The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 23

by A. K. Michaels

  She was overwhelmingly tired, and as her body began to warm from the thick cover over her, she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

  As soon as she was sound asleep, Josef got up and started pacing the room, back and forward, back and forward, trying to ease the pain that was deep inside him. Allowing Peri to melt the ice around his heart had given him great joy, however, it now had him filled with despair and concern. Two emotions he had not encountered since he was human.

  “What’s Liam going to do? To help I mean, what’s he doing to help? Surely there’s something he can do?” Gabe asked his friend, as the Vampire paced the room.

  “This has never happened before. He doesn’t have anything to go on, nobody has. We need to watch over her, but Liam is worried her body isn’t strong enough.” Josef cursed himself for allowing the bonding, when Peri was still underweight and obviously not at the peak of health.

  “We can’t lose her, Jo!” Gabe exclaimed, and his use of the shortened version of his friend’s name showed his upset.

  “I know, Gabe, I know,” Josef replied quietly, the same thoughts running wild through his own head.

  How to help her? How could they help their little Witch?

  Josef heard his phone ringing and moved to retrieve it from the bar, where he had left it earlier. “Yes?”

  “Josef, it’s Liam. I’ve been thinking, what if I do a spell to put Peri into a deep coma type of sleep? Say for a day or so, then her body won’t be going through all those convulsions. I’ve been monitoring her body and that load of convulsions she just had is not good for her. She may not be able to withstand many of those. What do you think? I’m already on my way back. I only got about five minutes away, when I felt her.”

  “Do you think that will work? If so, then yes, we need to give her a fighting chance against this.” Josef had been thinking along the same lines, that Peri’s body couldn’t take much more of those types of convulsions. He would do anything that would increase her probability of getting through this.

  “I’m nearly there, Josef. I’m sure it’ll help.”


  Liam had already pulled into the private parking area beneath the large hotel and quickly made his way to the private elevator.

  As the elevator rose higher and higher, Liam worked out the spell in his head. It had to be strong enough to completely put Peri out cold, but not too strong as to cause lasting problems. He also had to be able to get past Peri’s own magic. He took a deep breath, hoping he was strong enough. The doors opened, and the first thing he saw was Donovan still standing guard.

  Liam nodded to the large Vampire, who had already knocked on the door for him. A few seconds passed and then Josef opened the door, still dressed in only a robe.

  Josef motioned for Liam to enter and the Witch did so while he still went over the spell in his head. He had to get this right, not just for Peri’s sake, but his own. He knew if he did something wrong, then Josef’s retribution would be harsh and final.

  “I take it you know what you are going to do?” Josef asked

  “Yes, I’ve gone over it and over it. I need to get past Peri’s own magic first, then my spell should put her out, and hopefully lessen the shock to her system that it is encountering. I think we should do it for a day, then I’ll wake her up, and we can see how she is.”

  Liam knew this wasn’t going to be easy, Peri’s magic was strong, and he hoped he was up to the task.

  As they entered the bedroom, he saw Gabe in the same position, holding tightly to the slight frame of the Witch. The Wolf once again growled, as Liam drew near, and Josef had to admonish him.

  “Gabe, can you lay Peri down on the bed, make her comfortable?” Liam spoke quietly, not wanting to rouse the beast within Gabe.

  Gabe looked to Josef, who nodded and Gabe complied, although he stayed on the bed at Peri’s side. Liam was aware that the Wolf would not want to be doing anything but mate with her at this time, and he guessed that Gabe was having an internal battle, as he laid her down.

  Liam sat down on the edge of the bed and placed his hands on Peri’s head, on either side of her face. Gabe snarled.

  “I won’t hurt her, I’m trying to help.” Liam spoke to the Wolf and hoped Gabe could control his animal within.

  When Gabe didn’t attack, Liam closed his eyes and started to focus his power, his spell, using his strength as a powerful Witch to the maximum. He felt his power grow deep inside, harnessed it and pulled more in, knowing he would need it all to succeed.

  Liam pulled every ounce of power he could inside his body, more than he thought he ever had before. His first action was to breach Peri’s own magic and that was the most difficult. Even in this weakened state, Peri’s magic was strong, fighting against him, making his body ache with the strain, and it took too many minutes for him to get through.

  Liam’s own body now shook with the strain, but he had gotten past Peri’s magic and now started on his spell. Slowly he felt it take hold and he felt her taut muscles relax, as his spell took over, felt her breathing even out, saw the change inside her body. The turmoil lessened and Liam detached from his contact with Peri, collapsing onto the floor from his place on the side of the bed.


  Josef moved quickly and picked Liam up, saw clearly how drained the Witch was, just as he could see the difference in Peri. No longer was she coiled tightly, as if awaiting the next round of convulsions.

  Josef carried Liam to one of the sofas in the living area and placed him on it in a lying position, with a cushion under his head. As he looked down, he saw the sweat covering Liam’s face and the chalk white color that replaced his usual ruddy pallor.

  “Stay there and rest, Liam, thank you.” Josef turned and left the man lying on the couch. He wanted to get back to his mate.

  As he entered the bedroom, it was clear to both Gabe and Josef the difference in Peri, and both sighed in relief. “She looks a bit better, doesn’t she?” Gabe asked, with hope in his voice.

  “Indeed she does, Gabe. We’ll take turns watching her ...”

  “No! I’m not leaving her, Josef.”

  “Okay, Gabe, okay, we’ll both watch her. Why don’t you go and get a couple of glasses and a bottle of whisky? I’ve a feeling it’s going to be a very long night.”

  Josef pulled an armchair from the corner of the room to the side of the bed, sat down and placed his feet up onto the bedside table, settled down and waited on his whisky. He had a feeling he was going to need it.

  Gabe returned with a full single malt whisky bottle and two glasses with a couple of pieces of ice in both. The Wolf poured large measures in both and handed one to Josef. The Vampire took it and sipped, savoring the taste while watching his little Witch.

  She certainly seemed more at ease now, her body lying relaxed, and her mind was clear, showing no part of her was in turmoil. Josef used all of his immense powers to invade her very being to ensure all stayed as it should.

  Gabe saw the concentration on his friend’s face and guessed what he was doing, so he made his way to the other side of the bed and up onto it, sitting with his back against the headboard, right next to Peri.

  He held his whisky in one hand and his other lay on her waist, the need to feel her great within him. His Wolf was once more at war with him, as the beast paced inside his head.

  Gabe fought, and won, and his Wolf lay down, albeit reluctantly.

  His mind focused on one thing: get Peri through this change safe and sound. He took another sip of whisky and settled down, getting comfortable, knowing he would be there for a long time.

  Chapter 11

  Peri lay perfectly still in the bed for nearly twenty-four hours. Liam was due to arrive at around the twenty-three hour mark to check on her and, hopefully, bring her around.

  Josef and Gabe stayed next to their mate for most of that time, only leaving to replenish the empty whisky bottle and
to use the facilities. Other than that, Gabe sat on the bed next to Peri while Josef sat in the chair, watching her and using his powers to ensure all was well with his little Witch.

  Both of them took this time to think on the changes that Peri had brought into their lives. Immense changes, ones that had also awakened Josef’s cold heart and made Gabe’s beast howl in glee.

  They also had to fight the sensations and feelings that the mating awakened in them both. Every fiber of their being was telling them to continue with their bonding, and each fought to control the arousal that brought. Gabe growled on occasion, as he battled with his inner beast. Josef was coiled tight as a spring and the only difference between the two was that the Vampire managed to control it better.

  “She’s going to be fine, isn’t she?” Gabe asked Josef, for about the hundredth time. His fear was visible to the Vampire. A fear he also shared, but would never admit, probably not even to himself.

  “Yes, Gabe,” Josef answered, as he had the previous ninety-nine times.

  “When’s Liam coming?” Gabe asked, and Josef checked his watch.

  “Soon, I am going to take a quick shower.” Josef went to the attached bath and had a cold shower, leaving the door open, in case there was any change while he was out of the room.

  Gabe ran his hand along the side of Peri’s jaw, felt her soft skin under his fingers, a sigh escaping his lips. God, she better be okay, the thought of anything else had him almost insane with worry.

  Josef appeared back and went straight to answer the door, having heard Liam’s arrival and Donovan’s query about how Peri was. His Vampire ears listened in, as Liam told his large guard that Peri would be fine.

  Josef heard the doubt in his voice, though.


  Liam saw Josef’s hair was still sopping wet and was a little surprised, the Vampire was always put together well. The Witch didn’t think he had ever seen his boss like this, dressed in only a robe with soaking wet hair, a towel in his hand.

  Josef motioned Liam inside and started to rub at his hair with the towel before throwing the towel on the floor of the bedroom. Liam walked slowly towards the bed, keeping a wary eye on the Wolf at Peri’s side.

  It was obvious Gabe was trying hard to stay calm, as Liam came closer, but a small growl escaped his throat, and the Witch stopped dead. Josef ‘shushed’ the Wolf and Liam continued, sitting on the side of the bed beside a pale, thin Peri.

  “How has she been?” Liam asked, although his link with her had said she had lain quiet for the past day.

  “Fine,” was all that Josef managed, sounding like he had a lump stuck right in the middle of his throat.

  “I’m going to try and see what’s going on inside, and if I think it’s safe, I’ll wake her.” Liam organized his thoughts, garnering the power he required to seek out what was going on inside the powerful Witch.

  Once again, he had to fight against her own magic, and that took a lot out of him, more than he cared to acknowledge. Finally he saw inside, and he was more than a little surprised, even shocked, at what he felt. A small gasp came from his lips and immediately Josef was there at his side.

  “What? What is it Liam? Tell me now!” The tone of the Vampire had Liam more than a little scared.

  “I don’t really know how to put it into words, but Peri’s changed, inside, she’s changed. I could always feel her strong magic, but now there’s other things, other power, I can’t say for sure how or what. We’ll just have to wait and see how she is, when she awakens. I’m going to do that now.” Liam frowned at the things he had sensed, he had been telling the truth, he had no idea what it was.

  “Just hurry up,” Josef barked and stood watching his little Witch while Liam went to work.

  Once again, Liam had to use more power than he would have liked to get past Peri’s own magic, but once there, he went to work. Using the same spell he used to place her into this limbo, he worked at bringing her out of it, slowly. He didn’t want to place any undue stress on her already frail body. The girl might be strong with magic and God knew what else, but her body was anything but strong. It was thin, weak, frail, and that needed to be addressed.

  Though Liam wasn’t the one that was about to tell the Vampire or the Wolf any of that. He liked his head where it was, on his shoulders.


  Slowly, all three saw changes in Peri. A foot twitched, then an arm, a leg, then her whole body convulsed once and her eyes popped open, her face confused and worried.

  Gabe gently rubbed an arm, as he saw clarity come to her eyes. “It’s okay, baby, we’re here. You’re going to be okay. Just relax.”

  “Am I okay? I feel strange,” Peri whispered, and looked between all three males in the room, wondering what the hell Liam was doing in their bedroom.

  “You’re going to be fine, Peri. You just had some kind of reaction to having mated both of us. Do you want anything? A drink perhaps?” Josef was surprised at how calm his voice sounded. He was anything but calm.

  “I’m starving, can you get me some food – anything – as long as it’s quick. Oh and juice, fresh orange juice, preferably.” Peri’s stomach rumbled loudly, and she gave a little giggle.

  The sound was like music to the ears of the Wolf and Vampire. She sounded like she was going to be fine, just fine. Thank God!

  “You can leave now and thanks Liam, I mean that, thanks for helping,” Gabe said to Liam, who nodded and stood up.

  “If you need me, just call. I’ll let Donovan know Peri’s fine.” The Witch gave Peri a smile before turning and exiting the room.

  Josef was already on his phone ordering food and insisting it be brought quickly. His voice was strong and hard once again, worry for his little Witch all but gone, he was returning to his normal demeanor.

  “Hey guys, what happened?” Peri sat up, a teeny bit groggy, and looked to her two men.

  “We are not sure exactly, only that our combined blood caused some kind of reaction and possibly a change in you. You were convulsing quite badly, so we had Liam place you in a deep sleep. How do you feel? Any different?” Josef asked while sending his own powers out towards her. He could sense a change, also, but wasn’t sure what it was.

  “Um, yeah, I kinda do, feel different that is. Josef, I could feel you then. You were using your powers, weren’t you?” Peri raised an eyebrow. Josef hid his shock well. Nobody should be able to feel his powers, apart from another ancient Vampire that is.

  “Yes, I was. I was trying to see how you were, but you should not have been able to sense that, Peri.” Josef cocked his head to the side and stared at his little mate. She was fucking adorable!

  “Josef! Language!” Peri admonished, and Josef wasn’t quite so good at hiding his shock this time.

  “What? Peri, why did you say that?” Josef asked, and Gabe was looking between the two of them, not having a clue as to what was going on.

  “You said I was fucking adorable – but wait – your mouth didn’t move! Josef! How did I hear that, when you didn’t talk?!” Peri’s eyes were wide with fear, she had HEARD it. How could that be?

  “I think you have changed quite a bit. Those were my thoughts you heard. Now this is very interesting – can you hear Gabe?” Josef was trying very hard to seem nonchalant about this, he didn’t want to scare her.

  “Shit! She heard your thoughts? Now that’s just funny, after all, you listen to ours all the time, Jo!”

  Gabe chuckled, but stopped as he saw the stern look on the Vampire’s face and the shock on Peri’s.

  Shit, he hoped she was alright, not freaked out by all this. Gabe smiled, leaned forward, and gave her a little kiss on her nose.

  “No, I’m okay, but I am a little freaked,” Peri said, and Gabe’s mouth hung open.

  “You so didn’t just read my mind?! Fuck, that’s just not fair! You two see inside mine, but I can’t see inside yours!” Gabe pouted, with a slight
smile on his face.

  Peri looked between the two. Surely this wasn’t happening? Had she just seen a glimpse into Gabe’s head? The idea didn’t scare her, even though it really should. If she could do that with her men, then that meant she had really and truly been changed.

  How much though? How much had she been changed?

  “The food is here,” Josef said, as he retrieved a silk robe for Peri to put on over her very short, sexy nightie. They had removed the warm fluffy one in the middle of the night, when Gabe said she had felt warm, leaving her lying in the bed in only the skimpy piece of silk she had worn for their mating.

  Peri smiled, as she got up and put her arms into the robe. Josef closed it around her and tied the belt. Just before he let her go, he moved his head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Peri’s response was immediate and her eyes were now slightly hooded in arousal. Josef saw it and smiled before placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her around.

  “Food, Peri. You have to eat.” Josef moved her along, as Gabe went out first to answer the knock at the door.

  Peri was feeling very aroused and the thought of food had gone right out of her mind. Until she smelled it, that was. As soon as the aroma from the trolley entered her nose, her mouth watered and a slight moan escaped her lips. Boy was she hungry, she didn’t think she had ever felt this hungry.

  Josef placed her on her seat at the head of the table and Gabe started to place plates in front of her. Josef poured her a large glass of orange juice and sat down. When Gabe had lifted the last plate and put it on the table, he also sat next to his mate.

  Both watched mesmerized, as Peri tucked in and ate the most that either of them had seen her do. She was eating as if she hadn’t eaten for weeks, instead of a few days. Josef watched with curiosity as Gabe watched in wonder.

  As Peri ate, they chatted, her men telling her what had happened over the last twenty-four hours. Peri’s eyes widened a little in shock, she couldn’t remember any of it. Her men thought that was just as well. As Peri seemed to be finishing, Gabe stood.


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