Chronicles of Eden_Act X

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Chronicles of Eden_Act X Page 44

by Alexander Gordon

  Saffron slowly stepped over to the edge of the platform, looking around at the beautiful sight of the underground jungle with eyes of wonder. Turning back to Daemon she saw him walking over beside her while observing their surroundings with a blank expression. He started walking down the mound with the ant girl sticking close to him, the two making their way along the wet stones towards one of the springs that had rainbows glistening over it from a fine mist. Vines were growing between the rocks in the soft soil while some were floating within the pools, the small bodies of water having a soft white light coming from them while appearing as clear as fresh stream water.

  Daemon and Saffron stepped over onto a flat rock beside a glittering pond and looked around, seeing that plants were thriving quite well although nothing else appeared to be in the cave. Saffron showed a curious expression then looked down at the water. Kneeling next to it she scooped up some into her hands, hesitating for a moment before taking a drink. She smiled and squeaked as it was very refreshing then noticed something in the pool that caught her eye.

  “Is anyone here?” Daemon called out. Saffron glanced to him then looked around, both listening for a reply that never came.

  “Is the guardian of the City of Eden here?” Daemon asked.

  Saffron looked around in puzzlement as there was no sign of a city within the cavern. In fact there were no tunnels leading further off in any direction, rather the underground grotto appeared to be the only living space down there.

  “My name is Daemon Warrick. I am the guardian of the City of Eden in Solhouasta, keeper of the reaper. If you are here please show yourself.”

  Saffron stared at Daemon in wonder from hearing that then looked around again as she grew more curious about what he was talking about. She then squeaked at Daemon and shook her head in confusion.

  “No, there is something here. There’s an entire city here.”

  Saffron squeaked and gestured around them at the cave.

  “Look down.”

  Saffron blinked then looked to the pond that had clear water glistening in radiant light, light that appeared to be coming from within it. The ant girl peered closely at the gently rippling surface, seeing the same thing that caught her eye before. There was a strange flicker of something below the water, however it was almost impossible to make out with the light blurring it. The ant girl leaned closer before slipping forward on the slick stone, squeaking loudly as she dropped downward into the pool. Or so she thought, as her hands went down into the water and immediately hit against something that stopped her from falling in. Saffron noticed that the pond was very shallow, with her chin now resting on the surface while her arms were long enough to touch the bottom. And what they were touching seemed off to her, as it felt like she was pressing against a flat solid surface rather than dirt or rock.

  Daemon watched the ant girl staring at the water, her rear sticking up behind her and revealing dark panties that were pulled up between her cheeks. However his gaze remained on her head, not her shapely rear that was flaunted at him, as he observed the ant girl’s caution to seeing what was hidden beneath her.

  “You don’t need to know,” Daemon warned her, earning a worried look from the girl. “You can go back to the lift and wait there, you don’t need to see or hear any of this. It’s not your responsibility.”

  Saffron looked down to the wavering water before her, wondering just what exactly lay beneath it. After a moment she squeaked back at Daemon, the swordsman hearing her words then looking down to the spring with a careful eye.

  “It’s your choice. You’ve come this far, whether you choose to go further or not is up to you. Just know that once you learn the truth about something you can never forget it.”

  Saffron watched the water rippling in the pond while the light it gave off made her wonder all the more what was below. After a moment she slowly took a breath then lowered her head into the pond, pressing through the light towards what her hands were held against. Upon lowering herself deeper towards the obstruction the light faded enough to reveal what was below, the sight causing Saffron’s eyes to widen the furthest they’ve ever gone while she just barely kept her surprised gasp from letting out all her air.

  Below the surface of Eden, farther down below the tunnels and caves dug out by the ant girls, even further still down the ancient passageway and beneath the peaceful grotto that lay at its base, there was something that couldn’t be believed until it was seen with one’s own eyes. Saffron stared in total shock at seeing what was beneath them. A gigantic cavern the likes of which she had never imagined possible, enclosed in a giant domelike barrier that glowed with a soft light that her hands were pressed against at the top, and within the grand cave there was a city. Its buildings towered above the ground which couldn’t be seen from such heights, its expanse being that of the entire cavern it resided in. The ant girl who gazed upon the ancient city was held over it by its barrier half a mile above the tallest building that rose from the capital, the tower’s sleek metal frame and pointed steeple standing tall amidst its home which was hidden so far below the world.

  Saffron was left squeakless as she saw a majestic city that was larger by far than even the core of her nest where her queen lived. The sheer amount of space the ancient ruins took up was baffling, and what was even more shocking was that it was supposedly made by humans. It was unbelievable, even with her own unblinking eyes staring right at it. Even with the slight distortion from the water or the obscuring glow from the barrier’s light Saffron could see clear as day what lay below them, just as Daemon had said it would be.

  Suddenly another sight came before her that surprised her, that being someone appearing right below her in the blink of an eye. It was a woman dressed in a dark blue dress with black frills around her bust and diamond openings over her stomach. The long skirt she wore had ruffles and light blue ends while at her hip was a bright green bow. The long dark blue stockings she had complimented the arm sleeves she wore while on her feet were black laced heels. Her short dark hair went down past her ears, her glowing green eyes were focused on Saffron, and her smile looked to be derisive and cold. Atop her head were bug antennae similar to the ant girl’s. Behind her were giant monarch wings, appearing more angular and larger than a giant butterfly’s would be, and had black edgings with light blue spots. The green segments within the wings appeared to be translucent, almost like showing a starry night sky within them with radiant crackles of emerald light flickering across them. With each flap of the monster’s wings shimmering specks of green light fluttered behind her while the air seemed to bend slightly from a surge of magical energy passing by.

  Saffron felt her body freeze as the monster held its hand against the barrier across from hers, the winged woman gazing into her eyes with a very dreadful vibe behind them. The ant girl knew that there was only one living thing within the city, and that being the case it only made sense that this creature staring right back at her was what Daemon had warned her about.

  “Welcome to my city,” the woman spoke, her words being heard in Saffron’s head very clearly. “Please, do make yourself at home.”

  Saffron trembled as the woman leaned closer to the barrier and held both her hands against it across from the ant girl’s.

  “It’s not often I get guests after all. Please, do come in and stay a while. It’s been so long since I had someone to play with.”

  Saffron shook a little as the woman tilted her head with a cruel smile, the cold look in her glowing green eyes showing there was a dangerous monster behind her elegant appearance.

  “What’s wrong, little bug? Do I scare you?”

  The woman chuckled then slammed her hands against the barrier, a deafening thunderous roar erupting from the shield as it flashed brightly. The force of the hit was clearly felt on the other side as the water around Saffron was thrown into the air while the cavern shook slightly. Daemon tensed up while grabbing his sword, himself and Saffron now clearly seeing the butterfly monster floating bene
ath them with a devilish smile on her face.

  “You don’t know what true terror is. Yet,” the monster taunted in their minds before the water splashed down around Saffron. The ant girl was thrown into the pool and flailed around in fright, all while the monster below laughed wildly with a haunting echo sounding off in their ears. Saffron scrambled back over to the rock and climbed up with Daemon helping her, the girl now clinging to him in fear as she looked back down at the water that was splashing around. She shakily squeaked something as she pointed down to the monster below them then looked to Daemon who was watching the wavering image of the butterfly with a cold stare.

  “That’s the Dark Queen of this city. One of the four worst monsters to curse Eden with its presence.”

  “Such flattering words from you, Daemon Warrick,” the butterfly taunted. “I would expect nothing less from the guard dog of the reaper. How is that search for her key going for you by the way? Oh, that’s right. You only have three of the key fragments to her seal in your protective hands. Having some trouble finding them all?”

  Daemon remained silent while glaring at the monster with Saffron holding onto him tightly as she was still shaking a little.

  “Won’t even speak to me, huh? It makes no difference, anything you wanted to say I would know it before you even said it. Any charming retorts or hollow threats are wasted as I can see them coming before you even open your mouth.”

  “That’s enough, Aeon,” a woman’s voice spoke up in the grotto. “Please leave us be so that I may speak with him.”

  “You can’t order me around,” Aeon scowled while banging her fist against the barrier, the light flashing brightly as another tremor rumbled through the cave. “It’s one thing to keep me locked up in this infernal cage, but you have no power to make me hold my tongue while I’m here.”

  “Aeon, please don’t make me use force with you. Leave us be peacefully or else I’ll have no choice.”

  “And just what are you going to do to make me? I can see every move you intend to make before you make it, there is no possible-”

  “You know I was thinking about adding some flowers in that corner over there earlier today,” the voice playfully mused. “But now I’m not so sure, perhaps they’d look better over here. Or you know what, maybe I shouldn’t plant any at all. This place does look very lovely as it is. What do you think, Aeon?”

  “What are you blabbing about?” Aeon dryly asked. “You’re going to plant three new gardens over in the corner of your little cave where you’ve cleared space for them. I already know-”

  “Yes, I was thinking that before, but now I’m thinking I shouldn’t. You know, just the heck of it.”

  “Whatever,” Aeon scoffed while she cringed slightly. “Makes no difference to me. They’re just stupid flowers.”

  “And maybe I should tell Daemon and his lovely companion where the key fragments to your seal are,” the voice shrewdly added. Daemon and Saffron looked to each other curiously then around for the unseen woman while Aeon growled quietly.

  “You’re not going to do that,” Aeon spoke up in annoyance. “You and I both know you intend to hide them from everyone. Not even those three morons who help you from the surface know where they’re hidden now.”

  “Maybe I changed my mind,” the woman reasoned. “Maybe not. But… maybe I should. Oh dear, I’m just not entirely certain anymore.”

  “Stop it,” Aeon growled with a cringe.

  “Are you the guardian of this City of Eden?” Daemon called out.

  “Yes, I am. We can talk more about that soon, however Aeon needs to mind her manners and leave us be first. She can be quite disruptive when others are trying to have a peaceful conversation.”

  “How dare you speak about me as if I were a little child!” Aeon yelled slamming her fists on the barrier, causing two more large tremors and thunderous claps from the shield.

  “Aeon, why don’t you go fly around your city for a while? Or better yet you could return to your citadel and have a lovely nap-”

  “I’m going to kill you for speaking to me like that!” Aeon roared slamming her fists against the barrier. The cavern rumbled while water splashed everywhere, the swordsman standing firm from the tremors while Saffron clung to him nervously.

  “As I was saying, she can be quite disruptive. Perhaps you could assist with helping her leave.”

  “What do you mean?” Daemon asked. “What manner of Dark Queen is she?”

  “You don’t know?” the voice curiously asked. “I thought you were the guardian of the reaper, don’t you know of the other Dark Queens of Eden as well?”

  “I know of three,” Daemon replied, with Saffron looking to him curiously now. “However all records were lost regarding the fourth and her location. I actually only came across this place by happenstance while passing by, I did not know this was where it was buried all this time.”

  “I see,” the voice softly replied. “Yes, when they were all being sealed away this one tried to flee, however I was still able to find and imprison her here. The poor dear really thought she could elude me on this side of the world.”

  “Stop treating me like a child!” Aeon roared with clenched fists.

  “She’s a chronofly, Daemon,” the voice explained. “A monster in tune with the magical ether of time itself. Should she run free only the most chaotic of futures will await Eden. It’s only from being confined to her city like this that the world is still in one piece.”

  “She can control time?” Daemon cautiously asked.

  “To an extent, but even that much is incredibly dangerous to all. She also sees the timelines of those in the world. Their past, present, and future in every detail. In short, she knows all that has been, all that is, and all that ever will be. Well, mostly.”

  Daemon and Saffron looked down to see Aeon pressing against the barrier below the pond, the chronofly’s eyes glaring at them while a flicker of green light flashed around her in a distortion of air.

  “Her magic is powerful just like that of the reaper you watch over, however she is safely confined to that City of Eden. I have collected all the key fragments to her seal, they’re all safely hidden away, and only I know of their location.”

  “Want to know where?” Aeon taunted. “I could tell you right now if you want, haha.”

  “And she simply hates uncertainty,” the voice spoke up factually. “Any change in the timeline for someone, any fluctuation of uncertainty or misdirection of predetermined behavior gives her a nasty headache.”

  “Misdirection of predetermined behavior?” Daemon repeated.

  “If you were supposed to do something, destined to, yet did not and instead chose to do something else, like something you never would have done before, it causes a rather noticeable ripple in your timeline. And such a sight is simply irritating to the chronofly.”

  “Not half as irritating as hearing your voice,” Aeon snapped.

  “For example, Daemon, if you were to do something right now that you would not have ever thought of doing before, something that certainly wasn’t destined to happen, it would cause Aeon a lot of discomfort.”

  “Oh how she wishes,” Aeon hissed. “I already knew you were coming down here, Daemon Warrick. I knew you would be here, I knew that stupid ant girl would follow you, and I knew you would be told such outlandish tales by my pitiful keeper. I know everything that’s going to happen, including when you die! I know when each and every one of your pathetic little whores who accompany you dies, I know when and how you’ll fail horribly with keeping the reaper locked away, I know-”

  Daemon promptly slapped Saffron’s rear with a loud whack, jolting the ant girl with a sharp squeak, wide eyes, and deep blush. Aeon faltered with her words as she cringed, the monster’s glare remaining on Daemon who watched how she suddenly stopped talking.

  “Oh my,” the voice in the cave remarked. “That wasn’t what I had in mind with misdirecting your predetermined behavior.”

  “I’m goi
ng to assume me doing that wasn’t supposed to happen,” Daemon said.

  “It makes no difference to me,” Aeon growled in ire. “You really think you’re being unpredictable in the least to me? You really think I can’t see your every move? You foolish man, I see everything. You cannot change that no matter what you try. There is nothing you can do to escape your timeline’s course.”

  Daemon glanced to Saffron who was staring at him with wonder and a quivering mouth. To her surprise he then slowly scratched her abdomen with his hand, the light clacking of his nails against the ridges making her jump slightly with a stunned expression and eyes that went out of focus. Her legs quivered as she felt extreme pleasure from him before losing their strength, the girl collapsing into his arms as he slowly razed his nails against her insect appendage. After doing so Daemon merely looked back to the pond while Saffron’s eyes fluttered in her aroused state, the swordsman now seeing Aeon holding her head with a strained expression on her face while her wings faltered slightly with their flight.

  “Aeon,” the woman’s voice mentioned. “You’re looking unwell. Are you alright-”

  “Shut your fucking mouth!” Aeon shouted in their minds. “I’m fine, I’m just fine! I don’t care if he does that with the bug or not! It makes no difference to me!”

  “So if I start fingering her right now it won’t be a problem?” Daemon asked as he held his normal hand between the ant girl’s legs. Saffron looked to him in shock, the girl’s antennae twitching above her head a few times before she quickly started nodding at him. Aeon growled and held her head, the air around her distorting while a surge of magical energy rumbled against the barrier again.

  “Aeon, please just go,” the unseen voice gently requested. “I honestly don’t want you to be hurt, though I don’t think he’s going to show such mercy towards you should you test him.”


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