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Surviving Page 42

by Ahren Sanders


  “I hope God isn’t out of favors for me. I need another one”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve asked him for so many things regarding you, now I’m going to pray they aren’t both girls.”


  “Because I’ll be screwed. I’ll be dead of a heart attack or in jail if they’re anything like you.”

  Chapter 59

  Last Concert

  It’s a great coincidence our last concert of the summer tour is in Nashville. I’m so glad to be home, and I think everyone feels the same way. As soon as I get the safety reports and tie up a few loose ends, I’m going to the house. I have the whole afternoon before I have to be back at the stadium tonight. Our entire group of friends and parents are coming to the show. We’ve only told the band, my parents and David about the pregnancy. We’re trying to wait until the second trimester when we’re in safer territory to tell the others.

  Even though I’m only ten weeks pregnant, I can totally tell. My boobs have grown, and my clothes are tight. I’ve read that, with twins, this is normal. My sex drive is out of control, which has been hard the last week on the bus. I still get sick, but not too often now. All the vitamins and supplements are helping.

  The organizers switched the lineup tonight, so Sayge goes on last. Since it’s a hometown crowd, and they have the number one song in the country, I asked for the change. No one argued with me and rumor has it there are going to be several huge recording artists backstage tonight. Jay is bringing a few of his new artists that are huge fans. We coordinated to have backstage passes and invited them to the band room before the show.

  I check to make sure I have everything I need and go to tell Declan goodbye. They are adding a few songs to their set, and he won’t be home for a few hours. He kisses me hard before he lets me go, and there are catcalls and whistles from all the crew around us. Even after all the weeks I’ve been around them, I still get embarrassed when Declan gropes me.

  Robbie is waiting next to his bike when I walk out. After greeting me warmly he hands me a helmet, and we take off. This is only the third time I’ve been on his bike, and I love it. I’ve decided Declan is getting one for Christmas. There’s a car waiting in our driveway with all our bags, and the driver helps Robbie take everything in the house. When he leaves, I make Robbie sit down and tell me everything going on since I left. Apparently, he’s done screwing around with Ember and told her she was moving in next month when her lease is up.

  Finn and Tripp are moving into the condo next to Robbie since Gabe and Jimi moved out. He isn’t dating the girl that Abbi met anymore. When I bring it up, Robbie tells me she turned out to be a clinger and would never make it long term.

  We’re in the middle of discussing all the things that happened this summer when Declan storms into the house. He looks at both of us, and I swear he’s grown three heads.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Tell me you didn’t ride Robbie’s bike home.”

  “Um yeah, you knew he picked me up.”

  “Yes, but I thought it would be in his truck!”

  “Man, what’s the fucking problem?” Robbie gets up and looks between us.

  Declan looks at me, and I know he’s about to blow. His overprotective streak is showing through.

  “You didn’t tell him?” he asks me ignoring Robbie.

  I shake my head trying to tell him silently to shut up. He ignores me.

  “Sorry, man, but obviously I need to keep a watch on her all the time. She has no business on the back of a bike. She’s pregnant.”

  Robbie looks at me and whistles through his teeth. “Fuck me walking. You didn’t think to tell me that?”

  “I’m fine. It’s no big deal.” That was the wrong thing to say. Both guys look at me like I’m insane.

  “No Big Deal!? Safety fucking first, Raven. You’re carrying our children!” Declan yells.

  Robbie is stunned at the announcement, but I can’t worry about him right now. My fuse just lit up.

  “Excuse me, caveman, but calm your ass down right now. I’m here safe, and you may have bought your first night home in the guest room.”

  He flinches and his face softens. He comes over to me and scoops me into his arms and then sits back down. “I’m sorry, I freaked out. No more bike for you for a while. I couldn’t handle it if something happened. I trust Robbie, I don’t trust the other assholes on the road.”

  Robbie is still looking at us confused. “Did you say children, as in plural?”

  “Yeah, we’re having twins.”


  “Yeah, fucking shocked me, too.”

  I watch two of the most important men in my life talk like I’m not in the room. I get ready to unleash my inner bitch until Robbie reaches for the couch and sits down pale. Scooting over to him, I hug him tight. “We were going to tell you after I saw the doctor and had more news. We think I’m due in late March.”

  “Fuck me walking.”

  “Robbie, why do you keep saying that?”

  “Because I just found out my baby sister, the girl I’ve loved all my life and protected, is having two fucking babies.”

  Hormones hit, and I bury my face in his chest and cry. He puts an arm around me, and I inch closer. “IIIII lllooovvvee yooou tooo!”

  “Jesus Christ, no wonder Declan was upset. If Ember pulls that shit, I’ll spank her ass. No more bikes for you.”

  I want to argue, but I realize he said ‘if Ember’ and I know he’s found the one. I cry harder against him with happiness.

  After about five minutes, he moves me over and puts me back against Declan. “So is there any fucking beer in this house? I think I need one.”

  “Yeah, Janie stocked the fridge. Grab me one, too.” Declan answers him.

  I look up at Declan and smile. His hand automatically goes to my stomach, and he sprawls his fingers. “Sorry, babe, for freaking out, but get used to it. The three of you are my number one now. I’m gonna be the kind of husband that goes off the deep end a lot.”

  “Okay, babe. But talk to me like that again, you’ll find yourself alone at night.”

  “Not gonna happen. And while we’re on the subject, I owe you a two-week trip to wine country after the babies are born. I’m postponing our trip.”

  I nod against his chest, and Robbie comes back. I get up to start unpacking while they talk and make plans for the night.

  When Robbie leaves, Declan comes into the bedroom where I’m still sorting our clothes. He watches me for a minute before joining me on the floor.

  “You know I love you, I lost it. You’re so carefree, and I got scared.”

  “I know. Stupid on my part to ride the bike. I love these little peanuts, and they’re not even here yet.”

  “Peanuts. I’ve been reading, and they’re the size of nuts right now.” I clarify.

  “Hmmm. Hearing the words nuts out of your mouth is sexy as fuck.”

  Moisture surges to my panties and my nipples get hard immediately. He’s so close I can lick my lips and taste him. I shift a little, and he notices the change in my face.

  “Am I turning you on? Can I pick you off the fucking floor and take you back to our bed? You want me to make you scream so loud our neighbors know we’re finally home?”

  Fucking hormones! I nod, and he picks me up. On our way to the bed, he somehow gets his shorts undone and they fall off. My clothes aren’t far behind. I groan when he removes my bra and kisses around my nipples.

  “Fucking perfect.” he mutters.

  I raise up to him and pull my shorts and panties off in a single motion and watch his eyes gets wide. He starts kissing at my earlobe and doesn’t stop until he gets to my belly button. I feel him whispering something to my stomach and buck up into him which make him chuckle. A finger enters me, and I groan. I’m starving for him. Even though we’ve had sex plenty of times since finding out I was pregnant, he’s been gentle. Today I want my old Decla
n, no holding back.

  “You’re so wet, and I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “Yes, you know you did.”

  “Relax baby, I’m going to take my time today. No fucking rush, no chance of anyone walking in, no reason for you to be quiet. You’re going to come so hard you’ll be thinking about it all night.

  “Promise?” I rasp.

  His fingers play with me expertly, and I whimper when he kisses my clit. His elbows push my legs further apart, and he runs his tongue along my entire slit before focusing on one spot. He knows it’s getting to me because of my groans. He slides his fingers out and grabs my ass. His teeth graze my folds, and I feel the pressure building. When his lip ring rubs against the flesh, I cry out. Arching my back, I fist the comforter and let go screaming in pleasure. He kisses up my body as I come down from my high.

  No words are spoken as he slides easily into me. The piercing scrapes against my sensitive flesh and I buck my hips up to his.

  “Sparkle, come here.” He helps lift me up and sits back on his calves. “I need all of you.”

  I understand what he means so I arch into him, and he takes one nipple in his mouth. I suck in a breath because of their sensitivity. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I slide back and forth on him. His hands and mouth assault my chest and I feel him sucking hard, marking me. He still loves to see hickeys covering my body. My hands fist in his hair encouraging him to do what he wants. The feeling of ecstasy starts to take over again, and I know I’m close.


  “Fucking hormones, if you come now baby be prepared for another one. I’m not ready, and you’re coming with me. Your taste, your smell, your pussy gripping me, fucking amazing.”

  He slams up into me, and I moan as the orgasm washes over me. I try to move faster, but he grips my hips and moves slowly, gliding in and out. His eyes meet mine, and there is hunger, desire, passion and lust shining in them. His grip on my waist tightens as he moves to lay us back. Once I’m under him, he laces our fingers together and raises our arms over my head pinning me down gently. He swivels his hips and another fire ignites in my body. My legs unwrap, and I shove my heels into the bed trying to push against him. A grin passes his lips, and he knows what I’m trying to do.

  “You want it rough? You want me to pound into you so hard I bruise my balls?”

  I can’t find my voice, so I nod my head.

  The look on his face is purely primal, and he increases his speed pumping in and out of me. I moan at the sensation’s building again. Sweat runs down his forehead, and he releases one of my hands. His thumb touches where we are joined, and I shatter. Yelling his name over and over, he explodes inside me. Darkness clouds my vision as the sensation rolls through my body. His forehead rests against mine as we try to regain our breath.

  Our bodies are wrapped around one another covered in sweat and sex. He kisses a trail from my ear to collarbone and back. He twitches in me, and I shift over a bit.

  “Babe, give me a minute.”

  “Ummm,” is all I reply. I’m completely sated and feeling sleepy.


  “Yeah, it was.”

  He shifts over, so I’m at his side and wraps around me with my back to his front. The sound of his humming helps me drift off to sleep. It’s good to be home.


  “This is incredible! I can’t believe you did this all summer.” Harper shouts as we dance around on the side stage.

  “It’s not all glitz and glamour. I’ve got stories that would make your stomach curl. Keeping these guys organized was the tip of the iceberg.”

  “Still pretty cool to be a rock and roll wife.”

  “Maybe, but I’m looking forward to normalcy now that we’re home.”

  She nods in agreement and smiles over my shoulder. I don’t have to turn around to know Declan is right behind me. Sayge goes on stage next, and he still insists on his pre-show ritual.

  “Sparkle, just because our parents are here doesn’t mean shit. I’m getting my kiss.”

  “I figured you would, caveman.”

  “Hmm, do I need to remind you what a caveman I can be? I’m pretty sure there’s a room somewhere around here I can haul you into. I can still feel you wrapped around my dick. Makes me hard thinking about this afternoon.”

  “Declan!” I look around to make sure no one heard. My face burns with embarrassment.

  “Don’t be embarrassed baby, it was fucking hot.” He pulls me to him and squeezes my ass.

  “I see some things don’t change. You two have spent the last three months attached at the fucking hip, and you’re still all over each other.” Charlie joins us.

  “Always Charlie, being all over her is my favorite place to be, unless you count being in her.” Declan responds and I gasp.

  “Good one.” Charlie clinks her beer with his.

  I follow them back to the area where are friends are partying. Our parents were thrilled to see us, but more so I think they wanted to see for themselves I am indeed pregnant. My mom immediately commented on the glow of my hair and skin. I wore a long maxi-dress to help hide my tiny bump, but my boobs are visibly larger. I’m surprised one of my girlfriends didn’t comment. Robbie walks back to where we are with Ember and her eyes jumps from my stomach to my face. Robbie told her. She smiles sweetly at me and mouths ‘congratulations.’ I nod my head, and tears fill my eyes again.

  “What?” I ask when the group gets quiet, and all eyes are on me.

  “Something’s not quite right.” Kendall answers.

  “How so?”

  “Well, let’s see. You’re not drinking, you’re boobs are huge, you’ve teared up three times tonight already–over nothing. Jenna looks like she’s won the lottery and David and James are watching you like you’re made of porcelain.”


  Declan comes up and wraps his arms around my shoulders. His mouth to my ear he whispers, “Busted.”

  “Are you knocked up?” Charlie says so loud that people around us look at me.

  Declan start laughing against my neck, and I try to deny her but I laugh too.

  “Yeah, although I like the term pregnant a lot more than knocked-up.”

  Cheers and screams come from our group as Declan and I are engulfed in hugs. I look over Harper’s shoulder and see Finn walking up at the end of the announcement. He gives me a mega-watt smile and chin lift. Now that the secret is out my mom takes the opportunity to announce it’s twins and the looks of shock are hilarious.

  A stagehand comes over to tell Declan it’s almost time for Sayge to take the stage. He leads me away and walks us to the side.

  “Come on, hop up.”

  I jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me deeply until someone taps him on the shoulder, and he pulls back.

  “You know, pretty soon, I won’t fit in your arms like this.”

  “Sparkle, you’ll always fit in my arms.”

  “I love you Declan.”

  “Not nearly as much as I love you. I’ve told you before, but I need to repeat it. Raven, you’re my reason for breathing.”

  Tears pool in my eyes knowing how lucky I am. I give him a quick peck and jump down. “Go dazzle your hometown crowd, Rock God.”

  He goes the other guys on the side stage waiting to walk out together. The crowd goes wild, and all the other bands gather around the side stage to watch. The other three wives I know give me a smile and wave knowing what I feel at this moment.

  Pride, happiness, and overwhelming love consumes me. Surrounded by our family and friends, Sayge gives the best performance of their career.

  Chapter 60

  It’s Time


  6 1/2 Months Later

  “Honey, wake up.” Raven whispers in my ear.

  “No, we just went to sleep. Even I need a little down time.”

  “I don’t want sex you idiot, I think my water broke.”

  That jolts me awake, and I kni
fe up to see her standing next to the bed fully dressed. Her bag is by the door, and she’s holding clothes out to me. Even in my sleepy state she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Pregnancy agrees with my girl.

  “What?” I grab the clothes from her and start dressing.

  “Either that or I peed all over myself. The doctor on call told me to meet her at the hospital.”

  “But, you’re not scheduled for the C-section for two weeks!” Panic sets in. “Are you okay? Are you hurting?”

  “Yes and no, I have some slight cramping but nothing severe yet. We need to go.”

  “How are you so calm?”

  “Declan can we talk about this another time, we need to go now!”

  There’s a flash of pain in her eyes, and she grabs her stomach. My heart leaps in my chest, and I get my keys and phone. Without hesitation, I pick her up; rushing through the house, trying not to trip over boxes we’ve yet to unpack, I get her to my truck and buckle her in. I run back and grab her bag and throw it in the back seat.

  “Owww,” she moans beside me.

  “Hold on baby, I’ll get us there in a minute.”

  She reaches for my hand as I drive like a bat out of hell towards the hospital. I pull up at the emergency entrance and run around to her side of the car. She tries to argue, but I carry her straight to the registration desk. The lady behind the desk assesses our situation and recognizes me immediately. She gets a wheelchair and orders someone to take Raven to Labor & Delivery.

  “Baby, go get my bag. There’s no doubt in my mind these babies are coming soon.”

  I really don’t want to leave her, but a nurse comes up and says she needs to check her out, so I kiss her quickly and run back to move the truck.

  When I get back, they have moved her to a room, and the doctor is talking to her. A nurse is hooking her up to a machine, and her face is filled with fear.

  “What’s going on?” I ask moving to her side and pulling her shoulders into mine.

  “I was telling Raven, what to expect. We’re going to take her back to the OR first and get her prepped. You need to change into scrubs and a nurse will come get you. The babies are at thirty six weeks so the chance of complications is small, but I’ll have a NICU team in place. There will be a lot of people in the room so don’t be surprised.”


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