Baby Fever (A Real Man Book 3)

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Baby Fever (A Real Man Book 3) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  I lowered my gaze to his mouth, my lips still tingling. “You sure you want to go there with me?” I whispered.

  He lowered his head an inch closer to me. “Oh, yeah.” He kissed me then, hard, possessively, demanding more. He started pressing his erection against my belly. He was huge, long, and so hard it was like he was sporting a steel pipe between his legs. “I want all of you, Eva,” he murmured against my mouth.

  I was more than willing to give all of myself to him.

  He moved his hands down my face, stroked his fingers along the sides of my neck, and stopped right below my ears. Dex placed his thumbs at my pulse points, adding just the slightest pressure. It was so strange, but that small touch made everything in me come alive even more.

  After a few seconds, he continued to descend my body. He stroked his tongue over my lips for only a second before delving into my mouth. When he was at my hips, he curled his fingers into my flesh and pulled me hard against him. I gasped, and his cock dug into my belly even harder.

  He broke the kiss and started moving his mouth down my neck, stopping at my collarbone. When he ran his tongue over the bone, I shivered and dug my nails into his shoulders He hissed, but then groaned.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me more.”

  I breathed out heavily. I was so damn wet my panties were soaked clear through. A shiver worked its way through me when he went back to licking at my skin. It was like he was this wild animal.

  My wild animal, and all this feral attention is for me.

  “Touch me more, Eva.”

  I grabbed his head, tangled my fingers in his long hair, and pulled at the strands. He hissed out and lifted his head so we were eye level. A second passed with silence between us.

  “Do it again,” he gritted out.

  I tugged at the strands hard enough his head went back and the tendons in his throat stood out in stark relief. But his eyes were locked on mine.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” he said right before he slammed his mouth on mine. Our teeth clashed, our tongues fucked, and I was more than ready for whatever Dex wanted.

  When he broke away this time, he flared his nostrils for a second. I could see his mouth parted, his pupils dilated.

  He’s going to lose it, and it’s all because of me.

  I started breathing harder at that thought. It was like I was looking into the face of a feral animal that was about to snap.

  I was the one to lean in and kiss him this time, and he groaned into my mouth. Dex grabbed my hair, and the force with which he pulled my hair had the pain mixing with pleasure.

  After long seconds, he finally broke the kiss, and I wanted to beg him to fuck me already.

  He rested his forehead against mine, our breath mingling. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, Eva.”

  He was rock hard, so big and thick. I was so aroused that wetness coated my inner thighs. Dex smoothed his hands over my ass, ran the pads of his index fingers along the crease where my butt and legs met, and then moved lower down the back of my thighs. He moved back up, and in the next second, he had my skirt and panties clean off of me.

  I stood there, not sure what to do now, but Dex had plans, because he had my shirt pulled up and over my head. He tossed it to the ground and, in a matter of seconds, had my bra off, too.

  Here I was, naked, aching, so damn wet, and ready for Dex to have his way with me.

  My throat was so dry, but I managed to say, “Touch me.”

  He didn’t make me wait. Dex placed his hand right between my thighs. His fingers were so big, slightly calloused, and I closed my eyes and exhaled roughly. He dipped his head and ran his tongue along my nipple, making the tip harder, more sensitive. He alternated between breasts for long minutes, all the while touching my pussy.

  “Dex,” I whispered and closed my eyes as his fingers found my swollen clit. He ran small circles around the bud then went back to rubbing his finger through my cleft.

  He touched me for a few seconds, sucked and kissed at my skin until I was trembling, but before I could come, he stopped and stepped several feet back. I watched in rapt attention as he licked his fingers, sucking off my wetness.

  “So fucking sweet,” he growled. “You’ve always been mine, Eva.” His head was downcast, but his eyes were locked on me. “I was just too much of a fucking idiot to accept it.”

  Power and strength radiated from him. I took in the wide expanse of his broad shoulders, followed the lines of his tattoos that wrapped around his arms and chest, and felt my heart jerk in my chest.

  “You ready for me?”

  I lowered my gaze, taking in that V of muscle that was starkly defined. He might have his pants on, but his erection pushed at the fabric. It was huge, and I could only imagine what it would look like once it was freed.

  I nodded.

  I was more than ready.



  There was nothing more I wanted in this world than the woman in front of me.

  She’s mine.

  I felt like a fucking animal with her right now. Looking my fill of her naked body, my cock jerked at the sight. I wanted to fucking jerk off and just watch her, just see her smooth her hands over her body, those long fingers moving over the intimate parts of her. But I’d have plenty of time to take in every part of her … memorize every single inch.

  I saw her throat work as she swallowed. She was worked up, so fucking primed for me I knew if I touched her in just the right way she’d come for me.

  I wanted her unhinged, but I also wanted to take my time, to make this last.

  Yeah. Fuck. Right.

  There was no way I was going to last tonight, not once I was deep in her pretty cunt.

  “You’re looking at me like you’re starving,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling as she breathed harder.

  I growled low. Yeah, when it came to Eva, I was a fucking animal.

  “I am, Eva.” I moved an inch closer. “I’m so fucking hungry for you.” I put my hand on her belly; her body trembled for me. “I want to put my baby in here. Right. Fucking. Here.” She swallowed again, and I watched the line of her throat work through the act. “You want that, don’t you?” I wanted to hear her say she wanted me to put my baby inside her. “Tell me how much you want to be mine. Tell me how much you want to be pregnant with my baby.”

  She closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Look at me,” I demanded and gripped her chin with my fingers.

  She opened her eyes, her pupils fully dilated. “I want your baby in me. I want to be yours in every way.”


  It took all of my control not to fucking come right in my jeans.

  Eva licked her lips, and I was riveted to the sight. The dirty images of her on her knees, with her mouth wrapped around my dick, slammed into my head. I was big, my cock thick and long, and she’d have a hard time working her mouth down all of it. But fuck, yeah, that would be hot.

  I leaned forward and ran my tongue along the seam of her lips. I could easily become addicted to her.

  I’m already fucking addicted to Eva.

  “I am so damn hard for you.”

  She made this soft noise, one that sounded like need and desperation and everything that turned me on. I slipped my hand behind her nape, curled my finger into her soft flesh, and tilted her head to the side. I leaned down and ran my tongue along the side of her throat, feeling her pulse jack up higher.

  “I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”

  “You already are, Dex.” She made another small noise and dug her nails into my skin. My cock jerked at the pleasure and pain.

  I wanted this first time to be romantic, but I knew I couldn’t go slowly with her. Hell, having her pressed up against the wall and dry humping the fuck out of her was hard as hell.

  I dragged my hand up her belly and over her ribcage to cup one of her big breasts. I pushed my pelvis forward, grinding my jean-clad cock into her softness. I didn’t move for long seconds, my though
ts becoming pretty damn real.

  “I wish we’d gotten together years ago,” I said softly, meaning it down to my fucking marrow. I looked into her eyes, hoping she wasn’t getting freaked the fuck out by what I said.

  “Me too, Dex.”

  I closed my eyes; that thrill of pleasure had nothing to do with sexual gratification moving through me.

  “We have now, though,” she said.

  “We have forever.” I went back to sucking on her neck, dragging my tongue up the slender column of her throat, and I thrust my cock against her belly, back and forth, needing that friction, that closeness. Pulling back was hard as hell, but I managed to do it, because I needed to be inside her.

  “As much as foreplay sounds pretty fucking incredible, I need to shove my nine inches into you, Eva.”

  I should have some kind of fucking control, or at least try and have it.

  Here she was for me, naked, ready…

  I had her in my arms a second later, strode to the bedroom, and kicked the door shut with my foot. When she was on the center of the bed, her legs slightly parted, her pussy a little hidden from me because it was dark in the room, I took a deep, steadying breath.

  Control. I need to keep my fucking control.

  “Take off your clothes,” Eva whispered in this sultry voice.

  I got the fuck out of my clothes, needing to be just as bare as she was. While looking at her body, taking in the long lines with shadows covering them, the rise of her large breasts, the dip and arch of her hips, I reached down and grabbed my cock. Her legs were long, smooth. Even her fucking feet were hot as shit.

  I started stroking myself from root to tip, unable to control myself like some kind of teenager. But when I was around Eva, and especially now that she was giving herself to me, I didn’t want to keep my control.

  The tip of my dick was wet with pre-cum, and I ran my palm over the crest, my whole body tight.

  “Show yourself to me, Eva.” I didn’t even try to mask the urgency or intensity in my voice. “I want to see what I’ll be fucking owning tonight.” And as she obeyed me instantly, all I could do was watch in rapt awe. “I meant what I said. Every. Fucking. Word.”

  I knew she was well aware of what I wanted with her. I’d made no secret of it. And if she had told me to stop, or she didn’t want this, I would have backed the fuck off.

  But instead of telling me that this was all too unreal, and that I’d lost my fucking mind, she breathed in and out slowly and said, “I know. It’s what I want, too, Dex.” She reached down, spread her pussy lips wide, and showed me exactly what was mine.

  This was my woman, and together we’d make a baby, no matter how many times it took.

  Hell, I was looking forward to it.



  “Touch yourself for me,” Dex said in this low, husky voice.

  I parted my legs even wider, if that was possible, and touched myself, showed him the most intimate part of me. I wanted to make him feel good, wanted to please him. It wasn’t a weakness, but a power.

  I looked down at the long, thick length of his cock, and he was rock hard for me.

  He was huge.

  He stroked himself in slow motion. It was like he was always watching me, always keeping his attention laser-focused on me.

  “You like watching me fucking jerk off? You like knowing what you do to me?”

  I nodded, not finding my voice.

  It was dark in the room, but I could clearly see the pre-cum coming out of the tip of his cock.

  “This,” he said and ran the tip of his finger over the crown of his cock, gathering that clear fluid, “will soon be in you.”

  My heart jumped into my throat. I want that.

  “I’m going to pump so much cum into you the sheets will be wet because of it.” He took a step closer. “But you want that, don’t you?”

  I nodded again and continued to run my finger up and down my slit, my body ready to take him.

  He took a step closer until he was at the edge of the bed, his focus on my splayed thighs, watching me touch myself. I moved my finger to my clit and started rubbing the bud. A gasp left me as the pleasure slammed into me. Here we were, watching each other pleasure ourselves, and it was so damn erotic.

  Dex stroked himself a little faster, the sound of his hand moving over his length, of flesh slapping against flesh, filling my head. His bicep contracted and relaxed from the rapid motion of jerking off.

  “I could get off just watching you touch yourself, Eva.” He groaned, took his hand off his dick, and finally moved onto the bed with me. He placed his hands beside my head and looked down the length of my body.

  “I want this so badly,” I said before I could stop myself.

  “I want you so fucking badly,” he said and looked at my face. He hovered above me, his huge body looming over me, making me feel so very feminine.

  “After tonight, there’s no going back.”

  I didn’t want to.

  “After tonight, you’re finally mine.” He leaned in close, but didn’t kiss me. “Tonight, I finally claim you, Eva.”

  “I’ve always been yours,” I said without realizing it, even if we’d gone our separate ways over the years. That didn’t matter because we were here now, together. But the words were already out, and I could see they made Dex happy.

  Kiss me.

  Maybe he needed it as much as I did, or that I’d said it out loud, but Dex had his mouth on mine seconds later. I couldn’t stop the small noise that left the back of my throat. And it was as if that sound made something in Dex snap, because he made this distorted sound, grabbed a chunk of my hair behind my head, and jerked my head back.

  With my head back, my throat arched, bared, he started to kiss and suck the side of my neck again. He was thorough with his tongue and lips, making me squirm beneath him, ready to beg for his cock in me.

  I felt the hot, hard length of him press between my thighs, right through my slit. He started moving his hips back and forth, rubbing himself through my clit.

  I looked down as much as I could, and with the way Dex hovered over me, I could see his cock sliding through my cleft. It was so arousing, and I knew I could get off from this alone.

  His cockhead moved against my clit every time he pressed his dick upward. I groaned at how good it felt.

  “How much do you want me in you?” he whispered by my ear.

  I wanted to feel him stretching me, pushing into me hard, demandingly. I wanted to feel like I’d split in two.

  “You know how much I want it.”

  Dex didn’t say anything else; he just started to swirl his tongue around the shell of my ear, causing my lips to part and my eyes to close.

  Without breaking away, he reached between our bodies, grabbed his cock, and placed the tip at the entrance of my pussy. Everything inside of me stilled, tensed. He pulled back so our faces were an inch apart. For long seconds, he did nothing but stare into my eyes, his cock poised right there. If I just shifted, I could impale myself on him.

  “I can’t go slow, and there is no going back, Eva.”

  All I could do was nod. I didn’t want slow, and I didn’t want to go back. I just wanted us to move forward.

  In one, deep, hard thrust, he shoved all those huge inches into me. My back arched, and my breasts were thrust out. He groaned above me, closed his eyes, and I saw, felt, how taut his body became. His balls were pressed right up against my body as he buried himself all the way in me. I was stretched to the max, the pain mixing with the pleasure, making me hungry for more.

  When he started moving in and out, faster and harder with each passing second, I didn’t stop myself from grabbing onto his biceps. Perspiration covered both of us in thick droplets. His massive chest rose and fell as he breathed, pumping in and out of me.

  “Fuck,” he said harshly. He pushed in and pulled out, over and over, groaning with every thrust and retreat.

  I wanted to see what he was doing, so I lifte
d up on my elbows and looked down the length of my body. I saw his cock moving in and out of me, glossy from my juices.

  I lifted my gaze to his abdomen, seeing his six-pack clench and relax with every thrust he made into me. “You like watching me fuck you?” he asked, sounding out of breath.

  When I couldn’t hold myself up anymore because he was making me feel so good, I fell backward. Once I hit the mattress, it was as if something shifted in Dex. He went primal on me then. His pelvis slapped against mine, the sound of sloppy sex so fucking arousing.

  He pulled out, and I gasped in surprise and disappointment, but Dex flipped me over onto my belly, smoothed his hand along the side of my body, and made this low sound of need.

  He didn’t make me wait long to shove those nine inches into me again. Dex palmed my ass with his big hands and gripped the mounds almost painfully.

  God, that feels good.

  “So fucking perfect.” He grabbed my waist in a firm hold and hauled me up so I was now on my hands and knees. I felt so bare in this position, but it was the best kind of vulnerability. Dex pushed my legs wider apart with his knee; now my pussy was on full display, my lips parted for him.

  He smoothed his hand over my left ass cheek, gently at first, but I wasn’t fooled. Dex was raw in every way. He gave my ass a hard spank, and I jerked and gasped in pleasure.

  “I’m not going to stop until you’re pregnant with my baby, Eva.” He ran his hand up my back, right over my spine. “And when my seed takes inside of you, you’ll know what it means to be mine.”

  I’d never get sick of hearing him say how he wanted to get me full with his baby.


  He speared his hand in my hair, yanked my head back, and growled. With his hand in my hair, he used his other one to reach between us and place himself back at my pussy hole. In a fluid motion, he shoved back into my pussy.

  “Jesus, Eva.”

  “Oh. God. Dex.”

  He moved in and out of me slowly, but after a few seconds, he started picking up speed. Soon, his flesh was slapping against mine. He let go of my hair and gripped my hips with both hands, pulling me back on his cock as he surged forward.


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