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Surviving Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

  Since our group has paired up into couples since last year, we have to make different room arrangements. I’m not sure how the others plan to pair up, but my parents gave us their room because they’re going home.

  Harper and Kendall are not coming because they have made plans to be here next week for my Fall Break. As far as Declan knows, we’re planning a girls’ weekend. But in actuality, we start filming the video for “Surviving” next Thursday night. They took Thursday and Friday off to come down and offer moral support.

  I get ready with Abbi, Ella, and Charlie in their room. I chose a deep emerald gown with cap sleeves and a rouged waistline. There’s a slit up the left side to mid-thigh. My shoes are silver stilettos that will hopefully last through the night. My hair is piled on top of my head with silver beaded clips, and my make-up is very subtle. My mom joins us to get ready and brings a bottle of champagne

  Dad has all the guys meet him in the hotel bar. We are running late because we keep texting pictures to Harper and Kendall who want to know the details on everyone’s outfits. I even snap a picture of my mom and me for Finn and Max. Max immediately calls to compliment us and promises to see us at Thanksgiving. Finn was probably asleep.

  When we finally got to the hotel bar, I can’t find Declan anywhere. I ask Robbie where he is, and he tells me Mike and Declan walked out a few minutes ago to talk about something. I don’t have to wonder long because a minute later I feel a hand around my waist and his breath on my neck.

  “Exquisite. That is what you are.”

  “You haven’t seen the front yet.”

  “I don’t need to. I can see why you wouldn’t let me help you get ready.” he kisses a trail along my neck.

  There’s a loud cough to my side, and my dad is giving Declan a look that could kill. I move forward a bit so I can turn around to see him. When I do, my breath catches in my throat. His hair is still messy, but it’s styled to look that way. His tuxedo fits him perfectly, and his eyes are sparkling brightly. My heart beats rapidly in my chest from looking at him. He notices my shock and smirks.

  “Careful baby, your dad’s still giving me the evil eye.” he murmurs and then steps back to look at me.

  He links our hands and leads us to the bar where the other guys are watching football. I give hugs all around and compliment Cooper, Nate, and Blake on their choice of suits. Before I can order a drink, my mom announces it’s time to go to the ballroom. The guests are arriving.

  When we enter the room, it is a completely different set up than last year. All around the room are pictures of soldiers in different environments. There are military flags in each corner of the room and several men and women in uniform walking around. The stage has a podium with the American Flag directly behind it.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes just as Mr. and Mrs. Black come over. I hug them both and Mrs. Black surprises me by hugging Declan tightly. We make small talk for a little while and then they excuse themselves to find my parents. Declan and I find most of our friends at the bar and hang with them until dinner is announced.

  Robbie insists on sitting on the other side of me. Abbi, Jimi, Robbie, Mike, Tim (the Creative Director), Cooper, Declan and me are all seated together. The others are sitting with two more of Mike’s associates at the table next to us.

  Like last year, my mom and her co-chair welcome everyone and describe the mission of tonight’s events. They remind the crowd about the silent auction items in the other room and thank the major sponsors. The Governor speaks for a few minutes and then our dinner is served. The conversation at the table is very relaxed. Mike, Robbie, and Jimi catch up on the last few years. Abbi, Declan, Nate and I talk to Tim about the video preparations.

  When the dishes are cleared, and dessert is served, the Mayor welcomes and thanks everyone. Then he introduces the speaker of the night, which is a woman dressed impeccably in a beautiful floor length black gown. Several men and women stand behind her on stage in their dress uniforms. I notice the Marines immediately. She’s an officer in the Navy and praises the bravery and dedication our troops have. During her speech, I notice Robbie getting antsy. When she finishes, she doesn’t leave the stage but announces a special presentation. Screens drop from the ceiling and a video starts playing. Men and women tell their stories and experiences and how the multiple charities have helped them with their recovery after returning from war.

  I inhale loudly when his picture fills the screen. Looking right into the recorder are the crystal blue eyes I miss every day. Finn is on the screen recapping the accident last year. The screen switches, and Max tells the story of hearing about the bomb and the fear of losing his brothers. At this point, I’m full out crying. Robbie pulls me to him, and Declan holds my hand. Then my brother’s voice fills the speakers. He tells his story of recovery and the support awaiting him when he returned home. The screen switches to each person on the screen thanking their families and friends.

  Then the music starts and the side doors open. Robbie physically lifts me into Declan’s lap and gets up. The men and women in the video walk into the room in full uniform. Those on the stage raise their arms in salute, and the whole room goes crazy jumping to their feet and clapping loudly.

  I sob when Finn and Max walk in, and Robbie joins them. Declan is holding me tight. When the speaker finishes the presentation, and I know it’s appropriate, I run to the three men standing at attention to the crowd. As soon as I reach Finn, Robbie, and Max I use all my force to pull the three into a hug. I don’t care if the room is looking at me. I don’t care that I broke their stance. The room is still going crazy with cheers.

  They grab me from all over and hold me up. I bawl into a chest, I think its Finn’s. When I hear a throat clear behind me, I release him and see Finn’s parents waiting. I move to the side and allow them to greet him and the rest of our group. Declan puts his arms around my waist, and I smile up at him. Once everyone has hugged and shaken hands, I finally get to speak.

  “How did this happen? We’ll come back to the part about both Finn and Max being in town without telling me, but you are all so private about your time in the service. How did they talk you into being a part of this presentation?” I ask the three of them.

  “We were coerced. James said there was a large donator that wanted as many stories and soldiers as possible. We brought in ten-thousand dollars each.” Finn answered me. “And I only landed a few hours ago, so we didn’t keep it secret for too long.”

  “How long are you home for?” I ask looking at both Max and Finn.

  “I’m here for a full week. Then I’ll be back at Christmas.” Max answers.

  “I’ll head back Wednesday, but I still plan on coming home the entire week of Thanksgiving.” Finn tells me.

  We talk for a few more minutes until the band starts playing. My dad ushers my mom to the dance floor. Declan links our fingers, and we follow them.

  “Were you surprised?” he asks quietly as he holds me close.

  “Did you know about this?”

  “I got a call a few hours ago. Finn wanted me to know because he knew your reaction would be emotional.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Yeah, you could say I was surprised. I probably look like a wreck.”

  “You still look beautiful to me. I have another surprise too.”

  “I’m not sure I can take anymore tonight. My heartbeat just returned to normal.”

  “Well, this is good. I talked to Finn about the wedding, and he said yes. He’s going to be a Groomsman. I also talked to all the guys in my band and your brother so I’m all set.”

  “You’re amazing. I love you Declan.”

  “You too.”

  We dance for two more songs before joining our friends. I tell my mom and the girls about the final wedding party and our conversation turns to wedding planning. I asked all my girlfriends last week. When Harper and Kendall are here for the video shoot, we are taking one afternoon to shop for dresses.

  I finally get a chance

to dance with Finn towards the end of the night. I hug him close and tell him how happy I am he is here.

  “Baby Girl, I miss you too. But I’m glad I made the decision to stay in Paris. I’m really enjoying the job.”

  “I know Finn, but when are you coming home?”

  “Don’t know yet, but I’ll have an answer for you when I’m here in November. Now tell me about what’s going on with you.”

  I fill him in on everything from school to the video shoot next week. He laughs when I explain the dance lessons I’ve been taking with the choreographer. Luckily, Declan thinks I’m taking regular classes, so he hasn’t honed in yet that these are special.

  “I’d love to see his face when he figures out the new model is his fiancée. It’ll be priceless.”

  “Yeah, I hope so. I was blindsided by Mike and Charlie, but I’m excited about it.”

  The song ends, and he leads me back to the table where Declan is waiting. We all gather our things and go out to the hotel bar. Suddenly, the gala doesn’t seem that different than last year. Even though we added a whole new crew, the guys are around the bar watching football, and the girls have migrated to a table with our Cosmos.

  Declan announces it’s time to go up to our room after my third drink. I say goodnight to everyone and make plans for breakfast tomorrow morning. On the way to the way to the elevator, I stumble twice which causes Declan to pick me up and carry me to our room. I want to argue, but it feels good to be in his arms.

  “Sparkle, do you remember our night together last year at this same gala?”

  “Um hmm, how could I forget?”

  “Since I saw you tonight, all I could think of is reenacting that night. This time though, it’ll be my dick inside of you instead of my tongue.”

  My body shutters at his words and I squeeze him closer. “I can’t wait.”

  “God I hope there aren’t people staying in the rooms near ours.” He kisses me deep until we hear the ding of the elevator.

  While I hold great memories from last year, Declan makes this year one-hundred percent better.

  Chapter 24

  Video Shoot


  It’s only the first day, and I’m already sick of this bullshit. Raven’s late and I have to review my scenes with the model–whom I have not met yet–in less than an hour. Mike promised me enough rehearsal time. He confirmed that they decided against Raine and that Raven approved of the new girl. I’m not sure if she is, in fact, a lesbian as Raven requested, but it doesn’t matter to me. I looked over the notes, and all I have to do is hold her close, all the intimate scenes are in ‘fade to black’ mode.

  I’m in the studio, which is set up as a strip club complete with the poles. Charlie and Mike are somewhere around town doing shots with the new girl. The band and I are supposed to appear as if we’re partying as I nurse a broken heart. I text Raven again to make sure she knows where we are. She fucking promised to be here for this shit.

  Screens drop down from the ceiling across the stage and someone yells for us all to get into our chairs. The director explains one more time what we need to do and then starts the music. I watch actual dancers go onto the stage behind the screens, which gives off a shadowbox effect. Music fills the room and we all toast our fake shots. There are several ‘extra’s’ walking around to fill the space as if we were in a crowded club.

  The dancers are on the poles while we do as we’re told. This goes on for about an hour until the director yells cut. He seems satisfied, so we don’t have to do it again. Out of the whole four and a half minutes, this scene will only be about 20 seconds. The crew starts yelling and doing catcalls. Pretty soon Blake, Nate, and Cooper start clapping and yelling. The three dancers are walking off the stage.

  My vision goes spotty, and my stomach drops. As she walks straight to me, I can’t speak. She’s a fucking vision. Her smile lights up her face. When she gets close, I snap out of my haze. Then I realize she barely has any clothes on. I lift her up and spin us around.

  People in the room are now cheering loudly at us. Raven starts laughing. I’m not so sure what’s so fucking funny, so I raise my eyebrows waiting for an explanation.

  “Surprise!” she yells.

  “What the fuck is going on. Were you one of those dancers?” I walk her to a dark corner away from all the perverts staring at her ass.

  “Yep, I’ve been training for weeks with the choreographer.”

  “What, why?” I ask shocked.

  “As a surprise to you.”

  “Babe, I think it’s hot as fuck what you just did up there, but I would have preferred a private show. There’s about thirty fucking people in here that watched you, including my band.”

  “Lighten up Declan, there’s more.”


  “Did you tell him yet? I see his possessive ass has you in a corner.” Charlie interrupts.

  “Not yet, I was about to.”

  A crowd forms around us. I’m shocked to see Kendall and Harper with Charlie. Everyone is looking at me, and Mike has a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Someone want to fucking clue me in?” I ask the group.

  “Yes, Holy Hotness, Raven is your other half in the video. She agreed to play your love interest.”

  I’m speechless. There are howls coming from everyone around me. Raven giggles and I tighten my hold on her. Finally, I find my voice.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Jesus Christ, did Raven bang out your brain cells? What don’t you understand? Raven is your new model.” Charlie answers me.

  “Charlie! Watch your mouth!” Raven scolds her.

  “Sorry, couldn’t help it. It’s fun messing with him.”

  “Who all knew about this?”

  “Honey, everyone knew but you. I wanted to keep it a secret. If you’re not happy about it, we can call someone else in.” she answers me quietly.

  “No, babe, I’m wondering whose ass to kick first.”

  “Declan, don’t be upset. Let me explain.” She tells me about her meeting with Mike and Charlie and their insistence that she be in the video. I give a death stare at each member of my band when she tells me they approved this weeks ago. She’s been attending pole dancing classes for today’s shoot and filming small pieces around town.

  The next two days will be me and her mostly alone. We’ll go over the scenes in the morning, but Mike explains we’ll start with sweet and move slowly towards the sexy. If we need to we can do retakes next week but the plan is to be done by Saturday afternoon. I understand now why this shoot was scheduled on Raven’s Fall Break.

  “Um, you can put me down now.” Raven says in my ear.

  “Not a chance, I’m carrying you to wherever the rest of your clothes are. Then I’m taking you home and stripping you out of everything for at least ten hours.”

  “Dec, we have company tonight. Actually, tonight and tomorrow night. Kendall and Harper are staying with us. Charlie may too.”

  “The fuck you say? You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “No, they came to help me and keep me calm. I think they’ll go to their parents on Saturday night.”

  I drop my head against hers and sigh loudly. This fucking blows. In my mind I keep replaying Raven on that pole.

  “You fucking owe me but let’s go get you dressed and head home.”

  She points me to a dressing room on the other side of the stage, and the others follow us. When we get back to my house, it’s a full out party. My sisters and Jimi join us, and Raven calls Robbie, Tripp, and Gabe. Nate and I go to the store. When we get back, Robbie has started an Xbox tournament and the girls are all in our bedroom laying out clothes.

  Several new outfits and bags are spread on the bed.

  “What’s this?” I ask her nodding towards the mound.

  “I went shopping for the shoot tomorrow. We’re choosing what I should wear. We’ll be out in a bit.”

  “Girls, can you give us a few minutes? I need to talk to
Raven alone.”

  They leave, and I shut and lock the door. Raven starts to put the clothes away in the bags. I pull her to me.

  “Rave, you amaze me. I need to know why you did this. It’s going to throw you into the spotlight, and I’m not sure how to feel about it.”

  “Declan, I talked to everyone, including my parents. Charlie and Mike felt like I was the right person. And besides, I think it will be cool to tell our kids about one day.”

  I lean down to kiss her and squeeze her ass hard. I only stop when she whimpers.

  “You know we could start on those kids right now if you didn’t invite our entire crew over to party.”

  She swats my arm. “We are in no way ready for a baby. Shut your mouth.”

  “You’re right babe, but trying is the fun part.” There’s a knock at the door, and Robbie threatens me if I don’t open it.

  I give her a quick kiss and go to the bathroom, and she goes to open the door and join the others.

  The night turns out to be a lot of fun. The guys that aren’t in the Xbox tournament play poker and the girls sit around gossiping about whatever the fuck girls gossip about. At one point, Kendall brought out some magazines, and they went over some shit with colors and flowers.

  Finally, after midnight, we start winding down. Charlie and Blake take one room, and Kendall and Harper take the other. Everyone else leaves. When I finally turn off the last night and turn on the alarm, Raven is asleep in bed. I think about waking her up, but she’s so peaceful I curl up next to her and pull her to me.


  “What the hell? No fucking way, go put on some more clothes now!” I shout a little too loudly at Raven when she joins me on the set. She is wearing a navy blue satin nightgown that is cut low with no back to it. I know this is supposed to be a very sexy scene, but there are at least fifteen people standing around. Even though Kendall, Harper, and Charlie are here, most of the others are guys.


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