The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 25

by A. K. Michaels

  She tried to lighten the mood a little. “Who lives at the ranch?”

  “There are several ranch hands that help my manager, most live on-site and are human, but my manager is a Vampire. He’s been breeding horses for more than two hundred years and he is, without doubt, the reason for the success of my horse business. He’s a, how to put it...gruff, is the word I will use. He is not great in social niceties, but he is the best and that is all I can ask for. Don’t be scared, when you meet him, he would not harm anyone, his love is for the horses and that is where he puts all of his energy.”

  “I’m quite excited and a little scared – horses are so big!” Peri had only seen a few up close, mostly mounted police, and those had seemed huge and powerful beasts.

  “We’ve got plenty for you to cut your teeth on. The ones that are bred for abroad are rather highly strung, and you will not be on any of those. There are more than a few docile horses that will be fine. Finbar has a way with horses that I have never encountered before, he is like a magician with them, even the most wild or highly strung, he can deal with them. It is quite a sight to see him working with them.”

  Josef hadn’t been to the ranch in a couple of months and he actually missed it. The open space, peace and quiet, riding his stallion...he was looking forward to going back.

  He prayed that the outcome of this visit went as he hoped, with Peri strong and capable enough to take out her father, in a very out of the way area. Once his mate was ready, he would put his plan into action and send the humans away for a while. That would ensure no innocent bystanders got caught up in the confrontation, which they all knew was coming.

  Chapter 13

  There was a knock at the door and Josef answered it, knowing who it was. His guard Donovan stood and Josef motioned for the large Vampire to collect their cases.

  Donovan spoke, as he picked up all three cases and moved back to the door. “The vehicles are ready and I’m taking Fitz, Guntar, and Sam.”

  He waited for an instant to check what he said was fine with Josef. The ancient Vampire only inclined his head slightly, so Donovan carried on to the private elevator, which would take him down to the vehicles.

  “We are ready. Come on, you two.” Josef turned and waited on Peri and Gabe.

  As they moved out into the hallway, Gabe had an arm around Peri’s waist, keeping her close against him. Josef closed and locked the door and took one of Peri’s hands, as they walked to the elevator. Once inside, Gabe gave her a squeeze and a smile.

  “You’re gonna love it! I can’t wait to let my Wolf free.” Gabe’s excitement was catching, and she giggled at his enthusiasm.

  The elevator doors opened and Peri gave a little gasp. There were four very large men standing beside two SUVs and they were pretty scary. She saw one was Donovan, relaxed and let Gabe lead her out and towards the first vehicle, where Donovan held the rear door open.

  “Hi,” she said quietly. The large Vampire nodded his head slightly, a very small smile on his face. God he was really scary, she thought, as she got up into the vehicle.

  She had a good look at the other two men. One was very tall and muscular, his flawless skin the color of mocha. His mouth was open slightly, and she saw his perfect white teeth in contrast to his beautiful skin. The other man wasn't as tall, but seemed even more well-built, wide and strong. He had a small dark moustache that matched his jet black hair and his skin was more olive colored. Handsome was the one word that sprang to mind, and as it did, Josef all but snarled.

  She looked up at him and realized he had been following her thoughts – again! Jeez, this mind-reading thing could be a pain at times. She saw him taking hold of his emotions and she took one of his hands in hers. “I can't help the thoughts that come into my head, Josef.”

  “I know, just like I cannot help my reaction to those thoughts.” He squeezed her hand and tried to smile, but his sudden anger at her thoughts was still battling inside him, and he knew he failed miserably.

  They sat as they usually did, Josef was on one side of her with Gabe on the other, Donovan and Fitz up front. The other two men got in the other vehicle and were obviously going with them.

  “Relax, it is a good two hour drive,” Josef said.

  She leaned back and got comfy, before asking about the other two men now following them. “Who are they behind us?”

  “Two more guards, we are not taking any chances. They will keep guard at the ranch, make sure nobody gives us any surprises.” Josef knew the two Vampires, Guntar and Sam. They had been working for him for quite some time and Donovan thought highly of them, which meant they were good, very good.

  “Oh, I see. Where’s Liam? I thought he was coming with us to train me?”

  “He already left last night, he wants to get some things ready and rest before starting your training.” Josef knew that his Witch had gone on, mainly to rest up after helping them with Peri through the change that had occurred. It had taken a lot out of Liam, but he hadn’t wanted to show his weakness. Josef guessed Liam was at this moment, regaining his strength. He hoped so, because he’d better be ready to start Peri’s training tomorrow, or Josef wouldn’t be happy.

  Gabe and Peri chattered away for most of the journey, as Josef worked on his laptop, keeping on top of his many businesses. Every time he heard his little Witch laugh, it made his lips twitch. The sound was one he knew he would never get tired of hearing and made him feel something akin to happiness, which wasn’t something he had ever dreamed of.

  The change that she had brought into their lives was out of this world, and he would do his damnedest to make sure she was loved, secure, happy, and anything else that she wished for. He couldn’t wait to teach her to ride, knowing she was going to love it. He pictured her in his head riding by his side as Gabe’s Wolf ran along beside them. Perfect.

  He shook his head, bringing his head back to the business at hand. Never before had he sat daydreaming, and he let out a small chuckle. One that had both Peri and Gabe looking at him in query, especially Gabe. Although he cared for his friend deeply, he wasn’t exactly a ‘chuckle’ kinda guy, and he could only guess at what had made him into one...Peri.

  The journey passed far quicker than any of them thought it would, and soon the vehicles were turning off the main road and onto a smaller tarmac-covered strip of road, which went on for miles. It had cost a fortune, when it was done, but Josef refused to be bumped around on a dirt track, when visiting his ranch. He had the funds after all, so the road had been set into the landscape and wound on towards the large bend. Once round it, the ranch would come into view, albeit in the distance.

  Peri was getting more and more excited, as their journey came to an end. She wanted to see exactly what Josef called ‘a ranch’, knowing it wouldn’t be what she had in her mind. As they rounded the bend, she could see buildings faintly in the distance and her excitement grew. The closer they got, she shook her head and half-laughed.

  A ranch, that’s what her Vampire had called it. This was so far removed from a ranch, it was like calling a one room, dingy apartment a penthouse!

  There were corrals set out and ringed in white painted fencing with more than a few horses grazing or running around. A few large barns were set up with two or three smallish cabins, and then there was the main house. It was huge, and although it appeared to be made from wood, there was also stone. It had two stories with a large wraparound porch.

  As they got ever closer, she could make out more details. There were three cabins near the barns, and she could now see that the main house was quite a distance from those. The main house looked a little out of place in its grandness, but she knew Josef wouldn’t stay in some log cabin, knew it would be just as luxurious as the penthouse in Vegas.

  There were several people about, one or two near the horses and one outside one of the barns. This one was large, almost on par with Donovan, and he was big. The man walked towards the main ho
use and then waited at the steps leading up to the porch.

  Peri guessed this must be Finbar. The Vampire was like a grizzly bear, with messy ginger hair and a very bushy beard. He had a scowl on his face.

  As their SUV pulled to a stop in front of the steps, Donovan jumped out and opened the rear door for them, Gabe getting out first and holding his hand out to her. She took it and stepped down, all the while watching this scary bear in front of her.

  Josef came around and moved towards Finbar, his hand outstretched. “Nice to see you, Finbar. I take it you know what’s going on?”

  The large Vampire shook Josef’s hand, although it looked as if he did it reluctantly. “Aye, that Witch oh yours telt me whit’s goin on. I’m no happy, Josef! Whit if any oh ma horses gets hurt? Witchcraft can get oot oh han, ye know.”

  Peri was slightly taken aback to hear Finbar’s strong Irish accent. She had to concentrate a little to follow his words.

  Josef frowned, he knew Finbar was gruff, good at his job, but the ranch was his, and so were the horses. “Finbar, this is not something that is up for discussion. We will, of course, try and keep any danger from the stables, however, our main focus is Peri and keeping her safe. That is an order, Finbar, and don not try and argue with me!”

  Josef’s tone was uncompromising and hard, and Peri saw the other Vampire wince before nodding his head. “Aye okay, just try an keep ma horses safe.”

  With that, the man turned and walked away, not even acknowledging any of them. Peri watched him, it seemed as if he was muttering to himself in that heavily-accented voice. Weird.

  “Donovan, the luggage can be put in the main bedroom, all of it,” Josef instructed. He took Peri’s hand and led her inside.

  Boy! She had been right. The place was huge and looked as if it wouldn’t be out of place in somewhere like Hollywood. The furnishings were very lavish in a muted color scheme, the downstairs mostly open space, but separated by the stairs and a couple of internal walls. A very large staircase wound up to the second floor from opposite the front door. To the left was a large lounge area with sofas, chairs, and bookshelves lining the wall with many books, so many she wondered if they had all been read.

  “Most of them. I read a lot, when I come here.” Josef smiled and she smiled back, she somehow found it hard to envision her ever-busy Vampire relaxing with a good book.

  “A nice glass of whisky helps,” he replied to her thoughts.

  She laughed. “You do like your whisky.”

  Gabe grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, playfully swinging her around. “This place is awesome, it’s got all mod cons and there’s a huge Jacuzzi out back, all secluded and nice and warm.”

  She blushed, her Wolf was so cheeky! She was just about to tell him so when Liam appeared from what looked like a large kitchen area on the right, and the reason they were there closed in on her.

  She fought to calm her breathing, gave him a nod of the head. “When do we start?” she asked.

  Liam came closer, and she thought he looked tired. “Tomorrow is soon enough. I’ve set out a timetable sort of thing. You have a lot to do. I’ve put Gabe in charge of getting your body fit, so your days will start with a good breakfast then whatever Gabe thinks is best exercise wise. Then a good lunch and in the afternoon we will work for a couple of hours to start. Once you’re stronger, we will work more, but that’s a start. I also understand that Josef wants you to learn to ride, so I’ve added that, too, late afternoon or early evening. Then a good evening meal and rest. I know it sounds a bit formal and structured, but I think that’s the best way to go. Is that okay with you, Josef?”

  Josef smiled thinly, Liam had taken heed of everything he had said, and he was impressed with the Witch’s program. “Yes, Liam, that all sounds as if it will work well.”

  Peri looked between Liam and Josef and sighed, she guessed she was in for some hard work. “Okay, guys, as it doesn’t all start ‘til tomorrow, can I have a tour?”

  Josef smiled and Gabe all but bounded out the door, as exuberant as an excited puppy.

  They walked out towards the barns that she had seen on her way in, where she surmised the horses were stabled. As they drew nearer, she reassessed her idea of the barns. They were well put together stables and everything looked new and well taken care of. There were rows of separate sections for the horses and it was obvious which one was for horses on sale. It had everything possible that was needed to look after them, in the very best of conditions.

  Not that the other stable was shabby, far from it, but there was a distinction between the two. There were some horses in that stable, and they seemed exceedingly jumpy to Peri, snorting and stomping their hooves. She stayed well clear, nervous of their size and behavior.

  One animal in particular was acting up, it looked as if it was utterly wild. She caught a movement out the corner of her eye and Finbar appeared, going straight to the upset horse. Peri held her breath, as the large bear of a man opened the gate and went inside the area with the horse.

  Surely he should stay out until it had calmed down? She thought, her eyes wide, as she watched. Finbar moved directly to the stomping animal and one of his hands reached up to gently stroke the side of its head. As he did so, the horse calmed somewhat. It lowered its head and Peri watched in amazement, as the man seemed to talk to it, directly into its ear. Within seconds, the animal was calm and almost rubbing itself against Finbar, like a cat would do when wanting to be petted.

  Peri was more than a little surprised at the change in the horse and then she felt Josef’s arm around her waist. “Now you see why Finbar is my manager here, he works wonders with these thoroughbreds.” Josef’s voice was low, as if he didn’t want to upset the animal again.

  Peri nodded her head and they moved outside again, where she let out a large breath, not realizing she had been holding it. “Jeez, they are highly strung aren’t they?” she said, as she looked over her shoulder, seeing Finbar still inside with the horse.

  “Yes, unfortunately, that comes with the territory with those kinds of horses. Not all horses are like that, and we’ve got a lovely mare that will be ideal for you. Why don’t we go and introduce you to her?” Josef was now leading Peri to one of the fenced-in areas. She saw the animals there were nothing like the ones in the stable.

  These horses all seemed calm and easy, not highly strung at all, and she relaxed slightly. Maybe learning to ride won’t be so bad after all, she thought.

  At the fence they stopped, and she looked at the horses, a few even coming closer. Josef and Gabe both reached their arms out, so that the animals nuzzled their hands. “They’re looking for treats,” Gabe laughed and Peri smiled, this was going to be fine, she was sure.

  “That one there, the piebald, that is going to be yours,” Josef said, pointing to a placid-looking mare grazing lazily in the middle of the field.

  “Okay,” was all she said in reply, watching the horse for a moment before her attention was brought back to the ones vying for a treat from the guys.

  Seeing the animals being so friendly with her men, especially her Wolf, had her feeling she was going to enjoy her time on the ranch.

  Chapter 14

  Josef showed Peri all around and she realized this was the perfect place for her training, both physical and magical. She took in the vast areas all around, some hills to the back and left side of the ranch, although quite some distance away. On the right side she saw nothing. For miles and miles the area just stretched away, and it was the same in front, the tarmac road all that was visible until the bend in the road had it disappearing from view.

  They had walked quite a distance to the rear of the ranch and Gabe was prancing about with excitement. Peri realized that she could feel the emotion in her Wolf and smiled, liking the connection she now had with him.

  “Now, Josef?!” Gabe asked, and the Vampire nodded.

  “Yes, Gabe, go ahead, it’s about
time Peri met it.” Josef pulled her towards his body, holding her close, as she looked between the two of them.

  “Now what?” she asked and Gabe laughed.

  “My Wolf, Peri, now you get to meet my Wolf.” Gabe’s eyes were dancing and full of joy, as he spoke. He moved several paces away from her. Gabe stripped his clothes off and placed them on the fence to his side. Peri's eyes widened at the sight of his muscular body in front of her, God he was magnificent! She looked around to see if anyone was about that could also see his naked form, but there was nobody. She turned to watch her mate once more and felt a teeny frisson of fear in her belly. She had never seen a Werewolf before.

  “Do not be scared, little Witch. He will not harm you, remember, Gabe is still inside,” Josef said quietly, as Peri’s body tightened in anticipation.

  She couldn’t wait to see the Wolf, but Josef’s words worried her, a little. She soon found out why he had warned her. As she watched Gabe, he seemed to shimmer, as if he wasn’t quite there, and fell down onto his knees in the dirt. Her eyes couldn’t leave the sight, as she saw him change before her. He fell forward onto his arms. She was sure she heard bones crack and break, as his skin rippled and his form changed. The sound had her catching her breath, as she was sure it must hurt like hell.

  His back elongated and his legs changed to extremely large and powerful hindquarters, at the same time as his arms became forepaws, covered in a thick fur. He seemed to shake his head before it too transformed into the huge head of a gigantic Wolf, the maw so large she knew it could encompass a man’s body entirely. The sight excited her, but she also felt sickened at the noises she had heard. She took a large breath in and then in the next second, his entire Wolf stood before them. The entire transformation had taken less than a minute, but it had felt so much longer to her watching it, taking in as much detail as she could.


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