The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  Josef had got control sooner than the Wolf, and he laid a hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “She’s okay, he understands now, Gabe, calm down.” Josef’s words must have made it through, as Gabe visibly relaxed and then reached over and grasped one of Peri’s hands.

  “Again I ask – what was that all about?” Peri had no idea what was going on.

  Josef sat on the arm of her chair. “Peri, a mate, well, until quite some time after a bonding, a Wolf or Vampire will kill any male that touches their mate. Nobody and I mean nobody can do that, even Liam. If you need assistance, one of us will help, okay?”

  Peri looked between her two men. Gabe now seemed a bit more under control and Josef had his mask on. The one he used to shut out feelings from his face.

  “Uhm, okay, though that was a little dramatic, guys.” Peri tried to lighten the mood. It didn’t work.

  “Peri, you need to understand, the only reason Liam is alive is because it was Liam. If it had been someone we didn’t know, they would not be alive. You need to be careful of the people around you. Do not let anyone lay their hands on you. If someone tries, tell them it is not allowed and if they continue, they will die. It is as simple as that.” Josef still felt his anger simmering and knew that Liam was now terrified.

  Peri was more than a little shocked – kill someone for touching her? Shit, this mate thing was serious.

  “Yes, it is, Peri. The only acceptable time for anyone but Gabe or I to touch you is if you are in danger and one of my men is helping you. Or if you are hurt, although I can’t see that arising, as both Gabe and I will always be with you. So relax, tell me what Liam taught you.”

  Josef was stroking the side of her face now, and she moved slightly and kissed his palm. The kiss was soft and a mere whisper of a kiss, but it was enough to have Josef once again wishing they were alone.

  “You would not believe what I did! I conjured and held a snowball and then water in my hands. Then a flame – only a small one, but a flame all the same! Shit, if I had known how to do that before, I would’ve been a lot safer on the streets.” Peri’s face flushed as she spoke, her exhilaration clear for them both to see.

  “Good, little Witch. The more you learn, the better protected you will be. Now, we don’t have long till we land, do you want anything?” Josef thought he had felt that she was thirsty.

  “Yes, could I have some water, please?” Peri realized Liam had been right about getting her a drink of water. How did her practicing her power make her thirsty? Weird.

  Josef moved to a small galley and came back with a small bottle of water and a glass. Peri waved the glass away and just drank straight from the bottle, drinking it all in one go.

  “Do you want another?” Josef asked with a slight smile, but Peri shook her head. Josef took the empty bottle and glass and placed them back in the galley, then sat back down in his chair.

  As he did, he saw Liam watching him closely. Josef was pretty sure both he and Gabe had scared the Witch. However, it wasn’t something they could control, it was what it was.

  A few minutes later, the pilot announced they would be landing soon, and Peri started to get excited. She was going to see Daiki.

  Josef could feel her. “Peri, I had thought we would check in first, but you seem more than a little eager. Would you prefer Liam takes the luggage and checks us in and we go directly to your friend?”

  “Oh, could we, please? I’m dying to see him, it’s been nearly eighteen months, and I know he’ll have been worried. I’m desperate to see him. Oh and by the way guys – I will be hugging him!” Peri did not want either of them growling at Daiki.

  “Peri, did you not listen to what I just said?!” Josef sounded exasperated.

  “Okay listen, if I had a brother or a grandfather, would they be allowed to touch me?”

  “Well, yes, of course, they are family. We wouldn’t like it, but it would be allowed,” Josef explained, not quite seeing the relevance.

  “Well, just think of Daiki as my grandfather, that’s how I see him. You better get that in your heads, because I’ve missed him and I want a hug.”

  Peri had a little pout going on and Gabe laughed. “Okay, Peri, calm down. As you look on him like that, we will try to do so too. Okay?” Gabe could barely contain himself, she was adorable when angry.

  “Okay, now do I look okay? I want him to see I’m fine. He is such a worry wart.” Peri was straightening her dress and fidgeted in her seat.

  “You look wonderful, Peri. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.” Josef couldn’t help but smile, jeez a smile was becoming a regular thing on his face.

  Peri tried to settle down and stared out the window, watching as the ground came up to meet them. The approach to the airport seemed to take forever, and she wished it would hurry up and land.

  After a little bit, she noticed the ground now seemed to be coming up towards them a lot quicker and for a split-second she felt scared. Were they going to crash or was this normal? She had no idea.

  “It’s okay, perfectly normal.” Josef calmed her, and she went to looking out the window again.

  She then saw tarmac underneath and held her breath, as the jet landed effortlessly and slowed down. The noise of the engines now loud.

  They taxied to another large hanger, but the jet stopped outside. The pilot came a few minutes later, opening the door and releasing the steps. Josef stood up and took her hand. The two large Vampires that were security moved before them and exited first.

  As Josef led her outside, one Vampire was at the bottom of the stairs and one had walked to a large car, got in, and started it up. He got back out and opened the back door.

  Josef led her forward. She went in and sat in the middle, Gabe and Josef, of course, sitting either side of her. She had no idea where Liam was or how he would get to the hotel, but at that moment, she didn’t care.

  She was on her way to see Daiki.

  Chapter 12

  Places started to become familiar as they drove, and Peri held tight to one of each man’s hands. Josef’s thumb doing the rubbing thing and Gabe just holding tight.

  “Your heart is beating like crazy, Peri, I can hear it!” Gabe’s Wolf ears picked up the rapid beat easily.

  “I know, I hope he’s okay. I want him to know I’m okay!” Peri’s throat was closing up. Never in a million years did she think she would return to see Daiki like this: with two males as her mates, dressed in designer clothes, and with two bloody great bodyguards to boot. Daiki will be so surprised.

  As they drew nearer, her heart picked up again, and it took Josef’s calm tones to slow them. “Peri, deep breaths, in and out, calm and deep, that’s it. Now Liam has informed Daiki that you will be coming, but he did give him a later time, so he may not be expecting us early. Stay calm, Peri, I don’t want you fainting.”

  Peri nodded. Oh, she was desperate to see the old man.

  She saw the building, his dojo door open, and she was reaching across Josef for the door handle before the car had come to a full stop.

  “No, Peri, they need to check and see all is safe first. A minute, no more.” Josef stayed her hand, and the two Vampires in front got out and started to look around. Their noses sniffed several times, looking for any scent that would mean danger.

  It must’ve been okay because one came and opened the car door, Peri almost pushing Josef to get out.

  As he stood at the side of the car, Josef gave Peri his hand to get out of the car, but she just jumped out and darted for the open door.

  “Peri! Wait!” Josef hissed and looked to the bodyguard – “Go!” Both moved fast and followed Peri into the building.

  As Peri ran through the door, she saw him. Daiki was at the other end of the large room and replacing some bos – long bamboo sticks used in his class.

  “Daiki!” Peri shouted, running forward as the old man turned. His eyes widened and a smile came across his face, as he s
aw the young girl run towards him. He opened his arms wide and she flung herself into them.

  He was smaller than Peri by a couple of inches, but his strength was vast, and he lifted her up and twirled her around. As they came back to facing the doorway, Daiki saw two very large males enter his dojo.

  Daiki dropped Peri to the floor and pushed her behind him. He reached for his personal Shinogi-Zukuri Katana, a long sharp bladed sword, which looked deadly, now held out in front of him. Peri’s eyes widened with fear as the two bodyguards came closer.

  “Who are you?! What do you want with this girl?!” Daiki’s voice was strong and loud in the empty room, and his need to defend the girl was obvious.

  The Vampires slowed – but didn’t stop.

  “No, it’s okay Daiki. Please put the sword down!” Peri pleaded, but the old man held his old sword in front of him and refused to budge.

  Josef reached the doorway and saw the man, Daiki, protecting his Peri from the bodyguards. The man was smaller, even than his mate, but the strength in his body was clear to see. The deadly sword in his hands made him look like a samurai, and Josef could clearly feel the man’s need to protect Peri.

  “Stop!” Josef commanded, just as Gabe reached the doorway.

  The Wolf saw the situation and his own face tugged to a smile. Jeez, Peri did make folk that knew her want to protect her.

  Peri was shaking now. “Daiki, it’s okay. They’re with me!”

  Her words registered in the old man’s brain and he turned to look at her. His sword still held in front, as he raised an eyebrow.

  “Please, Daiki, it’s okay, really!” Peri placed a hand on one of his shoulders and she felt the tension ease in his body. Thank God.

  Daiki lowered his weapon, but still kept it in his hand, for the moment anyway. Until he was sure these beings were not a threat to the girl. It was obvious he knew they weren’t human and also that he wasn’t exactly sure what they were.

  “Who are these people, Peri?” Daiki asked in his accented English.

  “Well, those two big ones, they’re bodyguards, the other two, well, that’s Josef and Gabe.” Peri smiled, as she said their names and Daiki saw it.

  “And who exactly are Josef and Gabe?” Daiki had a sneaking feeling he knew, but waited on her answer.

  Peri blushed and Josef walked closer, holding his hand out for a handshake. “I’m Josef, this is Gabe. We are Peri’s mates.”

  Daiki’s eyes opened very wide and he looked at the two males. One was obviously a Wolf – the other? He wasn’t sure, but he could feel power emanating from him in great waves.

  “Both? How is that so?” Daiki asked, knowing that when a mate was found, if there was a dispute, it was to the death.

  “It’s a long story, but why don’t you put the weapon down, Daiki. They won’t harm me.” Peri realized she would have to explain her unique situation, even if it was a little embarrassing.

  Daiki replaced the sword on the wall and grasped Peri to him once more. He heard a small growl and another sound that was a bit like a snarl.

  Peri pulled away, but held his hand. “Daiki, I would like you to properly meet Josef and Gabe, my mates.”

  Daiki didn’t shake Josef’s outstretched hand, he still wasn’t sure about these two.

  “Ah, Peri, it gladdens me to see you once more. I was beginning to think something bad had happened to my little student. Why don’t we go back to my garden and we can sit and talk?” Daiki was pulling Peri after him to the door in the corner, through it, down the hallway, and out into his small garden.

  It was as beautiful as Peri remembered. Daiki loved flowers, and he had so many different kinds, it was hard to take in. There was a small seating area with two benches and a small water feature. Daiki sat on one of the benches and pulled Peri down to sit beside him.

  Josef and Gabe sat on the other, the bodyguards keeping a close eye on the outside of the building.

  Daiki eyed Peri closely. “You are much too thin, Peri. Are they not feeding you?” The old man’s tone was one of reproach.

  Gabe blustered. “It’s not that! She’s only been with us a short while. We’ve not had enough time to get some meat on her bones!” Gabe felt he had to defend himself to this old man, and that felt very strange indeed.

  “Ah, I you do intend to look after her properly? Feed her properly?” Daiki looked at the two males now, and his face was stern.

  Peri giggled. “Daiki, stop it! They’re looking after me just fine. I’ll put on some weight in a bit. I’m sure I’ve already put on a few pounds since they found me.”

  “I see. Okay, well, can I ask what your intentions are towards Peri? She is a very special being.” Daiki was not letting them off the hook so easily.

  Gabe just stared, looking at this old man who dared to question them. Josef coughed before he spoke. “I can assure you our intentions are honorable. We will cherish Peri and keep her safe.” Josef had his own stern face on and Peri didn’t like it.

  His eyes turned to hers and he gave her a little smile.

  “So, you both are her mates? Is that not a little – odd?” Daiki clearly couldn’t quite grasp that part.

  “Yes, Gabe and I have been friends for decades. When we found Peri, we both knew we were attracted to her and very soon knew why. We have no jealousy in this matter. She will be well taken care of.” Josef still had the stern face.

  “See that you do. I can see that Gabe is obviously a Wolf, however, what are you and those two large men?” Daiki inclined his head, as if still trying to figure Josef out.

  “Vampire,” Josef replied and Daiki nodded his head, as if that’s what he had been beginning to think.

  “So, Vampire, Wolf, you promise me you will keep her from harm? She has run for so long, she deserves some place to call home and to be safe.” Daiki was still addressing the men, and Peri wished they would stop, so she could catch up with him.

  Gabe nodded his head. “I would protect her with my life, old man.”

  Josef inclined his head. “I too, however, I doubt that will be called for. I’m very powerful and I don’t think there’s anything out there that can cause me any trouble. We are aware of things, Daiki. They are being dealt with. Soon, I hope, I will be able to rid Peri of that danger. The sooner the better.”

  “Ah, Josef, there is always something bigger, stronger, more powerful – always. I hope Peri is not the one to suffer, if you have to learn that lesson.” Daiki’s eyes closed slightly and then he shook his head and turned to his student.

  “Peri, tell me, where have you been, what’ve you been doing ... all of it, girl. We’ve a lot to catch up on.” Daiki’s smile at Peri showed the Vampire and the Wolf the depth of his feelings. He was, as Peri said, like a grandfather to her.

  Peri started off with the bounty hunting. She had started that just after she had left him the last time. Daiki frowned, not liking the sound of that at all.

  She talked and talked and Josef and Gabe said not a word. They was hearing this for the first time, too. How she struggled, slept in her car, hunted folk for the bounty hunter, how ‘they’ nearly found her – twice.

  It all came pouring out of her mouth and Josef had to restrain himself. He wanted to crush her to him and tell her she would never want again. Food, water, clothes...never would she go without again.


  For more than two hours Peri and Daiki spoke, and then Josef interrupted. “I think we should go and check in. Daiki, will you join us for dinner? I will send my car for you.”

  Daiki smiled. “That sounds nice, the dinner, although I’ll make my own way. Just tell me where and when.”

  “We’re at the Ritz-Carlton, say in two hours? Would that be suitable? We’ll meet you in the bar.”

  Daiki nodded his head. “That will be fine,” he said, realizing they were staying in one of the five-star posh hotels. And from the way all three
were dressed, it was obvious great wealth was involved. The thought cheered him, his Peri was going to be looked after from now on.

  Peri hugged Daiki tight, and he held her hand all the way to the dojo entrance. He had really thought this time she had been caught by whoever was after her. He had worried for months, hoping she was safe.

  He looked into her face and saw the flush of happiness there. Saw the way both the Vampire and Wolf looked at her. Daiki knew he could relax now. Others were in place to watch over her.

  That thought gave him a sense of peace and he placed a small kiss on her cheek, hearing another growl and snarl in the process.

  “Okay, see you soon. Don’t be late, Daiki!” Peri was giddy with happiness.

  “I’m never late, Peri, you should know that. Go, I’ll be there soon.” Daiki smiled and felt truly happy.

  He had no idea it would be the last time he would see his Peri.

  Chapter 13

  Peri was so happy in the car, she couldn’t contain herself. “So, do you like him? He’s awesome, isn’t he?” She looked between the two men sitting either side of her.

  Gabe had a huge smile. “Yeah, he is, Peri. He seems very protective of you, but hey, you bring that out in a guy.”

  Josef tuned back into the conversation. His mind had wandered slightly, as they had left the dojo, he had the distinct feeling they were being watched. His senses had immediately gone on high alert, expecting an attack. When none came, he relaxed slightly, though the moment had caused him some alarm, which he was now hiding.

  He nodded at Peri, “I would agree, he does seem very attached to you, Peri. He was questioning us like we were your first boyfriends that you had brought home for his vetting. When I saw him standing protecting you with that sword, well, I must say, even I was impressed.”

  Peri was absolutely gleeful. “Yeah, I know. He always wanted me to stay. Said he could protect me, but we all know that he couldn’t. He may be a fighter and a bloody good one, but he couldn’t stand up to magic. They would’ve killed him and I couldn’t let that happen. I am soooooo happy, Josef! Thank you for bringing me.”


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