The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld)

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The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Her pussy was out of bounds. She waited for him to thrust her legs open and fuck her roughly. It didn’t come. Brandon took his time stroking her. All the time he stroked her body, her hand lay against his chest.

  “See, I’m touching you. There is nothing to be afraid of. I’ve touched you before, and you liked it.”

  She found his words comforting. She glanced at his eyes and turned away. Elle really wanted to know what he was thinking and feeling. Biting her lip she forced herself to stare at him.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. Don’t force yourself to do something you’re not ready for.”

  “I’m ready for you. I want you. I don’t know why. I need you, Brandon.”

  “It’s the mating, Elle. We’re destined to be together.”

  “Then why do I feel something is missing?” she asked, voicing the pain in her heart. Something was missing between them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brandon sensed Elle’s nerves. She was wound tighter than a piece of string. If he didn’t get her to settle down he’d not be able to claim her. He was going to fuck her tonight, but there was no way he’d do it if she was going to hurt herself by not relaxing.

  He was pleased no other man had touched her, but in that moment he wished she’d gotten a little experience. His passions were anything but gentle. Staring down at her, he watched as she fought to keep his gaze.

  “No rushing,” he said. He stroked her nipple watching as her eyes dilated. Elle was turned on by his touch.

  She nodded her head. Caressing her body with his fingers Brandon felt the heat building in him. His cock was thick. After being around Lori and her scent surrounding him, Brandon needed to be with Elle. Lori repulsed him. Every woman who wasn’t his mate repulsed him. Bending down he took her lips under his.

  Inhaling her vanilla scent he ran his hands all over her body. She moaned, writhed, and thrust up to meet him his touch and lips.

  “That’s it. Give yourself to me, Elle. I’ll take care of you.”

  Brandon moved over her watching as fear flashed in her eyes. “Don’t panic. We’re not doing it yet.”

  She smiled. “I feel like we’re in high-school.”

  He laughed. Kissing her lips, Brandon moved down to suckle her breast. He pulled the taut nipple between his lips, nibbling on the nub.

  Elle arched her back. Her legs fell open on either side of his thighs. Brandon moved between her spread thighs. Her arousal filled his senses driving the need through him to take her.

  Calm down. Don’t hurt her.

  Can never hurt our mate.

  Moving to the second nipple, he gave it the same attention as the first. Her arousal intensified, the scent of her cream growing stronger in the night air.

  Kissing down her stomach, Brandon settled between her spread thighs. His face was level with her pussy. He grabbed her hands as she reached for him. Pinning her hands against her sides, Brandon took his time to look at her juicy cunt. Her clit was always swollen and begging to be licked. His mouth watered for another taste. He was sure this woman was made of strawberries and cream. He’d gladly feast on her for the rest of life. Her virgin hole lay open for him to claim. Something primitive struck him in the chest. He’d never fucked a virgin before.

  All the women he’d taken to his bed were experienced. Lori had been with several men before him. Not one single person had touched his woman. No man had breached her cunt or ass with his hands or cock. The instant he sank into her body Elle would belong to him, his own personal woman with no other scent but his own coming from her. The temptation she provided him was too hard to ignore.

  You want her, so take her, claim her and make her ours.

  His wolf approved even though she was human.

  I don’t give a fuck. Take her. I need her. We need her.

  Holding her hands down Brandon licked up her slit, circling his tongue around her clit. She cried out, thrusting her pelvis against him.

  He wasn’t letting her go until he felt her orgasm in his mouth. She fought his hold. Brandon kept a firm grip on her. He wasn’t giving her the chance to get away.

  “You’re mine, baby,” he said.

  Moving away from her cunt he stared up her body. “This body is mine. I’m taking you tonight. I’m going to bring you to orgasm with my tongue, and then I’m going to fuck you. Your virgin cunt is mine. You’re all mine, and I’m all yours.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  His words turned her on. There were more words he could say. Brandon sucked her clit into his mouth watching as she gave herself over to his tongue.

  Her taste exploded in his mouth.

  “Keep your hands on the ground,” he said, ordering her.

  Her palms lay flat against the earth. He cupped her buttocks in his palms bringing her closer to his mouth. Going up onto his knees, he brought her body up in an arch so she’d have no choice but to keep her hands flat on the ground.

  He swiped his tongue through her slit. From her gasp he knew she’d seen the action. He was laying claim to her tonight. His essence leaked out of his cock, and his natural scent started to cover her body. Any Otherworldly creature would know who she belonged to.

  Lori shouldn’t be by your side. Take Elle with you. She’s perfect, and she’s ours completely.

  Brandon cut the thoughts off. He didn’t want to think about his plan. Elle was too important to him. Taking her into a place full of Otherworldly creatures would be her doom. He sucked her pussy, tasting her on his tongue. His mind drifted away from thoughts of Lori and the creatures in his town. Elle filled his thoughts. Her scent invaded him.

  Tightening his hold on her buttocks he licked her in smooth strokes. Her orgasm was close. He sensed her getting hotter. Her body started to shake as he circled her clit. Elle’s nipples tightened to hard buds poking up at the sky. Her stomach quivered, and her cream dripped from her cunt.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  At his command she exploded. He continued to lick her clit drawing out her orgasm. Quickly, Brandon replaced his tongue with his fingers. He caressed her clit as he lowered her to the ground. Elle was still in the thrall of her orgasm. With his free hand, he grabbed his cock, pressing the tip to her pussy.

  In one smooth thrust, Brandon forged inside her breaking through her virgin barrier and claiming her as his mate.

  He howled as her pussy tightened around him. She screamed, holding onto him. Her nails drew blood. Brandon didn’t care.

  Elle was his, and he wasn’t letting her go.


  Pain consumed her. One moment she was floating on a cloud in a state of bliss and in the next pain replaced the pleasure. He’d thrust inside her while she’d been in the throes of orgasm. Elle gasped as he cupped her cheek. His cock pulsed inside her. The heat of him made her aware of where he was.

  Your virginity is gone. Brandon has claimed you.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I had to do it this way.”

  She nodded even though she didn’t agree. Tears filled her eyes. He pulled out of her and thrust back inside. It was too much. She cried out and tried to get away from him.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I’m going to stay still. We’re here together.” He cupped her cheek, kissing her lips. She liked his touch. Swallowing past the lump in her throat she stared at the tattoo along his arm.

  I can’t do this. He’s too big, and I’m human.

  “Talk to me, Elle,” he said.

  “It hurts.”

  “Shit, are you crying?”

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t lie to me.” He wiped the tears from her eyes. Brandon cursed some more, holding onto her. “I’ve got you. We’re here together. I’ve got you. Feel me inside you, Elle. Nothing is going to happen.”

  Elle listened to him talk. His voice soothed her. She relaxed in his arms. When he made to move she tensed back up. Brandon stopped instantly.

  Great, I’m the worst lay in the world.

  “You feel a
mazing. Your pussy is so tight. Think about how it felt with me stroking your pussy. Every time I watch you at the diner I want to pull your skirt up and finger your pussy. I can smell your arousal, you know?” She didn’t know but didn’t say anything. “I watch you bend over the tables handing out food and I imagine taking you. You drive me insane with wanting you.”

  His cock throbbed inside her in response.

  He watched her. She liked the thought of his eyes on her as she served. The few times she’d looked at him he’d been looking at her. Their connection was growing.

  The barriers are still up.

  Running her hands up and down his arms Elle took a deep breath. “I think you can move now,” she said.

  How her voice managed to sound smooth she didn’t know. Instead of questioning it she waited for him to respond. He didn’t thrust inside her. Brandon lifted her chin. Her gaze met his. Elle didn’t fight him. She looked into his coal-black eyes. Something was different.

  No, don’t look into his eyes.

  Brandon’s shaft eased out of her pussy and then pressed inside. No pain came, and she stared into his eyes. They were so dark and beautiful.

  Why have I been scared of his eyes? They’re so beautiful.

  No, don’t look.

  He stroked her cheek as he moved inside her.

  She gasped as an answering pool of heat started to build inside her. Her mind opened up.

  Feel me, baby. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine. You’ll always be mine.


  That’s right, I’m here, baby. I’ll always be here.

  Each barrier between them started to fall. She never once broke his gaze as he took her body. The heat spiralled inside her.

  Give me your wrist where I marked you.

  She lifted her wrist against his lips. Their eyes didn’t break.

  “I claim you as my mate, Elle Smith. From this day forward you’re mine.” His teeth sank into her wrist as his cock pulsed in her pussy. His seed washed her womb bringing her to orgasm. His seed was hot as he came. She gasped as her own orgasm took over.

  He sucked at her wrist. His canines sent his essence into her body.

  Her scent would be inside him.

  They collapsed on the ground. Brandon released her hand. Wrapping her arms around his body, Elle held on.

  We’re one, baby.

  This feels weird.

  He laughed.

  Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.

  Or it’ll make me lazy.

  I don’t mind. This ass is mine.

  She smiled at the easy banter.

  Stroking his face, Elle stared into his eyes. Nothing could go wrong. Brandon was her world. She saw it more clearly than ever before.

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “I’m yours.” He smiled down at her. The smile on his lips changed his whole face. He looked younger and more carefree than she remembered.

  As quickly as his smile came, it ended.

  “Shit, they’re early.” He pulled out of her body making her cry out.

  Brandon tugged her behind him.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “You can’t hear them. They’re here.” His gaze looked around them at the trees.

  She covered her body. Was he expecting company?

  “Of course you were expecting us, Brandon. Every year without fail we come.”

  A light flashed in the distance. Something like thunder came over, and a tree in the distance fell down making the ground shake. The answering howls permeated the air.

  Brandon got tenser. “Fuck, the pack is coming,” he said.

  Elle was naked. She didn’t want the pack to see her naked.

  She tensed waiting for the inevitable. What was she supposed to do?

  “Will you stop destroying my forest?” Brandon asked, the annoyance clear in his voice as he spoke.

  “I apologise. I wanted to see what smelt so good. You’ve bitten this one,” a man said.

  In an instant a pale man stood in front of them. Elle could only just make him out.

  “Of course he’s bitten one, Alexander. Our little wolf has mated. She certainly smells nice.”

  “She’s not my mate,” Brandon said.

  “What?” she asked, shocked. Staring at Brandon’s back, Elle tensed.

  What the hell is going on?

  “I’m his mate,” Lori said, coming through the trees as naked as the day she was born.

  Elle watched as Brandon walked over to Lori. He wrapped his arms around the other woman.

  “The human was just a distraction. Lori understands, and the human’s infatuation was too hard to deny.”

  Her heart splintered into a million pieces.

  “Don’t do this,” Lewis said, whispering against her ear.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Brandon watched Lewis take her away. His heart ached, and he felt her crumbling inside. Her mind was screaming in pain, but he wrapped his arm around Lori and turned toward the two vampires that had interrupted his mating.

  “You don’t mind your mate fucking a human?” Charles asked.

  “He has needs. I’m not always available to satisfy them,” Lori said. She ran her hand down his ass. He gripped the hand firmly stopping her. He’d sent Elle away to protect her. Brandon had no intention of cheating on her. Elle owned his body.

  “I’m the alpha of this pack. I don’t answer to anyone,” Brandon said, drawing their attention back to him. His pack was behind him. He sensed their unease with Lori by his side. They’d be able to sense his true mate and her distraught emotions. He could, and it was kicking him in the gut. Lewis better be doing everything he could to help her.

  “I find the whole meeting intriguing,” Alexander said. “Several of us congregate in one building and talk the talk. Fascinating. I’m growing bored of the same old traditions.”

  Alexander was one of the oldest vampires around. He was deadly and was known to take humans as his sex slaves to satisfy his needs. Charles, on the other hand, was weaker and younger.

  “There are many things for us to discuss.”

  “Like your rogue wolves and the many deaths plaguing the city. Not to forget this was foretold by Crazy Lizzy many centuries ago before you were born.” Alexander took a deep breath. His eyes flashed amber before returning to the cold of blue. “I sense a war. I sense death, and I see the end of certain … creatures. The weak will not survive a battle.”

  His pack growled at the threat. Brandon had sensed an unease in the Otherworld. There were too many creatures and too much bloodshed. He tried to stay out of it and took the rules his father implemented seriously. The Northern Forest pack would never start a fight. They’d end one but never start one.

  “Are you threatening me?” Brandon asked.

  Lori moved away. He faced his opponent ready to strike if he needed.

  “We all threaten each other, Alpha. I’m merely starting a fact. War is inevitable. Witches and warlocks need to die, along with a few of the bears. Not all of them are useful. I just wonder who’ll strike first.” Alexander moved away. “I’ll be staying in town.”

  Before Brandon could argue, both vampires disappeared into the night.

  “Well, that was fun,” Crazy Lizzy said, coming out from the thickest part of the forest. She wore a white dress, and her hair fell down around her with twigs sticking out of the length.

  “A war? Why didn’t you tell me?” Brandon asked. He didn’t like the fact the vampire knew more than he did.

  “Don’t yell at me, wolf! I did warn you. You shouldn’t have sent the human away. She’s the cause of your problems.” Lizzy smiled. “Alexander is as sexy as I remember. The last time I saw him he was eating a bear.”

  Brandon frowned as she walked away.

  He turned back to his pack.

  “Elle is the cause of the war. What the hell does that mean?” Drake asked.

  “I’ve no idea. I want protection on h
er at all times. I don’t want to worry about if she’s safe. Everyone is now here, and we’ll be meeting tomorrow night to discuss everything,” Brandon said.

  “This is a bad idea.” Darcy spoke for once. “Something bad is happening, and I don’t know what.”

  “I don’t care. This has been the traditions of our family and our heritage for many centuries. We have them here to discuss problems within our world. If you don’t like our pack traditions then walk. I’m tired of fighting you with this.”

  Brandon stormed off. He’d claimed his mate and in the next instant gone in the arms of another woman. His skin stank of Lori. A shower and a scrubbing brush were needed. He had to get the other woman’s scent off him.

  Walking to his house, he felt the displeasure of his pack. There was nothing he could do. His father taught him to be strong and to carry on his traditions to keep his town and the pack safe. Slamming his front door he made his way upstairs to his shower. He turned the shower onto the highest temperature then climbed inside. The sting of the hot water didn’t make him feel better.

  You hurt our mate.

  She’s heartbroken.

  You’re never going to win her back.

  We won’t stand for you to touch that bitch.

  Resting his head on the tiled wall, Brandon took several deep breaths. Lori’s scent invaded his senses. Anger filled every corner of his being. He couldn’t stand the stench of her. Raising his fist he slammed it against the tile. The tile splintered under his hand. The sharp edges cut his knuckles, and blood dripped onto the base of the bath. He embraced the pain. He’d rather have the pain of the cuts than the pain inside his heart.

  Tonight you made a mistake.

  You’re the cause of everything about to go wrong.

  When the water did nothing to ease him, Brandon climbed out. He wrapped a towel around his hand and walked into his bedroom, stopping dead when he saw Crazy Lizzy laid on his bed, her arms up above her making circled motions.

  She turned to look at him. There was no faraway look in her eyes. The real witch was in charge for once.


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