Dementia (Trek Mi Q'an)

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Dementia (Trek Mi Q'an) Page 1

by Jaid Black


  Jaid Black

  Book 5.5 in the Trek Mi Q’an series.

  Dee Ellison is catapulted from Earth and ends up in a mysterious alien world populated by an all-male race of ape men. Hoards of ape men who keep humanoid females captive—as sex slaves.

  More terrifying yet, the alpha male of the most powerful Hoard is hot on Dee’s trail…


  Jaid Black

  Chapter One

  The highlander jungle of planet Dementia

  Kabka star system of the third dimension

  Her friends called her the Schemer, or Scheme for short, for she had always been well known for her ability to get out of tight situations. But as she ran through the dense Dementian jungle panting for air, her heartbeat drumming like mad against her chest, Delores Ellison was afraid that, for the very first time in her twenty-nine years, she had gotten herself into a situation there was no squeezing out of.

  Her father had always said she was too much like her mother for his peace of mind. Perhaps he had been right.

  Dee dashed through the overgrown jungle as fast as her feet would carry her. She ignored the rogue strands of golden hair that whipped into her eyes and stung them, and instead concentrated her energy on escaping the gorilla fighter whose hunting skills were proving to be frighteningly keen.

  He’s gaining on me, she thought hysterically as she braved a quick glance over her shoulder. Good God in heaven, do not let this beast enslave me!

  She still didn’t know how it had happened, still had no clue how she’d ever been catapulted from Earth to this…this…place. But she had been in Dementia for over a year now and, at least until this night of reckoning, had managed to thwart any would-be slave traders from capturing her.

  She had survived on berries and an odd blue fish for sustenance, slept in hollowed out stone caves for protection from the elements, all the while searching in vain for the bizarre stone icon shaped like a gorilla’s head that she had been holding when she’d been mystically transported to this dark, frightening world so reminiscent of Planet of the Apes. Dee was certain that if only she could find that talisman—or whatever in the hell it was—she could go back to Earth, back to home.

  She ran into the night, dashed through the highlander jungle terrain she had grown accustomed to, her breath coming out in short gasps. She knew—knew—that the gorilla fighter was gaining on her, would catch her at any moment if she didn’t figure out a way to escape him. She could sense his sharp green eyes on her, could hear the low growl of a predator hissing in his throat…

  Please, she silently begged the heavens. I do not want to be a slave! Oh God—oh please God help me!

  Dee ran impossibly faster, ignoring the buzzing sound of the insect predators that swarmed throughout the dense terrain. She knew what those gorillas had done to that one human girl, the one she had tried to escape Dementia with six months ago. Knew too that the Dementian males coveted humanoid females as nothing more than sex slaves and serving girls.

  The one tracking her now was called Zaab—General Zaab if she’d overheard the villagers of the Mantus Hoard correctly. Zaab had once been a lowlander lieutenant, but had taken over the highlander Mantus Hoard by force when its elderly leader was assassinated by fellow tribesmen. And so now the new general ruled with an iron fist, and in just under a year had made the Mantus the most respected—and feared—gorilla fighters on the planet.

  Zaab. This wasn’t the first time he had hunted Dee, not the first time he had attempted to enslave her. But, she thought as she ran faster and faster still, it might well be the last time he’d have to hunt her if she didn’t figure a way out of this mess. Twice before he had stalked her, twice before she had thwarted him. The third time would prove to be a charm—but whether for her or for him…


  He stood upright like a human, possessed the mental acuity of a human, and even carried the masculine scent of a human, yet this male was no human…

  A gorilla. If she didn’t get herself out of this situation, Dee thought in anguish as she struggled to breathe, then she would become the sex slave of a gorilla.


  The eerily moaning wind swarmed about her, crashing through the rough alien terrain. She could feel him getting close, then closer still, could sense his sharp, possessive eyes narrowed on her…

  Run, Dee! Run!

  Dee cried out softly in her throat as the low growling sound grew alarmingly closer. Her heartbeat was thumping like a rock against her chest, her blue eyes wide and her breathing labored. She made a quick left turn into the thickest portion of the jungle and dashed into it, knowing it was an unsafe place to be, but also realizing that if she was to thwart Zaab for a third time then this was the only way.

  Help me! she mentally pleaded. Dear God in heaven please help me!

  Dee screamed out when the sharp stinger of a predatorial vine shot through her thigh, effectively throwing her to the ground while it slowly drugged her with hallucinogen. She cried out again when the thick leafy tentacles entwined themselves around her limbs, the snappers instantly shredding what clothing she’d had on as they laid her out spread-eagle and naked on the jungle floor.

  Not the vines—oh no, not the vines.

  She knew it was over. Knew too that Zaab had won. If the general didn’t track her down by scent, then the vines would have their wicked way with her, dining on her cunt juice until she died, dehydrated and mentally broken. Either way, it was over…

  The vines were the method Dementians used to break human female slaves to their bidding. The predatorial plant would intravenously pump a euphoric hallucinogen into her system, making her orgasm over and over again, providing them with the juice they dined on, until she literally died of pleasure and dehydration. The hallucinogen would also drive her insane if given too much of it, insuring that the only way she’d ever again possess the mental wherewithal to leave Dementia was through death.

  Dee cried out softly as two pink flower buds from the vine clamped onto her nipples and began suctioning at them. They stiffened immediately, causing her to moan. It’s over, she thought, closing her eyes as the hallucinogen began to take effect. It’s all over…

  The sound of a low, arrogant growl filled her mind. She blinked slowly, opening her blue eyes on a moan as a third flower bud clamped onto her clit and began suctioning it. She shuddered, knowing an orgasm was imminent.

  The general stood above her, his piercing green eyes flicking possessively over her naked, splayed-out body. His gaze settled on her cunt and lingered there, then darted up the length of her to meet her eyes.


  Dee swallowed roughly, wondering through the euphoric daze that was quickly engulfing her just how long it would take before she was begging the bastard to fuck her. A male in his prime, an alpha male who owned more slaves than she could count, would know very well—too well—how to use the vines to get what he wanted.

  She groaned and simultaneously arched her hips as the first powerful orgasm hit. She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to watch his expression, for she could sense his arrogant pleasure as though it was a tangible thing. He knew he’d won, knew too that he could do anything he wanted with her.

  The rustling sound of discarded leather clothing induced her eyes to sleepily open for a moment. It was hard to focus on any one thing for the euphoria was hitting fast, but she was alert enough to recognize the naked, powerful Dementian male standing over her.


  His body was at least seven feet tall—probably more. His musculature was extreme, without a doubt the most powerful and heavily-muscled body she’d ever laid eyes on. Two deadly incisors jutted out from his otherwise human-looking teeth
, a grim reminder that he could slice through her jugular like melted butter.

  Her eyes flicked down to his stone-hard cock. She nervously wetted her lips, again wondering how long it would take before she was begging the general to fuck her.

  And then the euphoria kicked in and she no longer cared.

  Chapter Two

  Surreality engulfed all of her senses. Her mind swam as if dreaming, or as if existing on another plane far removed from the cold jungle floor she lay naked and spread-eagle upon. She shuddered and moaned as the flower buds on the vines clamped down harder onto her erect nipples and swollen clit, her legs shaking as she violently climaxed. Again.

  And still, the general made no move to fuck her.

  She felt like she’d been coming for hours—days even. Yet realistically she knew it was the hallucinogen making her feel that way. No more than fifteen minutes could have passed since the vines had snagged her, but the painfully hedonistic euphoria made the time seem endless.

  She needed to be mounted. She needed to be fucked more than she needed to breathe.

  Zaab was watching her, she knew. His piercing green eyes were evaluating and assessing her bodily responses with the acuity of a hawk, and yet he still hadn’t bothered to touch her, let alone to impale her with his huge cock.

  She gritted her teeth, refusing to beg. He knew what the vines were doing to her, realized that she would give anything—do anything—say anything—to be fucked over and over, again and again…

  “How do you feel, lass?” he murmured, squatting down beside her on his powerful thighs. He ran a large, rough hand over her belly, then brought it up to cup one breast. Apparently irritated that the suctioning flower bud was in the way of his touching her nipple, he pulled it off, snapped the head and threw that particular portion of the vine to the wayside. He ran his thumb over her nipple, making her gasp, then asked again, “How do you feel?”

  Dee wetted her lips, trying to make eye contact but in too dreamy of a state to focus her attention. “I…I…tired,” she whispered, closing her eyes again. “Frustrated.” That small admission was as close to begging as she’d allow herself to sink.

  “Tell me what you need,” he murmured. She heard the other flower bud make a popping sound as it was forced from her other nipple. A second later that one was snapped too and two large Dementian hands settled in at her breasts and toyed with her nipples, making them ache so much more than the vines had.

  “Please,” she whimpered, her hips arching up as much as they could while being roped down to the ground with vines. “Make it stop.” Another small admission, but one she couldn’t seem to keep from making.

  “Hmm,” he purred noncommittally, his primal male face coming into her line of vision. His thumbs and forefingers plucked at her nipples, plumping them up.

  She sucked in her breath and arched her hips as he settled himself intimately between her outspread thighs. He made no move to displace the flower bud sucking vigorously at her clit, opting instead to watch as she convulsed again from another orgasm the plant-mouth brought on.

  “Please,” she said more forcefully, refusing to allow her voice to quiver into a pleading sound. “Please.”

  Zaab ignored her. She gritted her teeth.

  The general released her breasts and placed some bizarre, fleshy-looking contraption next to her body, a boxy device she’d never seen before. He removed the needle that the predatorial vine had shot into her thigh and momentarily disabled it by sticking the needled portion of it into the faux flesh-box.

  So that was how he would keep the vine alive if he needed it again, she thought hesitantly. He was nobody’s fool. He’d disallow the hallucinogen to kill her, but he’d also keep it handy if he needed to torture her into submission with the euphoria it generated.

  Good God, she’d never escape him.

  Not that the sexual euphoria she was already experiencing was even close to waning, she thought with near hysteria. It seemed to grow worse and worse, making her want to clamp her legs together and squeeze, inducing her breathing to hitch and her pupils to dilate. “Please,” she said pitifully, no longer caring if she begged or not. “Please help me.”

  Zaab purred at her submissive words, his warm palms running over her belly. “I’ve the feeling you will be worth the wait, lass,” he murmured, those piercing green eyes straying down to her puffed-up cunt. She knew he was referring to the other two times she’d escaped from him—before he could mount her.

  With a growl, he pushed her thighs farther apart, making her breathing hitch. From fright or anticipation she couldn’t say. She lay spread out before him, her hands roped to the jungle floor above her head, her thighs tied down to the ground making movement—and escape—impossible.

  “Please!” she said louder, more pleadingly, her splintered brain making the connection between begging and the promise of release. Her head thrashed from side to side as the flower bud sucking on her clit grew more suctioning. “Oh God…I’m begging you!”

  “Mmmm,” he growled, his incisors bared. He palmed his massive cock and placed the tip at the opening to her pussy. “That’s a good girl,” he said in a patronizingly agreeable tone. “Such a sweet, biddable little wench…”

  Her nostrils flared in renewed anger. Her jaw clenched as she narrowed her icy blue eyes at him.

  Enraged at the insult, Zaab let out an ear-piercing bellow as he stared down at her, his acute green eyes narrowed in anger. She flinched when he pulled his cock away from her wet opening, then whimpered when he removed his hands from her breasts.

  “I…I’m sorry!” she said truthfully, thrusting her hips up at him as best she could. “I won’t do that again—I swear!” Anything—she’d do anything if only he’d fuck her, she thought hysterically.

  The low growl in Zaab’s throat told her the subtle rejoinder hadn’t been quite forgotten by the arrogant male. And if her guess was accurate, he was still smarting from more than her show of defiance—he was still reeling from the knowledge that a human female had managed to elude him for more than six months.

  Sometimes, mostly when sleeping alone in the stone caves late at night, she had often wondered if they had become the other’s phantom obsession.

  Dee ground her hips in a wanton, carnal gesture. Her breasts heaved up and down in time with her labored breathing. Beads of perspiration covered her torso. She no longer cared how pathetic she looked, no longer cared that the unthinkable had happened and she had been captured by her nemesis. Later, there would be time to think on that. For now, all she wanted was to be mounted.

  “I swear I’ll be good,” she said throatily, her hips grinding up as she submissively lowered her eyelashes. “Please help me.”

  He was snarling down at her, the predator in him obvious, but she could also see his nostrils flexing, telling her he couldn’t resist indulging in the scent of her arousal. She took comfort in that, hoping he would forget his anger long enough to put her out of the euphoric misery.

  The flower bud at her clit began suctioning more vigorously, making her gasp. Her back arched, lifting up her breasts like two offerings. “Oh God.” Her head fell back on the jungle floor, her nipples stabbing upwards. She hesitated for the briefest of moments, then turned her head, baring her neck to him.

  The vines tightened their hold on her thighs, pinioning her motionless while the flower bud suckled juice from her cunt. She gritted her teeth, not wanting to come again, for her juice only made the bud suck harder and faster.

  She was going to go mad. She was going to die of pleasure.

  “Ah, you have bared your neck to me, lass,” Zaab murmured in that arrogant tone of his. The baring of one’s neck was a gesture of submission amongst predator peoples and they both knew it. Where her words had meant little, apparently her actions meant a lot.

  His palms came down to knead her aching breasts again, making her moan. His fingers flicked at the nipples, inducing her back to arch and her hips to flare up. “Please,” she whispered,
tears clouding her vision. She was going to go insane—if he didn’t help her she knew her mind would grow splintered. “I…I…”

  His face engulfed her line of vision, blocking out the low-hanging moons overhead. All she could see was Zaab and his sharp green eyes. “You what?” he purred, knowing how difficult it was for her to plead with him. “A good wench always tells her Master what He needs to hear.”

  She swallowed against the lump in her throat, throwing her hips up at him again, wanting to grind her pussy against his cock. “I beg you,” she said softly, quietly—pleadingly. “I beg you to fuck me.”

  His nostrils flared at the precise moment she heard the low growl in his throat resume. She wet her lips, praying that meant what she thought it did.

  Zaab thrust her thighs apart again, his nostrils inhaling her scent. “I beg you to fuck me…what?” he growled.

  “Master,” she breathed out, her breasts heaving upward, wanting him to knead them a bit more roughly. “I beg you to fuck me, Master.”

  “And will you beg your Master to fuck you every night, slave?” he asked, the head of his thick cock again settling at the opening of her pussy.


  “I didn’t hear you, lass.”


  “And will you beg my brothers to fuck you as well, slave?”

  Dee hesitated, not knowing what the correct answer was. She’d never gotten close enough to the Dementians to be aware of what transpired behind closed hut doors. She knew only of the things that transpired in public places. “Only if it pleases the Master,” she hedged softly.

  He purred again, telling her she’d answered well enough. “Good girl.” He grabbed her breasts roughly, his dagger-like incisors bared. “And for the record, wench, you are not permitted to ever fuck another.”

  Until he sold her to someone else? Would he sell her to someone else?

  Did it matter?


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