Trevour: "Ah, yes, you're right, madam-"
Twortz: "Excuse me?"
Trevour: "I mean, Twortz."
Twortz: *She followed Nathan, cupping her hands behind her back.* "Where are we going?"
Nathan: *He placed his hands on his head and focused his attention ahead.* "We just follow this ridge West and we'll eventually get there."
Trevour: (I never got to ask my question-) *He quickly hobbled up to Twortz, looking at her in curiosity.* "Your musical instrument, it's a very unique weapon."
Twortz: "Indeed." *She spoke with closure, as if she ended the conversation.*
Trevour: "Heh heh.. I better leave you to it then." *He awkwardly chuckled and focused his attention to Lezard and Karol.*
Twortz: *She glanced at Trevour, observing his armour.* "You're a warrior-"
Trevour: "I used to be." *He hobbled by Twortz's side, ignoring his rattling armour.*
Twortz: "Were you a captain?"
Trevour: "Me? Oh no, heh heh. Captains usually wear platinum armour, not black or grey."
Twortz: "How do you become a captain?"
Trevour: "By rising up the ranks."
Twortz: "What if someone was really powerful, would they take over another captain?"
Trevour: "What do you mean?"
Twortz: "Well, bumping them out of captain ranking."
Trevour: "That's not possible."
Twortz: "That's it? Not possible at all?"
Trevour: "Well-" *He looked up in thought.* "Perhaps if the Consultant issued some sort of ranking change, it just doesn't happen."
Twortz: "So, the person just sits at vice captain level?"
Trevour: *He paused and tilted his head to the side.* "Well.."
Twortz: "Well, what?"
Trevour: "You could always challenge a captain."
Twortz: "And take their ranking?"
Trevour: "In a sense."
Twortz: "I'm not a person that likes to talk around the bush. Tell me straight up please."
Trevour: "Well, if you fight a captain to the death, you'll take their ranking that way."
Twortz: "I see."
Trevour: "Why? What is with these unusual questions? Are you planning to fight a captain?"
Twortz: "Hahackee, no. I was curious."
Trevour: "Heh heh, that's good. You'd need to be way stronger than you are now to even fight in a captain levelled battle."
Twortz: "I see." *She fake smiled, causing Trevour to chuckle more comfortably.*
Luna: *She walked closer to Rachael.* "So, got any burgers for me? I'm starvin', aye."
Rachael: "Hehe, no I-" *She gasped, staring at Luna's eyes.* "W-What happened?"
Luna: "Ah, I fought a few dragons and this was the scar left behind." *She sniffed her finger, pretending to be cool.*
Rachael: "Dragons? You mean Scoldrants?"
Destiny: "Yeup!" *She hopped on top of Luna's head, catching Rachael's attention.*
Rachael: "How can you see? Are your wounds just worse than they appear?"
Luna: "Ya don't even care about Destiny?"
Destiny: "Yeup?" *Her fur drooped, implying she was feeling down.*
Rachael: "Well.. I'm currently more concerned about your eyes."
Luna: "Aha, thanks, I'm blushin'."
Rachael: "So, about your eyes.."
Luna: "You mentioned Scoldrant.. Guess you're up to date with things in this world too, aye?"
Rachael: "Yeah, seems so."
Luna: "And I got attacked by some warrior slut, and yea.."
Rachael: "And-?"
Luna: "I can see through Destiny's eyes."
Rachael: "Destiny? Is that the Scoldrant's name?"
Luna: "Yea."
Rachael: *She looked at Karol and Lezard's back.* "Lezard-"
Lezard: "Hello, Razzypoo."
Rachael: "Could you please heal Luna's eyes?"
Lezard: "I'll be happy to, after a quick rest." *He pouted in an apologetic-like manner.*
Luna: "How can that gay guy heal?"
Rachael: "Luna-"
Lezard: "Happy? Yeah, I'm happy, bwarharh." *He chuckled at Luna, oblivious to her ill-mannered question.*
Nathan: *He walked into a dirt clearing and stopped, staring at an island out in the ocean.* "..."
Twortz: "Why have you stopped here?"
Trevour: "Sir?"
Nathan: "We're here." *He stared at the island, watching waves violently crash around it.*
*Lezard, Karol, Rachael, Luna and Destiny stood around Nathan, staring at the island in confusion.*
Luna: "Pssht! It's just an island?"
Destiny: "Yeu..?"
Twortz: "This hardly looks like a city to me."
Rachael: "The biggest city in the world couldn't possibly fit on that island."
Karol: "Spaycial Funnel?"
Lezard: "Correct, my little one."
Nathan: "There's a problem.."
Trevour: "A problem, sir?"
Nathan: "I don't have my entry's pass.."
Rachael: "What's that?"
Trevour: "It's an item that activates the Silver Triplets."
Luna: "Aye?"
Trevour: "They're the city's ultimate defence."
*A metallic-like object drifted in the air, catching the party's attention.*
Lezard: (Speaking of the devil.) *He giggled to himself in thought.*
Luna: "A floatin' piece of metal?"
Rachael: "That's what you don't see in this world! Litter!"
Twortz: "Indeed. It's much cleaner here-"
Nathan: "World?"
Rachael: *She looked at Nathan.* "I mean-"
Luna: "It's kool. We all know we're not from around here, aye?"
Twortz: (That is such a Lighten thing to do. Too bad if that was meant to be a secret-)
Lezard: "Ooo, my delicious strangers."
Twortz: "I highly advise you to not eagerly give away such information, Luna."
Luna: "But you lot seemed all friendly and stuff, I just thought-"
Twortz: *She shook her head, causing Luna to stop talking.* (I'm tired of these repetitive conversations. They can discuss them when I'm not here.)
Luna: (Bitch.)
Destiny: "Yeup."
Twortz: *She focused her attention back to the metallic object.* "What actually is that?"
Trevour: "A Silver Triplet."
Rachael: "Besides its colour, why is it called that?"
Lezard: "That's because-"
*The Silver Triplet tilted its angle and reflected the sun's light, causing a blinding light to shine in the party's faces.*
Rachael: "Bright!-" *She squinted her eyes and looked away.*
Trevour: *He covered his face, patiently waiting for something to happen.* "Almost-"
*The Silver Triplet continued its slow spiral and tilted angle again, causing the light to shine on the ocean.*
Karol: "W-Wow-" *He blinked and rubbed his eyes like a child.*
Nathan: "They're called Triplets because they have the ability to reflect any type of Astragons."
Trevour: "Which from a distance, gives the illusion there's more than one."
Twortz: "But that was light, not Astragons."
Lezard: "Astragons and Neurons flow through any and everything in this world, including light itself."
Twortz: "So, you could manipulate light?"
Lezard: "I suppose.. Only to an extent of course-"
Trevour: "It's thanks to those Rosterology items, we've been unable to take over Silver Wind Island."
Twortz: "Rosterology items?"
Trevour: "They are Rostical based devices."
Twortz: *She had a flashback of the door spiralling open in front of her.* (So, is that what they call technology over here?)
Rachael: "When you say, unable to take over. You mean, the warriors?"
Trevour: "Yes, madam."
Nathan: "But Silver Triplets aren't Rosterology items."
Trevour: "They're not, sir?"
Nathan: "They're Ancioldrants."
Luna: "Wow, more new stuff to wrap your head around, aye." *She grunted in frustration.*
Rachael: "Hehe, you're better than Lance.. He'd just blatantly ignore stuff that's vital to know."
Luna: "Aha, true. You know him quite well?"
Rachael: "Because of Ashton."
Luna: "Ah-"
Twortz: (Ignore stuff that's vital? The irony..) "What are Ancioldrants?"
Nathan: (I must've forgotten what they were for a moment-) *He rubbed his head in disorientation.* "They're Scoldrants that come from ancient times."
Luna: "Am I the only one picturin' mummies in pyramids?"
Nathan: "Or, it's the highest level a Scoldrant can reach."
Trevour: "The highest level?" *He pointed over his shoulder.* "We just fought a Guardian-"
Nathan: *He shook his head in response.* "Ancioldrants are higher ranked."
Trevour: "Even the Guardians themselves?"
Nathan: *He nodded his head.* "Even the Guardians themselves."
Trevour: "Unfathomable."
Luna: "More like, bullshit."
Twortz: (So, there're creatures even stronger than the one we just fought?) *She intensely stared at the ground.* (We almost died back there..)
Rachael: *She nodded her head to the island.* "What's the deal with the island?"
Nathan: *He shook his head in defeat.* "We could wait until-"
Lezard: "Luckily for everyone, Lezard once again saves the day, bwarharh." *He hobbled up to Nathan and slowly raised his hand, revealing a silver pearl.*
Nathan: "Don't tell me, that's-?"
Lezard: "A key to enter the island?" *He watched the island warp in response and a tornado-like swirl of Silver Triplets formed around the island.*
Trevour: "Wow-"
Luna: "There's like, hundreds of 'em!"
Destiny: "Yeu, yeup."
Karol: "H-How did they shuddenly uppear?"
Rachael: "A Spacial Funnel?"
Lezard: "Maybe closer to a Reality Marble?"
Twortz: "You sound unsure."
Lezard: "Holy fish-cakes, I don't know the answer to everything."
Luna: *She chuckled at the Silver Triplets.* "That's a kool defence as it is."
Trevour: "The Silver Triplets?"
Luna: "Nah, having the image of a boring island. Nobody would have two thoughts of inspectin' it."
Nathan: "Yeah."
Karol: (I've never been this far out from the citee before.. I'm so eggsited!) *He smiled in thought and staggered closer to Rachael for comfort.*
Lezard: *He concentrated, causing silver glyphs to spiral around the pearl.* (Here's the tricky bit, trying to stabilise the Astragons-)
*A transparent blue aura path suddenly shot from the island and connected into cliff in front of the party, effectively creating a bridge from one to the other.*
Lezard: *He smiled and lowered his arm, hobbling towards the edge of the cliff.* "Off we go, children."
Luna: "Ahh.. That won't hold all of us, would it?"
Lezard: "Sure it will!" *He purposely took a large step onto the path and looked down, watching the waves crash underneath.*
Trevour: "How riveting." *He spoke with excitement, eagerly walking towards Lezard.*
Luna: "Why you so excited?"
Trevour: "I've never been into the actual city."
Luna: "Aye?"
Trevour: "It's because-" *He looked down, staring at his armour.* "Us warriors are not allowed to enter the city."
Twortz: "Never?"
Trevour: "Only under certain circumstances."
Nathan: *He walked down the aura made path and stopped, glancing behind him at the party.* "Quit your dawdling."
Luna: "Quit ya dawdlin'." *She grunted like an idiot.*
Nathan: "Mature.." *He grumbled under his breath and continued to follow Lezard down the path.*
Karol: *He stopped at the cliff and looked down, causing him to squirm back in fear.* "I-I kan't-"
Rachael: *She watched Karol stagger back into her arms, causing her to place her hands on his shoulders.* "It's fine. You can hold my hand if you want?"
Karol: "N-No, I dohn't want!-" *He paused in mid-sentence.*
Twortz: *She watched Lezard, Nathan and Trevour walk down the path towards the swirling tornado of Silver Triplets.* "Then leave the child here and be on our way."
Luna: "Aha, wut?" *She chuckled with a serious question.*
Karol: "Weave me?"
Twortz: "..." *She stepped over the ledge and hesitantly placed her foot on the aura, as if she was inspecting its integrity.* (It feels like concrete.)
Karol: *He pouted his lips, frowning at Twortz.* "...-"
Rachael: "I can stay here with you, Karol."
Karol: "Y-Yoo dohn't have-"
Rachael: "You're my responsibility. I won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with-"
Luna: "Ya know, he's a kid, aye, not some noble prince.." *She grunted on her breath and awkwardly walked towards the aura path, suddenly stopping in shock.*
Rachael: (She does have a point. Maybe if I encourage him-)
Karol: "I whant to go-" *He quickly held Rachael's hand and walked towards the path, noticing Luna standing in the way.*
Rachael: "Luna?"
Sceldrant's Comet Page 45