Scorpio Triumph [Dray Prescot #43]

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Scorpio Triumph [Dray Prescot #43] Page 22

by Alan Burt Akers

  Pride of Ruathytu: Flagship of the Hamalese fleet sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Princess of Zulfiria: Zairian ship commanded by Pur Zinkardo.

  Pulvia the Ringlets: assassin hired by Strom Hargon. SRB

  Pynsi: fickle girl of whom Ra-Lu-Quonling was enamored. SIV


  Quando the Iarvin: Khibil who escaped from the Shanks with Prescot and his friends, of considerable physical strength. SAB

  quanim: a race of diffs having long ears and a pointed chin.

  Quaynt's Fortune: boat on which Prescot took passage from Changwutung. SIV

  Queen's Matrons: court ladies who provide the queen with information about her past lives unknown to male Repositers.

  Quincing: one of Queen Satra's ministers.

  Quincy, Lulli: proprietress of a lodging house in Makilorn. SRB

  Quintrell the Licentious, by: oath used by Nath the Jarvis.

  Quinvarn: see ham Hilzim, Harulf.

  Quonling, Ra-Lu-: a Wizard-of-Loh-in-training who was thrown out for failing an exam. SIV


  Rafael: a kregoinye who worked with Mevancy, killed in a fire. SRB

  Rafe the Ponshim: one of Prescot's force of guerillas in Tarankar. SIV

  Raffi of the Lightning and Thunder: a Lohvian goddess.

  ragamo/ragama: a kind of general insult usually employed when you're not sure if the person you are addressing is a real shint, or just a hulu or a fambly.

  Ra-Lu-Quonling: a Wizard-of-Loh-in-training who was thrown out for failing an exam. SIV

  Ranal Shang-Li-Po, San: one of the Queen of Makilorn's Repositers. SAS

  Ranjat, Elten: kregoinye killed in service to the Everoinye. STR

  Realm of the Drums: inhabited tunnels and caverns beneath the City of Eternal Twilight.

  reedkhansix: headdress of silver coins worn by girls of Taranik, serving also as dowry, handed down from mother to daughter.

  Rendi the Keel: master of the boat on which Prescot took passage down the River of Oneness. SRB

  Repositer: in the religion of Tsung-Tan, one trained to draw forth the memories of a reincarnated paol-ur-bliem.

  Rhagran: Rapa captain of the guard in the retinue of Chan Holomin SDR.

  riffim: a race of diffs, who had invaded and taken over Tarankar.

  Rikky Tardish: master of a traveling entertainment troupe who employed Prescot as a clown. SRB

  rispa: a sweet variety of fruit.

  Rodders: nickname of Ron Dang Fang.

  Rogrifor: a Rapa guard in the retinue of Chan Holomin. SDR

  Rollo the Runner: alias used by Ra-Lu-Quonling

  Romano: cadade in the retinue of Vad Gochert, captain of the guard. SDR, STR

  Ron Dang Fang: also called Rodders; a mercenary, a Bowman of Loh, companion to Kirsty. SAS

  Ronal the Waspish: a Hikdar with the Vallian force in Loh. SDR

  ronil: a purple-red jewel of great price.


  Samral: castle on the western side of the town of Miliksin.

  Sandar Na-Ku: a Pachak warrior aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Sandeater: zorca ridden by Prescot from the Springs of Benga Annorpha to Makilorn. SAS

  Sardanar: town located at the mouth of the River of Glinting Charm, with massive sea walls and fortifications dating back to the early days of the Walfargian empire.

  Satra: former Queen of Pain, frozen for hundreds of years by a magic spell in the Realm of the Drums beneath the City of Eternal Twilight. SDR

  Scanda: a Hikdar, a member of the Sisters of Voxyra. SAB

  Seeds of Ganfowang: Grodnim name for the Seeds of Zantristar.

  Seeds of Zantristar: group of tiny islands to the south of the western end of the Eye of the World.

  Schnooprins: a synonym for Shanks.

  Schnurrdun the All-seeing: legendary god who tested Arngalf Galfarn.

  Scrimshi the Sturr: A guard in the retinue of Vad Leotes. Killed by bandits. SRB

  shal-armorer: assistant armorer.

  Shamfrin: a city in Walfarg.

  Sharn: name of an ibdrin.

  Shan-lao Ortyghan: head of an armor shop in occupied Taranjin. SIV

  Shang-Li-Po, San Ranal: one of the Queen of Makilorn's Repositers. SAS

  Shangsha: a town of southern Loh.

  Shankjid: voller sent by Vallia to fight the Shanks, rescued by Prescot from a shuckerchun and flitchlak. SAB

  She of the Blushes: a name used in Loh for the fourth moon of Kregen.

  She of the Sundering: river in southern Loh forming the western boundary of the desert.

  Shenlitz: a variety of liquor.

  Shernly: Kovneva of Shamfrin.

  Shiang, Tsun and Hosifi: potters, parents of a baby supposed to be the reincarnation of the assassinated Queen of Makilorn. SAS

  Shirrendrin: a coastal land of Loh.

  Shorush-Tish: Zairian storm deity.

  shuckerchun: predatory animal which sucks its victims below the earth.

  Sichaz, Death Jungles of: Lohvian term for the Ice Floes of Sicce.

  Siloni: a woman of Makilorn, mother of the reincarnated Vad Leotes. SRB

  Sindi-Wang: a thief of Makilorn, a woman of enormous development casually displayed between the folds of her dress. SAS

  Sing-Lee: a Kov of Shirrendrin.

  Sinnalix: home country of Mevancy, south of Murn-Chem in Loh. Once advanced in culture, but now little better than barbarians; also the inhabitants of this country; the women have the ability to discharge darts from their forearms, while the men are brutish, misshapen, and ugly.

  Sinnalixi: plural of Sinnalix.

  Sin-Sin-Yarelving: renowned martyr of Lohvian history.

  Skantiklar: a set of nine jewels yielding unimaginable sorcerous power.

  Skobog, Ornol: an old kampeon in the Emperor's Yellow Jackets. SIV

  Skull Charger: Hamalese airship sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB

  Slezen: needleman who attended Prescot when he was paralyzed. SRB

  slikker: a boat similar to a dhow.

  slouncher: animal native to the deserts of Loh, similar to a camel, but with eight legs and three humps. Will kill anyone attempting to molest their young.

  Snarlendrin: a country of Loh.

  snizz: to backfire, go awry.

  Snuffles: lictrix lent by Mevancy to Prescot. SRB

  Sooey: a thief of Makilorn, killed in the raid on Shang-Li-Po's secret villa. SAS

  spinzal: a type of bush.

  spotty-lind: nickname for a vorlind.

  Spurl, by: oath used by Mevancy.

  Squish and Queng, the: a tavern in Tuansmot.

  squonch: a variety of fruit.

  stangsi: predatory cave-dweller, wide and flat, like a cartwheel of tentacles and stingers and unpleasantnesses. It drops upon its prey from above.

  Sternum Hamparz: Ship Hikdar of Dovad Daisy. SAB

  Stinja: name given by Larghos the Throstle to his polearm.

  Stinkback: beast with four red eyes, with a scaled hide, humped in shape with prongs on its back.

  Stortingen, Cult of: another Lohvian school of wizardry.

  strank: twin-finned shark frequenting the rivers of southern Loh.

  Sundering, She of the: a river marking the western boundary of the trylonate of Taranik and the eastern boundary of Tarankar.

  Suringlas: a kregoinye who worked with Mevancy.

  Susy-Lee-Sarin: betrothed of Chan Holomin.

  “Sweet Flowing Water, The": song composed by Pitir Ng'gland from Ng'groga some five hundred seasons ago.

  Swiggletoe: lictrix purchased by Mevancy for Prescot in Ankharum. SRB


  Takroti, by: a Kataki oath.

  Talin, Kuong Vang: Trylon of Taranik, recently come of age.

  Tan: the prophet of Tsung in the religion of Tsung-Tan.

  Tanch, Tiny: an Ng'grogan member of the troupe of Rikky Tardish. SRB

  Tanki the Stitch: saddler in the caravan of Vad Leotes. SRB

Taranik: Trylonate to the west of Makilorn.

  Taranjin: capital city of Tarankar.

  Tarankar: country to the west of Tsungfaril, where the Shanks launched their invasion of Loh.

  Tarankar Army of Liberation: guerilla force organized to fight the Shank occupation by Prescot acting as Prince Chaadur.

  Taranta: Rangicha of Firthlad, sister of Taranto ham Armit. SAB

  Tardish, Rikky: master of a traveling entertainment troupe who employed Prescot as a clown. SRB

  Tawang, Nanji: Trylon of Fuokane, a disagreeable fellow. SRB, SAS

  Tei, Hwang: jewelsmith whose daughter Cheryl eloped with Naghan the Cheerful.

  Telsi: a lady of uncertain occupation, Lunky's fiancée.

  Ternantung: a town located on the River of Glinting Charm.

  Thalna, Lady: one of three heirs to the throne of Makfaril. SAS

  Thana ti Vincentsmot: a Jiktar with the Vallian force in Loh. SDR

  Thanko: a race of diffs with a mop of dusty hair and a drooping nose.

  ham Thanstrer, Hamish: Kapt of the Hamalian air fleet sent to fight the Shank occupiers of Tarankar.

  Thazdon: Krozair rescued by Prescot from a sinking slave ship. STR

  Thynzi: Zairian lady rescued by Prescot from a sinking slave ship.

  Tighten your scabbard: slang for “Don't lose your temper.”

  tikshvu: “missy"—a word often used to threaten and cow a young girl who has been rebellious.

  Tilly: a follower of the New Empire of Loh in Shamfrin. SDR

  Tim Timutorio: Bowman of Loh who lost three fingers and now lifts a shield at Seg Segutorio's back in battle. SAB

  Tomecdrin: a country in Balintol.

  Tongo the Lash: a Deldar in Prescot's force of guerilla fighters in Tarankar. SIV

  Tongwan the Slow: a guard in the employ of Tuong Mishuro. SRB

  True Trog: a deity of Tarankar.

  Tse-Tsu-Luenling: a wizard of Stortingen in the retinue of Vad Valadian. STR

  T'sien-Fu: Crebent left in charge of Taranik by Kuong. SIV

  Tsien-Ting: master of the vessel Quaynt's Fortune. SIV

  Tsungfaril: country in southern Loh.

  Tsung-tan: universal deity of Tsungfaril.

  Tuansmot: a village of Shirrendrin.

  Tuco: a Brokelsh enslaved by the Shanks. SAB

  Tuftytail: preysany ridden by Prescot in Tsungfaril. SRB

  Tun-du-Haffyien: art master at a school for Wizards and Witches of Loh. SIV

  Tuong Mishuro, San: a dikaster, assassinated by Pulvia. SRB

  Twang: a bowyer and fletcher of Makilorn. SRB


  Ul-ga-Sorming: wizard to whom Pynsi gave her favors. SIV

  Umblers: a funny race of diffs, erratic, incompetent, leaving behind them a trail of accidental damage. Skilled only at raising goats.


  Vakstirn: type of Shank who ride any saddle animals they can steal in the lands they invade.

  Valadian: a Vad, a Khibil, with one ear, leader of an expedition in the underground Realm of the Drums. STR

  “Valor is the better part of the Person": a saying of Valka.

  Vandar, Oglin: a swod aboard Shankjid. SAB

  Vangar ti Valkanium: admiral of the Vallian fleet sent to fight the Shanks in Tarankar. SAB, SDR

  Vangli ti Trishnar: a Hikdar in the guard of the Queen of Tsungfaril. SAS

  Vankari: a race of diffs of powerful physique, of practically no forehead, of spatulate nose, of wide gap-jawed mouth, of a stooped posture that emphasizes their brooding hunched menacing aspect. Like many a member of the poorer folk they chew Cham all the time. Reputed to be fond of Fristles, and the Fristles do not reciprocate, which amuses everyone except the Fristles.

  Varankey, Slender: a juggler in the troupe of Rikky Tardish. SRB

  Varnion: country known for mussels.

  Vasama: fat fussy woman who controlled Yoshi. SAS

  Vendayha Lady: Valkan flying ship dispatched to Loh. STR

  Vengali: type of Sorcerer from Vinkleden.

  Vilia: character in the song of Dalendin.

  Vinkleden: home of the Vengali sorcerers.

  volail: a variety of blue and white flower.

  voltigeurs: unarmored or lightly armored light infantry.

  Vondal ti Dernsmot, Ortyg: a Jiktar with the Vallian force in Tarankar.

  vorlind: a beast with six legs, a spotted hide of orange and black, and pads and claws that can remove your head as neatly as a headsman's axe.

  Voxyra: a minor and semi-secret religious sect of Vallia.

  Vutch-Ikar: a pagan god of Walfarg, with a pot-belly and staring eyes.


  Walfarg: ancient empire consisting of all Loh, Pandahem, and vast lands in the east of Turismond.

  Walfarg, Wizard or Witch of: Lohvian terms for Wizards and Witches of Loh.

  walfger: Lohvian term for mister.

  walfgera: Lohvian term for madam.

  Walig: Lohvian name for the green sun of Kregen.

  Wan-fuong: a chieftain among the Glitch Riders. STR

  Wanlicheng, Ornol: a wandering scholar, an adherent of Alternative Magic. SIV

  Wa-Te, Nath: fellow-slave to Prescot in the retinue of Princess Licria. SDR

  Wayfarers: also called Pilgrims or Pathfinders, adherents of Alternative Magic.

  wegener: saddle animal with six legs, narrow flanks, and a spiky head.

  Wei Fwang: needleman who cared for Llodi when he was wounded by Lady Pulvia. SAS

  “The Well that Never Ran Dry": a Lohvian song.

  “When a Wizard meets a Wizard, Sailing through the Air": a song of Loh.

  Whonban: homeplace of the Wizards and Witches of Loh.

  Whonbim: an inhabitant of Whonban.

  Wielder of the Brass Rod: one Kregan expression for a slave overseer.

  Wink: a young man stabbed by a thief in the Tavern of Lush Bonhomie. SAS

  Wioldrin: a Lohvian province.

  Winkal the Horknik: a Shank prisoner rescued by Prescot's guerillas. SIV

  World, Path of the: one of the paths of Alternative Magic, in which the seventh corner is of special significance.

  Wr.: abbreviation for walfger.

  Wurzam, by: a Lohvian oath.


  xichun: flying animal something like the xi of the Stratemsk, with green and gold red-edged scales, deeply curved iridescent wings, sinuous necks, whiplike tails, and small wedge-shaped heads with jaws stuffed with needle teeth.

  Xinthe, Lady: student, nurse and cook to Ornol Wanlicheng. SIV


  Yaka the Stripe: Kataki slave overseer in the retinue of Princess Licria. SDR

  Yakwang, by: an oath of Makilorn.

  Yango, San: one of the Queen of Makilorn's Repositers. SAS

  Yoshi: a diviner of Makilorn. SRB, SAS

  Yriang: a purple-faced, jewel-bedecked Stromni who traveled with Mevancy in the Farang Parang. SAB

  Ysbel: woman of Makilorn who assisted in rescuing Mevancy from the river.


  zaffim: race of bulky, two-armed, tail-less diffs, characterized by lumpy, as it were unformed, faces, with large brow ridges and squashed noses, and jaws that are narrow to the point of nonexistence holding snaggly teeth.

  “Zair lays many a trap for the unwary feet of the boastful": a proverb of Sanurkazz.

  Zalfi: Zairian lady, wife of Pur Thazdon, rescued by Prescot from a sinking slave ship.

  Zamran: a pretty market town in the kovnate of Zamra.

  Zamrarn: country in southern Loh, source of black pearls.

  Zanad: Krozair rescued by Prescot from a sinking slave ship. STR

  Zanath na Zenrik, Pur: inventor of a neat and subtle twin attack with the Krozair longsword three hundred seasons ago.

  Zefan, San: Krozair author of the treatise the Seventh Circle of the Artifices of the Sword, approximately 2,500 years ago.

  Zilfi: daughter of Lady Thynzi. STR

  Zinkardo: Krozair rescued by Prescot from a sinking
slave ship. STR

  Zinter the Afflicted, by: a Zairian oath.

  The Zinul and Queng: a tavern of dubious delights in Hinjanchung.

  Zunida the Laudable, Lady: prayer-idol stolen from the Sisters of Voxyra.

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  About the Author

  Alan Burt Akers was a pen name of the prolific British author Kenneth Bulmer, who died in December 2005 aged eighty-four.

  Bulmer wrote over 160 novels and countless short stories, predominantly science fiction, both under his real name and numerous pseudonyms, including Alan Burt Akers, Frank Brandon, Rupert Clinton, Ernest Corley, Peter Green, Adam Hardy, Philip Kent, Bruno Krauss, Karl Maras, Manning Norvil, Chesman Scot, Nelson Sherwood, Richard Silver, H. Philip Stratford, and Tully Zetford. Kenneth Johns was a collective pseudonym used for a collaboration with author John Newman. Some of Bulmer's works were published along with the works of other authors under “house names” (collective pseudonyms) such as Ken Blake (for a series of tie-ins with the 1970s television programme The Professionals), Arthur Frazier, Neil Langholm, Charles R. Pike, and Andrew Quiller.

  Bulmer was also active in science fiction fandom, and in the 1970s he edited nine issues of the New Writings in Science Fiction anthology series in succession to John Carnell, who originated the series.

  More details about the author, and current links to other sources of information, can be found at, and at

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  The Dray Prescot Series

  The Delian Cycle:

  1. Transit to Scorpio

  2. The Suns of Scorpio

  3. Warrior of Scorpio

  4. Swordships of Scorpio

  5. Prince of Scorpio

  Havilfar Cycle:

  6. Manhounds of Antares

  7. Arena of Antares

  8. Fliers of Antares

  9. Bladesman of Antares

  10. Avenger of Antares

  11. Armada of Antares

  The Krozair Cycle:

  12. The Tides of Kregen

  13. Renegade of Kregen

  14. Krozair of Kregen

  Vallian cycle:

  15. Secret Scorpio

  16. Savage Scorpio

  17. Captive Scorpio

  18. Golden Scorpio

  Jikaida cycle:

  19. A Life for Kregen

  20. A Sword for Kregen

  21. A Fortune for Kregen

  22. A Victory for Kregen


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