laughed. “Yeah, we really can.”

  “What’s Drew said?”

  “Nothing much. He doesn’t like the fact that I’ve been targeted.”

  “You should have seen him, Mrs. Howard. He punched the fucker right in the face. A couple of times, too.”

  “Damn right he should. No one should be talking shit about my girl.”


  “I mean it, honey. I’m proud that you haven’t let them push you away. You love a man strong enough then you stick by him, thick and thin.”

  “Like you and Dad?”

  “Exactly like your father and me. I don’t promise it will be easy. In fact it’s going to be hard, but if you love someone that hard, then you stick with it. Too many people in this day and age give up when the going gets hard. That’s not the way to make a strong marriage.”

  “Some people just make mistakes,” Raven said.

  “Either way, you’ve made a good choice with Drew. He’s a keeper, all right.”

  Raven couldn’t deny it.

  She loaded up the truck for a second time, and before she could enter the apartment to grab her last few items, Drew pulled her into his arms. “Are you ready for this next step of our lives together?”

  “Hell, yeah. Are you ready to go to the DIY store?”


  “I’d like to give the dining room a lick of paint, if that’s okay. It could do with a bit of sprucing up.”

  “Putting your stamp on our place.”

  She got a thrill from him calling it “our place”.

  “Yep, and you better get used to it.”

  He pressed his lips against hers, and told her that he would.

  Chapter Nine

  After a whirlwind weekend, Drew went back to work Monday, ready to face the day. He started out his usual morning routine, but at nine o’clock he asked Seymor if he could leave to take care of some business.

  “What business would you have if you don’t mind me asking?” Seymor asked.

  “I’ve got to see a guy about a problem with his girl,” Drew said.

  “Ah, the issue at Bobby’s place.”

  “Going to see William, get this problem dealt with.”

  “Women are funny creatures. I was always thankful my Julia had a good heart. Raven reminds me a little of her. A good heart, a good woman.”

  “She moved in with me.”


  “I’ve also proposed, but I’ve got to do that a little better. I was going to ask later this week when my mom’s ring comes back, can I head back into town to propose to my girl?”

  “Of course. You’re a hard worker, Drew. You never once turned your back on the ranch. Neither did Brice, and that means more to me than anything.”

  Drew paused, glancing over at his boss. “Does it hurt sometimes?” he asked. “Seeing all of this, knowing she’s the reason it’s all here. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t ask.”

  “Five months ago I’d have told you to get your fucking ass back to work. I’ve seen a change in you. You were a hard worker, Drew, but you were also a man living in a shell. Nothing seemed to get to you. You were closed off from everything around you. You wouldn’t look alive at times.”

  He couldn’t lie. Up until Raven came back into his life, he didn’t care for anything else. The only person he wanted had been a world away. The moment she came back, that first glimpse, and it was like she’d woken him up from a long sleep.

  “Yeah, it hurts. This was Julia’s home. She stayed by my side when cattle was failing, and I couldn’t pay the bills. One morning, after I’d drunk myself into oblivion, she dumped my ass in the shower, made me wake up. Next I knew we were in my office, and she had a large file of the other business ventures I could go into. Cattle wasn’t the only thing a rancher could do. She had a vision, and through that vision, she saw how good the O’Donald ranch could be. I believe she’d be proud at what she sees, at what I’ve achieved here. It’s all because of her.”

  “You never had any kids?”

  “No. Julia couldn’t have any, and we couldn’t adopt either. Having kids is expensive. We had each other, and that’s enough.”

  “I’m going to head on out.”

  “Hey, Drew,” Seymor said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “How do you feel about training to take over the reins of this place?”


  “Yeah. Your father and I talked about it a few times, but we never got to talk with you. Do you think this is something you’d like to do?”

  Drew glanced over and couldn’t believe it. “I’m going to have to think about it.”

  “You think about it, and we’ll talk more when you’re ready.”

  He was blown away, and didn’t have a clue what to make of it even as he drove into town. Avoiding passing the bakery, he made his way into the Connor building, and parked up. Climbing out, he entered the reception. The woman behind the desk looked him up and down, the disdain on her face clear.


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