The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 17

by A. K. Michaels

  Josef looked around and saw the people enthralled with his little Witch. He also saw that there was not one dry eye in the crowd.

  Peri couldn’t go on and Josef went to her, he cuddled her close and reminded everyone there would be drinks and a buffet at the restaurant he had booked, then led her back to the car.

  The undercover officers were going to be present until they left for Vegas. A restaurant and a hotel were very public places, but Josef wouldn’t put anything past them that hunted Peri. The more officers that were there, both human and Super, could only help to ensure that nothing happened, like what had at the dojo.

  At the restaurant, many appeared that had been at the grave and every single one spoke to her. Told her that Daiki had meant so much to them and their children, how he always took a great interest in the well-being of just about everyone he met or trained.

  Slowly the people started to leave and all thanked Peri for the ceremony, saying her words spoken were the truth of the man. He was one of the good ones and now he was gone. The earth would be a worse place because of his passing.

  Peri agreed wholeheartedly and wished everyone goodbye. As the last left, Gabe and Josef flanked her. “Time to go home now, Peri,” Gabe said softly.

  Peri smiled at both of them, kissed both on the cheek, before lifting her head high. “Yes, time to go home. It’s time we made this official, guys. Time to mate. Then I’m going on a hunt, care to come along for the ride?!”

  “Hell yeah!” Gabe smiled, and Josef led them forward.

  “I always did like a good hunt!”

  The Witch, The Wolf

  and The Vampire

  Book 2


  A K Michaels

  © 2014 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I would like to dedicate this book to my husband and daughter for their support in my writing. Giving me the confidence to follow my dream. Something I thought I would never do – so thank you very much. I love you dearly.

  Also a particular mention to two special people – Colette Wills and BreAnna Eichhorn. Their kind words gave me a boost just when I needed it. Thanks girls!

  Chapter 1

  Peri was exhausted, all the emotional turmoil of the last few days taking its toll. She was curled up on the lap of her Wolf, Gabe, on the jet, which was now nearing Vegas, with her Vampire, Josef, sitting opposite, watching her intently.

  She couldn’t wait to get back to their place, well really it was Josef’s, her Vampire’s place, but that was just details. All three lived together in the luxurious penthouse, after all, Peri was the mate to them both. They only had to have the official mating to make it binding. She wanted that just as much as her Vampire and Wolf, probably more so.

  Peri wanted to get the mating done, so she could concentrate on what she had to do. What she had to do was hunt her sick bastard of a father down and destroy him.

  Her anger was boiling just under the surface. It had been since she saw the bloodied and broken body of her only friend, Daiki, lying on the floor of his dojo. The damage done to the man had been horrendous, and Peri had almost lost control of her power.

  A power that she was only beginning to realize was so much more than she had thought. A power she was going to embrace, learn, and control. A power she was going to use to kill her father and anyone else that had been involved in Daiki’s murder.

  There was no point in going to the police. They wouldn’t stand a chance against her father. His power was great, but Peri was now realizing her power was just as mighty, if she could get control of it anyway.

  Liam, Josef’s head Witch, had taught her a few things. He told her just how much power she could wield and promised to teach her how to harness that power. Peri couldn’t wait.

  She knew deep down she had to do this. She knew Josef would have preferred to take care of her father on his own. However, she thought he was coming to the same conclusion as she had.

  Peri had to destroy her father for her own sanity. Only then could she put the past behind her. Only then could she fully get over what they had done to her. What they had done to countless others who stood in their way or tried to get away from their sick sect.

  Peri was looking forward to this hunt.

  She was also looking forward to the mating and couldn’t believe she now had two gorgeous males who loved her. Both handsome and strong, but both so different from each other.

  Gabe cuddled her closer on his knee, and she could feel the strength in the muscles underneath his clothing. Could feel the love emanating from him as she looked up into his handsome face, a cheeky smile on his lips, as he bent to kiss her nose.

  “How’re you feeling, baby?” Gabe’s smile was gone, as he looked worriedly at his little mate.

  “I’m okay. Just tired. It’s all just starting to hit me, Gabe.” Peri was more than tired. Her body ached with grief, and she wished it would go away.

  She had never felt anything like this before; Daiki having been the only being on the planet she cared about. Until she had met Gabe and Josef, that was.

  The fact that he had been tortured and murdered, because of her, hurt her all the more.

  “It’s not your fault, little Witch. You cannot blame yourself for your father’s cruelty and violence.” Josef had clearly been following Peri’s thoughts, and he was not going to let her think any of this was her fault.

  Josef could barely contain his own anger, and his power was building inside him. He would need to calm down, or he was going to hurt someone. Hurting someone in anger wasn’t something Josef did.

  Not that he didn’t hurt people, he did, only not in anger. Whenever he had to deal out any kind of punishment, or some such, he always did it in a cold, hard, detached manner. Never in anger.

  Even Josef wasn’t sure what would happen, if he let his anger take hold. His power vast, his anger great…not a good combination.

  Peri smiled at Josef, his worry clear on his face. She also saw what? Anger? She could see her Vampire trying to control his feelings, and that wasn’t something she had seen, until now. The struggle was clear for her eyes to see, and she moved from Gabe’s lap.

  She crossed the small space and sat down on Josef’s knees, his arms encircling her and holding her close. Peri moved a hand up to cup the side of his face and smiled into those eyes. Ice blue eyes stared back at her dark green ones, and she was sure she saw them warm, just slightly, as he looked at her.

  “Are you okay?” Peri asked quietly, feeling the power rolling off her Vampire.

  Josef felt himself calming. As soon as Peri sat in his lap, he felt as if he was gaining control over his anger. She was a most beguiling little Witch, and one whom he had come to love, in such a short time. His own hand moved to mirror hers, cupping her face gently.

  “I will be fine, Peri. Once we have the mating out of the way, I will be more than fine. I need to make you mine, little Witch.” Josef leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. His heart was full of feeling for this girl on his lap. Feelings that he had been certain he would never experience.

  In the space of a week he had changed, dramatically in his opinion. The ice he knew that had always encased his heart was melting. Quickly. He couldn’t wait to mark her as his and have her under his complete protection.

  He could now clearly scent her blood, the smell intoxicating and exquisite. He couldn’t wait to taste it on his lips, drink it down his throat that was at this moment parched, not having fed for a few days. As his feelings for his little Witch grew, his want for other blood dwindled. No, he would wait, it wouldn’t be long until he fed from his mate.

  Gabe watched with a slight smile on his face. Seeing his friend with Peri on
his lap gladdened his heart. Seeing the difference the Witch had made to Josef, seeing the love between them, it was a sight that had Gabe yearning for the mating too.

  His Wolf had been howling in his head for days. Its need to mark Peri was strong. Gabe had fought and won, so far. Now they were nearly home, and the mating would be soon.

  “Tomorrow.” Josef answered the thoughts going through Gabe’s head. Peri was tired, emotionally drained. They would let her rest for the remainder of the day and night.

  Tomorrow they would mate, binding the three of them together for eternity.

  Gabe nodded his head, knowing that Josef was right. Peri would need some time to rest before they commenced the mating. After all, it would take a lot out of her and them. A smile played on his face as he thought on it though. He couldn’t wait to mark their Witch and truly bond with her.

  Peri looked between the two, wondering what Josef had meant about tomorrow.

  “Tonight you will eat, Peri. You haven’t eaten properly for days. No arguments. You will eat and you will rest. Tomorrow? Tomorrow we will mate, little Witch.” Josef pulled her body tighter to his own, and he could feel her excitement through her weariness and grief.

  “Really? Tomorrow? I can’t wait, I want to be bound to you both and the sooner the better.” She smiled up at her Vampire and wondered if she could get him to change his mind, tonight possibly?

  “Absolutely not. You need food and rest before we bond. Your body will go through a lot, and you need the rest to prepare.” Josef did his little lip lift, the one that turned his face from cold and hard to downright handsome, and she moved her hand to the back of his head, pulling him forward, placing a kiss on his lips.

  “Now, now, don’t try and change my mind. The decision is made, and your delectable kisses will not alter that.” Josef tried to frown at his mate, but found he couldn’t, instead, he gave a small smile.

  Strange. The effect she had on him was extremely strange. Normally if someone tried to influence him in some way, he would get angry, punish them even. With this Witch on his lap, he felt none of that, only love.

  “Okay, but no matter what happens, even if there’s a bloody earthquake...tomorrow we do the official ceremony thingy that needs to be done. Nothing can stop that guys, I need it.” Peri’s voice was far more serious than she had intended for it to sound, but she realized just how serious this was.

  “Oh nothing will stop it, baby. My Wolf won’t allow any more waiting, any more delays. Tomorrow you are mine – and the old Vampire’s, of course!” Gabe chuckled and saw his friend’s hold tighten even further on their mate.

  The Wolf knew the ancient Vampire needed, wanted, craved this, as much as he. Christ, he only hoped he could hold on till tomorrow, it seemed an awfully long way away.

  Chapter 2

  The jet landed smoothly, and it wasn’t long until they were all in the back of the limo, Peri in her usual place between Gabe and Josef.

  The two large Vampire bodyguards, Donovan and Fitz, sat up front. Fitz was driving, as the other kept constant watch all around, looking for any threat whatsoever. She was glad to note that both showed no signs of their run-in with the Mages at Daiki’s dojo.

  Liam was traveling separately with his colleague, a Witch who dealt in black magic. It was this black magic that was shielding Peri from her father and his sect. The small Witch had scared Peri at first. She hadn’t met anyone who dealt in this sort of black magic before and for some reason it made her nervous.

  Even though her father was downright evil, even he didn't practice the kind of magic that Liam’s colleague did. It was an ancient form of magic borne directly from the beginning of time. Like no other she had come across and she didn’t even begin to understand it.

  The Witch had been quiet and hardly spoke, but more importantly, Peri could not sense any ill will from him. If Liam had the Witch working with him then they must be fine, or so Peri had surmised. Liam, after all, was a powerful Witch himself. Peri didn’t think anyone could pull the wool over his eyes.

  Peri was looking forward to Liam training her. She couldn’t wait to master the power inside of her, couldn’t wait to feel strong and capable, capable of taking down her father.

  “Soon, little Witch, soon,” Josef replied to her thoughts, and Peri nodded her head.

  Yeah, soon, soon she could kick her father’s ass.

  The limo pulled into the underground parking area and parked. The large Vampires got out and looked around before opening the rear door.

  Josef got out and helped Peri, taking her hand, as she left the vehicle. He pulled her to his side and placed an arm around her waist, as they made their way to the elevator, Gabe at her other side with his hand holding hers.

  The two males led her into the elevator and up to the top floor of the building.

  Peri was still finding it odd that they lived on the top of a casino in Vegas. It seemed a little weird, but hey, she had been living in her car, so who was she to comment? The penthouse was large and luxurious, something that Peri had never encountered before. She found she liked it. Liked having the space. Liked having the luxury of sleeping in a bed. Liked having such things as a shower she could use whenever she wanted. That alone was amazing.

  The rest was just padding, luxurious padding, but padding all the same. The absolute best thing was having Josef and Gabe. Her feelings for both had confused her at first. Now, well now she felt at ease with both of them. Cared about both of them. Loved both of them. So many feelings ran through her when she thought of either or both of them. Feelings that had been alien to her – love being the most prevalent and the most strange.

  She may have no experience in the sex department. However, she was going to make sure she practiced and practiced to get better at it. She wanted to give her men the same pleasure that they gave her.

  Peri was brought out of her thoughts by a loud snort from Josef. He had obviously been listening in on her head again. She was forever forgetting he could do that. It was so unfair.

  “Ah, my little Peri, it’s not just you I can read. I read Gabe, too. Although most of the time, there’s not a lot going on in that head of his. Food and sex, that about sums it up for that Wolf.” Josef was trying not to laugh at Peri’s expression, as she looked between himself and the Wolf.

  Gabe shrugged his shoulders, as he opened the door to their home, going in first to just double check all was well. His Wolf nose could pick up any scents that were not supposed to be there.

  Nothing. Good. He nodded his head and Josef brought Peri inside.

  A large sigh escaped Peri, as she moved to one of the sofas, sitting in a corner and pulling her legs up underneath herself. She grabbed one of the large cushions and cuddled it in her arms in front of her.

  She was still feeling sad. So very sad that Daiki had died because of her. How could she get over that? She wasn’t sure, but she knew the first step was learning all she could from Liam. Learning to be stronger and get control of her power.

  With only one goal in mind; destroy her father.

  Peri was sure that once he was gone, she would start to feel better. She bloody hoped so, because she felt awful right now.

  “A glass of wine, Peri?” Josef asked, sensing all of the feelings running through his little Witch.

  “Uhm, yeah, just a small one.” Peri was tired, more than tired, she just wanted to curl up and sleep.

  “Not yet, I’m going to order you some food…no argument, Peri. You need to eat. Do you have a preference?” Josef was firm. Peri had not eaten in days, and she had already been underweight. He had no intention of letting her get ill. She was going to eat. One way or the other.

  “No, something light, though.” Peri could sense the resolve in Josef and realized it would be futile to argue. The truth was she didn’t have the strength to argue. She took the wine glass Josef handed her and took a small sip.

  Josef moved t
o the in-house phone and placed an order for a light omelet and fries with fresh orange juice. He knew Peri liked her juice and hoped she would eat, even some of the food. If not, then he would have to make her. Use his powers on her. Not something he wanted to do, but if he had to, he would.

  There was a knock at the door and Josef sent his power out to double check who it was. It was Donovan with their luggage, so he opened the door, and the huge Vampire brought the cases in.

  Josef noticed that Donovan glanced at Peri, as if making sure she was alright. Josef had no idea what it was about the Witch, but she brought out a strong protective streak in males, even this hard, cold, and tough Vampire.

  A smile tugged at Josef’s lips, as he watched the Vampire. He was sure Donovan wasn’t even aware that his head nodded slightly, as if assuring himself that Peri was fine. The large bodyguard looked to Josef and noted his scrutiny to which Donovan just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Just leave them there, Donovan,” Josef said, with regards to the suitcases, and the large Vampire placed them on the floor.

  “Anything else, boss?” Donovan asked, even as he took another sneaky peek at Peri.

  “Not at the moment. I want full security for the next few days, and I mean FULL security. Nothing or nobody gets even close without my permission.” Josef stared at Donovan with a coldness that even had the tough Vampire take a small step back.

  “Of course, Josef. I’ve already got three times the normal in place. Liam also gave us a couple of his Witches, so they can sense anything magical coming our way.”

  Josef nodded his head. “Good. There will be some girls from the spa coming up tomorrow morning. Double check them and whatever they bring with them. I don’t want anyone trying to sneak in under false pretenses.”


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