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Surviving Page 37

by Ahren Sanders

  So that’s what I did. And it was phenomenal.

  Chapter 50


  It’s been two weeks since we got home from Aruba, and our lives have been hectic. The news of our wedding made national coverage, but since we were out of the country we dodged all calls and inquiries. Jay and Amber took care of it. The local response was less than supportive. People still believed the lies in the Music City Enquirer and the websites were flooded with comments about me. There were threats and more claims about my infidelity, but no more personal pictures popped up.

  I met with Jay and resumed control over scheduling, and we came up with a transition plan. There was no denying Sayge’s popularity now, and the demand for interviews and spotlight appearances was out of control. I wanted to attend the appearances, but Declan felt I wasn’t safe, so Amber went instead. With her by their side, people started rumors that we were already having marital problems and Declan was coming to his senses. No one made any comments waiting for the magazine to hit newsstands on Monday.

  Declan and I finally agreed to do an interview for a regional wedding magazine. The reason we did is because they offered a donation to any local charity we chose, and it was a way to boost my flailing reputation. I tried not to bring it up, but I’m worried I’m hurting Sayge through association. This would be a simple, straightforward interview over coffee next week. By then I’ll have some proofs of the wedding pictures they can use.

  Declan’s twenty-seventh birthday is tomorrow. I bought him a new surface tablet and had Robbie load some music programs. These programs were recommended by the sound tech that works at MJ Labels. Declan and the guys can work on new music on the road this summer and the program also allows for music manipulations. It will never take the place of the guys sitting around and creating their own music, but they can record it and then figure out where they want to add or change.

  I’m cooking dinner for just our families for his actual birthday and then we’ll do something with our friends on Saturday night. I’m about to leave the house to run errands when the garage door opens. Declan walks in a few minutes later loaded down with boxes.

  “What you got there?” I take a box from the top and put it on the table.

  “Hundreds and hundreds of promotional items Jay wants us all to sign. Do you mind if I have all the guys here tonight to do this?”

  “No, but you’ll need to order dinner. I have to work on a paper when I get back.”

  “Back from where?”

  “I’m about to run some errands. It shouldn’t take too long.”

  “You’re not going alone. I’ll come with you.”

  “No, I may or may not be picking up your birthday present.”

  “Call Robbie. You’re not going alone. I’ll see if the guys can be here within the hour. If we can get this done, you can have a peaceful night.” He kisses my nose and picks up his phone.

  “Just five more weeks, we’re in the homestretch.” I refer to the end of my semester.

  “Yeah babe, and then you get to put your fancy degree to work by working for me. Bet that’s not what you thought you’d be doing.”

  “You better watch it, you guys are actually working for me remember?” I wink at him and grab my keys. I’m pretty sure they’ll appreciate my logic when we hit the road.

  I call Robbie to let him know I’m on my way, and I’m alone. He promises to meet me in the parking lot in case I’m being followed. I’m so ready for this to be over.


  “This is unbelievable. Show me again.” Declan can’t hide his excitement over his present.

  Robbie demonstrates a few of the programs for him again, and my dad and David huddle around them. Abbi, Ella, my mom, and I are in the living room looking over the article that is coming out next week. They find it equally as funny when I relive the story of the guys getting waxed. Like Jewel said, the picture of the band and facing the camera and Declan wrapped around my bare back was the perfect shot for the cover. I thought my dad would have a shit fit, but he rolled his eyes and said ‘this is your life now.’ The editor made room for two thousand more words in order for me and Declan to set our story straight. We took the opportunity to address every single lie the MCE claimed and even told as much as we legally could about Christie. All in all, we were pleased with the outcome.

  We go over the upcoming schedule for Sayge and try to pinpoint a date the girls can fly to a show this summer.

  “Surviving” was rising up the charts and Mike expects it to break the top ten next week. The guys agreed to play a regional music festival in a few weeks. I’m a bit nervous about it because it’s the first time this group has organized something this big and Sayge is the headlining band. Jay is working with the team and assures me it will be fine.

  Robbie goes to the kitchen, and I get up to follow him. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him very much since I got back.

  “Thanks for making sure all the tuxes went back to Clyde’s.” I pour another glass of wine and hand him a beer.

  “You know it wasn’t a problem. Is this your way of starting a conversation to ask me about Ember?”


  “She’s cool.”

  “I already gathered that since you brought her on a road trip to your sister’s wedding. Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Like what?”

  I raise my eyebrows at him waiting for him to talk.

  “Shit, RJ, I’m not a chick. What the hell do you want to know?”

  “How do you feel about her?”

  “Did you seriously ask me how I feel? Not sure I’m comfortable with that conversation. Like I said, she’s cool. She’s smart and passionate about things she believes in. I enjoy spending time with her. But she’s so damn shy. I can make her blush just by kissing her. She’s met our whole family, and I have yet to meet anyone in hers.”

  “Like you said she’s shy.”

  “Yeah, but it’s always me making a move. Even when we’re in public, she won’t even hold my hand unless I grab hers first. It’s like she’s embarrassed.”

  “Okay, let me fill you in on something. It’s not you. Ember told me herself that guys have always overlooked her. Girls have never been that accepting of her, so she’s insecure. You need to talk to her and continue to tell her how much you like her. Coming from a woman, not your sister, we want to be reassured. She needs a little push. And don’t forget that you and the guys are a little intimidating. You’re good looking and confident. I remember how Abbi acted when she first met Jimi, look at how that turned out.”

  “Are you kidding me? Why would anyone overlook her?”

  “I don’t know but let me know if you want me to talk to her. You’re bringing her tomorrow night right?”

  “Yeah, she’s coming.”

  “Great, then make her feel special and I bet you’ll see her open up.”

  “Can’t we quit talking about this shit now? I’m pretty sure we’ve crossed into heavy chick territory.”

  “Yep, but know I really like her.”

  “Me too.”


  Our sweaty bodies stick together as we try to catch our breath. I try to shift over, but he tightens his hold on my ass and keeps me in place.

  “Don’t move, I need a minute.”

  “I don’t want to move at all. As far as I’m concerned we can stay this way all night.”

  “Don’t tease.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Thank you for this weekend, Sparkle.”

  “Anything for you, I’m glad you had fun.”

  Earlier tonight we met all our friends at a bar near downtown. We wanted somewhere small and low-key so we could celebrate without Sayge being recognized. It was more of a pub with pool tables. We split into teams, and I was paired with Tripp, which led to a lot of laughs. He took every chance he could to goad Declan.

  I watched Robbie and Ember and even though she was still quiet, she was affectionate. They were small g
estures, but Robbie seemed happy.

  I drove tonight so Declan could drink as much as he wanted. The guys did shots from the minute we walked in the door until last call. We ended up bringing Nate home with us, and Declan helped him to the guest room. He passed out before he hit the bed.

  Lucky for me, Declan wasn’t that drunk, and he decided to get creative. I was in the bathroom getting dressed when he came up behind me and tore off my black nightie. Then he guided me over the counter and bent me over slightly.

  “Baby, I want you right here, right now. And I want you to watch.”

  The desire in his voice was sexy and rough. I tried to lean back into him, but he held me still. He pressed his naked body to mine, and we locked eyes in the mirror.

  Without even touching me, my nipples hardened, and his eyes grew wide. I nodded my head and watched as he slowly slid into me and held onto my hips. I felt every inch of him and groaned with pleasure. He pumped in and out of me staring into my eyes so intently I almost came from just his look. His hands held my hips tightly massaging the bare skin. The sensations rolling through my body caused my knees to buckle, and I had to hold into the counter for support. My climax hit me so fast I used a towel to drown my cries. He bent over me and kissed my shoulder blades increasing his pace, and I knew he was close. I wanted to kiss him so desperately, but I was mesmerized watching us.

  He was gorgeous, and it was totally hot the way he owned me at this moment. I wiggled against him, and he groaned loudly. His grip tightened, and I watched as he released. It was completely erotic.

  “Happy fucking birthday to me.”

  “Yes, honey, happy birthday.” I whisper back.

  Chapter 51


  I can’t pinpoint what exactly is bothering me, but my stomach is in knots. I should be home studying, but I promised the guys I would come to this festival for a few hours and help out. I graduate in three and a half weeks, and there’s a shitload of work for me to finish up. The week has been crazy with the release of the article now referred to as “Raven’s Redemption.” I felt bad that my story overshadowed Sayge, but the guys assured me it was all one in the same. I was no longer seen as the villain but a victim. My bodyguard still followed me around school and stopped people from approaching me, which I was thankful for. The same people that hated me last week now wanted to be my best friend.

  I drove today separately since Declan had to be here early for rehearsal. This festival is being held at a state park about thirty minutes from Nashville. There are four local groups playing before Sayge goes on stage tonight. They opened the gates two hours ago, and the park is already overcrowded. I find the backstage entrance and walk around trying to find my crew. I find them on the left side of the stage, and my instincts go on alert.

  There are several girls surrounding Declan waiting for autographs. What bothers me is he is signing their bodies. One girl steps up to him and leans over for her to sign the lower portion of her back. I stay back and watch for several seconds until a blond removes her shirt. As soon as she starts to lower the cups of her bra, I fly to his side.

  “Hey baby, whatcha doin?” I purr into his neck.

  He wraps his arm around me and kisses me lightly, surprised at my immediate appearance. “Signing autographs.”

  At least he has the decency to look guilty.

  “Excuse me, I’ve been waiting for an hour. You need to get in line.” The busty blonde points behind her and gives me a dirty look.

  I look her up and down and make a point to move my left hand across Declan’s chest. Her eyes grow wide when she sees my wedding bands, but she doesn’t put her shirt back on.

  Instead of getting mad, she starts smiling at me. “Oh my God! You’re the girl from the video and magazine article! You’re Raven!

  Shocked by the change of events, I try to back up but she gets closer. “Wait till I tell my friends I met you. They are going to die. At first we thought you were a bitch. But when the article came out we saw you two together, we knew you weren’t. You’ve got like the coolest love story ever! Oh my God, can I have your autograph?” She’s gotten so close I can smell the beer on her, and she’s pushing her chest to me.

  “Um, I guess but I’m not signing your boobs. Declan, can you grab me a poster or something.”

  He moves away and comes back with book marks I made up with the summer tour dates. When she walks away, she still hasn’t put her shirt back on. The girls still in line heard the entire exchange and crowd around Declan and me. We both sign and talk to them for half an hour until Jay rescues us and leads us back to the sectioned off area for the bands.

  “Declan, my dear husband, do you want to tell me why you were about to sign that girls breasts?”

  “Another tit hit? Man where was I?” Cooper joins us.

  I raise my eyebrows at Declan waiting for an explanation.

  “Sparkle, I wasn’t looking or touching them. These girls wanted my name on their skin. Can’t help the awesomeness.”

  The awesomeness? Is he serious? One look at his face and I know he’s only semi-joking. I realize there is a small window of opportunity to get my point across. I untuck my shirt and start to lift it. I don’t get it farther than my stomach when I’m caught in his arms.

  “Put your fucking shirt back down.”

  “No, babe, I’m going to ask Cooper to sign my stomach. Then I’m going to find Blake and Nate and ask them to sign somewhere on my back. And I’m going to tie my shirt in a knot so when I walk around for the rest of the day everyone can see.”

  “The fuck you are. Put you shirt back down.”

  We go into a stare down, and I break it by laughing at him. “Same applies to you, Dec, no more. Got it?”

  “Damn her ass is full of sass, glad I didn’t piss her off.” Copper interrupts us.

  I pull my shirt back into place and smirk. He’s less than amused. I sit down and grab Jay’s agenda for the day. There are still a few hours until Sayge plays, and the schedule has them doing an interview and general public autographs before they perform. I grab a box of their posters and go to help Jay set up the table. Declan follows behind me with his arms full of stuff too.

  I set the table up with the best flow through for the fans and look around at the other bands. I get a little lightheaded and grip the side of the table to steady myself. Declan is at my side in an instant.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been feeling a little off today, I can’t explain it but it’s probably from stress and anxiety.”

  “What are you stressed about?”

  “Just the end of the semester, graduating, our wedding celebration, starting a new job, being married to a Rock God. You name it.” I try to joke with him, but his face is serious.

  “Baby, you getting a migraine?”

  “I don’t think so, I’m sure I’ll be fine. Maybe I need to eat something. I haven’t really eaten today.”

  “You want me to have Jay drive you home? I don’t want you to stay if you feel bad.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. You sit and start your thing, and I’ll be right back when I get some food.”

  “Okay, we’ll plan on going straight home after the show. Then if you feel like it, I’m going to show you exactly what I think about your little stunt earlier. Although I’m thinking that you calling me a Rock God maybe lessened your punishment.” he smirks and hugs me against him.

  “You’re crazy. I’ll be back.”

  “I may be crazy, but I’m your crazy.”

  Cooper, Nate, and Blake sit at the table and motion for some fans to come over. I see several over anxious girls staring at us, so I lean up on my toes and kiss Declan passionately in front of everyone. He grins at me when I step away, knowing I did this for a show.

  “Jay, will you go with Raven to get something to eat? She’s drawing as much attention as I am today.”

  Jay comes over and takes my hand instructing me not to let go until we get back across the stage and to the
vendors. We are on the back side of the stage, and I see the crowds pushing into the plastic netting that separates us. I can’t be sure, but I swear there’s a little sway under my feet. The next band is setting up with their stuff and a bunch of people are running around. Right about the time we hit the middle there’s a scream from the front. I see a group of girls fall into the pillars at the front, and it buckles underneath them.

  Everything happens so fast, but it almost feels like slow motion. The front of the stage disappears and then the connecting plates start falling too. People are yelling and screaming as equipment and lighting starts crashing down. Jay grabs me and throws himself on top of me as the floor falls out from under us, and we drop. He uses his body to shield me from the debris hitting us. The sound is deafening as I hear what I think is the rest of the stage collapse around us.

  The pain shoots through me as soon as my hip hits the ground. Something inside me shakes, and I think my ankle is broken. I’m clenching Jay’s shirt as he lays on top of me. Liquid runs down my neck into my shirt, and I smell blood.

  I try to shake him again but he has me pinned down. There’s light through the cracks, and I see people lying near us not moving. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. The panic sets in when I realize I don’t feel Jay breathing against me. I start squirming to get from under him. We are stuck in a tight space, so I can’t move too far but I get him to his side. His eyes are closed and with the limited light, I can see a huge gash on his head and another on his neck squirting blood.

  Fuck! I’m not in any way medically trained, but it looks like something cut close to an artery. I pull my arms away enough to get to the hem of my shirt and tear as much as I can. I use it to try and plug the gaping wound and then my instincts kick in. I start screaming!



  FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! I run around the back of the rubble to where I think I saw her and Jay before the stage went down. Security and medical personnel are everywhere trying to pull people out from under the shattered mess. People all around me are bleeding and moaning in pain, and my heart seizes in my throat. She has to be okay, THEY have to be okay.


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