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Surviving Page 7

by Ahren Sanders

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m trying to get down so you can open the door.”

  “Nope, stay where you are. I’ve waited a very long time for this; I’m not letting you get away.”

  Finally, he gets the door open, and he stumbles through, kicking it closed.

  Then at once he is all over me. He positions me against the wall and runs his hands through my hair. His lips caressing mine in the most sensual way possible, and my body is scorching from his touch. I reach down to the hem of his shirt, and he breaks the kiss long enough to draw it over his head and throw it across the room. I try to remove my own, but he won’t allow any space between us so I run my hands down his back. His newly defined muscles tighten under my touch, and I groan in his mouth. He moves back slightly but just enough to grab under my hips and carry me to the bed.

  He lays me on the middle of the mattress and crawls over my body making sure to touch every exposed inch of skin. Everywhere his fingers skim, my body reacts. I’m burning up on the inside, but goose bumps cover my flesh. I kick off my flip flops and move my hands to the button of my shorts before he stops me.

  “Let me, please let me undress you.”

  I nod my head and move my hands to his chest. As I brush my hands over his defined pecs, he unbuttons my shorts and takes them down my legs. They fly through the room behind him, and I notice he didn’t pull my panties off with them. He makes his way up my body kissing along the way. He stops at my belly button and pulls my shirt up over my head. He inhales loudly at the site of me in only my bra and panties.

  “God you’re gorgeous, I’ve missed you so much.”

  I can’t stand not touching him, so I wrap my legs around his waist and haul up. Once I can straddle him, I turn him over, so I’m on top. I lie down, making sure to cover his body with mine and kiss him until I need oxygen. I unsnap the buttons on his shorts and lower them down until he kicks them away. He’s commando and when I see the shiny barbell in my face, my mouth salivates thinking about tasting him. I move my tongue across the tip of his erection and he hisses. Taking my time to enjoy the taste of him, I slowly ease his length in my mouth. He massages my scalp as I feast on him paying special attention to the piercing. I taste the beads of come staring to seep out and know he’s close. I grab his balls firmly and move at a faster pace.

  “Baby, you have to stop. Please, not like this. I need to be in you now.”

  I don’t stop until he physically pulls me up to him.

  “How much do you like these panties?”

  “Sort of a strange question right now.”

  I hear a ripping sound and realize he has torn them on both sides and pulls them away from between us. I’m lying on top of him in just my bra, and I feel his hands flick the clasp so I can pull it off. Once I throw it with the rest of the clothes, he leans up on his elbows and looks at our naked bodies pressed against each other. He doesn’t move for a minute trying to catch his breath and then like a panther with prey; he flips me over, so his body is hovering over mine with only inches separating us.

  He runs his hands down my naked torso until he gets to my inner thighs and then he rubs his fingers against my aching core. He puts one finger in and follows with a second. I gasp at the intrusion, but my body bucks against his. He works his fingers in me and moves his thumb over my clit. My eyes roll in the back of my head with the feeling of pure ecstasy. When I am close to coming undone, he removes his fingers and slides in me. I stretch with each inch he pushes in. I wrap my legs around his waist and lift up to give him deeper access.

  “Jesus Christ, you feel amazing. This is going to be quick babe, but I promise to make it up to you.”

  I nod my head because I already feel my body responding with his slight movements. He moves in and out slowly trying to control himself, but I meet him thrust for thrust. I know I only have a few moments before I explode, and I want him with me. I lock my eyes with his trying to tell him. He starts moving faster, and I squeeze as tight as I can. He tightens in me and pushes hard twice more before I scream his name feeling my body shutter its release. I can’t hear him over my own voice, but I feel him thicken inside me. It takes me a while to come down from my high but he’s positioned himself on my side where my body isn’t taking all his weight.

  “That was unfucking believable. God I missed you.”

  I don’t respond but run my fingers along his chest, arms and stomach feeling his skin against mine. His lips are on my forehead kissing me lightly. I close my eyes and smile into neck. I drift to sleep feeling content and loved.


  The hum of my phone wakes me with a flurry of text messages. Then Declan’s phone rings.

  “I guess we can’t hide for much longer. I’d better see who that is.”

  “Sparkle, we can hide as long as you want. I just got you back, not sure I’m ready to share you yet.”

  “Ummm,” is all I say as I walk across the room to my phone in my purse. It’s a text from Charlie.

  Ciao, wie, ola bitch–whatever you French people say. Heard you’re not coming home tonight. I suggest you call me soon b/c I’m dying over here. If I don’t hear from you soon, I will call Kendall and Harper to let them know you’re in town. I’ll bust up your little love fest–don’t test me. Love you!

  “Dec, we’re busted. Charlie’s threatening to call Harper and Kendall if I don’t call her soon.”

  “Yeah, just got a similar call from Abbi; she’s pretty pissed we aren’t coming home tonight.”

  “How about this–let’s go to the pool, and I can call from down there. Get it out of the way and then we have the rest of the day with only us.”

  “Does this involve you in a bikini with your highly pornographic books that I can read over your shoulder?”

  “That can be arranged.”

  “I’ll concede on one condition. Room Service tonight, no phones and lots of reunion time.”

  “That can be arranged, too.”

  He kisses me quickly and heads to the bathroom. I shoot a quick text to Charlie to let her know I’ll call soon.

  When Declan gets out of the bathroom I tell him which suitcase has my bathing suits and he runs to the car. I clean up the mess of our clothes and realize for the first time in three months I feel whole again.


  “It was pretty amazing. I was surprised and shocked all at once. I had such a hard time leaving and then when I saw Declan, my world stopped.” I’m trying to be discreet but I know Declan can hear the whole conversation with Charlie.

  “Did you jump his bones in the ATL terminal? Was it messy?”

  “Um, no I did not. It was sweet.”

  “Jeesh, you’re boring. That long apart and no PDA to talk about. I think you’re holding out on me. I bet Finn was amused.” I flinch at her statement but don’t correct her.

  “Charlie, I’ll be home tomorrow. Can we talk more when I’m not sitting at a public pool with Declan less than a foot from me?”

  “Yeah, bitch, we can. I miss you so much. I know we have a lot to talk about; call me tomorrow night if Jenna and James don’t hold you hostage.”

  Declan talks over me before I can answer, “Tell her it’s not Jenna and James that will have you hostage.”

  “I heard that. Give him my love and tell him I will get my time alone even if I call Naughty Nightie Night!”

  “Will do–love you”

  “You too.” She says as she hangs up.

  He smiles over at me with a mischievous look and rakes his eyes over my body. Out of all my suits, he picked the skimpiest pale pink bikini I bought up in Paris. I haven’t worn it before, so I didn’t realize how revealing it was until I put it on.

  “Like your suit babe. Doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”

  “Neither does yours.”

  “I wasn’t planning on staying more than a day so I only brought athletic shorts.”

  “I’m not complaining, just saying you’re already hot
body is even more ripped now than before. Good thing we have a private cabana.”

  “I can say the same thing about you. You’re stunning.”

  “Yes she is,” a voice whispers behind me and I jump at the intrusion. A waiter is standing there and obviously didn’t miss our exchange. Declan is not happy.

  “Are you staring at my fiancée?”

  Poor guy clears his throat trying to backpedal but I laugh and wave him back over. “Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s very jealous. I’ll have a margarita and water and he’ll have a beer–Budweiser will be fine.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He walks away but throws one last glance at me.

  “I’m gonna kill him. Did you see him looking at you?”

  “Nope, wasn’t paying attention.”

  “How could you not see it?”

  “Because I was too caught up in you calling me your fiancée.”

  “Get used to it.” He doesn’t say anything else but looks at me with a hard stare, so I drop it.

  The rest of the day goes without problems. We leave the pool around five and go back to our room for dinner. Declan insists we take a bath before ordering dinner, so I get everything ready and sink in the tub. He joins me and pulls me to his chest. He’s nervous and doesn’t say anything for a while.

  “You make me so happy. Thank you for taking me back.”

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “Nothing is too much for you, how can I prove it?”

  “I can think of a few things. You can start by kissing me.”

  “As you wish.”

  The rest of the night we spend wrapped up together in each other’s arms and christening every surface of the hotel room. Our room service came, but we ended up eating a cold dinner because our reunion was more important. After multiple orgasms, I finally cry uncle and Declan makes love to me. I missed our connection more than I ever dreamed.

  Chapter 11



  I’m not ready to let her out of my sight when we pull up to her parent’ house. After making love all night and then again this morning, I still want to ravage her until she screams my name. She laughs at me as I adjust my shorts.

  “Please keep that thing under wraps until we leave my parents’ house. I’m not sure my dad needs to get any other detailed ideas in his head.”

  “Sorry, babe, just thinking about this morning.”

  “Yeah, that was an excellent way to start the day.”

  “If I have my way, we’ll start each day that way.”

  “No objection here, but control yourself for a little while longer. I’m excited to see my parents.”

  “Okay, Sparkle, how long will we be here?”

  “You don’t have to stay. I’m sure they want to talk to me about the whole trip, and my dad is going to want to talk about my job.”

  “I’m going to stay for a while. But I’m sure they want some time with you alone.”

  Jenna walks onto the front porch and wave at us. I open Raven’s door and link my hand with hers as we walk to the house. Once on the porch James joins us, and both parents smother Raven in hugs and kisses welcoming her home. James breaks out of the huddle and comes to shake my hand, and we follow the women into the house.

  As expected, we haven’t even gotten in the foyer before Jenna is firing off questions about Raven’s trip. I know they spoke several times a week, but it’s like she’s forgotten. I get everyone a drink and settle in to listen to Raven tell her parents all about her summer. I thought it would be painful to hear again and again, but I’m so glad she’s back I’ll gladly suffer through it.

  After an hour, I get a text from Abbi telling me to try and get Raven home as soon as possible. She’s planned a gathering and the girls are anxious.

  Raven and her mom haven’t stopped talking since we sat down. James throws in a few comments, but mostly we listen to the women. I get the feeling he wants to ask about Finn but is reserving his questions until I’m not around.

  “Rave, I’m gonna head on over to your house. I’ll go ahead and unload your bags and figure out dinner.” I get off the couch, and everyone stands with me.

  “That’s okay, I’ll go with you.”

  “No, stay and visit. I need to stop by the store on my way, and I know your dad is anxious to talk about your job. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long. I’ll walk you out.”

  Jenna hugs me, and I whisper about Abbi’s surprise homecoming for Raven. She shakes her head and tells me she’ll send her home soon.

  When we get to my truck Raven wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me tight. I rest my hands on her hips and breathe in her scent. She smells like honeysuckles, and I missed it so fucking much.

  “Are you sniffing me?” She laughs.

  “Yes, you smell good.” I shrug nonchalantly.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I love you. I’ll be home soon.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I kiss her gently and squeeze her ass closer to me. She pulls back too soon for my liking, but I know it’s in poor taste to make out in her driveway.

  I tell her to call me when she’s on her way, and I leave.

  Abbi has sent me a list of things she needs, so I stop by the store before I get to their house. I make a special stop at the florist to pick up an arrangement of Stargazer lilies.

  When I get to the house, women are everywhere. Abbi, Ella, Charlie, Kendall, and Harper are all setting up food and drinks and hanging a banner from the ceiling that says “Welcome Home.” Kendall and Harper must have driven up today for the surprise.

  I drop off my grocery items in the kitchen and unload Ravens bags to take to her room. As soon as I enter, the sense of familiarity overwhelms me. My stomach clenches when I see her bed and the frames of us on each nightstand. One that catches my eye is one of her favorites. Charlie snapped it when we announced our engagement on New Year’s Eve, and she’s so gorgeous and glowing in the picture. Out of habit, I reach down and feel her ring still in my pocket.

  I wanted to slip it back on her finger the minute we reunited in Atlanta, but it didn’t feel right. It might kill me, but I know once she’s wearing it, she’ll never doubt me again.

  I walk back into the living room and offer my help, and I’m pushed to the kitchen to ice down the coolers. Abbi and Ella come in, and I can see the question in their eyes.

  “Yes, we’re back together.”

  Abbi looks uncomfortable, but it doesn’t stop her from asking, “What about Finn?”

  “In a roundabout way, I guess I need to thank that fucker. He pushed her back to me. She really thought we were on a break this summer and thought all along I had moved on. Even with all my messages, she was uncertain. He took care of her when she was hurting and didn’t take advantage of her.”

  “Should we invite him over tonight?” Ella asks.

  “If he was here, then yeah. But he decided to stay in France. Raven’s really shaken up about it so don’t mention it tonight. I’m surprised Jimi didn’t tell you, Abbi.”

  “I don’t think he knows. Finn hasn’t returned his calls in a few days.”

  “Declan, what are you going to do about the guys in the band?” Ella sighs as she asks.

  “Tonight’s not the night. She needs to be surrounded by friends and people she loves. You’re lucky I’m even allowing this. If I had my way, she’d be locked in my house for a week of reconciliation. I’m really not ready to share her yet.”

  “Well, you better get over that attitude really fucking quick, hunky hotness.” Charlie says as she comes to the kitchen. “You’re not the only that missed her. I’m tempted to call NNN just to get her to ourselves.”

  I glare at her knowing if I say what I really want, she’ll follow through on her threat. Naughty Nightie Night is sacred and even I don’t have a say in it.

  My glare does nothing to dissuade her, and she laughs in my face.
  “Good thing Blake and Raven like you because otherwise you’d be a pain in my ass.”

  “Someone’s got to keep you in check.”

  I don’t have time to respond because my phone chimes with a text from Raven saying she’s leaving her parent’s.

  “Raven’s about twenty minutes away, so what else needs to be done?” Charlie and Abbi look around but shake their heads.

  “Nothing. Robbie, Tripp, Gabe, and Jimi just got here. Meet her out front when she drives up.”

  I go to greet the rest of the guys and open a beer. I’ve been nervous about how my relationship with Robbie would be after what happened this summer, but he thought his sister was stubborn and should have talked to me. At one point, I think he actually felt sorry for me. Of course, that was probably when I called him drunk as shit begging to tell me where Raven was staying so I could go to her. This is the first time I have been around all the guys together but nothing is different. I have a feeling Finn told them she was coming back to me, but since Jimi didn’t know, I can’t be sure.

  When Raven drives up, Robbie goes with me to greet her. As soon as she sees him, she runs over and jumps in his arms. He hugs her tight, and she sniffles. When she pulls back, she has tears on her cheeks but is smiling. I would do anything to have that smile on her face all the time.

  “I know, Baby Girl, I missed you too. Stop the waterworks.” He wipes her cheeks and hugs her again. “If you’re excited to see me, you’re gonna love who’s with me.”

  “Who’s in the house? Declan, did you know about this?” She looks between us.

  “I found out a few days ago. I was against the idea because I wanted you to myself for a few days, but I was railroaded. Charlie’s already threatened me today with the mother of all threats, so I have to play nice for a few hours.”

  Our conversation is interrupted when Charlie opens the door and screams at us. “Are you two going to hog her in the driveway all night or can she play with us too?”

  Raven squeals when she sees the girls crowd the doorway and takes off running. She’s instantly wrapped in a huddle, and there’s no way I can get to her.


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