Striking a Balance (Thalia Book 2) (The Thalia Series)

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Striking a Balance (Thalia Book 2) (The Thalia Series) Page 21

by Jennifer Bene

  She hadn’t wanted to go back inside.

  Long after the blue rental car had disappeared down the drive she had stood there sniffling and wiping her cheeks. Maggie was the one who wrapped her arms around her and promised her the opportunity to drink several glasses of wine with the girls if she would just follow her. And so she’d walked inside and found all of the girls in the drawing room – no Doms in sight.

  Must be the morning meeting.

  “Oh, Thalia.” Julie jumped up and hugged her, and Thalia found herself crying again. “Sweetheart, I do the same thing every time Antonio leaves.”

  “And every time, I always open wine.” Maggie shut the doors to the room and wandered over to a bar tucked in the corner with a bottle of wine in her hand and another under her arm. “It’s after noon, so Kalen can’t complain about it.” She grinned as she popped the cork of one bottle. “And if he does, send him my way. I’ll take the credit, and the punishment.” Her eyes twinkled as she poured glasses, and she let out that bawdy laugh as Julie joined her. Despite herself, Thalia felt her mouth turning up at the edges.

  “Don’t be sad, Thalia. He’ll be back in a few days.” Lauren kissed her on the cheek as she walked over to the bar to grab a glass of the wine, and Thalia dropped to the couch.

  “Yeah, before you even know it! Although if I’d been screaming like you were yesterday and earlier today, I’d be in mourning too.” Chloe grinned at her and Thalia felt a blush flood her cheeks.

  Ah, so everyone had heard them.

  “You act like Brad doesn’t have you melting into a puddle every time, and I know for a fact that I make you come hard enough to wake a few neighbors.” Lauren said and laughed across the room. Chloe grinned and winked at her as Lauren came back with a glass of wine for Thalia and she took a sip. Red, and dark, and delicious. A chirruping sound filled the room and Maggie pulled a small cell phone from her dress, and answered it as she walked out of the room with a backwards smile.

  Thalia jumped when she felt fingers dig down the neck of her shirt and tug the fabric back. “I knew it was Valentino.” Marisol’s voice floated behind her before she came into Thalia’s line of sight as she headed toward the wine. “From your other clothes I thought you had no taste.” She shrugged one delicate shoulder as she took a sip of wine, “Guess I was wrong.”

  “No one wants to hear it, Marisol.” Julie rolled her eyes. Thalia didn’t even know who had made the shirt, it was another of James’ purchases for her, just something in the closet to choose from. It was a simple, white blouse, and the name Valentino vaguely registered in Thalia’s mind as a designer. Maybe she’d heard it on TV?

  “Or, Julie, it might be that Thalia does want to hear from me, unless that shirt belongs to another of James’ lovers?” Marisol glared across the room at Julie, and Thalia almost choked.

  “Marisol, please stop, can’t you see she’s upset? He just left.” Analiese was so quiet, but the girl could talk when she wanted to, and the fact that she spoke up for Thalia made her feel brave enough to respond too.

  “He’s only with me, Marisol, and I didn’t know who made my clothes, my Master bought them.” Thalia took a generous drink from her wine glass to quell her nerves, and Marisol scoffed.

  “Well, for a minute I thought you had one redeeming quality, that at least someone here could value fashion. But, no, it is James that has the taste and the money for it.” Marisol walked back to a couch with her wine and coiled at the edge to stare at the small group.

  “Not everyone is as interested in material shit as you, Marisol.” Julie snapped.

  “Like you all stumbled on these men by accident? You find men who just happen to have money to come to this place? Ridículo.” Marisol rolled her eyes this time, and Thalia felt her temper spiking behind the wave of sadness still rolling through her after James’ departure.

  “I can’t wait for the day Ethan figures out what a gold digging bitch you are.” Lauren was normally bubbly, and she still said the biting statement with a gleeful tone, but the tension of the room increased.

  “He loves me. He worships me, and he does what I ask. He won’t leave me, and he’ll give up on this little fantasy of his soon enough. Then we get back to our life.” Marisol was so prideful.

  “You mean you can get back to his money.” Julie mumbled, but Marisol heard it.

  “If you want to crawl around on your knees, saying ‘yes, sir’ or ‘no, sir’, go ahead. I’m worth more than that, and I get what I’m worth.” She drank more of her wine, and Thalia wished she could record this bullshit for Kalen to play for Ethan.

  Maggie came back in with another bottle of wine, and Marisol instantly went quiet. Analiese was shaking her head, and Chloe and Lauren had dropped into a chair together to whisper quietly.

  “Yer going to be just fine, lass.” Maggie topped off Thalia’s glass before grabbing the seat next to Julie. “He’ll be back soon, and we will keep ye busy. James mentioned ye do yoga? Maybe ye could show us some things?”

  Julie perked up at the mention of that and Thalia thought it over. She had missed yoga, and she had filled in for instructors before in an unofficial way. That could be a nice distraction. “Umm, yeah. If Julie would be okay with me using some physical training time, I think - I mean I’d love to lead yoga.”

  “Sounds great. So, here’s the really important question, girls, does Valentino make yoga pants?” Julie dissolved into laughter at her own joke, and Maggie laughed even though she didn’t know why it was funny. Soon, the whole group was giggling and Marisol had stormed into the corner to refill her wine.

  It was going to be a long week, but at least she’d stopped crying - and right now she had wine, and several people who were quickly becoming friends, and a way to contribute to the group.

  A week alone in Purgatory was manageable. She could do it.

  Chapter Eleven

  “This is torture.” Thalia whined into the phone and she heard James’ soft laugh from the other end of the line.

  “Agreed, baby. I’d give anything to be there with you instead of here.” His low groan filled the line and she bit her lip as she imagined his jaw tightening, his eyes darkening.

  “Come back early then?” She was close to begging even though she knew he had to be at work this week, something about a review of the company’s quarter, and James had to be there for it. Three days without him after four months of seeing him every night? She’d take a week of canings before she’d voluntarily go through this again.


  Now all she could think about was James and a belt and screaming and coming for him. Over and over. She squirmed in the chair by the phone and fought the urge to slip her hand between her legs while she could hear his voice.

  “I’ll be back as soon as possible I promise.” He paused and she heard him chuckle, “Thalia. What are you doing?”

  Her nails were gliding along her thigh and she hadn’t even realized that she’d pulled the hem of her dress up, her breathing changing as she imagined his hands on her. She was soaked. “Um, nothing.” Thalia pulled her hand back and pushed it through her hair, forcing a shaky breath.

  “Hmmm.” His voice dropped to a whisper, and she pictured him leaning forward in his office with that wicked grin. “Are you wet for me, pet?”

  She groaned quietly, “Yes, Master.” His chuckle filled the line again, all male satisfaction.

  “You should ask Kalen if you can relieve some of that tension. Maybe if you ask very nicely -”

  She blushed furiously and buried her face in her hand, “Oh God, I can’t ask Master Kalen that!”

  “Can’t ask me what?” The deep booming voice came from her left and her blush spread like wildfire. Kalen was standing a little down the hall, a dark t-shirt stretched across his chest, and jeans hanging off his hips. Thalia’s mouth dropped open in wordless shock.

  “Is Kalen there, pet?” James’ voice purred across the line and she couldn’t even respond. Kalen’s dark eyes had her stuc
k. “Give him the phone.” James’ command had her holding the phone out towards him.

  “It’s my Master.” She barely whispered the words, but Kalen smiled and walked over to her, his heavy steps thumping over the floor before he took the receiver from her hand.

  “James.” Kalen’s voice was deeper, and his eyes didn’t leave her as he stared down at her. “Ah, I see.” His smile widened, and he tilted his head a bit as she heard the murmur of James’ voice from the phone. “I think I can arrange that. Yes. We’ll see ye in a couple of days, brother.”

  Kalen held the phone down to her and she took it back, cupping the phone to her ear. “Thalia?” James’ voice was back in her ear.

  “Yes, Master?” The breathless tone in her voice matched the sudden pounding staccato of her heart in her chest.

  “Kalen is going to help you out with some stress relief. I want you to obey him,” her breath caught, and he continued, “Don’t worry, you’re not going to bed with him, at least not until we discuss your dream some more and then I will absolutely be there for that.” He groaned, “I need you to do something for me though. I want you to describe everything that happens in vivid detail for me when we speak again. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.” Thalia couldn’t breathe. Kalen was standing over her, and she suddenly felt dizzy with the rush of heat that pulsed between her legs.

  “Good girl. I have to go. We’ll speak soon.” James sighed, “I really miss you, baby. Now go on, hang up.”

  “Yes, Master. I really miss you too.” Kalen took the phone from her hand and set it in the cradle, and she stared up at him.

  “Wait here.” Kalen’s command settled over her and all she could do was nod. He turned on his heel and left her in the chair, her thighs pressed together firmly against the gathering wetness. Minutes passed as a hundred scenarios rushed through her mind. What had James said to him? What had they planned? What was going to happen?

  When Kalen returned he was holding a small white plate, and he smiled. “Stand up.” She did and he held the plate out towards her.

  She took it in a shaking hand, and held her breath again to try and slow it.

  “Drop it.” Kalen had his eyes locked to hers and her mouth went dry. Her fingers slid over the smooth edge of the plate, and she was confused by the command. He wanted her to - His voice deepened, his Dom voice making her jump. “Drop the plate.”

  Thalia let it slide between her fingers and the loud crash of it shattering at her feet made her gasp. His hand snapped forward into her hair, angling her head back as he stepped closer to her. “Now, look what ye did? Ye broke one of my plates. That’s not very nice.” He said it with a playful smile, and far from fear, a whimper of anticipation slipped out of her.

  He pushed her back, his shoes crunching on a piece of plate before he used her hair to guide her around the remnants. “I’m - I’m sorry, Master Kalen.”

  “Well, I think I know how to punish subs who break things so carelessly. Follow me.” The edge of his mouth tilted up and her knees went weak.

  James had known exactly what she craved without her even voicing it, and now she was going to be punished. By Kalen.

  His hand left her hair and he turned down the hall, leaving her standing there for a moment as her head spun. When he was almost ten feet ahead of her she rushed forward to keep up with his long stride. Then he stopped at a door, but he didn’t open it yet. “Tell me yer safe word, Thalia.”

  “It’s chair, Master Kalen.” She was barely whispering.

  He grinned at her. “And I know ye know how to use it.” His hand slid to the back of her neck where he held her and pushed her ahead of him into the room as he opened the door.

  Inside, Thalia immediately saw Analiese and Nick to the side, and Analiese was already naked and on her knees, her forearms wrapped in coils of rope that seemed to be braided together. It was... beautiful. Kalen applied more pressure to her neck so she was forced to look away from them. Maggie sat on the floor in a corner, her legs folded to the side and her blue eyes locked on Thalia, her eyebrows lifted slightly.

  “Sir?” Maggie’s voice floated in the silence, and Thalia’s pulse was too loud in her ears as she stood there. Kalen let go of her and took a step towards his wife, who was also, absolutely, his submissive at the moment.

  He paused mid-step and glanced back at her, “Thalia, strip.” Then he continued to Maggie and tugged her off the floor to kiss her fiercely. Thalia’s hands shook as she unzipped the dress, and Maggie moaned against Kalen’s mouth.

  “I figured an example would help Analiese, and since Thalia decided to break a plate...” He kissed Maggie again and she nodded with a little smile and slipped back to the floor. “She’s due a punishment.”

  The dress pooled around her feet and her hands went to the bra, it dropped, and then she slid her panties down. Naked in front of four people, Thalia’s stomach was all butterflies and liquid heat as Kalen moved towards her like a predator. His hand went back to her neck and he nudged her forward towards Analiese and Nick. That’s when she saw Lars sitting in a chair in a corner where the dim light of the room barely reached.

  Correction. Five. Five people. Holy shit.

  Thalia almost tripped over her feet on the plush carpet, but Kalen’s other hand was there at her shoulder to steady her. Nick was shirtless, in black jeans, and he was lean but fit. Normally, he reminded Thalia of a laureate, all quiet intellect with a brooding stare. But standing over his submissive bound in elegant lines of rope, he oozed a casual power that made Thalia want to have a very detailed conversation with Analiese. Kalen stopped her in front of the girl who had yet to lift her eyes, “Kneel.”

  She slid down, mirroring Analiese’s form and dropped her eyes from the girl’s taut body. She couldn’t take a full breath in the anticipation.

  “Nick, I didn’t get to watch ye bind Analiese. I’d like to see ye work yer magic with Thalia. Do ye have more rope?” Kalen was speaking above her.

  “Of course.” Nick’s feet moved past them, and returned a moment later with loops of smooth, beige rope hanging at his side. Thalia’s mouth was dry in her excitement, and she bit her lip as Nick crouched in front of her and picked up her arm, his dark eyes capturing hers. “You will tell me if it pinches even a little, because it will hurt a lot more once you’re pulling. Understand?” His voice was soft, but it sent a thrill down her back. She nodded.

  It seemed to take forever as he coiled rope, alternating arms and braiding in between until her forearms were linked together as intricately as Analiese’s. Kalen asked questions and watched carefully as Nick worked. It was like art, and it felt comfortable, and with each coil she grew more excited as a hundred ideas ran through her head.

  “Does it feel alright?” Nick’s voice shook her out of the quiet meditation she’d fallen into. Analiese had barely moved the entire time, completely quiet.

  “Yes, sir.” Thalia nodded, and she fought the urge to squeeze her thighs together as the realization of how firmly she was bound settled over her and turned up the heat in her lower belly.

  “Then let’s get started.” Kalen grinned and helped Thalia stand while Nick helped Analiese to her feet. They kept their hands on each of the subs as they led them to what looked like thick wooden beams embedded in the wall. They would have been decorative except for the series of dark metal circles installed above her head. Kalen and Nick moved almost in unison, hooking carabiners through the loops of rope at the end of the braid and lifting the girls’ arms above their heads to attach them to the metal circles. Thalia had a little more give in her reach than Analiese, but neither girl could move back. Thalia stole a glance to her right to find Analiese’s honey brown eyes looking back at her. The girl gave a little smile and then trained her eyes forward. Her excitement was evident as well.

  “Thalia, why are ye being punished?” Kalen’s voice was low and without humor, which was the only reason Thalia didn’t mention that she’d only broken the plate on his order. Not t
hat she regretted it.

  “I broke a plate, Master Kalen.” Thalia said and dropped her chin as she balanced on her feet.

  “Why, yes, ye did. How clumsy.” Now she could hear the humor in his voice, and she knew how much James would have loved to hear those comments, so she swore to remember all of it to tell him.

  “Analiese.” Nick’s voice was sinful as he said her name, full of promise, and she could see Analiese’s chest rise and fall in her peripheral vision. “Why are you here today?”

  “To work on being more vocal during our sessions, sir.” Analiese’s voice was ridiculously quiet when she responded.

  “See, Analiese’s last Dom preferred silence, and Nick wants to hear reactions. I think Thalia will be a great example of that, won’t ye?” Kalen’s hand moved down her spine, his thumb tracing each vertebrae, and she arched forward at the sudden contact.


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