Scorpio Triumph [Dray Prescot #43]

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Scorpio Triumph [Dray Prescot #43] Page 20

by Alan Burt Akers

  Zena Iztar said: “Carazaar's power is broken. The Fish Faces are defeated. Now, Dray Prescot, you must rest.”

  Yellow warmth engulfed me and when I opened my eyes and orientated myself I discovered I was back on Earth. Zena Iztar must have patched me up enough to survive. I was in Africa. I did what I could until the Scorpion snatched me up again to return to Kregen.

  The Star Lords summoned me to their presence and I detected—or imagined I detected—the faintest note of approval. The Shanks had been decisively driven away. Oh, yes, we all expected their return some day. As for Delia—how can you imagine my feelings when I saw her again? I told her the whole story. “And I clawed you, my heart?”

  “Aye, most damnably!”

  She gave that impish laugh that betides a mischievous intent. “And my little Claw broke your great Krozair longsword?”


  “Still, the Savanti sword—”

  “Well, that is another matter.”

  Shortly after that on the way to Valka the Everoinye dispatched me off to Earth where I am now. They dropped me in Munich where I used a whole heap of cassettes to relate this section of my story on Kregen. I have also, incidentally, seen the books. And very nice they are, to be sure. I know I shall be summoned by the Scorpion soon and am glad to have had the opportunity to tidy up the events that occurred in Loh.

  Mevancy, by the way, married Kuong and gave birth to beautiful twin girls, both of whom will grow bindles on their forearms.

  As for me, I await the summons of the Scorpion.

  There is, after all, only Delia who matters in two worlds.

  We-ell, yes. That is undeniably true. But you who have faithfully followed my narrative will be well aware of other people who mean much to me.

  I am sending these cassettes off to Alan Burt Akers for I feel the Star Lords looming near and I wish to complete this section of my history. To follow are some uproarious goings on in Balintol and Tarkinlass and the reckless proceedings of Joldo Ironhand, the Kov of Low Vreng, so there is still much to relate. As for the Skantiklar, Carazaar and the Shanks, well, of course they are controlled and tamed at the moment; but I know they are up there on Kregen waiting for my return.

  Who can foretell the future?

  As I never tire of saying, all I ever really wanted was Delia, Delia of Delphond, Delia of the Blue Mountains.

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  * * *

  Chapter twenty-one

  My name is Drak Valhan Prescot, and I am the Emperor of Vallia. My wife, Silda Segutoria Valhan Prescot, is the Empress of Vallia.

  I must confess I found it extremely difficult to believe my father's fantastic stories of a world with only one yellow sun, with only a tiny silver moon, and with no diffs at all but only apims like ourselves. Now, I have to believe. For me this all began one pleasant evening as we strolled along the balcony after dinner in the palace of Vondium the Proud City.

  A squawk in the air drew my attention. Up there flew a scarlet and golden raptor, a giant hunting bird of remarkable aspect. I'd thought I'd seen such a bird as a youngster; but my father pooh-poohed the idea. Now I know the raptor to be the Gdoinye, the spy and messenger of the Everoinye. In the next instant I was upended in a blue radiance, the enormous form of a blue Scorpion seized me away and I recovered my senses to find myself in this city.

  The Star Lords had provided me with decent clothes and local currency and to my amazement I could converse with the inhabitants in their own language. The reason for these extraordinary occurrences must, it is clear, be that what happened to my father and mother should be made known to Mr. Alan Burt Akers, and thence to you who listen to the cassette tapes I am recording in my hotel room. I shall post them at once, and return—I trust, by Vox!—to Kregen.

  There is no doubt about it, I do not think I could ever become used to living on a world with only one sun.

  To begin on a personal note, I'd just returned from a long and arduous campaign in Pandahem during which we'd dealt with some severity with the Bloody Menahem. There were stupendous celebrations when the victors of the Lohvian campaign around Makilorn joined us. The religious observances continued for days, and the winding processions chanting ‘Oolie Opaz’ filled the boulevards and avenues bordering the canals of Vondium.

  Subsequently and in grave conclave agreement was reached. Seg Segutorio and Milsi were to become Emperor and Empress of Pandahem. This would unite the island and ensure peace.

  I well remember my father exclaiming with a sigh of resignation: “Well, by Krun, Inch and Sasha are King and Queen of Hyr-Thoth-Ghat-Loh, now Milsi and Seg have been saddled with an empire—” And my mother softly interrupting: “Oh, you grizzly old graint, we'll find an empire for them, as Dee-Sheon is my witness!” She really is the most remarkable mother anybody can have. And I now recognize that should be ‘in two worlds.’ She went on: “Very soon Mevancy, your little pigeon, will be Empress of Walfarg.”

  “And,” growled my father in his gravel-shifting voice, “she won't be your detestable Queen of Pain, either, by Zair.”

  When he says: ‘By Zair,’ I own it as a Krozair of Zy. ‘By Vox’ is good Vallian. I often wonder, though, about his frequent use of the Hamalese ‘By Krun.’ I really do.

  He added: “All these kings and queens and emperors and empresses cavorting about me, a simple sailorman—by Zim-Zair, it's uncanny!”

  In this I think his reference to a simple sailorman is a trifle—well, on Kregen we'd say “Hesink,” which is similar to ‘de trop', too much. I've seen the kings and queens reduced to a quivering jelly merely because he looked at them in his Dray Prescot way.

  Trouble erupted over in Tarkinlass and there was nothing for it but that he must fly off there immediately to sort things out. Mother spoke to him most strictly. Other people pointed out various facts. In the end, grumbling like Muruaa, he agreed to let the army go and sort things out as was their duty.

  “I'm becoming just like Mevancy called me,” he burst out. He mentioned Makki Grodno and the Divine Lady of Belschutz. “Just a damned cabbage!”

  A nesting of new flutduins had just come to their prime. These superb birds, originally from Djanduin, were capable of easily carrying two people. I value our Vallian aerial cavalry as highly as our Phalanx, as my guard corps.

  “That's it!” declared my father on a morning when the suns shone quite nicely. “A flight! Delia, my heart, let's fly aloft and get some fresh air into our lungs!”

  “We'll take a picnic.”


  “You remember the impiter, and flying from Umgar Stro?”

  “Aye. Aye, I remember. And all the rest, all the rest. Those days will never be forgotten—”

  “Particularly when there are innumerable puppet shows, and plays and books, recounting the astonishing adventures of Dray Prescot.”

  My father let rip that astounding noise he claims is a laugh. “Most of ‘em are downright lies!”

  “Not all. Not all.”

  The flutduin was brought to the high terrace. He was a truly magnificent bird, brilliant of plumage and with a spirit—perhaps—to match his passengers. They climbed aboard, laughing, and fixed the clerketers. The bird gave two enormous beats of those curved wings and soared aloft.

  As, shading our eyes against the suns, we stared up, a scarlet and golden bird, small beside the flutduin, spiraled overhead.

  In these latter days my father had told me of the Star Lords and the Gdoinye. Silda held my arm. Up and up soared the flutduin.

  I saw it all, clearly, without hindrance, and marveled at the wonder.

  Blueness grew about the bird. The shape of a giant Scorpion formed. Hovering, gigantic, the Scorpion lowered over the soaring bird. Redness shone down lambently.

  So often my father had said it. Delia, Delia of Delphond, Delia of of the Blue Mountains, and Dray Prescot, Lord of Strombor and Krozair of Zy, Empress and Emperor of Paz, were carried up in the blue radiance of the Scorpion in
to the scarlet infinity of the Star Lords.

  I know exactly what he was saying.

  “By Zair! What now!”

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  * * *

  A Glossary to the Lohvian Cycle of the Saga of Dray Prescot

  References to the six books of the cycle are given as:

  SRB Scorpio Reborn

  SAS Scorpio Assassin

  SIV Scorpio Invasion

  SAB Scorpio Ablaze

  SDR Scorpio Drums

  STR Scorpio Triumph

  NB: Previous glossaries covering items not included here can be found in Volume 5: Prince of Scorpio, Volume 7: Arena of Antares, Volume 11: Armada of Antares, Volume 14: Krozair of Kregen, Volume 18: Golden Scorpio, Volume 22: A Victory for Kregen, Volume 26: Allies of Antares, Volume 32: Seg the Bowman, and Volume 37: Warlord of Antares.


  Accursed of Tsung-Tan: those sentenced to live one hundred lives before admittance to Gilium.

  Afflatus, Path of: one of the paths of Alternative Magic.

  Alternative Magic: theory of magic which attempts to perform the same work as that done by sorcerers (magic) and by gods (miracles) solely through one's own human powers.

  Ankharum: city at the western edge of the Great Salt Desert.

  Annorpha Aigrette: prize in an archery tournament at the Springs of Benga Annorpha.

  Annorpha, Springs of: hot springs located in the oasis town of Orphasmot.

  ham Armit, Taranto: the Rango of Firthlad, Khibil Jiktar aboard Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Arngalf Galfarn: a legendary warrior who was tested by the god Schnurrdun the All-seeing.

  Aron the Ferry: a ferryman on the River of Drifting Leaves in Makilorn. SRB

  Artifices of the Sword: Krozair treatise written some 2,500 years ago by San Zefan, Krzy.

  Arzuriel: demon employed by Carazaar, with four tentacular appendages instead of arms, each having a pseudo-head at its tip, a bulb-like growth containing two eyes set beside the fanged mouth.

  Asatha, Deldar Paline: Jiktar Vuvushi wounded by Shanks. SAB

  “Asleep by the Desert Lily": a plaintive little tune from Tsungfaril.

  autmoil: stranger.

  Avenue of Splendid Arches: a street in Makilorn.


  Bakkar, by: oath used by Naghan the Bristle.

  Bargrad the Pellin: Brokelsh whom Prescot recruited in Taranjin to resist the Shank occupation. SIV

  Bargray the Tumbs: a deckhand on the vessel Quaynt's Fortune. SIV

  Bella Chuan-Hsei: an actress traveling with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Beng Frust, Law of: law stating that when you urgently need an item you cannot find it.

  Benormy: Brukaj retainer in the retinue of Chan Holomin. SDR

  bindles: spines biologically generated in the forearms of Sinnalixi women, dischargeable at will.

  Blanky: preysany ridden by Prescot.

  bliem: life.

  blotto: Kregish for “ditto.”

  Bog: the name given to a fellow handy at bashing evildoers.

  Boromir of the Ashes: place where Caspar the Peaker was sent by the Everoinye.

  Borrakesh: kovnate in Tarankar.

  Braga: Brokelsh retainer in the retinue of Chan Holomin. SDR

  brellam: a variety of tree. They grow straight up and very tall. They spread wide branches and turn up their leaves in serried masses of cups. They prevent most of the rain and suns-light from falling to the surface, holding the liquid within their cellular structure. Consequently the ground beneath is relatively bare of lesser vegetation.

  bronze boxes: the vollers built by the Shanks use bronze boxes rather than silver boxes for lift and motive power.


  Cabbage: Mevancy's nickname for Prescot.

  Caran, San: Repositer and would-be murderer of Kuong Vang Talin.

  Carazaar: a sorcerer who seems to be connected with the Shank invasion. Described as having parchment-white skin, smoldering red eyes, a full brown beard, a lipless mouth with double rows of fangs, and mere nostril slits for a nose. SRB, SAB

  “Carnation Pink and Iris Blue": a song of Houdondrin in Loh.

  Caspar the Peaker: nickname of Caspar Del Vanian.

  Chaadur na Dorfu: known as Chaadur the Striker, Kurinfaril, alias used by Prescot in Tarankar.

  Chandro, San: one of the Queen of Tsungfaril's Repositers. SAS

  Chang-So: helmsman of the vessel Garrus. SIV

  Chang-So, San: court wizard of the Queen of Tsungfaril, who nurses a grudge against Prescot. SAS

  Changwutung: town where Prescot was dropped by the Star Lords into the middle of a walled garden.

  Chanshong: a city of Walfarg.

  Chardaz: homeplace of Mevancy.

  Chasserfic: snakelike water animal, with eight limbs, a fish's tail like an eel's, hinged jaws, and fangs all the way up to its throat.

  Chem: territory of jungles and hostile inhabitants in the equatorial latitudes of Loh.

  Cheng, San: Repositer of Trylon Kuong after the death of San Caran, with a sharp nose and rounded chin. SAB

  Chentoi: a race of diffs.

  Cheryl: daughter of the jewelsmith Hwang Tei; eloped with Naghan the Cheerful against her father's wishes and was miraculously saved by rain.

  Chiako the Gut: cadade of Tuong Mishuro's guard. SRB

  Chikitto the Unerring, by: an oath used by thieves in Makilorn.

  Ching-Lee: female companion of Wink. SAS

  Chuan-Hsei, Bella: an actress traveling with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Claransmot: oasis to the west of Orphasmot.

  Clishdrin: home of aphoristic people.

  Clovang: region of Tarankar consisting of mountains and valleys.

  Clovangjin: chief city of Clovang.

  Coram the Flatch: a dwa-Hikdar from 2ESW. SIV

  Cromal: yet another school of wizardry.

  crowpin: type of carnivorous plant.

  Csitra: twin sister of Queen Satra; died in childhood.


  Dahemin: exceedingly ancient name given in southern Loh to the twin moons of Kregen.

  Dalendin, Song of: song of the triumph of lovers Ornol and Vilia through adversity.

  “A day short of Eternity is still Eternity": saying attributed to San Blarnoi.

  Deliverance: name given to the jury-rigged flying craft stolen by Prescot and his friends from the Shanks. SAB

  Del Vanian, Caspar: a kaogoinye charged with killing Queen Leone of Tsungfaril; also a painter. SAS

  Demaskar Persuasion: a magical order having some very real powers.

  Dien-sing the Droopeyed: character in the song of Dalendin.

  dikaster: in the religion of Tsung-Tan, those trained to recognize a reincarnated paol-ur-bliem.

  diviner: dikaster

  Din'nagul: country in southern Loh.

  Djondalar, by: oath used by Prescot.

  Domesti: Och retainer in the retinue of Chan Holomin. SDR

  Dondo!: a way of saying, “Good!”

  Dovad Daisy: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Drajak the Sudden: alias used by Prescot in southern Loh. SRB

  Dravka: Brokelsh retainer in the retinue of Chan Holomin. SDR

  Drifting Leaves, River of: a dry river which once flowed southwards through Makilorn.

  dwaprijjers: swift piratical vessels that ply the trade along the Ivilian Keys.

  Drums, People of the: Inhabitants of the Realm of the Drums. Pallid of face, down-drooping of whiskers, with slack features and small, too-red mouths. They wear different kinds of jeweled fillets in their hair.


  eenlan: swift little arachnoid, all glistening brown, yellow, and black, which is said to be able to hear your muscles moving your bones about inside your body.

  Erlik: captain of Vendayha Lady. STR

  Erlon the Biceps: Jurukker in the Empress's Devoted Life Guard. STR

  Eternal Twilight, City of: an ancient city in the jung
les of Loh, under a time-freezing spell.


  Fang, Ron Dang: also called Rodders; a mercenary, a Bowman of Loh, companion to Kirsty. SAS

  Fansi: a Fristle serving-maid in the palace of Makilorn. SAS

  Fan-Si: a Fristle member of the band of Nath the Ron and Layla. SIV, SAB

  Fantong, Na-Si-: Wizard of Loh, seeking the Skantiklar. SAS

  Farang Parang: wastelands between Ankharum and Makilorn.

  Farantino, Orlon: known as the Rekarder, a Khibil retainer of Layla na Borrakesh. SIV

  Fardo the Splitter: brother of Fan-Si, taken by Shanks.

  Fariang, Laygon: a lord with a stutter who traveled with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Fashti: a shapely Fristle maiden, a member of Rikky Tardish's troupe. SRB

  Fenella: Puncture Lady who attended Prescot when he was paralyzed. SRB

  Ferlie: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Fing-Na: a thief of Makilorn. SAS

  ham Finral, Hangol: a Hamalese Strom, cadade of Vad Leotes’ guard, adherent of Lem, who took an intense dislike to Prescot. SRB

  Finsi the Silver: a member of Prescot's guerilla force in Tarankar. SIV

  Flamdi: name of slouncher on which Prescot crossed the Gleek Frankai. SRB

  flamin: south-Lohvian term for a sand scarf.

  flang: a type of vermin.

  Flarvil: a Fristle member of 1ESW. SAB

  Flesh, Path of the: one of the paths of Alternative Magic.

  flitchlak: a variety of tree similar to a syatra, which uses sticky tendrils to whip its prey up to the flower to be eaten.

  fluttclepper flick: hell for leather—very fast and risky speed.

  Foke the Clis: Fristle whom Prescot recruited in Taranjin to resist the Shank occupation. SIV

  Folly: slave of Princess Licria, frozen together with her in the underground Realm of the Drums, daughter of a Sybli mother and an apim father.

  Fu-Ming-Fung: alias used by Caspar Del Vanian.

  Fwang, Wei: needleman who cared for Llodi when he was wounded by Lady Pulvia. SAS


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