Lezard: "Of course. It's the same reason why we don't all have the same coloured hair and eyes."
Rachael: "So if you got a lot of Neurons, your Rostical becomes much stronger?"
Lezard: "Yes. It's also not Remenistal, everything incorporates Neurons. Neurons can also boost physical attributes."
Rachael: "I don't quite get what it does-"
Lezard: *He shook his head.* "It's easier to understand when I explain both."
Lucky: "Astra-Astragons! Hyuck hyuck." *He giggled and rubbed his ears, leading the party through the tight dark cave.*
Twortz: (Even this autistic man knows what these Neuron things are...)
Lezard: "Exactly right, little monster-"
Lucky: "Rawrr." *He pretended to be a Scoldrant.*
Lezard: "Bwarharh."
Rachael: "Hehe. So, these Astra-Astragons?"
Lezard: "Astragons. These guys are responsible for the manipulation of space."
Rachael: "Wow?"
Lezard: "Neurons may determine the quality of one's power, but Astragons determine the size of one's attack."
Rachael: "Is that all Astragons do?"
Lezard: "It also determines the Rasticsplash of an attack."
Rachael: "What's a Rasticsplash?"
Lezard: "Well.. An example would be-..." *He looked up to the cave walls, staring at bright glowing crystals in thought.* "Ah! Like a fire based Remenistal, the Rasticsplash can determine how burnt you get from the attack."
Rachael: "The flame's heat.. Wouldn't that have something to do with Neurons?"
Lezard: "Jinkies! You catch on fast."
Rachael: "Hehe."
Lezard: "Although that's true, the Rasticsplash is like the aftermath or additional bonuses one can do."
Rachael: "If I had a lot of Neurons, that would mean I could erupt an entire building sized rock?" *She punched her fist up, implying a piece of rock erupted out of the ground.*
Lezard: "Nope. The size of the rock would be determined by your level of Astragons. The Neurons determine how hard the rock would be."
Rachael: "How would that work with water?"
Lezard: *He chuckled in an impressed-like manner.* "Not many people would ask about the other elements. Neurons and Astragons play their respective roles, but are different with each element."
Rachael: "So, water?"
Lezard: "Regarding the water elemental affinity, the Neurons determine how strong the water is, for example, its current."
Rachael: "And the Astragons?"
Lezard: "They determine your ability at controlling the water, and how much you're able to manipulate."
Rachael: "Hehe, that's wicked. Twortz, imagine me using water!"
Twortz: "..."
Lezard: "Unfortunately, not many people can use different elements."
Rachael: "They can't?"
Lezard: "People are very lucky if they're able to use more than one elemental affinity."
Rachael: "Fair enough."
Lezard: "Despite all this. Being born with Neurons or Astragons is very rare."
Rachael: "Oh?"
Lezard: "On top of this, both Neurons and Astragons are needed to be able to use Remenistal."
Rachael: "W-What? If having one is rare, then-"
Lezard: "Rostical Users are very rare to come by."
Rachael: "So, even if you have heaps of Neurons, if you've got no Astragons-"
Lezard: "Then you can't fart out a wind-based Remenistal."
Rachael: "Oh?"
Lezard: "But, you've got Azure Bursts, Ougis, and abilities."
Rachael: "Oh?" *She sounded intrigued, as if she wanted Lezard to explain.*
Twortz: (I'm a realist.. This just isn't possible.) *She continued to walk behind the party, gently touching her temple with a frown.* (It isn't..)
Lezard: "That's why I'm very intrigued about your Remenistal."
Rachael: "How come?"
Lezard: "The lucky rare few that are born with both Neurons and Astragons are aware of it. Some naturally excel in the skill, while others need to be trained up."
Rachael: "Hehe." *She formed a fist, looking at it with a confident smirk.*
Lezard: "It's very unusual how an adult only just activated her power?"
Rachael: *She shrugged her shoulders.* "I don't know what to say-"
Lucky: *He walked out of the cave and smiled in amazement.* "Wow! Lucky amazed! Amazed!"
Lezard: "Ah-" *He hobbled out of the cave and stood by Lucky's side.*
Rachael: *She stopped next to Lucky, slightly squinting her eyes in shock.* "Are we still underground?"
Lucky: "It bright, bright."
Lezard: "The party stood on a grassy field-, ooo! There's even butterflies and flowers." *He observed his surroundings in amazement.*
Twortz: *She noticed she stood on top of an enormous pillar, as the ledges curved downwards.* (I thought we reached the bottom? But I can clearly see the grass growing over the ledges.)
Lezard: *He looked up, squinting his eyes at the light.* "Despite being underground, physical Neurons lit up the cave like sunlight."
Rachael: "If that isn't the sun-"
Twortz: "How can vegetation grow under here? Even artificial light can't sustain flora."
Rachael: (Physical Neurons?) "That's because the light is Neuron filled. Neurons are pretty much an energy source."
Twortz: "What?"
Lezard: "Absolutely right, Razzicle!" *He smiled at Rachael and glanced at Twortz.* "Were you not even listening to Lezard's one-oh-one on Remenistal?"
Twortz: "Regardless, how much further?"
Lucky: "We tried to find friend, he went bad. He sick."
Rachael: "Lucky, how much further?"
Lucky: "Up there." *He pointed to hill with a distinctive dirt path which spiralled around it.*
Lezard: *He noticed flickering light on top of the hill.* (What's up there?)
Rachael: "More walking?"
Twortz: "Perhaps I'll sit this one out."
Rachael: "If you need to-"
Lezard: "That explains a lot of things." *He spoke on his breath, glancing away from Twortz.*
Twortz: *She frowned, gripping onto the frying pan.* "Actually, I just changed my mind. I'll come."
Rachael: "Wicked. As what Ash would say, that's completely acceptable."
Twortz: "Yes."
Lezard: "Shall we make a move on-?" *He looked at the hill, noticing Lucky half way there.* "Holy fish-cakes! The little monster is half way there!"
Rachael: "Come on." *She smirked and started to jog towards Lucky.*
*The champion, Luna, Trevour and Nathan ran down a small grassy slope, instantly noticing a small village in the distance.*
Luna: "M-Magic?!" *She hissed to herself in a trance-like state.*
Champion: "What is wrong with her?" *She slightly changed direction, quickly hobbling towards the village.*
Nathan: "I have no idea.."
Trevour: *He looked over his shoulder, staring at two large distant mountains in the distance.* "We might be out of Sorrowprax's view, but I won't be comfortable until we're under a roof."
Champion: "Oh my, I was going to say something similar."
Luna: "M-Magic..."
Nathan: *He pulled Luna's arm, as she started to slow down.* "We're nearly at the village." *He grunted in an annoyed-like manner, implying for her to hurry up.*
Luna: *She recalled the sounds of the party's previous fight with the Scoldrant.* (All this time.. This is real-)
Champion: "I haven't familiarised myself with backwater villages. Where is this again?"
Trevour: "This is Nikitik Village."
Nathan: (This is near my home-.. I think?)
Champion: "Does anyone have one of those RPG bags?"
Trevour: "They're the bags that can store limitless amount of items without ever expanding or getting heavier, right?"
Champion: "That's the one." *She smiled, continuing to hobble to the vil
Nathan: "We just broke out of Sorrowprax. Even if we had one, I don't think we would've had the luxury of getting it back."
Luna: "RPG?" (This is real, but these acronyms.. Gah-) *She frowned in confusion.*
Champion: "Do we need a pass or anything like that to enter?"
Trevour: "Negative, miss. It has an Inn and a crafting shop." *He spoke with a smile of relief, listening to the faint sounds of people in the village.*
Nathan: "What about money?"
Trevour: "Leave that to me, sir."
Champion: "Money?" *She whispered to herself, looking at Trevour.* "I'll come too."
Trevour: "Sure thing."
Nathan: *He looked up, noticing the sun had started to set.* "I think we should rest for the night."
Trevour: "Sir?"
Nathan: "I usually prefer to sleep outdoors, but if I have an opportunity to sleep at the Inn, I'll take it."
Luna: "..."
Trevour: "Sounds excellent, sir."
Champion: "We'll get the supplies and you book in a room for us?"
Nathan: "No worries." *He spoke in a deep voice and nodded his head in agreement.*
Trevour: "Excellent." *He slowed down and started to walk in a more casual manner, stepping into the village.*
Nathan: "Why are you slowing down? Shouldn't we do what we gotta do quickly?"
Trevour: "We don't have to worry here. This is one of the few villages where warriors are-"
*A man noticed Trevour and gasped, causing nearby people to bow down to one knee.*
Luna: "I-It got quiet, wat's happenin'?"
Champion: "Oh my?"
Nathan: "They're bowing down to Trevour?"
Trevour: "Fear not! My appearance today is not business or threat related. Please carry on." *He shouted with a smile, causing the villagers to stand back up.*
Champion: "What did you do?"
Trevour: "Since this is the closest village to Sorrowprax, the warrior's have the most influence on them."
Villager A: *She ran up to Trevour, enthusiastically smiling with an opened mouth.* "C-Can I get you anything?"
Trevour: "No thank you, madam."
Villager A: "O-Of course." *She sighed and tilted her head down, slowly shuffling away.*
Trevour: "Sir-" *He caught Nathan's attention and pointed to his right.* "The larger house behind that small water fountain is the Inn."
Nathan: "Thanks." *He nodded his head at the champion and Trevour and started to walk away.* "Oh!"
Trevour: "Yes?"
Nathan: "Can you get me a sword?"
Trevour: "Erhm-?"
Champion: "We'll see what we can do." *She spoke with a high tone of voice, smiling with her eyes shut.*
Nathan: "Great." *He sighed in relief and pulled Luna's arm, causing her to stumble behind him.*
Luna: "Wat is with your fetish in havin' a sword?"
Nathan: "Tssk." *He frowned, purposely ignoring Luna's question.*
Luna: "Nah, I'm serious, aye?"
Nathan: "It's not a fetish."
Luna: "Wateva."
Nathan: *He sighed and walked up to the water fountain, purposely shoving Luna on a wooden bench.* "Stay here."
Luna: *She listened to the water flowing behind her.* "You're pretty harsh on a woman."
Nathan: "I don't care what gender you are."
Luna: "Oh? So, you a girl beater, aye?"
Nathan: "No, that's not what I-" *He shook his head and turned around, storming towards the Inn.*
Luna: *She looked down and raised her hands, waving them in front of her face.* (My eyes.. I still can't see anythin'-)
*Luna thought to herself with quivering lips, oblivious to the passing villagers who stared at her in shock.*
Woman: "Are you alright-?"
Luna: "B-Back off!" *She grunted, causing the woman to suddenly walk away.*
*Luna looked down to her lap, as tears of blood ran down her cheeks.*
Luna: (My eyes constantly hurt. I don't know where the hell I am, and there's all this unrealistic shit goin' on..)
*The sounds of a wooden door opening caught Luna's attention.*
Nathan: "I was able to get two rooms." *He waited for a carriage to wheel by before walking towards Luna.*
Luna: *She sniffed and quickly wiped the blood off her eyes.* "Good."
Nathan: "Tomorrow..-" *He sat down on the wooden bench next to Luna, looking up to the orange sky.* "I've been thinking about you lately."
Luna: "Y-You wat?"
Nathan: "Huh?" *He mumbled in realisation.* "I-I didn't mean like that."
Luna: *She looked away with blushing cheeks.* "Good. I don't even know what you look like, aye."
Nathan: "I was thinking.."
Luna: "Don't hurt yourself, aye."
Nathan: "No, I'm serious.. "You don't really know how things work around here, right?"
Luna: "Yea, sure. It's pretty tough bein' an alien."
Nathan: *He paused, raising an eyebrow.* "I'll escort you to Silver Wind Island."
Luna: "Aye?"
Nathan: "Silver Wind Island is the biggest city across both continents."
Luna: "If it's the biggest city, why haven't I heard of it?"
Nathan: "..."
Luna: "Well, why?"
Nathan: "You'll get answers there. Its research facility also contains The Library's archives."
Luna: "You know quite a lot for someone with an apparent memory loss, aye."
Nathan: "I remember facts, but I don't remember much about myself.."
Luna: "Gah.." *She sighed on her breath, causing Nathan to look confused.*
Sceldrant's Comet Page 22