Striking a Balance (Thalia Book 2) (The Thalia Series)

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Striking a Balance (Thalia Book 2) (The Thalia Series) Page 19

by Jennifer Bene

  “I’m staying, James.” Kalen crossed his arms and James shrugged. As long as he kept his mouth shut, he could watch. James tracked her as she jumped back and her hips dipped toward the ground as her core began to tire.

  “Lift your hips, flat back.” James felt the control come back and the frustration that had been fraying his nerves over the past week faded. Watching Thalia instantly correct from his command was like a fix of his favorite drug, and he only wanted more.

  Again, and again, she completed the moves. The muted bounce of her chest when she jumped up made his cock pay attention. Every curve of her body as she moved had him imagining his hands, his mouth, all over her. Her hips dipped again.

  “Hips up, Thalia.” He corrected, and she groaned.

  She lifted her hips until she felt her back straighten again, but she was quickly regretting trying to keep pace with Analiese that morning. The girl was sweet, but was really only talkative during a run, and so Thalia always pushed herself to keep up with her. Jumping forward she forced her legs to bounce her feet off the ground as she reached for the sky, and she could feel James and Kalen’s eyes waiting for her next error. She just kept going, over and over.

  How many of these was she going to have to do? She hadn’t even been counting.

  As more passed she could feel her legs getting weak, her knees aching to give her some respite by dropping to the ground.

  “Legs straight!” James’ voice caught her before she’d even started to drop her knees, at least, she thought she’d had them straight.

  Who did burpees like this? No one. That’s who. And why didn’t they do it? Because it’s ridiculous. This is ridiculous! She dropped again and felt her arms shaking to hold her in the plank position. As she tried to catch her breath the shaking spread down her body until she could feel her whole core vibrating with the effort of holding position.

  “Thalia, straighten out. You know better.” The admonishment made her gritted her teeth and push through. Rinse and repeat. Over and over. Her breathing was getting ragged, the shaking growing more intense with each plank. He caught her just after she had jumped back to hold the push-up position, her body quaking under the strain.

  “Hold it there.” James’ voice had that wicked edge of amusement, he knew exactly what he was doing. She knew if she could see his eyes they’d be turning that dark green that always made her wet in anticipation. “Hold it. Back straight. Lift your hips.” She did. The shaking grew more intense and she whimpered, fighting the urge to drop her knees, or just hit the ground. “Good girl. Up. Again.”

  With a grunt of effort she brought her feet forward, and bounced up.

  “Both feet off the ground. Jump again.”


  She jumped again, pushing harder to clear the ground for a nanosecond before dropping back to a crouch, plank again, and up. How long were they going to make her do this?

  A handful later and the frustration was getting to her as exhaustion set in, her muscles were giving out and every cycle was an endless list of corrections from James. “Did I say you could rest? Get in plank. Hips up. Legs straight. Straight back. Don’t step forward, jump your feet to your hands. Jump higher. You know you’re supposed to clear the ground. Up. Again.”

  A little scream of frustration ripped out of her, as she did yet another. Her body was shaking from the strain, getting back to a standing position took an exhaustive amount of effort and left her whimpering.

  “Again.” James’ voice was clear and steady, and she wanted to scream at him that she couldn’t do another. But she tried. Her arms almost collapsed when her weight dropped onto them to get into push-up position. Tears gathered in her eyes as she felt her hips drop, her knees angling towards the ground. “Straight back, Thalia.” She pushed until her body shook hard.

  “Please, Master. Please may I stop?” She begged between her loud breaths, and she couldn’t lift her head to see his expression, all she heard was -

  “No. Again.”

  Frustrated tears ran down her cheeks as she pushed harder to get to her feet again. She stood for longer than she knew was okay, but she just couldn’t do another. She couldn’t. “Please, Master?”

  “Thalia, jump.” James’ voice hadn’t changed and she wanted to scream, she wanted to beg him, she wanted to drop to her knees in front of him and ask him what the hell this was supposed to prove. Why wasn’t this enough?!

  She dropped to plank again and her arms gave out, but she caught herself on an elbow before she hit the grass. “Master -”

  Instead of comforting her, James’ voice snapped above her, “Up. On your hands.”

  That’s when she started crying. She was exhausted, she couldn’t do anymore. She couldn’t. Couldn’t he see that?

  “Thalia! Up!” His command had her responding, and she pushed up even though her muscles burned and her body argued.

  She knew it was terrible form, but she moved through one more cycle, James’ voice running commentary on every tiny error she made. Every little way she was failing him, in front of Kalen. Who knew how many she had completed? Fifty? A hundred? Two? How could he ask for more than she was capable? Couldn’t he see she was done? That her body couldn’t take any more?

  She snapped.

  Thalia had been standing but she collapsed to a kneel, dropping her head down as she heaved a ragged breath, tears streaking her cheeks as she finally gave up. “Chair! Chair, I can’t! I can’t anymore! Chair, please, Master, please.” She planted her hands on the ground in front of her as she tried to catch her breath, her fingers digging into the blades of grass. She was shaking from the strain she’d put herself through, and then she felt cool hands on her cheeks lifting her head up.

  “You did amazing, baby. Amazing. You are incredible.” James kissed her, his fingers pressing against the back of her neck, but he pulled back so she could continue catching her breath. His thumbs wiped her cheeks, and now that she could see his face, his dark green eyes had her swimming. “I’m so proud of you.” Pride flared in her chest at those words.

  “Ye did very well, Thalia. Maybe we should have ye running the physical training instead of Julie.” Kalen was smiling warmly at her.

  “She can keep it, Master Kalen. I prefer yoga for a reason.” They both laughed and James kissed her again.

  “For a minute there I was worried you wouldn’t use your safe word. You pushed way past what I thought you could handle, baby.” James’ expression was tense with concern, and she glanced at Kalen to see him evaluating her in a look so similar to Ailsa she almost laughed.

  “That was the purpose of this? To make me safe word?” Thalia looked back at James, a little spark of irritation lighting inside her. She had thought there was a number, that they’d stop it when they saw her physical exhaustion. She had felt ridiculous saying her safe word for what was basically an intense workout.

  “We had to know that ye would, it was Ailsa’s primary concern. James told us ye had never used it.” Kalen was still dissecting her with his gaze.

  “I’ve never needed it.” Thalia turned back to James, “Master, I swear, I’ve never needed it.” The edge of his mouth lifted, and the hunger in his eyes softened for a second.

  “I believe you. We just needed to know you’d recognize your own limits, that you’d keep yourself safe if you needed to.” James’ voice was gentle, the edge it held through the session had faded. The hunger returned to his gaze though as he slid his hands to her shoulders, his mouth finding hers just before he bit her lip. “Let’s go back to our room so I can make you feel better.” A wicked grin slid across his face, and Thalia was instantly wet. Six days of teasing and tension – she wanted him more than anything. She wanted him to take her hard, however he wanted her, again and aga-

  “We should discuss the session with Ailsa.” Kalen’s voice held an edge, and it made Thalia trip over her very pleasant thoughts. James stood up and faced Kalen. In a second the whole mood of the space shifted, Thalia watched silently
as they locked their eyes in a stare down.

  “I’m taking her upstairs, Kalen.” James’ voice had a growl to it, and her stomach dropped. Why would Kalen argue with James? She’d passed, hadn’t she? Was she in trouble for something?

  “That was not our agreement, James.” Kalen was speaking through his teeth, and she felt their anger spike.

  “What the bloody hell do you want from her? Are you looking for something specific, or is this just a power thing with you?” James raised his voice, facing off with Kalen properly and leaving Thalia on her knees to his right.

  “Everything I’m doing is for her! Just because it’s not what ye want, doesn’t mean it’s not the right feking choice!” Kalen raised his voice too which went from booming, to uncomfortably loud. Thalia was waiting for people to come out of the dormitory to see what was happening. A blush spread across her cheeks that had nothing to do with her workout.

  “She is my sub, not yours. Fuck your special rules, Kalen, I deserve at least the same respect you give the other Doms here!”

  “Really? Ye deserve respect?” Kalen laughed bitterly, “After how ye got, Thalia? After ye lied to me? After ye betrayed everything we have ever stood for and walked into my training school, and dared to pretend to be the same man I’ve called BROTHER?” Kalen was shouting, and Thalia could only watch with a sinking feeling in her stomach as the two Doms cleared the air.

  “I am the same man, Kalen! Jesus, I came to you! As soon as I realized she needed more than I could provide, I came to you!” James shoved his hand through his blond hair, holding it back from his forehead a moment as color hit his cheekbones. “Would you rather me have left her with them? Rather me have not harassed the fuck out of Anthony to move up the auction so I could get her out faster? Bloody hell, I would do anything for her! I will NOT apologize for having her in my life. I - I care about her!” Thalia’s heart was racing, and the tears in her eyes were all about how hard James had fought for her. They had both fought to get here. Why couldn’t Kalen see that?

  “Ye know we are all glad she’s here and safe. That is not the issue.” Kalen’s voice calmed a bit.

  “I knew you’d be pissed, but I trusted we could weather this after everything we’ve been through together. I trusted you to know my intentions better than this! I didn’t think you’d abuse the bloody situation or try and pull me away from her!”

  Pull her away? What?!

  Panic gripped Thalia’s chest as the same fear from the night of their argument swelled. She couldn’t imagine not having James. She wouldn’t leave him, not unless he kicked her out – and that would leave her hollow. Marcus hadn’t broken her, but losing James might do it.

  “Dammit, James.” Kalen turned away and walked a few steps with his fists clenched. He turned around and his eyes landed on Thalia, and she jerked back with the intensity of his gaze. “I don’t want to pull her away from ye. I want ye to be happy, we were all worried the last couple of years, and I think Thalia makes ye happy.” Kalen’s eyes moved back to James and she felt like she could breathe again. “But ye brought her here to get better, and we are all working on that. And part of that is talking about this session with Ailsa.”

  The tension eased and James looked down at her, his dark green eyes moved over her in a way that had her heart hammering a tattoo in her chest. “I want to take her upstairs, then she can see Ailsa.”

  “My God...” he sighed, exasperated, “Thalia? What do ye want?” Kalen was looking at her again, and having the undivided attention of two very intense Doms made her mouth dry. She wanted to disappear into the ground for a moment, but the tilt to James’ head as his eyes roamed over her pulled her back.

  She’d been begging for days for what she wanted, what she always wanted – every minute of every day.

  “Please, Master Kalen, I would really like to go upstairs. Please?” Her voice sounded so soft in comparison to the angry voices that had thundered across the expanse of the lawn moments before, but Kalen just laughed and looked at James.

  “She does beg so prettily.” Kalen’s voice rumbled, and James’ wicked grin was back.

  “Yes, she does, and I think I want to hear more of it.” His voice dropped and liquid heat pooled between her thighs.

  “Not on my lawn, please. Fine. Get upstairs. Then she sees Ailsa.” Kalen sounded stern, but his eyes were dancing as James tugged her to her feet and swept her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. She squealed and he brought his hand down sharply on her ass, making her squirm against him.


  The door to the bedroom slammed and her world flipped again, but she never touched the ground. James slid her down his front and pinned her against the door with his body. He kissed her like he was starving, and she returned it - because they were starving for each other. It had been too long.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist and she moaned into his mouth as she felt his hard length grind against her core. She pushed her hands into his hair to hold him to her and she rocked her hips against him, and he let her. He nipped her lip and she gasped, rolling her hips against him again as electricity sparked down her spine. She was finally starting to work toward release.

  “I can’t be gentle right now.” James growled against the skin of her shoulder.

  “I don’t want you to be gentle.” Thalia breathed and he bit down on the skin of her shoulder as he drove his hips hard against hers with a groan. The full length of her back pressed against the unforgiving door, and she moaned against his skin. One of his hands slid up under her tank top while the other wrenched the hair tie from her hair, the sting making her hiss before her waves dropped around her shoulders. His hand found her breast and he pinched her nipple through the sports bra. Not enough!

  Stupid clothes.

  She rubbed against him again, his own groan matching hers and then his fist tightened in her hair. “Go on. Take it. Make yourself come.” He ground his hips into hers, the hardest part of him giving a delicious friction that had her arching away from the door. He wasn’t having it, his body slammed her back against the door hard and he rocked his hips again, and she met him. Again and again, her pleasure spiking as he gathered her wrists and held them above her head. Her mouth was open, moans and whimpers of pleasure were all she was able to articulate as she tumbled headlong toward her orgasm. His mouth was on her neck, her shoulder, tracing her jaw and then he captured her mouth and pressed against her so she could finally come. She used him, rubbing her core against him in rapid rocking movements that had her mind overloading.

  Her body tightened, her lungs caught, and lightning pulsed into liquid heat between her thighs as she shattered. She cried out, knocking her head back against the door as she squirmed against him, but he held her firm. Every line of his body still taut with tension as he let her coast down from her orgasm. “Thank you, thank you, thank you...” she was babbling and she didn’t care. He groaned in her ear, and left a trail of nipping kisses down her throat.

  “You are so hot.” His hips bucked against hers again and she was intimately aware of just how much he wanted her.

  “Please, Master.” She pleaded, arching against him again, and tugging at his grip on her wrists.

  “Please what?” His voice was rough, and she hissed as he tilted his head down and bit her nipple through the layers of fabric.

  “Please fuck me!” She jerked at his grip again and he tightened his hold on her wrists and in her hair until she moaned. She’d missed this, she needed this. When his head came back up there was only a thin rim of green around the black of his pupils, and she knew her own need reflected back at him.

  “Anything for you.” His hands dropped to support her against him and he walked to the bed and pushed her back onto it. His fingers instantly delved under the waist of her running pants and her panties, and he pulled them off with such force her hips came off the bed. Then his mouth was nipping, kissing up the inside of her thighs and her fingers found his hair again, driving her hips up
toward his mouth.

  He didn’t disappoint her. He growled as his tongue swiped between the lips of her pussy, gathering the evidence of her first orgasm and sending her arching off the bed with a moan that ripped out of her at surprising volume. His fingers dug into her hips as she moved against him, his tongue swiping ever closer to her clit. She was whimpering, begging in incoherent streams, her hands alternatively in her hair, and then the sheets, and then back into his hair to try and bring him closer to what she needed.

  “Oh God! Please! I can’t! I can’t!” She was half-screaming, and he lifted his head with a grin, leaving her tenuously at the edge.

  “You can. I know you can, baby.” And with a delicate swipe of his tongue he thrust two fingers inside her, leaving her clit untouched as she squirmed. She tried to rock her hips harder, so close to another orgasm, but he eased his touch back, keeping her completion just out of reach. His mouth trailed bites and kisses over her hips, the outside of her thighs, his tongue moving across her lower stomach, inches from where she craved it. She was losing it, too much teasing over the last week, her body was tense, her back arching sharply so she was looking at the opposite wall.


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