The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld)

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The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Brandon ran down to the river, and he stared at his reflection in the water. A black wolf with fierce teeth snarled back at him. During his first turning, he’d been petrified. His father had talked to him throughout it, relaxing him and showing him everything was going to be okay.

  Now, his wolf was part of him. He’d been born a wolf and learned to listen to his wolf. Several of the pack members didn’t connect with their wolf and held little control over their temper. His father taught him to accept his wolf and learn to act as one with his wolf.

  Staring at his reflection, Brandon wondered what he’d done to the fates in order to displease them. A human mate had to be retribution for something.


  Throbbing in her wrist woke Elle up. She rubbed at her eyes with the hand that didn’t hurt.

  “Be careful. Don’t move,” a male voice said.

  She started and turned to see Darcy wrapping her wrist in a plain white bandage. The man was glaring down at her hand. The sheet where her arm had been resting was stained red with her blood.

  “What happened?” she asked, rubbing her eyes. She never wore makeup and didn’t have to worry about smearing the stuff over her face.

  “Do you want the long story or the short one?” He finished wrapping her wrist before placing her hand down on the bed. She sat up bringing her knees against her chest.

  “I want the truth.”

  He let out a sigh. “The truth is simple. You’re mated to Brandon, the alpha that makes you his. The bite on your wrist is the first part of the claiming.”

  “What?” she asked, staring at him in shock.

  Had he lost his mind? Her being mated to Brandon was completely insane. She didn’t even know the man.

  You don’t even like him.

  “There has to have been some mistake,” she said.

  “No mistake. Brandon and his wolf scented you from the kitchen. The bite is uncontrollable. You’re Brandon’s mate.”

  Moving toward the edge of the bed, Elle tried to blank out his words. There was no way she was his mate. She refused to accept it.

  She stood up then made her way to the door.

  Darcy stopped her from leaving the room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, confused by him keeping her locked in the room.

  “I can’t let you go out there.”

  “Why the hell not? I’ve got to see my father, and I need to be at the diner working,” she said.

  His arm shot out stopping her once again. “Alpha’s orders. You’re not allowed to leave.”

  Elle pushed at his arm. Darcy didn’t budge. Throwing her arms up in defeat she walked over to the bedroom window. She saw the town preparing for the feast after the pack had their run.

  Folding her arms she stared out of the window.

  “You’re not planning to jump, are you?” Darcy asked.

  Turning to him, she glared. “I’m not that fucking weak.”

  He grunted. She heard the wooden bed creak under his weight and did everything she could to ignore him.

  “So, how does it feel being Brandon’s mate?” he asked after several minutes of silence passed.

  “I don’t know. Inconvenient. A pain in the ass. Why don’t you pick one?”

  She kept her back to him hoping to stop him from talking.

  “It doesn’t matter what you think. You’re his mate, and I suggest you start thinking about that,” Darcy said.

  Annoyed with his attitude and being taken from the diner, Elle whirled around glaring at him.

  “I don’t even know Brandon. I’ve never known him other than to know who he is. There is no way I’m his mate. He made a mistake. I’m human, remember?”

  “How could we forget?” Brandon said.

  She turned to the sound of his voice. The man in question stood in the doorway blocking the entire exit. He wore a pair of loose jeans and nothing else. His upper body was on glorious display, and what a display it was. Tribal tattoos covered his thick arms. The tats did nothing to disguise his muscles. They were huge and could crush many of his opponents. She’d heard a lot of rumours about his strength. Some said Brandon could crush another wolf with the strength in his arms alone. She chose not to believe that rumour.

  His abs were tight, and she spotted the six pack. Turning her gaze away from the delight of his body she glared at his face. His face was as amazing to look at as his body, apart from his eyes. The colour of his eyes scared her. His eyes appeared black to her, and they startled her when they looked at her. She stared past his shoulder as that seemed to be the safest place to look.

  “What is the meaning of this?” she asked, keeping her arms folded.

  “Why don’t you look me in the eye when you talk to me?”

  Turning away from him she glared out of the window. She couldn’t deal with this. Brandon, the alpha of the Northern Forest pack and leader of their town, had taken her from her place of work, and she was supposed to be his mate.

  My dad is going to fucking kill me.

  “Leave us, Darcy,” Brandon said.

  Seconds later the door was closed shut. She didn’t hear him move but sensed him stood behind her. His breath against her neck, brushing the fine hairs with each exhale.

  “I take it Darcy told you what you are?” he asked.

  “Besides human you mean?”

  He chuckled. His hand stroked down her arm. Goosebumps erupted along her arm from his touch. Her nipples tightened from his closeness, and her pussy melted from the sound of his voice. She shouldn’t be reacting this way. No man left her feeling this way.

  Brandon isn’t just a man.

  Elle cut off the thought and continued staring out of the window.

  “You’re my mate, Elle.”

  Biting her lip Elle shook her head. “No, that’s not possible. I refuse to accept it.”

  “Why fight what is natural between us?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Why fight it?” she asked. “There’s a fucking list why to fucking fight it.” Elle was cursing a lot. When she was nervous she cursed, or when she felt trapped she cursed. Brandon made her nervous, and he had her trapped between his body and the window.

  Chapter Three

  Elle looked really cute when she was angry. Brandon couldn’t help but be charmed by her. Her arms were folded underneath her impressive rack. He wanted to turn her around so he could watch her lose her temper.

  “Then why don’t you tell me what the problems are?” he asked.

  She turned to him. Her hazel eyes glanced into his gaze but then stared past his shoulder. He frowned. Why didn’t Elle ever look him in the eye?

  “You’re old,” she said.

  “What?” he asked, struggling to contain the roar inside him.

  “I’m only twenty-one, but you’re what? Fifty or something. You’re old.”

  He glared at her, angry at her words. Her hands shook as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Yes, he was nearing over fifty in age, but he looked no older than thirty. Werewolves and most of the sectors in the paranormal community aged slowly when they grew into their powers or ability. Witches were known for being thousands of years old but not looking a day over twenty-five.

  Running a hand down his face, he waited for her to continue.

  “I don’t know you.”

  “I’m Brandon, your alpha of the Northern Forest pack.”

  “I’m not part of the pack. I’m also human. I’m not a wolf, and I’ll never be a wolf.” She glanced down at her bandaged wrist. He followed her gaze. “Unless, the movies are right and I can be turned from your bite.”

  He smirked. “The movies are wrong. You’re not going to turn into a wolf.”

  “Good. I don’t think I could handle that.” One of her hands went to her neck. He watched the movement wondering what the problem was.

  “What else?” he asked.

  “Besides age, human, and our general lack of knowledge about each other?”

  He nodded. />
  “I guess you can add the fact you have no respect for human women to the mix.”

  Brandon turned his gaze back to her at her last comment. “What?”

  “I’ve seen the way you treat human women, and the same goes for the men of your pack. You don’t give a shit about us. You use us and then throw us away like trash. You only treat your pack females with respect.”

  Feeling his anger tighten, Brandon took a step away. Her scent followed him regardless.

  “The excuses you give are pointless,” he said.


  “Yes, pointless. You’re my mate, Elle. You’ve got to accept that.”

  “I don’t have to accept anything from you. I’m not your mate. I don’t feel anything for you.”

  He’d seen her hard nipples and scented her creamy pussy. Her mind might not like being mated to him, but her body loved it. Closing the distance between them, Brandon pressed her against the wall.

  “You don’t feel anything for me?” he asked.

  She shook her head. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him.

  “I’ve heard some things about you, Elle. I know you’ve not been with another male, and you don’t have a reputation for putting out either.” He lifted his hand against her face. Brandon relished the feel of her soft skin against his palm. She moaned as he stroked her cheek then moved down to her neck. Her pussy beat rapidly against his hand. Moving his hand down to her breast, Brandon stroked the tight bud.

  Elle gasped. Before he did anything else, he moved his hand down to the edge of her skirt. The dress uniform stopped above her knee. Brandon lifted the dress up and then placed his palm against her hot pussy. The panties she wore were soaking wet.

  She cried out, and her hands gripped his arms as he moved the fabric of her panties aside for him to explore her tender flesh. Her slit was soaked with her cream. Her clit was swollen. He pressed a thumb against her bud.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Her gaze turned to him for a split second before going over his shoulder. Snarling at her insolence, Brandon pressed his face against her neck. He inhaled her strawberry and vanilla scent as he stroked her pussy. Her legs shook, and he wrapped an arm around her waist that kept her upright.

  His cock was thick in the jeans he wore. All he desired to do was push his jeans down and thrust his dick deep inside her tight little cunt. Using two fingers he stroked her swollen nub. Her arousal filled the room. The musky scent of her cream soaked his fingers.

  Brandon brought her to orgasm as he sucked on the flesh of her neck.

  Her screams echoed off the walls and filled him with pride, knowing he’d been the one to bring her to orgasm.

  Elle collapsed against him, her heavy breathing the only sound he could hear.

  “I’ve got you,” he said.

  She froze in his arms.

  “Let me go,” she said, pulling away from him.

  This time, Brandon let her go. Pressing his free arm against her head, blocking her escape, he licked the fingers he’d brought her to orgasm with. Her taste exploded on his tongue. He couldn’t wait to get his tongue on her. “You taste amazing. Who would have thought you’d taste so innocent.”

  “You’re disgusting,” she said.

  He chuckled. Brandon loved seeing the fire inside her. Her eyes flashed with heat. He just wished she’d look him in the eye for longer than two seconds.

  “You’re my mate, Elle. There is no escaping this.”

  “Find some other woman to fuck. I’m not your mate.” She pressed her hands against his chest and then pushed. He didn’t budge as she pushed again.

  “You’re under my protection.” He saw his mark against her neck. Her wrist would contain his scent. Any wolf who got close to her would know to stay away from her.

  “I don’t need your protection.”

  “Whether you like it or not, you’ve got it. I’ll let you go for now, but I’ll be the one to take you home,” he said.

  He wanted to prolong his time with her.


  I can’t be his mate. It’s a fucking mistake.

  Elle followed him downstairs to where Drake and Darcy were waiting. They smirked at her. Heat filled her cheeks. Both men knew what happened upstairs. She was left alone with the alpha for twenty-minutes, and he’d given her an orgasm. Elle hated herself for her weakness. No man should have that kind of power over a woman.

  “I’m taking Elle home,” Brandon said, addressing both men. They nodded and made no other sound.

  She covered her cheeks in shame. Their lack of words said it all. She was a slut.

  Brandon headed for the door. He opened the door, and Lewis was approaching.

  “Daisy’s pissed at you, Brandon. She likes Elle working for her, and she wants to see you.” Lewis turned to her. “Daisy said you could take the rest of the day off and she’d see you tonight.”

  “I’m taking her home. All of you be here when I get back.”

  He didn’t wait to get confirmation. They walked out of his home. She trailed behind him, trying to slow down so she didn’t have to walk beside him.

  “You’re very bossy,” she said.

  “Are you walking slowly on purpose?” he asked, turning to glare at her.

  She dropped her gaze. “I don’t want to walk with you. I can find my own way home.”

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Elle lifted her gaze to his mouth. Those lips had been on her neck sucking at her skin. She touched her neck. Did he leave a mark?

  Shit, she needed to see if he’d marked her. Covering her neck she caught up to him making sure to walk beside him.

  They walked through town. She sensed the peoples’ gazes on them.

  Neither of them said another word to each other. She was thankful for his silence.

  They made it to where she lived with her parents. Brandon opened the door going inside.

  “Why didn’t you knock?” she asked, outraged by his attitude.

  “I own this town. I do what I like.”

  Her father came out of his study, and her mother came out of the kitchen. The scent of chilli filled the air. Her mother, Vivian, made the best chilli in the town.

  “What’s going on?” her father asked, looking between them.

  “I need to speak with you,” Brandon said.

  She watched as her father nodded. Brandon released her. Both men disappeared inside the study.

  “What’s going on?” Vivian asked.

  Elle followed her mother into the kitchen. The stove had four pots of chilli cooking on top. She groaned, thinking about what would happen at nightfall. The town was closed tomorrow so that everyone could celebrate the full moon. She went to the fridge, grabbed a carton of juice and took a long swig. Vivian gasped as her neck was exposed.

  “What the hell happened, Elle?” she asked.

  Turning away from her mother, Elle went to check her neck out in the mirror. A large purple bruise was on her neck. She didn’t know how it had come up so quickly.

  With her shoulders slumped, she stared at her mother. “Brandon thinks we’re mated. He bit my wrist, and things got a little heavy.”

  “Elle Smith, what were you thinking?”

  I wasn’t.

  “Don’t start the lecture, Mom. I know I fucked up. Please, leave it. We’ve got the feast to get through tonight, and I’m not in the mood to play twenty questions.”

  Her mother went to say something else, but Brandon interrupted her.

  “Leave her be.”

  Vivian’s mouth opened then closed before she nodded and then left.

  Elle stared at Brandon. She dropped her gaze from his eyes to his still bare chest. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” she asked.

  “I’m hotter than most men.” He moved closer until his chest was next to her face. “Look at me.”

  She shook her head. Her heart pounded inside her chest, and her nerves were back.

  He let out a curse. “I’ve
spoken with Raymond. He understands what’s going on.”

  “What is going on? Dad knows what’s going on, but I don’t have a clue.”

  Brandon caressed her cheek. “You know what’s going on. You’re refusing to listen to me.”

  The backs of his fingers ignited a flame inside her. She wanted him. Up until an hour ago she’d never experienced an orgasm, and now she felt like a wanton hussy needing his touch.

  “I’ll see you at the feast. During the hunt stay in your home,” he said, ordering.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I’m not asking you, Elle. If you leave this house before the feast, I’ll fucking punish you.”

  In the next instant he left.

  She walked to her father’s study. He was bent over a book, shaking his head.

  “Daddy,” she said, gaining his attention.

  His head shot up. “Elle, are you all right?”

  “I’m a little shaken. I don’t know what happened. I was flipping pancakes, talking with Layla, and then I was being pulled to Brandon. I didn’t do anything.”

  Raymond stood and moved around to embrace her. “Our alpha has taken care of everything. You’re under his protection. He’ll be notifying the pack tonight over the feast.”

  She shook her head. “No, he can’t do that. It’s wrong. I’m human.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Brandon is going to claim you in front of the whole pack, and then he’ll take you as a mate.”

  “I don’t want this,” she said.

  He picked up her wrist. “It’s already begun. To other species of the paranormal community, this is a brand. To a point you’ll be safe.”

  “What do you mean ‘to a point’?”

  Raymond let out a sigh. “Brandon is a very powerful man. He’s the alpha of the Northern Forest pack. There are many who would see his downfall.”

  “And I’d be the price of his downfall?” she asked, seeing his point.

  “Yes. You’ve got to take extra care.” Raymond kissed her head. “I’m proud of you.”

  She left him to his work. How was she going to get through the ceremony knowing his pack would hate her?

  It doesn’t matter. You’ve got to do what you’ve been told.

  Chapter Four


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