Loving Jared: A Mafia Romance Novella

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Loving Jared: A Mafia Romance Novella Page 8

by Nikita Slater

  The police came and went in a predictable manner. They looked over Amy's house, assured her that no one was inside, and began questioning her about items that might've been stolen and anyone who might target her. A few minutes into the conversation, one of the officers finally recognized Jared. He'd been expecting it. Constable Kevin Smith had been on Jared's case for years. Whenever anything went down near one of the jobsites, this officer always took it upon himself to harass them.

  Jared didn't particularly care about the officer and enjoyed playing cat and mouse games with him. However, when it came to Amy's comfort and safety, Jared no longer had a sense of humour.

  Officer Kevin narrowed his eyes at Jared but spoke to Amy. "Where was your boyfriend while you were out shopping? He has a record, you know."

  Jared wanted to put his fist through the other man's face, but Amy jumped in before he could. Her face flushed with anger and she jammed her fists over her hips. "Do you think it's cool to make fun of my boyfriend when I'm dealing with a break-in? I have children living in that house. Someone violated my space and you think it's okay to make nasty comments like that? Jared has had access to my home for almost a decade. Why would he decide to break in now?"

  The officers face turned bright red and he tried to salvage the situation while saving face. "We'll have to check on him. He's a known criminal that lives in your area."

  "If you want to waste time checking on Jared, that's your business. Just don't talk to me about it. And I will be speaking to your boss. We are the victims here, not the perpetrators. You can take your attitude and get off my front lawn if that's all you have to offer."

  The other officer jumped in to smooth things over, pulling Amy to the side to talk to her rapidly and assure her that they were taking her case very seriously and that they would be not checking on her boyfriend.

  Jared stood staring at Officer Kevin, his arms crossed, his tattooed biceps bulging in a not-so-subtle threat.

  "When you're done checking on me, you might think to check on her father."

  Kevin's lip curled in a sneer. "And why would we want to do that?"

  "Because he was released from prison this morning. He called Amy right before he was released to tell her he needed money. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out this is probably the first place he’d go."

  Amy's eyes were huge on Jared as she caught what he said. "How do you know that?"

  "A buddy told me earlier.” He reached out to take her hand and draw her closer to his side. “I was gonna tell you, but the girls were around and I didn’t want to upset them."

  Amy nodded, but it took her a few seconds to recover from the news enough to speak. She closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands while Jared wrapped an arm around her.

  When she looked up, she said, "It was him, it had to be him. I don't know who else it could be."

  Jared held her close as her eyes filled with tears and her shoulders shook with emotion.

  "Mind telling me who you're talking about?" Kevin snapped.

  Jared glared at the officer. "Her father is Michael Funk."

  Kevin’s eyes widened as he recognized the name. Their city was not so big that a murder that high-profile wouldn't be remembered only a few years later. "Then that would mean her mother…" His words trailed off into nothing as he realized how insensitive he was being.

  "Yeah, no parents," Jared said, his voice hard so the officers would understand that this was no joke and that the Funk siblings were vulnerable.

  "Impossible. There's no way that man could've been released from prison that quickly," Kevin sneered. "Your sources are wrong."

  Jared shrugged. "Look into it and get back to me when you find that I'm right. I’d like to know how he got out of prison too. If he’s responsible for this mess, you guys have a lot to answer for.” Jared tugged Amy closer against his side and said to the officers, "If that's all you have for now, we’ll be next-door. Let us know when you have her father back in custody."

  Jared didn't give the officers a chance to stop them, pulling Amy toward the house and back inside. Millie and Sarah looked at them with concern, but Jared shook his head. "I'm gonna take your sister upstairs for a nice warm bath. You can watch some TV when you’re done eating. Don't answer the door. If anyone drops by, you come tell me."

  "Okay," they both said in unison. They watched closely as Jared helped Amy up the stairs.

  He filled the tub in his private bathroom with water. He'd splurged and had a big jet tub installed, one that was big enough to fit him and another person.

  Amy seemed to be in shock as he helped her stand and gently pulled her clothes off her. She didn't protest that it was the first time he was seeing her naked. He wasn't even sure if she noticed. Her rigid, frozen state was beginning to worry him. He would try to warm her up and get her talking, but if that didn't work, he would have to take her to the hospital.

  He picked her up in his arms and walked naked with her to the bathroom, stepping in the big tub and slowly lowering them both into the swirling heat. Amy began to thaw almost immediately, sighing deeply and wiggling on his lap until she’d snuggled into him with her head under his chin. Jared's cock immediately came to attention, but he told it to stand down. Now was not the time.

  "Thank you," she whispered against his throat. "I don't know what I would do without you."

  "You don't have to do anything without me," he murmured, smoothing her hair back with long tattooed fingers and pressing a kiss against her smooth forehead. "I'm here for you and I'm never gonna leave."


  Jared kept the girls at his house for the night. He didn't want them spending the night at their own house, where their father could come back.

  Amy tried a weak protest on him, but Jared had overridden her. He wasn't going to allow any nonsense, not when her life and those of her siblings might be in danger. Funk had already killed once; Jared wasn't going to give him the chance to do it again.

  He made up the guest bed for Millie and Sarah, who were thrilled to have a sleepover. They went over to the house with Jared to collect a few things for the night, including Amy's overnight stuff.

  Jared and Amy put the girls to bed together, assured them that they would be just fine and let them know that they would be down the hall.

  Amy blushed as they made their way back to Jared's room together. "Where do I sleep?" she asked softly.

  Jared curved his arm around her waist and squeezed her hip. "You're with me."

  She didn't say anything but followed him back to his room. Jared gave her some privacy as she used the washroom to brush her teeth and get ready for bed. His heart about melted when she walked out of the bathroom, her bare curvy legs poking out from beneath a pink nighty that had a bear with glasses on it. It covered far more than it showed, but Jared liked it.

  "Which side is mine?" she asked, her voice still shy.

  "Doesn't matter. I usually sleep in the middle, never picked a side."

  She looked horrified. "Everyone has a side. Which side do you get out of bed to go to the bathroom, or to get a glass of water? Only psychopaths don't have sides of the bed."

  Jared chuckled, reached out to snag her wrist and dragged her down onto the bed, forcing her to sprawl across his lap. She twisted around to clutch at his shoulders and then pushed away from him, rolling onto the bed. His eyes zeroed in on her thighs as the nightshirt slipped.

  "Did you just call me a psychopath?"

  "Pick a side of the bed and I'll take it back." Jared was glad to hear the sass returning to her voice.

  "Fine." He gripped her by the ankles and dragged her until she was flat on her back. Then he climbed over top of her and pinned her to the bed. "This is my spot now."

  Amy laughed so hard she snorted, which made Jared laugh out loud too. He smoothed the hair off her face and bent down to kiss her full lips, lingering over them. It was difficult, but he finally pulled back. He was going to be a gentleman tonight if it killed him.

  "I don't mind if you want to sleep on top of me." She wiggled her hips underneath him and Jared's eyes nearly crossed as his cock sprung to attention, thinking it was going to get a little bit of action.

  Jared mentally told it to shrivel back up, because it wasn't getting anything tonight. Jared rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom to take care of his nightly routine. When he returned, Amy was laying on the far side of the bed, facing him.

  “Why were you in jail?”

  Her words were curious, but not demanding or judgmental. He was surprised it took her this long to ask once she learned he’d done some time. He’d been worried that she might pull back, especially considering what her family had gone through.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, turned so he could meet her eyes. “I did some things when I was younger. Necessary things, but not anything I’m proud of. I’m gonna be honest with you here. There are some things I can’t and won’t tell you about my life.” He reached out to take her hand, holding it tightly. “You mean a lot to me, Amy. I don’t hurt women and children and I will never do anything that puts you in danger.”

  Her brow furrowed, as though she wanted to ask him more. She held her silence for several long seconds. Then she nodded. “See that you don’t.” She leaned up on her elbow and tugged his head down to hers for a quick kiss. “I care about you too. I trust you and I won’t ask again, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.”

  Jared grinned and kissed her back. “You’re the fucking best.”

  She smiled back. “I know.”

  She lay back down and curled onto her side, her eyes drifting shut with exhaustion. It was early still, not even 10, but she was rapidly heading into sleep.

  Jared tucked the blanket up around her shoulders, kissed her temple and left the bedroom to do a final check of the house. He made his way downstairs, where he checked every window and door to make sure they were locked. Then he double checked the alarm, which he'd set after they'd settled in for the night. Before going back up the stairs, he made sure to set two bowls, two spoons and a box of cereal out on the counter. If the girls got out of bed before he and Amy, they’d be able to help themselves to some breakfast.

  As Jared made his way back up to the bedroom, he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and sent a quick text to Teagan, assuring the teenager that his sisters were safe and taken care of for the night. He also mentioned that if Teagan needed to come back, he should come to Jared's house, and not his own.

  Teagan's response was mature and measured. He assured Jared that he was fine and would spend the night at his friend's place. Then he said that he would check in on Amy and the girls in the morning.

  After going into his bedroom and silently closing the door, Jared turned to look at Amy who was now sound asleep on her side of the bed. His lips hitched up in a half smile as he remembered their conversation about psychopaths not having a side of the bed. Amy was definitely something. She would never be boring.

  He dropped his hands to the fly of his jeans and then hesitated. Normally, he slept nude, but he didn't think he should with Amy in his bed. They hadn't established a sexual relationship yet, though their make-out sessions were becoming more and more heated. At first, he hadn't known what was stopping him from crossing that line with Amy, but after spending time with her and her family, he realized that he was in no rush. With Amy, he wanted to do things right, not fast. Even if his dick wasn't getting the memo.

  Jared managed to get a couple hours of sleep, but woke up around midnight with a very warm, very supple woman wrapped around him. He started to groan out loud and then smothered it in his arm when he realized that she was still asleep.

  One of her hands was resting just above his now straining cock. He swore he could feel the softness of her hand through his underwear. Jared tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. He lay sweating for about twenty minutes before he decided he had to do something.

  Very gently, he moved her hand away from his crotch, then slid out of the bed and stood. He made his way into the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the light. He just needed some relief and then he could go back to sleep.

  Standing over the toilet, he took his cock in hand and started to stroke himself. Closing his eyes, he was able to easily conjure up an image of the woman just feet away from him on the other side of the door. Her body was a work of art. Every curve smooth and supple enough to fill his hands. Her long black hair was so soft, it didn't seem real. Her beautiful face, lips, neck, breasts. Everything about her was bliss.

  He imagined what her pussy would look like. He’d forced himself not to look earlier when they bathed together, knowing he was too close to the edge with her. Was it bare? Or did she keep a landing strip? Did she go full bush? Jared didn't have a preference. He’d liked pussy no matter how it came and left the landscaping up to whoever he was fucking. He suspected, with Amy, once he found out how she landscaped, that it would become his favourite. He bet she was pink, plush and wet. Waiting for him to fill her.

  He squeezed his cock a little harder, pinching the crown between his thumb and finger and then wrapping his hand around, squeezing again and then stroking. He filled his mind with her voice, with those dirty words her beautiful lips formed as she talked to her customers. So much filth coming out of such an innocent mouth. He’d love to take that mouth and dirty it up properly.

  "Jared?" a sleepy voice said. "I heard a noise."

  Jared turned to look. The woman of his dreams was standing in his bathroom doorway looking at him sleepily. Then her hooded gaze dropped to where his hand was stroking his cock. He didn't stop. If she was shocked, she could leave. He needed the relief and she was the one that chose to open the door without knocking.

  Rather than showing embarrassment or disgust though, she took a step toward him, her eyes still zeroed in on his raging hard-on. Then she surprised him by dropping to her knees. She crawled toward him and stopped right next to his bare foot. She stroked her fingers up the back of his calf, drawing a deep groan from him.

  "Let me help."

  Helpless against her powerful brand of sexy, helpless to even speak and ask her to clarify, Jared turned his body, pointing his hips at her face. She grinned up at him and reached for his penis, taking it into her soft hand and squeezing, just the way he liked it.

  Jared dropped his head back and let out a sigh, allowing the blissful sensations to run up and down his body from where she was touching him. One hand on his cock while the other snuck up to his balls, squeezing, weighing and stroking. Dammit, this woman knew what she was doing.

  "You like that?" she used her sexy phone operator voice and Jared thought he was gonna blow all over her.

  "Uh-huh." It was all he could manage to say, but it seemed to be enough for her.

  She continued to stroke, and then, as if sensing he was near, she placed her lips on the tip and slowly ran them over the crown and down the stem of his cock. A shiver rippled down his back as his balls tightened. Then she squeezed him, hard enough to stop the cum from shooting out. He grunted in pain-ecstasy. Fuck, where did this woman learn how to give hand jobs?

  "You want to come on me?" she asked in that sexy sultry voice. "You can come on my tits…" She reached down to pull her nightie over her head, bearing her breasts to his hungry gaze. They were as perfect as the rest of her, round and tipped with rose peaks. "You can come on my face…" She ran her fingers down her cheek and gave him a wide-eyed stare.

  Jared reached down and curled his fingers under her chin, tipping her head back as he ran his thumb over her lips, putting pressure on them until she opened. He plunged his thumb into her mouth and held her tongue down for a second. "Here."

  She sucked his thumb hard, until his eyes rolled back and he had to bite back a shout so he didn't wake up her sisters. She took his cock in hand again and pressed her lips back over the crown. This time, she wasn't playing. She began sucking him in earnest, as though trying to suck his soul out through t
he end of his dick. If that was her plan, it worked, he was hers, heart, body and soul.

  He shot his load straight into her mouth and down her throat. Her eyes drifted shut as she swallowed every drop. There was more than he thought possible, but then, he'd been waiting to come on, in or near this woman for weeks.

  When he finally finished, his knees almost buckled. He gripped the counter until his blood started flowing to all the correct limbs. He bent over, gripped Amy under the armpits and dragged her up to her feet. Wrapping an arm around her back, he pulled her into his chest and kissed her hard, plunging his tongue into her mouth and ravishing her with a grateful kiss.

  When he finally broke the kiss, he gazed down at her, knowing adoration was written all over his face, but unable to help it.

  She grinned up at him. "Can we fuck now?"


  Amy was not a shy woman, but it took a lot of guts to open that bathroom door when she'd heard Jared groaning on the other side. She'd seen enough porn, and been in enough phone sex calls, to know exactly what was happening on the other side. She’d hesitated, but finally pushed the door open. She was ready to take their relationship to the next level.

  After using her hand and her mouth to finish him off, he'd given her a kiss that had stolen her breath and soaked her panties. Well, it would've soaked her panties had she been wearing any.

  "Can we fuck now?" she asked him.

  "Gotta give me time to recover. As much as I want to fuck that delicious body, this guy…" He waved towards his cock, which was now in a half salute. "Needs a few minutes."

  "Oh, okay." She was disappointed, but she understood. Guys needed time before they could go for another round.


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