Dragons of Asgard 3

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Dragons of Asgard 3 Page 5

by Logan Jacobs

  “Mm,” I mused. “I can see where you’re coming from. That’s a good point.”

  “Try it,” Asta urged with a huge smile. “I bet you can do it.”

  It had been a week or so since I found out I could see through the eyes of dragons, and in that time we’d managed to take out some dragon dealers, but I hadn’t had a lot of time to practice and harness my new ability yet.

  I figured now was as good of a time as any, so I closed my eyes and focused on Svass. I could feel her presence, and I could sense her feelings, but that was all.

  I took a deep breath as I opened my mind, and I blocked out all the sounds around me until I felt completely numb to the outside world. I could barely feel my body, though I knew where it was, and I was vaguely aware of what was happening around me.

  At first, all I could feel was blackness, but then something happened. It started with the smell of the stew. The scent hit my nostrils hard, and it was followed by the mirthful smell of the ground beneath me.

  Next, I could hear something, a small sort of swishing sound. I wasn’t sure what it was, but then I realized it was Uffe chewing.

  I took another deep breath and opened my eyes to the sight of a small bowl of food in front of me. I leaned down and took another bite, and then I looked up and over at Uffe, who stood next to me and slowly ate his food.

  I was doing it. I was seeing through Svass’ eyes.

  I could sense her emotions, too. She was happy and contented, and the food filled her belly and warmed her from the inside out.

  A small smile came over my face as I took in the little dragon’s experience, but then suddenly my head began to pound. I blinked, and I was back in my own body again.

  “You did it, didn’t you?” Kas asked, and she leaned forward on the makeshift bench and grinned at me again.

  “I did,” I confirmed with a smile.

  “Oh, that’s so great!” Asta cheered, and she clapped her hands and smiled wide. “You’re one step closer to being able to do it whenever you want.”

  “You’re right,” I agreed, and my smile widened until my cheeks began to hurt.

  It was easy to be ecstatic about something with Asta around. The white-haired elf girl smiled so easily, and her happiness was contagious.

  This ability really would be a big help for us, especially when it came to freeing dragons in captivity. If I was able to see exactly where they were and experience what they were experiencing, I’d know how to better help them.

  My dream where I saw through the eyes of the dragon in the Elf King’s dungeon had only informed me there was a dragon in trouble. It wasn’t until Asta recognized the dungeon that we’d known where the dragon was located.

  If I’d been able to control the ability, though, I could have stayed there longer and possibly figured it out for myself.

  I needed to keep working to harness this ability. My powers were the greatest asset we had against the dragon trade.

  After dinner was over, I helped Kas wash off the bowls and put them back in the cart. Then I retrieved the blankets and laid them out near the fire, but before I even got them all set up, Blar and Inger made their way over to them and plopped down.

  “You know you’ll have to make room for me on there, right?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, but the little blue dragon just fake snored and rolled away from me.

  Uffe curled up at the foot of Kas’ bed, and Svass looked around in a slight panic for a second before following Uffe and curling up next to his back.

  Uffe didn’t seem to mind since he just raised his head to look at her, smiled, and then lowered it.

  It seemed she was drawn to his calming presence like she’d been to Beyer’s when we visited the castle.

  “Alright,” I said after the beds were made. “You girls get some sleep, I’ll take the first watch.”

  “Thank you, Rath,” Asta said, and she crawled sleepily over to the bed and laid down.

  Her eyes were closed before they even hit the pillow, and as soon as she was comfortable, Inger crawled up to lay next to her.

  Blar was still sprawled out across the bed, but at least his snores were real now.

  Eira yawned and crawled under the blankets, too, and Svass made her way up to the pillow so she could curl up in the redhead’s long hair.

  Both women seemed to be asleep after just a few seconds, and I shook my head at how tired they must have been. We’d had a long few days, though, so I couldn’t blame them for being exhausted.

  “Why don’t you get some sleep, too?” I asked Kas.

  The beautiful Valkyrie girl stared into the fire, but she looked up at me with bright violet eyes when I spoke.

  “I will in a few minutes,” she answered with a smile.

  “Not tired?” I joked.

  “It’s just been a long few days,” she said, and then she stood up and came across the fire to sit next to me. “I figured we’re less likely to wake them with our talking if we’re next to each other.”

  “Good point.” I nodded. “It has been a long few days, but I appreciate all you’ve done. And dinner tonight was delicious.”

  “Thank you.” The strawberry-blonde flashed me a grin. “I think I just need to relax before bed.”

  “Oh.” My eyebrows pinched together. “Is there something I can do to help?”

  “Definitely,” Kas said, and she reached over and put her hand on mine.

  Then the Valkyrie looked up at me with lustful violet eyes as she bit her lip.

  Ohhhh. I gulped as my stomach did a flip.

  The touch of Kas’ skin sent a shiver down my spine, and my heartrate accelerated when I looked down at her heaving chest.

  “I want you,” she whispered, and she leaned forward and kissed my neck.

  “I want you, too,” I whispered back, and I ran my hand up her arm to the back of her neck so I could pull her to me.

  My mouth captured hers, and she let out a little sigh that only served to bring my erection to life.

  Kas’ hands tangled into my hair, and she pulled it out of its ponytail and ran her nails all over my scalp before she pulled them down the length of my back.

  I thrust my tongue into Kas’ mouth, and she met me with an equal fervor. She wanted me bad, and I could feel it in how panicked her tongue was as it swirled around mine.

  I slid my hands down to her waist and pulled her close to me so her body was pressed against mine. I could feel her ample breasts against my chest, and I slid my hands down even further so I could grab her perfect arse.

  “Mmm,” Kas groaned as she broke our kiss and tore in a ragged breath. Then the Valkyrie quickly straddled me and started to kiss down my neck. “I want you so bad.”

  “You’re so sexy,” I growled as I took in the sight of her on top of me, and I grabbed onto the bottom of her tunic and pulled it over her head.

  Kas shook out her mane of curls, and in the firelight, she looked absolutely stunning. The orange glow of the flames reflected on her strawberry-blonde locks and her pale skin, and desire burned through my veins like a wildfire.

  Her full breasts were on display for me, and her small pink nipples were already taut with desire, so I leaned forward and took one of them into my mouth, and I felt Kas arch her back in response.

  “Ohhh, yesss,” she groaned as her legs gripped my hips tighter. “That feels so gooood.”

  I used my tongue to toy with Kas’ nipple, and I gripped her hips and pulled her down so I could feel the heat of her pussy through my pants.

  Kas ground her hips against mine and arched her back further as I kissed over to her other nipple so I could pull it into my mouth.

  “I can feel you against me,” she panted as she ground her hips against my cock.

  I was as hard as a rock, and the feel of Kas’ pussy against me was driving me crazy. I ran my hand around to her soft belly and then down to her curly hair that was already soaked with her sweet juices.

  My fingers worked their way to her slick pussy, and I
let out a low groan at how wet she was before I slipped a finger inside of her.

  “Fuck,” Kas gasped as my finger entered her, and because of our soul bond, I could feel her pleasure as if it were my own.

  I pushed my finger deeper into her, and she pressed her hips down onto my hand.

  After a moment, I worked another finger into her, and she let out a low moan and arched her back as she gripped my shoulders and dug her nails into my soft flesh.

  “Oh, please, Rath,” she begged. “I want you so bad.”

  “You’re so wet,” I groaned, and I moved my fingers in and out of her slowly before I bent down to lick her proud little clit.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned, and her wild hair flayed out around her face as she moved her head from side to side and took in the feel of my fingers inside of her slick pussy and my tongue massaging her sensitive nub.

  I continued to devour my lover’s sweet juices until her entire body tensed with anticipation. Her nails dug in deep to my shoulders, and she threw her head back and pulled in ragged breaths.

  “Don’t… stop…” she moaned. “I’m going to… cooooommme…”

  Kas’ words trailed off as her body tensed, and her pussy spasmed on my fingers. Her mouth was pulled into a perfect O shape, and her eyes were clenched shut as she rode out the waves of her pleasure.

  Her experience overtook me, and I felt her pleasure as if it were my own. My eyes fluttered closed as I took in all the feelings Kas was going through, but then a loud sound startled me, and my eyes popped open.

  I glanced around quickly only to find Eira standing a few feet away with a canteen in her hand.

  “Um, … hi?” the redhead said.

  Well, this was awkward.

  Chapter 4

  “Eira!” Kas gasped, and she pulled her arms up to cover her chest.

  “I just needed some water,” the redhead mumbled, and she looked away. “I didn’t see you two until just now.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I hope you aren’t upset.”

  “I’m more upset that I didn’t think of it first than anything,” she chuckled.

  “Oh.” I frowned.

  Kas looked at me with curious violet eyes and then glanced back to Eira.

  “You could join us if you’d like,” she offered. “I know how it feels to need Rath, and I don’t want to keep him from you. As long as you don’t mind sharing.”

  “Hm.” Eira half-smiled and looked us up and down. “I suppose that would work.”

  “It’s settled, then,” Kas said, and she held her hand out for Eira to take it.

  “I guess so,” the redhead laughed and took Kas’ hand.

  “You’re way too overdressed, though,” Kas said, and she reached down and pulled Eira’s tunic over her head. “But that’s an easy fix.”

  It was incredibly sexy to see Kas pull Eira’s clothes off, and once the redhead’s tunic was a crumpled mess on the ground, I was able to take in the sight of her naked body.

  Her long red hair hung down to her waist, and she looked at me with lustful eyes as she sauntered over to us. Her full hips swayed with each movement, and her ample breasts bounced slightly with each step.

  Then Eira reached out and grabbed Kas by the back of her neck, and my cock throbbed in anticipation.

  Kas’ thighs tightened around my hips as Eira bent down to kiss her, and when I felt Kas’ pussy twitch in response, I realized my fingers were still inside of her.

  Eira’s piercing green eyes remained locked on mine as she thrust her tongue into Kas’ mouth and wrapped her fingers in her mane of curls.

  “Mmm,” Kas groaned as she pulled away.

  “Your turn,” Eira told me, and she leaned down to capture my mouth with hers as well.

  The redhead ran her tongue across my bottom lip and then gave it a little bite before she started to kiss down my neck.

  “Come here.” I reached out and grabbed onto her hips so I could pull her closer to me.

  Kas lifted herself off me then, and she got down on her knees in front of me.

  I pulled Eira’s naked body to me so I could run my hands up her stomach to her breasts while Kas undid the tie of my pants to free my erection.

  “I love your manhood so much…” The strawberry-blonde pulled my cock from my trousers and started to stroke it slowly while she ran her tongue around the tip and sucked on it.

  “Fuck,” I breathed as I savored the feel of Kas’ mouth on my cock and Eira’s full breasts in my hands.

  “Mmm, I want some of that, too,” Eira said, and she licked her lips and lowered herself onto her knees.

  The two women were both naked in front of me, and they started to lick up and down my cock.

  The feel of both of their mouths on me drove me wild, and I threw my head back and allowed myself to enjoy the experience.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” I groaned.

  “You taste good,” Eira purred.

  “I bet you taste better,” I growled, and I grabbed the redhead by the arm and guided her to the ground.

  Kas had already gotten one orgasm, so it was time for Eira to catch up.

  Once Eira was on the ground, I pulled my cock away from Kas and knelt down so I could put my face between Eira’s legs.

  Kas laid down next to Eira and started to stroke the redhead’s stomach and pinch and tease her nipples while I kissed my way up her muscular thigh to her sweet spot.

  “Oh, fuuuuuck,” Eira moaned as I gently pressed my lips to her pussy.

  She was soaking wet for me, and the taste of her sweet pussy made my cock throb with anticipation.

  I licked her up and down, and then I thrust my tongue inside of her until she gripped onto my hair for dear life. My tongue worked around in circles and up and down until I could feel her thighs tighten around my head.

  “Oh, Rath, don’t stop,” Eira panted as her grip on me tightened even more. “I’m going to c-cooommmeee!”

  Eira’s back arched as her orgasm overtook her, and my mouth was flooded with her sweet come.

  I lapped up every bit of Eira’s pleasure, but the taste of her in my mouth was almost too much. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I lifted myself up and pulled Kas on top of Eira.

  The strawberry-blonde got onto all fours above the redhead, and her perfect arse was in the air so I could see just how wet she was for me.

  I rubbed my cock against her glistening pussy for a second before I slowly pushed myself inside of her.

  “Ohhhh, yessss,” Kas moaned as I filled her completely.

  My cock bottomed out against her womb, and her velvet walls clenched me tightly as she struggled to fit me inside of her tight pussy.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” I growled as I gripped her arse with both hands.

  “Mmmm,” Eira groaned and pulled Kas’ face down so she could capture her mouth once more.

  The sight of the two of them kissing only fueled the fire within me, and I pounded into Kas hard as I watched them go at it.

  Eira reached down and began to rub Kas’ clit as I pounded into the strawberry-blonde from behind, and the slick sound of our lovemaking filled the warm night air.

  It didn’t take long before Kas’ body seized up, and she arched her back and let out a low moan.

  “Fuuuuuck,” she groaned as I continued to thrust in and out of her as hard as I could. “Don’t… stop…”

  I kept going, and a second later, Kas’ pussy clenched me hard as she was pulled into waves of ecstasy. I could feel her pleasure, and it made my cock twitch as her sweet pussy spasmed around me.

  She looked incredibly sexy on all fours with her back arched and Eira under her, but Kas had gotten her second orgasm now, so it was time for Eira to get hers.

  After Kas rode out her waves of pleasure, I laughed and smacked her arse before I carefully pulled myself out of her. She crawled off Eira and then moved to sit by the warband leader’s head with her legs spread open wide so I could see her swollen pussy lips.r />
  “Gods, the two of you are too sexy,” I growled as I grabbed Eira’s hips and pulled them to me. The redhead gasped as I slid inside of her in one smooth motion, and she gripped onto Kas’ legs for support.

  “Ohhh, fuck, yes,” Eira chuckled in a sexy, husky voice. “Mmm, fuck me hard, Rath. I know you want to.”

  “That’s what you like, isn’t it?” I asked as I slammed into her hard.

  “Yes,” she panted and closed her eyes. “I want your cock so bad.”

  Her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust, and Kas reached down to squeeze them and pinch her nipples, which only served to turn me on more.

  “Oh, you like that, huh,” Eira moaned, and her green eyes bored into mine as she worked her hand up Kas’ thigh and inserted two fingers into her still dripping wet pussy. “How about this?”

  “O-Ohhhhhhh,” Kas moaned and leaned back as Eira used her fingers to fuck the Valkyrie hard. Her thrusts matched mine, and I felt my pleasure building. The feel of her was nearly too much to bear, especially when paired with the sight of her pushing her fingers in and out of Kas.

  “Mmmm, you’re so big,” Eira said as she lifted her hips to meet my thrusts. “Harder… oh, please, Rath.”

  “Harder, eh?” I growled, and I grabbed onto her hips and slammed into her as hard as I could.

  “Ohhh, yessss!” she screamed, and I saw Kas’ body tense up at the same time.

  “Fuuuuck, I’m coming,” Kas moaned, and she threw her head back with pleasure. Her naked body was lit up with the firelight, and I could see her sweet pussy clench around Eira’s fingers.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Mmmm, fill me with your come, Rath,” Eira purred, and her mouth opened wide as her eyes closed. A second later, her pussy clenched and spasmed on my cock as she was overcome by her orgasm.

  The sight and feel of her and Kas coming at the same time sent me over the edge, and I slammed into Eira’s tight pussy once more and allowed myself to climax.


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