Doctor's Baby Plan: A Doctor's Surrogate Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 5)

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Doctor's Baby Plan: A Doctor's Surrogate Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 5) Page 17

by K. C. Crowne

  That was all I managed to get out before she threw her arms around my shoulder and pulled me into a tight hug. And damn, did her body feel as good as ever. Her full breasts pressed against me through her baggy sweater, the sensation making my cock twitch to life.

  “You’re amazing,” she said as she let me out of the hug, her hands staying on my shoulders. “I’ve been having nightmares about how much this was going to cost to replace. I don’t know what to say.”

  Without thinking, I placed my hands on her hips. It hadn’t been intended as a sexual thing, but as soon as I felt the round, softness of her curves through her shirt, my dick stiffened.

  “Maybe neither of us needs to say anything.”

  She gazed up at me, her mouth opened slightly. She licked her lips slowly, invitingly.

  Kissing her would be a bad, bad idea.

  But I couldn’t resist. I leaned in and put my lips on hers, pressed her body against mine.

  And it was exactly as amazing as it had been the first time.

  The kiss started off chaste at first, like two people politely touching lips. It was almost amusing how we both wanted one another, but each seemed to understand that the moment our mouths touched we had crossed a line that we shouldn’t have.

  However, there was no denying the mutual longing.

  I opened my mouth and she opened hers, our tongues finding one another’s instantly. Her taste was intoxicating, the sensation of her lips on mine, her curves against my hand…it was like nothing else.

  I knew exactly what I wanted to do. My hands still on her hips, I lifted Carly off the ground and spun her in place, setting her down on the edge of the still-shaking washing machine. Once she was there, I tugged at her leggings, exposing the flash of black panties she wore underneath. We kissed more as I peeled the leggings and panties down, her ripe, flawless thighs bare before me.

  She kicked off her shoes and socks along with the leggings and panties, her eyes hungry.

  “You know, they say that a woman can come just from sitting on a washer like this.”

  “Maybe. But today’s not the day you find out.”

  “Is that right?”

  “That’s right. Because I’m going to make you come first.”

  I kissed her hard one more time before glancing down at her pussy, the trimmed hair above fire-red. I dropped to my knees, spreading her thighs to accommodate myself as I kissed the skin slowly and gently. She moaned as she ran her hand through my hair, guiding me closer and closer to where she wanted me.

  Soon I was at her lips, my mouth covering each inch of them in kisses before I spread them open, the tip of my tongue teasing her clit.

  “Oh...Oh my God,” she moaned. I flicked my eyes up to see that her head was tossed back, her chest rising and falling as I made slow circles around her clit with my tongue tip. I alternated techniques, starting with circles, then applying firm pressure against her. As I did, I slipped my fingers inside, her pussy warm and wet.

  She tasted like heaven, exactly as I would’ve expected. I synched my movements, licking her as I curled my fingers in a come-hither gesture, pressing down on her G-spot as I built up the movement of my tongue around her clit.

  When she came, she came hard. Carly threw back her head and moaned, her body shaking as I brought her to orgasm. I couldn’t imagine a sweeter sight than watching her come on my mouth.

  Her orgasm rose and faded, and when I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, I was so fucking hard that I could barely think straight. When Carly turned her gaze on me, a sly smile on those sexy-as-fuck lips, her hand gripping my cock through my slacks, I didn’t need her to say a word to understand she wanted the same thing as me.

  I took hold of her hips once more and spun her around on her feet, a squeal of surprise sounding from her lips. Once her gorgeous, perfect ass faced me, I placed my hand on the small of her back and bent her over, Carly’s glistening wet pussy there before me.

  Then I grabbed my cock by the base and put it at her opening. Carly’s hands were spread over the top of the drier, her head turned around enough for me to see a sexy little smile on her mouth.

  With a push, I moved into her. The pleasure was beyond compare, her velvety walls stretching out around my cock until I was buried to the root in her perfect pussy. She moaned, squirming her ass against my hips, my cock entirely vanishing inside of her.

  I held fast for a moment, giving myself a short time to savor how good she felt, how fucking sexy she looked bent over in front of me. When I decided I couldn’t resist her any longer, I pulled my hips back and crashed into her, Carly’s ripe ass shaking from the impact.

  She shrieked, her hands gripping onto the sides of the drier. I moved into her slowly a few times, watching my cock vanish into her wetness. But I could only manage that pace for a short time before an animalistic need to rut, to fuck her like a wild beast, came over me.

  I thrust into her with wild abandon, my hands gripping the roundness of her hips as I plunged into her again and again. Her moans became shrieks, and I could tell from her noises that she was close to another orgasm.

  “Ryan, you’re going to make me –”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish. Her pussy clenched around my cock and she came, her moan cutting off as the pleasure ran through her.

  When the orgasm passed, she stood up and turned around, her legs shaking.

  “I need to lay down,” she said. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

  I put my hand against the small of her back and pulled Carly against my hardness.

  “Good. Because I’m not done with you yet, either. Not by a damn sight.”

  Chapter 20


  I could barely think, let alone walk. My legs were wobbly and rubbery underneath me as I led Ryan into the living room. He still had his shirt and socks on. I nodded to him and he quickly worked his way out of them.

  When he sported nothing but an erection, I could only stare at him, taking in the sight of his incredible body. The guy looked more like a professional surfer or a CrossFit champ than a doctor. But I wasn’t about to complain. Instead, I pulled off my sweater and unclasped my bra.

  The way his eyes lingered on my bare body let me know that he was as into me as I was into him. There was only so much staring I wanted to do, however.

  I stepped over to him, his eyes tracking along the outline of my body. I glanced at his small scars, loving them for the way they made his body unique. And when I was close, he took me by the hips once more and guided me onto the couch.

  I glanced over at the open window behind the TV, Brandon’s house visible beyond, a tinge of apprehension running through me. The window wasn’t low enough for anyone to see onto the couch, but when I’d been standing…

  Ryan’s lips on my neck blasted any thought out of my mind other than that of his body against mine. I laid down onto my back, spreading my legs wide to accommodate him. By this point I was so wet that he glided into me effortlessly, the feeling of his thick, rock-hard cock inside of me almost enough to bring me to another orgasm right there on the spot.

  He pulled back and pushed into me hard, my breasts shaking from the impact. Soon we were in a steady rhythm, my hands on the narrow V of his hips as our bodies flowed together like a unified wave. I closed my eyes and focused on the pleasure, savoring the way he felt inside me, how each thrust brought me closer and closer to another climax.

  “Come with me,” he said, his voice low. “Right now.”

  I didn’t need to hear any more than that. The orgasm released, and I felt his cock pulse inside of me as he drained himself deeply. For several wonderful, perfect moments, our bodies were one, in complete sync.

  I kissed him as we hit the peak of our pleasure, and we descended together.

  When we were done, he slid out of me then wrapped his arm around my body. I said nothing, my eyes closed, my head resting on his broad chest, a pleased-as-hell smile on my face.

  He kissed m
e again and I opened my eyes.

  “You know,” I said. “Sex is kind of even more fun when you don’t have to worry about –”

  As I spoke, I caught sight of something, someone, near the window. I sat up quickly, my eyes wide with shock. Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest pillow and pulled it over my breasts.

  “What’s wrong?” Ryan asked. He didn’t wait for me to answer before springing up, his powerful body tensing with readiness. I was startled and in shock, but there was no doubt that he wouldn’t hesitate before taking apart piece-by-piece any threat to us.

  “I thought I saw someone by the window.” My heart thumped hard in my chest.

  “Who the hell would be out there?” Ryan stepped over to the window and looked around. “Don’t see anyone.”

  “I…maybe I imagined it.”

  “Or maybe you didn’t. I don’t like this neighborhood; I don’t like –”

  Now he was the one to be interrupted. I heard the familiar sound of tires on the gravel driveway, followed by headlights flooding the living room. The front curtains were drawn, which meant Adam didn’t have to come home to a full-on view of his naked sister and her…whatever Ryan was. But it was still enough to put the fear of God into me.

  “We need to get dressed, now. That’s my brother.”

  Ryan didn’t wait for me to say another word. He zipped around the room, collecting his clothes and throwing them on while I did the same. By the time I heard the keys in the lock, we were both dressed.

  The door opened and Adam stepped inside. “Hey,” he said, his eyes down. “What’s for din –”

  He raised his eyes to see Ryan and I standing together, me with a big, dumb smile on my face.

  “Uh, hey,” he said to Ryan.

  “You’re Adam?” Ryan asked. “Pleased to meet you, finally.” He stepped over to Adam and offered his hand. “I’m Dr. Ryan Anderson.”

  Adam regarded it for a moment, as if not sure what to do. I almost said, “don’t be rude,” but considering he’d likely realized by that point what had been going on in the house just minutes before he’d showed up, I wasn’t about to force him. After all, I knew where that hand had been.

  Adam, however, managed to sidestep the weirdness. He closed his hand into a fist and offered that instead.

  “Nice to meet you, Dr. Anderson.”

  They bumped fists, relief washing over me. The last thing I needed was Adam getting protective over me.

  “I’ll, uh, give you two a minute,” Adam said. “Got to put my backpack away.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I replied. But Adam was already on the way out of the living room, waving his hand over his shoulder as he disappeared around the corner.

  “Damn, tall kid,” Ryan noted.

  “That could’ve gone a lot worse.”

  “He’s probably not sure what to make of me,” he said. “I know how teenage boys can be.”

  Silence fell. Now that Adam was gone, there was still the matter of what was happening between the two of us.

  To my surprise, he took his wallet out of his pocket and began leafing through the bills inside. After he’d gathered a few, he handed them over to me. They were hundreds – five in total.

  “Here,” he said.

  I raised my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips. “Do I really need to say, ‘I’m not that kind of girl’?”

  He smirked. “Not for services rendered, dear. This is the first stipend. Take it, and we’ll discuss the rest of all that when you’re feeling up to it.”

  I glanced up at him, then down to the bills. And as much as I hated to admit it, my mind went to work on its own with all the ways I could put that money to good use.

  As I deliberated over what to do, I felt strange, like someone was watching me. But when I glanced over at the window, no one was there.

  “Come on,” he said. “We had an agreement, and I’m sticking to it.”

  I sighed, then took the money. “Fine. But…”

  “But nothing. This is a strange enough situation for you, and I’m going to make it easier by not letting you have to worry about bills.”

  The money still in my hand, he stepped forward and planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

  “I’ll see you soon. And Carly, I’m really excited about this. I hope you are, too.”

  He smiled at me warmly one last time before leaving the house. I said nothing as I watched him leave, listening to his truck start and pull away. Once he was gone, I finally came to my bearings and glanced down at the money.

  I thought about what I could do with it, all the improvements I could make around the house with five-hundred extra dollars. There was the washer, for one. Ryan had said that, despite his repairs, it was on its last legs. Having a working washer that I didn’t need to worry about almost seemed like an unimaginable luxury.

  “So,” Adam said over my shoulder as he came back into the living room. “Someone get a house call from Dr. Ryan?”

  I turned on my heels, my eyes flashing. “Adam!”

  “What?” he asked with a shrug. “Just calling it like I see it. And what was with that accent? Is he from Australia or something?” Adam, dressed in his basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt, crossed his arms, and leaned against the wall.

  “New Zealand. And you don’t need to worry about it.” I wasn’t mad, more embarrassed.

  “I’m not worried about it,” he said. “If anything, I’m happy for you.”

  This was a shock. Adam was a cool, reasonable kid. But part of me had expected him to get defensive when it came to what men his older sister had around.


  “Carly, you’ve been busting your ass taking care of me since Mom and Dad died. And I know you might think I’m not paying attention to anyone but myself, but I notice this stuff. Like, I notice that you’ve been too busy with work and me to go out on normal dates.”

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “I don’t know the guy, but he seems cool. Don’t get me wrong – if he’s a dick toy you I’ll beat his ass. But I trust you to pick good dudes.”

  “Thanks, Adam.” I was still processing what he was telling me. But damn if I didn’t appreciate it.

  “I want you to be happy, you know. Plus, I’m almost gone. It’s time for you to start thinking about yourself.”

  That would’ve been a very good time to tell him about the real reason Ryan was there. But before I had a chance to even think about it, a knock sounded at the door.

  I had no idea who it might be. Ryan came to mind, but I’d heard him pull away.

  “Anyway,” Adam said as I turned toward the door. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks,” I said again, still stunned by his maturity on the matter.

  He walked around the corner as I went to the door. Instead of looking through the peephole like I should’ve, I unlocked and opened the door.

  Brandon stood on my porch with his flabby arms crossed over his chest, his face in an expression of pure anger.

  “Can I help you?”

  He pointed off into the distance, in the direction that Ryan had gone. “You want to tell me what the hell that was all about?”

  “Excuse me?” I was dumbfounded and pissed that he’d even say anything and confused at what he was going on about.

  “I saw what was going on with you and that…that man. Pulling up here in some fancy fucking car, paying you for sex. You think I’m going to stand around while some woman in my neighborhood whores herself out of the home next to mine?”

  It took me a second to realize what the hell he was talking about.

  Then I put it together. Brandon was the person who’d been looking through the window. And he’d seen Ryan hand me money. But there was no doubt that the real reason for his anger wasn’t that he thought I was a sex worker – it was jealousy, through and through.

  “First of all, that’s not what happened.”

  “Then what was it?” he asked, his eyes looking on the verge of
bulging out of his head. “I saw you two after the fact. Then I saw him hand you cash. What the hell was going on, then?”

  I was pissed, and not about to humor this asshole.

  “How about it’s none of your fucking business! And if I catch you looking into my house one more time, I’ll-”

  “Hey!” Adam shouted from behind me. “What’s going on out here?”

  I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Adam rush into the living room, anger on his face.

  “Your sister!” Brandon replied. “Turning this place into a whorehouse!”

  The moment he said the words I knew he’d made a bad, bad call.

  “The fuck you just say to my sister?” Adam roared, rushing toward Brandon.

  I wasn’t exactly in the mood to stick up for Brandon, but I also didn’t want a fight to break out. I quickly positioned myself between the two of them, stopping Adam from knocking my neighbor right onto his ass, as well deserved as it might have been.

  “Adam!” I yelled. “No!”

  “I’ll kill this prick!”

  I managed to grab onto the door and slam it shut before anything bad went down. Once it was closed, I locked it and watched as Brandon got the hint and left my porch, going back into his house.

  The realization that I no longer felt safe in my own home hit me like a brick.

  Chapter 21


  Two days later, I woke up with some major pep in my step. Ever since I’d gotten the news that Carly was pregnant, I’d had a big, dumb smile on my face that I couldn’t shake off.

  I was going to be a dad. I was going to be a freaking dad.

  And the best part? I was doing it the natural way. Not that I had any problem with the in vitro process – I’d worked with plenty of women over the years with fertility issues and had seen firsthand how treatments like those could give them the families they’d always wanted.

  Still, deep down, I’d wanted to do things the old-fashioned way. I’d wanted to find an amazing woman and have a child with her, to raise our boy or girl together. Granted, the exact nature of my relationship with Carly was still very much up in the air. But she was pregnant and ready to see it through. And I was fine with her taking all the time she needed to decide how she wanted to handle the rest.


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