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Surviving Page 26

by Ahren Sanders

  When I think the last present has been opened, I try to get up, but Declan doesn’t let me move. He leans back and pulls a box out from behind his chair.

  “Dec, what’s this? We already exchanged our gifts.”

  “I had a feeling you were going to pull another stunt like last year, so I held onto this present.”

  He hands me the box, and I flip it open. Inside are the most beautiful diamond teardrop earrings I’ve ever seen. I look around the room and see David and the girls smiling at me.

  “These were my mom’s. Dad gave them to her their second Christmas together. I thought it would be fitting to give them to you today.”

  “They’re stunning. I love them.” I take them out and replace the earrings I have in.

  When we are done, I go to the kitchen to get the desserts and coffee ready. I take a quick trip to the bathroom and run into Jimi and Declan in the hallway whispering.

  “What’s going on?” I ask them quietly.

  “Rave, you have to promise to keep quiet.”

  I agree.

  “Jimi wants to ask Abbi to marry him.”

  I jump around in a circle and do a little dance trying to keep quiet. When I stop, both men are looking at me amused.

  “This is great news! Have you talked to David?” I look at Jimi.

  “Yeah, he gave me his blessing but I needed to talk to Declan too.”

  “When are you going to do it?”

  “Not sure, I want to do it when she’s least expecting it. Any ideas?”

  “Man, I’m not the best person to ask. I had to do it twice. If it makes you feel better, I’m pretty sure her answer will be yes.” Declan says with a smile.

  Jimi grins and I laugh a little too loudly because Ella comes around the corner and asks what we’re doing. We break apart and go in different directions.

  A few hours later, Declan and I pack up our things to leave. We say our goodbyes and I thank David again for allowing Declan to give me such a generous gift. He kisses my forehead and squeezes my shoulder tight. His emotions are written on his face.

  When we get on the highway I ask Declan why he chose the earrings and how did his sisters feel about it. He explains that his dad brought out a chest of all his mother’s jewelry and told them to choose. He spent a great amount of time going through each piece and the stories behind them. When he told them about the earrings, Ella actually suggested Declan give them to me. He took them to the family jeweler and had them cleaned last week.

  When we get home, we pour a glass of wine and relax on the couch. Another perfect Christmas.

  Chapter 35

  Bubble Burst

  It snowed for several days after Christmas, and we stayed in the house as long as possible. I did have to meet my mom at the bridal shop in another attempt to find the perfect dress. After many failed tries with my friends, I asked only my mom to come with me.

  The saleslady had already pulled several dresses for me to look through when we arrived. I instantly fell in love with the third one I tried on. My mom sealed the deal when she tears up. I would have never thought this would be it but when I look in the three-way mirrors, my heart beat increases.

  The dress has a sweetheart neckline and asymmetrical bodice that leads to a crystal waistline. It flares in a slight ball gown style but not too big. The shop actually has my size, and I make an appointment to come back in two weeks to meet with the seamstress.

  The next few days, Declan and I spent a lot of time together. We had a small party before The Steamroom on New Year’s Eve that turned into a celebration. Jimi proposed that morning and Abbi said yes (of course!). Harper and Kendall couldn’t come home again, so Brian and Gabe went to Atlanta. Robbie did get his bike, and Declan was extremely jealous. My mom was not happy, especially when my dad mentioned getting one of his own.

  The most exciting thing that happened was Harper’s decision to move back to Nashville. Gabe asked her to consider it since he had a full time job here. He wanted to make a go of their relationship and the distance was driving him crazy. Her restaurant had locations around town, and she was able to transfer.

  When Harper made the decision, so did Kendall. She put in for a transfer and got it. Since it was work related, they were able to break their lease without penalties. They planned to move here in February.

  School started back this week, and I’m already flooded with projects. But for once, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. In less than sixteen weeks, I will graduate. Then I’ll be married.

  I should have known things couldn’t be perfect for too long. I have a very bad feeling as I read the text on my phone for the third time.

  Declan: Rave, Mike needs to see all of us today. Something’s going on. I’ll pick you up.

  I text him back and remind him I have my car, and I’ll meet him at MJ Labels. He doesn’t argue, but he’s not happy.

  Now that Finn is back in school, we meet at least once a week in the library to study between classes. I think a part of him misses his job, but he finally admitted he was glad to be back. He works with Robbie and my dad when needed, which gives him some satisfaction.

  When I find him sitting in our section, I plop down and sigh.

  “Don’t look so happy to see me.”

  “No, I have a really bad feeling. Mike called us all in for a meeting today and for some reason, I’m worried about it.”

  “What do you know?”

  “Nothing. That’s the problem. Declan texted me that we need to be there and something’s going on.”

  “Don’t freak out until you know what it is.”

  I nod and pull out my notes. We study and chat for an hour before he walks me to my class. He gives me a hug for encouragement and asks me to call him tonight with details.

  I can’t concentrate, and I’m practically run to my car when my class is over. I drive to MJ Labels and see Declan waiting in his truck for me. He kisses me briefly before escorting us into the building. Charlie points us to the conference room and gives me a worried look.

  The guys from the band, Jay, Mike, and Amber are seated, waiting on us. Mike has his laptop open to Sayge’s FB page, and Amber has hers on the website.

  “We have a little problem. Actually it’s a big problem.” Mike says to our group. “We knew something like this may happen, but I hoped it would be at least a few months.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Cooper asks.

  “Sayge’s popularity has hit the roof. Radio time, music sales, merchandise requests are all increasing. There are rumors swirling about putting you on a national tour. You’re all about to be household names. But with the fame comes the misfortune.”

  We wait for him to continue.

  “Like before, the target is Raven. No one has named her yet, but it’s only a matter of time.”

  My stomach drops and I start sweating. Declan moves his chair closer to me and holds my hand.

  “Me? What did I do?” My voice cracks when I speak.

  “You didn’t do anything, but the fans don’t know that. The internet is abuzz with rumors about you and Declan. We’ve never publically announced your engagement and some pictures have surfaced that shed you in a harsh light.”

  “What the fuck Mike? Quit sliding around the issue and spit it out. What’s going on?” Declan’s anger is clear in his tone.

  Mike slides a folder to us and then projects the Sayge Facebook page on the TV screen. I gasp when I read the posts. I haven’t checked the site in two days, but there are hundreds of new messages, posts and tags. Most of them slamming me and accusing me of cheating on Declan.

  Declan she’s a whore. I’m available if you want to talk.

  She’s using you to boost her career. Kick her to the curb!

  I saw her with another guy tonight and took a picture. Will tag you for proof. Lying cheating bitch!

  I cry out when I see a picture of me hugging Finn this afternoon when he dropped me off at class. The message says, ‘Here’s m
ore proof, she’s using you.’ I’m not sure what scares me more, the fact that someone was taking my picture or that they know I’m in school. I make myself look away and stop reading.

  “Fucking unbelievable. Mike, is she being followed?” Before Mike can answer Declan, a new post pops up. This is another one of me and Finn in Paris, once again one of my personal pictures. It’s of us at the wall of “I love you’s” right after he declared his love. Declan tightens beside me and my heart drops. How in the hell are people getting my personal photos?

  I open the folder and see more pictures of me. These are taken at different events around town. Some of them are at The Steamroom and also from the launch party. Whoever took these made sure I was not with Declan in any of them.

  Amber clears her throat trying to get our attention. “There are similar messages flooding your website. People are accusing Raven of being a whore.”

  Declan growls beside me, and I squeeze his hand harder.

  “I know it looks bad, but I think we caught this is time.” Mike shuts off the TV and turns back to us. “We have kept Raven behind the scenes and never publically introduced her as your fiancée. We even kept her name off the video footage. To the outside world, it looks like a model trying to tie herself to you or any member of the band for fame. I think it’s time we introduce her.”

  “What about her safety? She’s already had two incidences in two years threatening her. Could this put her in danger?” Declan asks.

  “I don’t think so. I think if we spin this right, she’ll look like the golden girl. It will be best if we keep what happened this summer a secret, but the rest should be addressed. We knew something like this could happen; we talked about her losing her anonymity.”

  “Yeah, but this isn’t the first time people have tagged her and Finn together. Raven’s got three more months of school and several other charity events coming up. I’m afraid of the weirdo’s out there.”

  “We can put security on her if we need to.”

  I finally find my voice to speak up. “What do we need to do?”

  Mike gives Amber a nod, and she pulls out notes. “If you agree to it, I can get an interview with the SCENE featuring Sayge. Generally they focus on the music and entertainment scenes around town, but they want to do an article on Sayge. They want to talk to you as a group and individually. I had them send me over a preliminary set of questions. This would be a good way to introduce Raven and tell your story. It puts us ahead of the game.”

  “What do you mean ahead of the game?” Nate breaks in.

  “This will allow us to control the story about Raven and Declan; it will give us a chance to let people know who you all are personally. Blake may want to mention he has a serious girlfriend, as well. No matter what we all think of Raven, she has made enemies along the way. They are going to come to the surface in droves. If we introduce her and explain the dynamics of the relationship with Sayge, we can do damage control.”

  “How soon do you think we could do this interview?” I ask her.

  “The sooner, the better. Give me five minutes and I will see if I can set it up.” She takes her phone and leaves the room.

  “I hate to tell you but I have other news.” Mike runs his hand through his hair nervously.

  “Please tell me it’s good news.” Cooper asks playing with the rings on his fingers.

  “Not good news, but controllable. We had our first pregnancy claim come in this weekend. There was a message on the after-hours voicemail from a woman looking for Blake. She claimed to be four months pregnant with his child and said he ran out on her. She wants his label to step up and help her out.”

  Blake smiles and laughs loudly which confuses me. “Mike, who checks the after-hours voicemail?”

  Mike smiles back, “Charlie.”

  Every one of us burst out laughing. I have tears running down my cheeks when Amber returns. She tries to ask what I so funny, but I can’t form words. I wish I were here when Charlie got that message.

  “Let me tell you, I was even scared of Charlie when she relayed the message to me. We are going to ignore it for now until she contacts us again. That girl is protective of you, Blake.”

  “No kidding, I can’t wait to tease her about this.”

  “It’s the first claim of many. Be prepared, all of you.”

  “If you’re all over your laughing fit, I have an update.” Amber says as she types in her tablet. “I can arrange the interview for tomorrow at four.”

  We all nod in agreement and I get an idea. “Amber, you think the interviewer would be willing to come to our house? We’re all comfortable there and it is a showcase of Declan and my lives. We have pictures of us everywhere and will show that I’ve been a permanent fixture for a while.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll get it set up and send through the details to your email. There’s going to be one reporter and at least one photographer. Jay and Mike will be there too.”

  We agree to a few more details and then finish the meeting. I practically run to Charlie, trying to get to her before Blake. She hangs up the phone as soon as I get to her desk.

  “Rave, you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  “Absolutely. Since I’ve been working, here I’ve heard all sorts of stupid shit about the artists we work with. At first I wasn’t sure I heard this girl’s message right. But after the fourth time listening to it, I got pissed. I mean who does that type of thing?”

  “Babe, I heard you found out about my love child.” Blake shouts coming down the hall towards us. We laugh and I tell her goodbye.

  I call Janie on our way home and beg her to come clean tomorrow. Luckily she has an opening in the morning. Declan pulls up beside me in the garage and he is on the phone. He looks upset when he gets out of his truck.

  “James, I don’t know what Mike’s deal is with you, but I want us to be ready with someone. Even though I prefer female, I’ll deal with a guy if I have to.”

  No wonder he looks upset. My dad is probably drilling him for details right now. I take my stuff to the table and go to the kitchen to find something to make for dinner.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Thinking about dinner, what are you in the mood for?”

  “Sparkle, come here. Either we’re getting delivery or going out. After the meeting we just had I don’t want to do anything but eat, shower and get in bed with you.”

  “That sounds good to me. Let’s go now.” I tug his hand, but he stays still.

  “You okay with everything that happened today?”

  “I have to be. Just because my bubble burst doesn’t mean I’m going to let those people affect me. We’ve got a plan to address the issue and I’m sure this is not the first time we’ll have to defend ourselves. I’m confused how my personal pictures are being used.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s time we let Finn know someone is trying to paint a picture of the two of you together. Can you tell me about the picture today?”

  “Declan, I don’t think that’s a good idea. We’re over this remember? It won’t do us any good to dredge up what happened with Finn.”

  “Rave, I know I promised to never ask, but that picture wasn’t just a picture was it?”

  “No, Dec, it wasn’t. It’s a reminder of a very special moment between Finn and me.”


  Tears fill my eyes when I realize how hurt he is. “I’m sorry.” I whisper “Please don’t let this come between us.

  He pulls me towards him and wipes my cheeks. “I hope to God, this article will at least stall some of the rumors until we get married.”

  I don’t tell him that it will probably get worse once he announces we’re engaged, but I’m pretty sure we have a rocky road ahead of us.

  Chapter 36


  Declan and I called Finn first thing this morning and explained what was happening. We also explain our plan to introduce me to the public through the interview
today. Since there are at least two pictures of me and Finn floating around, we plan to address my relationship with him. It’s apparent someone is trying to use our relationship to paint me in a negative light and all this is happening right as Sayge’s popularity is soaring.

  I asked Mari, Brent and Kyle to send me their notes so I could skip my last class today and get ready for the interview. Janie has the house clean when I get home and Amber is setting up the dining room table with drinks and snack platters.

  I dress casually but wear my spiked black boots to add some sex appeal to my outfit. Declan comes into the bathroom as I finish clasping my bracelet.

  “You look beautiful.” He moves my hair off my shoulder and kisses my neckline.

  “So do you.” I look at him in the mirror behind me. He looks fantastic in his black jeans and the leather coat his dad gave him for Christmas.

  His hands settle on my waist and he pulls me against him. His erection pokes me through his jeans and I grind into him. He sucks on my earlobe and my head falls back against his shoulder.

  “As much as I want to continue this, we need to get back out to the living room. The reporter just drove up.” He whispers in my ear.

  He moves his arm and the sleeve pulls up. I grab his hand and turn it over. There’s a small bandage on his wrist that is exactly what I had when I got my tattoo. He grins at me and pulls the bandage back revealing the Sagittarius symbol.

  “I liked the idea so I copied you.” He throws the bandage away.

  “When did you do it?”

  “This morning. I wanted to do it right after Christmas, but we didn’t leave the house very much.”

  I roll my eyes and lead him back to our guests.


  The reporter for SCENE surprises me. She’s an older woman that dresses very hippy-chic with glasses. Her name is Brenda. She introduces her photographer as Bob and we go around the room with our own introductions.

  Brenda places a recorder on the table and starts off with fact checking. She talks through their schedules and tour last summer making sure she has the timelines correct. She questions Jay about his relationship with Sayge and how his help pushed them into the spotlight. So far none of her questions are really unique so I start to relax.


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